Dec 072017
The purpose of the program is to hone skills in those parts of algebra which are essential for success in business calculus.
File AYRFCAL1.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
The purpose of the program is to hone skills in those parts of algebra which are essential for success in business calculus.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CI_1.CDD 5533 1443 deflated
CI_1.HLP 1061 449 deflated
CI_1.LST 310 203 deflated
CI_10.CDD 11446 3848 deflated
CI_10.HLP 2284 682 deflated
CI_10.LST 414 243 deflated
CI_11.CDD 9117 2982 deflated
CI_11.HLP 2243 878 deflated
CI_11.LST 403 236 deflated
CI_2.CDD 10602 3063 deflated
CI_2.HLP 3157 1094 deflated
CI_2.LST 394 228 deflated
CI_3.CDD 11899 3131 deflated
CI_3.HLP 2348 608 deflated
CI_3.LST 337 216 deflated
CI_4.CDD 8200 2181 deflated
CI_4.HLP 1139 436 deflated
CI_4.LST 269 201 deflated
CI_5.CDD 13076 3005 deflated
CI_5.HLP 3296 591 deflated
CI_5.LST 270 203 deflated
CI_6.CDD 12596 2677 deflated
CI_6.HLP 2914 668 deflated
CI_6.LST 338 220 deflated
CI_7.CDD 9679 2594 deflated
CI_7.HLP 1404 413 deflated
CI_7.LST 507 243 deflated
CI_8.CDD 7326 2083 deflated
CI_8.HLP 1242 381 deflated
CI_8.LST 273 204 deflated
CI_9.CDD 8836 2721 deflated
CI_9.HLP 2588 737 deflated
CI_9.LST 409 239 deflated
CREDITS.DOC 1578 616 deflated
GETKEY.COM 39 39 stored
INSTRBC.DOC 7076 2584 deflated
INSTRCI.DOC 7113 2589 deflated
Q1.CDD 7789 4795 deflated
Q2.CDD 7496 4696 deflated
Q3.CDD 7963 4998 deflated
Q4.CDD 7532 4673 deflated
Q5.CDD 7520 4674 deflated
Q6.CDD 7517 4683 deflated
Q7.CDD 7390 4627 deflated
RUNME.BAT 427 201 deflated
RURBC.EXE 38524 36314 deflated
RURCI.EXE 38663 36502 deflated

Download File AYRFCAL1.ZIP Here

Contents of the CREDITS.DOC file


I wish to acknowledge the help, advice, skills, and encouragement
provided by the following individuals.

The Faculty of the Math Dept at the University of Arizona, but especially :

John Brillhart J. G. Caputo
Jim Cushing Bob Dillon
Bill Faris Larry Grove
Marlene Hubbard David Lomen
Dan Madden Jim Mark
Alan Newell Dick Pierce

The T.A.s of the Math Dept at the University of Arizona, but especially :

Anne Shelden Jose Soltero
Robin Steinberg

The Students at the University of Arizona, but especially :

Neil Begley October Crowell
Masakazu Kudaka Minhwei Liu
Michael Lowery Dave McElfresh
Virano Nasution Sheri Yandell

The Administration at the University of Arizona, but especially :

Ed McCullough John Wilson

Various other individuals, but especially :

Chuck Allison Richard E. Evans
Gerry Fitzgerald Gene Lowry
Cynthia Lovelock Denise Lovelock
Daniel Rosengarten Jack A. Zucker

If you would like to have your name added to this list,
that is easy to arrange - just help!

 December 7, 2017  Add comments

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