Category : Science and Education
Archive   : BIOMRF.ZIP
Filename : BIOMRF.BAS

Output of file : BIOMRF.BAS contained in archive : BIOMRF.ZIP

print"º º"
print"º BIOMURFFS º"
print"º ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ º"
print"º º"
print"º VERSION 1.3 º"
print"º º"
print"º D.J. Murphy º"
print"º 12th May 1988 º"
print"º º"
print"º º"
print"º This program is based on the one Richard Dawkins describes in his book º"
print"º 'The Blind Watchmaker'. If you want to know what each bit does, read the º"
print"º file 'BIO.DOC' which will describe how the data is coded and used. º"
print"º If, however, you just want to see the computer drawing pretty patterns, º"
print"º the questions you are asked in the program are self explanatory once you º"
print"º get going. In order to get the hang of it, use the default starting genes º"
print"º which means replying N to the second two questions. º"
print"º º"

' Subroutine MAIN
' This is the main segment of the biomurff program, controlling the operation
' of the other routines

option base 1

dim biomorphs%(16,9), posns%(2048,4)

locate 23,3
input"Do you have a printer connected ";reply$
if ucase$(left$(reply$,1)) = "Y" then shell "graphics"

locate 23,3
input"Do you want to define the initial gene values yourself ";reply$
screen 2
if ucase$(left$(reply$,1)) = "Y" then

print"The genes control biomorph phenotypes as follows:"
print"1: # of offspring"
print"2: # of iterations in drawing"
print"3: branch length 1"
print"4: branch length 2"
print"5: branch length combination"
print"6: angle (degrees) of 1st branch from stem"
print"7: angle (degrees) of 2nd branch from 1st"
print"8: length of initial branch"

for bio% = 1 to 8
print"Gene ";bio%;
input" Value ";biomorphs%(1,bio%)
next bio%


print"The default initial values are:"
input"Do you want these or a random selection ";reply$
if ucase$(left$(reply$,1)) = "R" then

randomize timer

biomorphs%(1,1) = int(rnd * 16) + 1
biomorphs%(1,2) = int(rnd * 8)
biomorphs%(1,3) = int(rnd * 8) + 1
biomorphs%(1,4) = int(rnd * 8) + 1
biomorphs%(1,5) = int(rnd * 2) + 1
biomorphs%(1,6) = int(rnd * 360) + 1
biomorphs%(1,7) = int(rnd * 360) + 1
biomorphs%(1,8) = int(rnd * 50) + 1
for bio% = 1 to 8

print bio%;": ";biomorphs%(1,bio%)

next bio%


biomorphs%(1,1) = 6
biomorphs%(1,2) = 2
biomorphs%(1,3) = 8
biomorphs%(1,4) = 1
biomorphs%(1,5) = 2
biomorphs%(1,6) = 135
biomorphs%(1,7) = 90
biomorphs%(1,8) = 10
print"Default values used"

end if

end if
print"To end at any point, just press RETURN on it's own to the"
print"'Which biomorph do you want ?' prompt."

for bio% = 1 to 8
for popn% = 2 to biomorphs%(1,1)
biomorphs%(popn%,bio%) = biomorphs%(1,bio%)
next popn%
next bio%

input"Press RETURN to show this biomorph ";reply$
popn% = 1

call bioplot(posns%(),biomorphs%(),popn%)

locate 1,1
input"Press RETURN to start ";reply$
popn% = biomorphs%(1,1)


call mutate(biomorphs%(),popn%)
call bioplot(posns%(),biomorphs%(),popn%)
locate 1,1
print" "
locate 1,1
input"Do you want to see any of these alone ";reply$
if ucase$(left$(reply$,1)) = "Y" then
locate 1,1
print" "
locate 1,1
input"Which one do you want ";choice%
loop until choice% >= 1 and choice% <= popn%
call bp2(posns%(),biomorphs%(),choice%)
locate 1,1
print" "
locate 1,1
input"Press RETURN to continue ";rep$
call bioplot(posns%(),biomorphs%(),popn%)
end if
loop until ucase$(left$(reply$,1)) <> "Y"

call choose(biomorphs%(),popn%)
popn% = biomorphs%(1,1)

loop until popn% = 0



  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : BIOMRF.ZIP
Filename : BIOMRF.BAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: