Category : Science and Education
Archive   : ASCIIRF2.ZIP

Output of file : MICROREC.NEW contained in archive : ASCIIRF2.ZIP
"89190335","MacGregor SK, Thomas LB","A computer-mediated text system to develop communication skills for hearing-impaired students.","","Am Ann Deaf 1988 Oct;133(4):280-4"
"89186775","M:uri RM, Gr:utter T, Meienberg O, Martin H, Wyss B","Quantitative analysis of slow eye movements with an IBM/AT compatible personal computer in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.","ABST0002.ABS","Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr 1989;140(1):44-6"
"89185101","Ishizuka Y","Lifetrack therapy.","","Psychiatr J Univ Ottawa 1988 Nov;13(4):198-207"
"89183520","Bonato RA, Ogilvie RD","A home evaluation of a behavioral response measure of sleep/wakefulness.","ABST0004.ABS","Percept Mot Skills 1989 Feb;68(1):87-96"
"89183256","Bear JV, Madar D, DeCoster T","The SPOCC (Selective Procedures, Operative Cases, and Consults) program as an advance in orthopaedic resident record keeping.","ABST0005.ABS","Orthop Rev 1989 Feb;18(2):193-8"
"89182978","Carlson MJ","Computer helps surgeon mold faces.","","Ohio Med 1988 Nov;84(11):863-4"
"89181314","Antolak J, Mah E, Battista JJ, Scrimger JW","Acquisition and display of radiation dose distributions using microcomputer technology.","ABST0007.ABS","Med Phys 1988 Nov-Dec;15(6):924-9"
"89180649","Harvey JE, Kaiser TN, Sessions DG","Practical computer applications for a head and neck cancer registry.","","Laryngoscope 1989 Apr;99(4):438-47"
"89179992","Dymond EA, Potter R, Griffiths PA, McClemont EJ","A week in the life of Mary: the impact of microtechnology on a severely handicapped person.","ABST0009.ABS","J Biomed Eng 1988 Nov;10(6):483-90"
"89179967","Sikoryn TA, Aspden RM, Hukins DW","Simple computer controlled apparatus for in vitro mechanical testing of connective tissues.","ABST0010.ABS","J Biomed Eng 1988 Jul;10(4):357-9"

  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : ASCIIRF2.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: