Category : Science and Education
Archive   : ARS12.ZIP
Filename : ARS.000

Output of file : ARS.000 contained in archive : ARS12.ZIP
èHÌ­/ˆ@U‹ìUé³U‹Äÿvþ‹èUé¹è0ϋ^þ6¿^ðW¸P¸P¸LP¸P¸pPèFý¹è ϸSP¸SP¸P¸P¸LP¸P¸pPèíûé‹å]ÃU‹Äÿvþ‹èUé¿Jè:ä¿èZæèÏ 2ä=téâÿ¹è³Î‹^þ6¿^ðW¸P¸P¸LP¸Pè^ýé‹å]Áì  Ñ2ä=téÎ
¹èxÎè3ÿ¹aèoÎè€Ð AL - Alabama±PèÆиP¸P¸pPèžý¹aèEÎèVÐ AK - Alaska±PèÐ¸P¸P¸pPèuý¹aèÎè-Ð
AR - Arkansas±PèrиP¸P¸pPèJý¹aèñÍèÐ AZ - Arizona±PèHиP¸P¸pPè ý¹aèÇÍèØÏCA - California±PèиP¸P¸pPèóü¹aèšÍè«Ï
CO - Colorado±PèðϸP¸P¸pPèÈü¹aèoÍè€ÏCN - Connecticut±PèÂϸP¸ P¸pPèšü¹aèAÍèRÏ
DE - Delaware±Pè—ϸP¸
P¸pPèoü¹aèÍè'ÏDC - Washington, DC±PèfϸP¸ P¸pPè>ü¹aèåÌèöÎ FL - Florida±Pè<ϸP¸ P¸pPèü¹aè»ÌèÌÎ GA - Georgia±PèϸP¸
P¸pPèêû¹aè‘Ìè¢Î IA - Iowa±PèëθP¸P¸pPèÃû¹aèjÌè{Î
ID - Idaho±PèÃθP¸P¸pPè›û¹aèBÌèSÎ
IL - Illinois±Pè˜Î¸P¸P¸pPèpû¹aèÌè(Î IN - Indiana±PènθP¸P¸pPèFû¹aèíËèþÍ KS - Kansas±PèEθP¸P¸pPèû¹aèÄËèÕÍ
KY - Kentucky±PèθP¸P¸pPèòú¹aè™ËèªÍLA - Louisiana±Pèî͸P¸P¸pPèÆú¹aèmËè~ÍMA - Massachusetts±Pè¾Í¸P¸P¸pPè–ú¹aè=ËèNÍ
MD - Maryland±Pè“͸P¸P¸pPèkú¹aèËè#Í
ME - Maine±Pèk͸P¸P¸pPèCú¹aèêÊèûÌ
MI - Michigan±Pè@͸P¸P¸pPèú¹aè¿ÊèÐÌMN - Minnesota±Pè͸P¸P¸pPèìù¹aè“Êè¤Ì
MO - Missouri±Pèé̸P¸P¸pPèÁù¹aèhÊèyÌMS - Mississippi±Pè»Ì¸P¸P¸pPè“ù¹aè:ÊèKÌ MT - Montana±Pè‘̸P¸P¸pPèiù¹aèÊè!ÌNC - North Carolina±Pè`̸P¸P¸pPè8ù¹aèßÉèðËND - North Dakota±Pè1̸P¸ P¸pPè ù¹aè°ÉèÁË
NE - Nebraska±Pè̸P¸
P¸pPèÞø¹aè…Éè–ËNH - New Hampshire±PèÖ˸P¸ P¸pPè®ø¹aèUÉèfËNJ - New Jersey±Pè©Ë¸P¸ P¸pPèø¹aè(Éè9ËNM - New Mexico±Pè|˸P¸
P¸pPèTø¹aèûÈè Ë NV - Nevada±PèS˸P¸P¸pPè+ø¹aèÒÈèãÊ
NY - New York±Pè(˸P¸P¸pPèø¹aè§Èè¸Ê OH - Ohio±Pè˸P¸P¸pPèÙ÷¹aè€Èè‘Ê
OK - Oklahoma±PèÖʸP¸P¸pPè®÷¹aèUÈèfÊ OR - Oregon±Pè­Ê¸P¸P¸pPè…÷¹aè,Èè=ÊPA - Pennsylvania±Pè~ʸP¸P¸pPèV÷¹aèýÇèÊRI - Rhode Island±PèOʸP¸P¸pPè'÷¹aèÎÇèßÉSC - South Carolina±PèʸP¸P¸pPèöö¹aèÇè®ÉSD - South Dakota±PèïɸP¸P¸pPèÇö¹aènÇèÉTN - Tennessee±PèÃɸP¸P¸pPè›ö¹aèBÇèSÉ
TX - Texas±Pè›É¸6P¸P¸pPèsö¹aèÇè+É UT - Utah±Pètɸ6P¸P¸pPèLö¹aèóÆèÉ
VA - Virginia±PèIɸ6P¸P¸pPè!ö¹aèÈÆèÙÈ VT - Vermont±Pèɸ6P¸P¸pPè÷õ¹aèžÆè¯ÈWA - Washington±Pèòȸ6P¸P¸pPèÊõ¹aèqÆè‚ÈWI - Wisconsin±PèÆȸ6P¸P¸pPèžõ¹aèEÆèVÈWV - West Virginia±Pè–ȸ6P¸ P¸pPènõ¹aèÆè&È WY - Wyoming±Pèlȸ6P¸
P¸pPèDõ¹aèëÅèüÇ AB - Alberta±PèBȸ6P¸ P¸pPèõ¹aèÁÅèÒÇBC - British Columbia±Pèȸ6P¸ P¸pPèçô¹aèŽÅèŸÇ
MB - Manitoba±PèäǸ6P¸
P¸pPè¼ô¹aècÅètÇNB - New Brunswick±Pè´Ç¸6P¸P¸pPèŒô¹aè3ÅèDÇNF - Newfoundland±Pè…Ǹ6P¸P¸pPè]ô¹aèÅèÇNS - Nova Scotia±PèWǸ6P¸P¸pPè/ô¹aèÖÄèçÆNW - Northwest Territory±Pè!Ǹ6P¸P¸pPèùó¹aè Äè±Æ ON - Ontario±Pè÷Ƹ6P¸P¸pPèÏó¹aèvÄè‡ÆPE - Prince Edward Isle±PèÂƸ6P¸P¸pPèšó¹aèAÄèRÆ QU - Quebeck±Pè˜Æ¸6P¸P¸pPèpó¹aèÄè(ÆSA - Saskatchewan±PèiƸ6P¸P¸pPèAó¹aèèÃèùÅYU - Yukon Territory±Pè7Ƹ6P¸P¸pPèó¹è¶ÃèÐôé $=téå¹è¢Ãè]ô¹aè™ÃèªÅCYou may select any of the Main Commands by moving to them utilizing±Pè¹Å¸P¸P¸pPè‘ò¹aè8ÃèIÅBthe arrow keys or the capitalized letter in each command. Select ±PèYŸP¸P¸pPè1ò¹aèØÂèéÄBthe main command by pressing the enter key. Help is available at ±PèùĸP¸P¸pPèÑñ¹aèxÂè‰Ä&most times by pressing the escape key.±PèµÄ¸P¸P¸pPèñ¹aè4ÂèEÄQUIT - exit the program±Pè€Ä¸

P¸pPèXñ¹aèÿÁèÄAEDIT - change, add, or delete any data in any record of the file.±Pè!ĸ
P¸ P¸pPèùð¹aè Áè±Ã6BROWSE - look at the data - 1 or 15 records at a time.±PèÍø
P¸ P¸pPè¥ð¹aèLÁè]Ã*SEARCH - find any record in the database.±Pè…ø

P¸pPè]ð¹aèÁèÃ=REPORT - print out copies of any record, LifeList, Checklist±Pè*ø
P¸P¸pPèð¹aè©ÀèºÂ=SORT - sort the database by Common Name or Life List Number.±Pèϸ
P¸P¸pPè§ï¹aèNÀè_Â!OPTIONS - Display Serial Number.±PèÂ¸
P¸P¸pPèhï¹aèÀè Â(Press escape key to return to program...±PèJ¸P¸P¸pPè"ï¹èÉ¿èãðé =téu  Ò2ä=té]¹訿ècð¹a蟿è°ÁBThe edit function allows you to add, change, or delete information±PèÀÁ¸P¸P¸pPè˜î¹aè?¿èPÁ=contained in the record for each bird. The Common Name field±PèeÁ¸P¸P¸pPè=î¹aèä¾èõÀ?as well as the Scientific name cannot be altered. The function±PèÁ¸P¸P¸pPèàí¹a臾è˜À@keys highlighted at the bottom of the screen allow you to choose±PèªÀ¸P¸P¸pPè‚í¹aè)¾è:Àwhich record you wish to edit.±PènÀ¸P¸P¸pPèFí¹aèí½èþ¿ F1 ±PèLÀ¸
P¸ P¸pPè$í¹aè˽èÜ¿- move forward one record.±PèÀ¸P¸ P¸pPèìì¹a蓽褿 F3 ±Pèò¿¸

P¸pPèÊì¹aèq½è‚¿- move backward one record..±P踿¸P¸
P¸pPèì¹aè7½èH¿ F5 ±P薿¸
P¸ P¸pPènì¹aè½è&¿- goto any record in the file.±PèZ¿¸P¸ P¸pPè2ì¹aèÙ¼èê¾ F7 ±Pè8¿¸
P¸ P¸pPèì¹aè·¼èȾ- edit the current record.±P迸P¸ P¸pPèØë¹aè¼è¾ F9 ±PèÞ¾¸

P¸pPè¶ë¹aè]¼èn¾- edit the State Catalogue.±P襾¸P¸
P¸pPè}ë¹aè$¼è5¾ F10 ±P肾¸
P¸P¸pPèZë¹aè¼è¾2- quits edit and places you back in the main menu.±Pè2¾¸P¸P¸pPè
ë¹aè±»è½CIf you don't know what the record number is, you can use the search±Pèѽ¸P¸P¸pPè©ê¹aèP»èa½Dor the browse commands to locate the record and then come back here,±Pèo½¸P¸P¸pPèGê¹aèîºèÿ¼3via the edit command, to edit that specific record.±P轸P¸P¸pPèöé¹a蝺讼(Press escape key to return to program...±Pèؼ¸P¸P¸pPè°é¹èWºèqëé=téN¹èCºèþê¹aè:ºèK¼@The Life List number should be a sequential number starting with±Pè]¼¸P¸P¸pPè5é¹aèܹèí»@1 that shows the order in which each bird has been added to your±Pèÿ»¸P¸P¸pPè×è¹aè~¹è»2life list. Just enter the next number to be used.±P读¸P¸P¸pPè‡è¹aè.¹è?»AIf you have forgotten which number is next just press the Control±PèP»¸P¸P¸pPè(è¹aèϸèàº>key and the 'L' key. The next number to be used will be shown±Pèôº¸P¸ P¸pPèÌç¹aès¸è„ºon the screen.±PèȺ¸P¸
P¸pPè ç¹aèG¸èXº(Press escape key to return to program...±P肺¸P¸P¸pPèZç¹è¸èéé²=té¹èí·è¨è¹aèä·èõ¹BThe Date must be entered in the format YYMMDD (ie. January 27,1976±P躸P¸P¸pPèÝæ¹a脷蕹Dwould be entered into the program as 760127. The zero must be added±P裹¸P¸P¸pPè{æ¹aè"·è3¹Ato any month or day that is less than 10. If you make a mistake,±PèD¹¸P¸P¸pPèæ¹aèöèÔ¸?you can use the arrows to reposition the cursor and then renter±Pè縸P¸P¸pPè¿å¹aèf¶èw¸the correct date.±P踸¸P¸P¸pPèå¹aè7¶èH¸(Press escape key to return to program...±Pèr¸¸P¸P¸pPèJå¹èñµè çé¢=téš¹èݵè˜æ¹aèÔµèå·GThe place where the bird was seen should be entered in a way meaningful±Pèð·¸P¸P¸pPèÈä¹aèoµè€·Dto you. Only 30 spaces have been reserved for the place description±P获¸P¸P¸pPèfä¹aè
µè·Eto be entered, so you must be terse. The notebook program will allow±Pè+·¸P¸P¸pPèä¹a誴軶9you to enter the complete location of the sighting and if±PèÔ¶¸P¸P¸pPè¬ã¹aèS´èd¶Aany question arises as to the specific location, you can retrieve±Pèu¶¸P¸P¸pPèMã¹aèô³è¶>the notebook record for that sighting to clarify any problems.±P趸P¸ P¸pPèñâ¹a蘳詵(Press escape key to return to program...±PèÓµ¸P¸P¸pPè«â¹èR³èl丢ÒéŸ=té› Ó2ä=té¹è+³èæã¹aè"³è3µCThe BROWSE function allows you to step through the records one at a±PèBµ¸P¸P¸pPèâ¹aèÁ²èÒ´;time, either forward or backward, go to any specific record±Pèé´¸P¸P¸pPèÁá¹aèh²èy´Din the data base, or to look at 15 records at a time. The function ±P致¸P¸P¸pPè_á¹aè²è´@keys highlighted at the bottom of the screen allow you to choose±Pè)´¸P¸P¸pPèá¹a許蹳3which method you wish to use to browse the records.±Pèس¸P¸P¸pPè°à¹aèW±èh³ F1 ±P足¸
P¸ P¸pPèŽà¹aè5±èF³&- look at the next record in the file.±Pèr³¸P¸ P¸pPèJà¹aèñ°è³ F3 ±PèP³¸

P¸pPè(à¹aèÏ°èà²*- look at the previous record in the file.±P賸P¸
P¸pPèàß¹a臰蘲 F5 ±Pè沸
P¸ P¸pPè¾ß¹aèe°èv²(- look at a specific record in the file.±Pè ²¸P¸ P¸pPèxß¹aè°è0² F7 ±Pè~²¸
P¸ P¸pPèVß¹aèý¯è²- look at 15 records at a time.±PèA²¸P¸ P¸pPèß¹aèÀ¯èѱ F10 ±P貸
P¸P¸pPèöÞ¹a蝯讱4- quits BROWSE and places you back in the main menu.±Pè̱¸P¸P¸pPè¤Þ¹aèK¯è\±CIf you don't know what the record number is, you can use the search±Pèk±¸P¸P¸pPèCÞ¹aèê®èû°5command to locate the record and then come back here,±P豸P¸P¸pPèðݹa藮訰;via the BROWSE command, to look at that specific record and±Pè¿°¸P¸P¸pPè—ݹaè>®èO°"then continue with your BROWSing. ±Pè°¸P¸P¸pPèWݹaèþ­è°(Press escape key to return to program...±Pè9°¸P¸P¸pPèݹ踭èÒÞé =té¹褭è_Þ¹a蛭謯@The BROWSE ALL command allows you to look at 15 records at once,±P辯¸P¸P¸pPè–ܹaè=­èN¯>showing Common Name, Life List Number, Record Number, and date±Pèb¯¸P¸P¸pPè:ܹaèá¬èò®?first seen. The highlighted function keys at the bottom allow,±P诸P¸P¸pPèÝÛ¹a脬蕮you to:±PèஸP¸P¸pPè¸Û¹aè_¬èp®*F1 - Displays the next page of 15 records.±P蘮¸
P¸ P¸pPèpÛ¹aè¬è(®.F3 - Displays the previous page of 15 records.±PèL®¸

P¸pPè$Û¹aèË«èÜ­F5 - Returns to page 1.±P许
P¸ P¸pPèïÚ¹a薫觭F7 - Goes to last page.±Pèâ­¸
P¸ P¸pPèºÚ¹aèa«èr­F9 - Goto any page (1-58).±P読¸

P¸pPè‚Ú¹aè)«è:­F10 - Quit BROWSE ALL.±Pèv­¸ P¸P¸pPèNÚ¹aèõªè­(Press escape key to return to program...±Pè0­¸P¸P¸pPèÚ¹诪èÉÛ¸¢Óéü
=t髹蕪èPÛ¹a茪蝬AThe SEARCH command permits you to find any record in the Database±P讬¸P¸P¸pPè†Ù¹aè-ªè>¬ P¸pPèQ×¹aèø§è ªCreturns with 'Common Merganser'. However; if you enter 'Common T',±P誸P¸ P¸pPèðÖ¹a藧訩7the program responds with the record for 'Common Tern'.±Pèé¸P¸ P¸pPè›Ö¹aèB§èS©(Press escape key to return to program...±Pè}©¸P¸P¸pPèUÖ¹èü¦èظ¢ÑéI=téO¹èâ¦è×¹aèÙ¦èê¨=The Option command permits you to add or delete records or ±Pèÿ¨¸P¸P¸pPè×Õ¹aè~¦è¨@reconfigure the database. The highlighted function keys perform±P表¸P¸P¸pPèyÕ¹aè ¦è1¨the indicated function.±Pèl¨¸P¸P¸pPèDÕ¹aèë¥èü§(Press escape key to return to program...±Pè&¨¸P¸P¸pPèþÔ¹襥è¿Ö¸¢Ñéò=té¹若èFÖ¹a肥蓧JThe Report command permits you to print your Life List in Life List order,±P蛧¸P¸P¸pPèsÔ¹aè¥è+§or by Date Seen or Place Seen. ±Pè^§¸P¸P¸pPè6Ô¹aèݤèî¦(Press escape key to return to program...±P觸P¸P¸pPèðÓ¹藤è±Õ¸¢Ñéä=téܹè}¤è8Õ¹aèt¤è…¦@The SORT command permits you to sort the Database by Common Name±P藦¸P¸P¸pPèoÓ¹aè¤è'¦;or by Life List number. If the Database has been sorted on±Pè>¦¸P¸P¸pPèÓ¹aè½£èÎ¥@the Life List Number, the search function will not work. ±PèॸP¸P¸pPè¸Ò¹aè_£èp¥> F1 - Sort on Common Name. Use this function for easy use±P脥¸P¸P¸pPè\Ò¹aè£è¥A in daily operations. A status box on the main screen ±Pè%¥¸P¸P¸pPèýѹa褢赤8 will indicate how the program has been sorted.±PèϤ¸P¸ P¸pPè§Ñ¹aèN¢è_¤= F3 - Sort on Date Seen. Use this function to locate all±Pèt¤¸P¸
P¸pPèLѹaèó¡è¤$ sightings on a given day. ±Pè2¤¸P¸ P¸pPè
ѹa象è£D F5 - Sort on Life List Number. Use this function to print your±PèУ¸P¸ P¸pPè¨Ð¹aèO¡è`£E Life List report or to look at the entire Life List via the±Pèm£¸P¸
P¸pPèEйaèì èý¢9 Browse All command. ±P裸P¸P¸pPèîϹa蕠覢= F7- Sort on Place seen. Use this function to locate all±P転¸P¸P¸pPè“Ϲaè: èK¢& sightings at a given place. ±Pèw¢¸P¸P¸pPèOϹaèöŸè¢(Press escape key to return to program...±Pè1¢¸P¸P¸pPè Ϲ谟èÊи¢Ñé‹å]Ã

  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : ARS12.ZIP
Filename : ARS.000

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: