Dec 122017
ASCIIREF facilitates the use of popular relational-type databases for bibliographic purposes. Formats ASCII files for importation into a database.
File ASCIIRF2.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
ASCIIREF facilitates the use of popular relational-type databases for bibliographic purposes. Formats ASCII files for importation into a database.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ABLOAD.PRG 3228 1076 deflated
ABST0002.ABS 743 393 deflated
ABST0004.ABS 922 468 deflated
ABST0005.ABS 1058 560 deflated
ABST0007.ABS 1363 636 deflated
ABST0009.ABS 1129 545 deflated
ABST0010.ABS 357 217 deflated
ASCIIREF.DOC 9976 3457 deflated
ASCIIREF.EXE 71200 43021 deflated
MICROREC.NEW 1775 1028 deflated
MICROREC.TXT 7946 3381 deflated
READ.ME 1277 468 deflated

Download File ASCIIRF2.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

ASCIIREF.EXE is distributed as shareware. Although you are
encouraged to copy and distribute this software, I retain all
rights, and request that this file be included whenever the
software is copied.

ASCIIREF.EXE is my first attempt at shareware: if you find this
program useful, would like to encourage further efforts, or would
like to be included on my mailing list for future products,
enhancements, fixes, etc., please complete this form, and send it
along with $14.95 to:

Peter M. LePoer
481 Cliffside Drive
Columbus, OH 43202



NAME___________________________________ ___ Payment Enclosed

STREET_________________________________ ___ Mailing List


Comments, suggestions:





 December 12, 2017  Add comments

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