Category : Science and Education
Archive   : BIOMRF.ZIP
Filename : BIOPLOT.INC
' This routine plots the biomorphs according to the parameters held in the
' "gene" array, biomorphs%().
' Each one is plotted in turn as a series of vectors, each vector being held
' in the local array POSNS%(). The data is stored as:
' n,0 = x-coordinate of start position
' n,1 = y-coordinate ------- " -------
' n,2 = length of vector
' n,3 = angle of vector from 0 = vertically upwards, in degrees
' The array is 2048 elements long to allow 10 iterations, and takes up 16K
' Plotting occurs as follows:
' One iteration is completed from a base "address" of 2^(itn%)-1 until it is
' finished. The next one starts immediately, reading the vector from which
' it comes as the old base address is stored.
SUB BIOPLOT(posns%(2),biomorphs%(2),popn%)
local presntbase%,oldbase%,itn%,bio%
for bio% = 1 to popn%
if bio% < 9 then
if bio%/2 = int(bio%/2) then
y% = 70
y% = 85
end if
x% = 50+((bio%-1)*80)
if bio%/2 = int(bio%/2) then
y% = 150
y% = 165
end if
x% = 50+((bio%-9)*80)
end if
reflec% = x%
line (x%,y%)-(x%,(y%-biomorphs%(bio%,8)))
posns%(1,1) = x% : posns%(1,2) = y%
posns%(1,3) = biomorphs%(bio%,8) : posns%(1,4) = 90
posns%(2,2) = (y%-biomorphs%(bio%,8)) : posns%(2,1) = x%
if biomorphs%(bio%,5)/2 = int(biomorphs%(bio%,5)/2) then
posns%(2,3) = biomorphs%(bio%,3) + biomorphs%(bio%,4)
posns%(2,3) = biomorphs%(bio%,3) * biomorphs%(bio%,4)
end if
posns%(2,4) = biomorphs%(bio%,6)
presntbase% = 2
call vectorplot(posns%(),reflec%,presntbase%)
oldbase% = 2
for itn% = 1 to biomorphs%(bio%,2)
presntbase% = 2^itn% + 1
count% = presntbase%
for vector% = oldbase% to (presntbase%-1)
xroot% = posns%(vector%,1) - posns%(vector%,3)*sin(posns%(vector%,4)/6.28319)
yroot% = posns%(vector%,2) + posns%(vector%,3)*cos(posns%(vector%,4)/6.28319)
posns%(count%,1) = xroot%
posns%(count%,2) = yroot%
if biomorphs%(bio%,5)/2 = int(biomorphs%(bio%,5)/2) then
posns%(count%,3) = biomorphs%(bio%,3) + biomorphs%(bio%,4)
posns%(count%,3) = biomorphs%(bio%,3) * biomorphs%(bio%,4)
end if
posns%(count%,4) = biomorphs%(bio%,6)
call vectorplot(posns%(),reflec%,count%)
count% = count% + 1
posns%(count%,1) = xroot%
posns%(count%,2) = yroot%
if biomorphs%(bio%,5)/2 = int(biomorphs%(bio%,5)/2) then
posns%(count%,3) = biomorphs%(bio%,3) + biomorphs%(bio%,4)
posns%(count%,3) = biomorphs%(bio%,3) * biomorphs%(bio%,4)
end if
posns%(count%,4) = biomorphs%(bio%,7) - biomorphs%(bio%,6)
call vectorplot(posns%(),reflec%,count%)
count% = count%+1
next vector%
oldbase% = presntbase%
next itn%
next bio%
end sub
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: