Category : Science and Education
Archive   : ANGLE102.ZIP
Filename : ANGLES.HLP

Output of file : ANGLES.HLP contained in archive : ANGLE102.ZIP
Menu†Triangles<Right TrianglesL
Oblique TrianglesJ PolarOPoint-Distance-AngleTwo Known PointsFile| Load FileZ
Delete File Optionsð Fix—!
DMS Calculator¨&Info5+Quit?,Triangle View Selectionì.Side inputH3Angle Input6;Two SolutionsùCContinueuFSaveòHPrintoutgKSave and printKMInput Filename¿OExpression Error•QEdit KeysëSNumerical Input[WMouseS[Help on HelpM^RegistrationÒaAuto Calcéc Cartesian coordinatesi$Decimal->DMS Calculator p%Radians->Decimal Calculatorµq&Decimal->Radiansv*ConversionsUw*Conversionsÿÿÿÿ


*B 1,Menu


Menu navigation can be performed with the keyboard or with
a ^mouse^ if you have one installed. You may move horizon-
tally from one menu selection to another with the arrow
keys or if you prefer you can click on the selection with
your left mouse button. To access the pull down menu
simply tap or the down arrow key. Arrow keys will
move you around the menu selections. To select a high-
lighted menu item tap again. ape will back
you out of nearly any place in the program.

Also see: ^Help on Help^

----------------------- MAIN ----------------------------

*B 2,Triangles


Solve unknown sides/angles of a partially known triangle.
Two types are represented: RIGHT and OBLIQUE. If you know
that your triangle has a 90 degree angle in it you should
use the RIGHT triangle selection. If you are unsure That
a 90 degree angle exists then use the OBLIQUE selection.

Also see: ^Menu^ ^Right Triangles^
^Oblique Triangles^


*B 3,Right Triangles


A right triangle is a triangle that contains one 90 degree
angle in it. If you are certian that the triangle you
want to solve does have a 90 degree angle in it then this
is the proper menu selection to use. If you are unsure of
this fact then you should use ^OBLIQUE TRIANGLES^ to solve
the problem.

Also see: ^Oblique Triangles^


*B 4,Oblique Triangles


An oblique triangle can be of any shape as long as it does
not contain a 90 degree angle. If it does contain a 90
degree angle it is considered a "right triangle" and
should be calculated as such. You will have to supply
three items of information about your triangle in order to
solve it. This information MUST contain the length of one
side plus:

2 sides,
or 1 side and 1 angle,
or 2 angles.


It is preferable to enter as many sides as possible be-
cause doing so will tend to slightly enhance accuracy.

Also see: ^Right Triangles^

----------------------- MAIN ----------------------------

*B 5,Polar


Solve unknown angles/vectors/coordinates between two
points located on a cartesian coordinate grid. Two ways
of accomplishing this are provided:

^Point-Distance-angle^, and
^Two Known Points^

Also see: ^Menu^ ^Cartesian coordinates^


*B 6,Point-Distance-Angle


Use POINT-DISTANCE-ANGLE to determine X & Y coordinates of
a point located on a ^Cartesian coordinates^ grid. You
will be asked to supply four items of information:

The "base" location from which POINT 2 will
be calculated. These may be positive or
negative values.

DISTANCE: The distance from POINT 1 to POINT 2. This
should be a positive value.
ANGLE: The angular direction (vector) from the base
point to the unknown point. This may be a
positive or negative value. 0 degrees and 360
degrees would describe a line heading from
left to right. 90 degrees would describe a
line heading upward.

You may also want to use the ^DMS calculator^
(F5) or the ^Radians->Decimal Calculator^ (F6)
to convert an angle.

After you have entered the above information Point-Dis-
tance-Angle will supply you with the X-Y coordinates of
the unknown point.

Also see: ^Two Known Points^ ^Numerical Input^


*B 7,Two Known Points


Determine the distance between two defined points as well
as the heading from point 1 to point 2. You will have to
supply the X & Y coordinates for both points.

Also see: ^Point-Distance-Angle^ ^Cartesian coordinates^

----------------------- MAIN ----------------------------

*B 8,File


At nearly any point in ANGLES you have the ability to load
a triangle solution that was previously saved. The loaded
or recalled solution may then be printed or just visually
referenced. If a solution will no longer be needed you
also have the option to delete it with ^Delete File^.

Also see: ^Menu^ ^Load File^


*B 9,Load File


Load allows you to recall a solution that you have previ-
ously saved to disk for viewing. If you would like to
print the the solution you may do so by tapping F10. Load
file is available at any point in ANGLES by simply tapping
the F3 "hot" key. After you press F3 you will be shown a
directory listing of all the ANGLES solution files that
were saved in the current directory. To select a directo-
ry or a file just highlight the selection you want and tap
or click on it with the left mouse button. If no
previously saved ANGLES files exist in the current direc-
tory you will be notified.

Also see: ^Delete File^


*B 10,Delete File


Delete a previously saved ANGLES solution. You may delete
a solution anywhere in ANGLES by typing the F4 "hot" key.
A popup directory listing will be displayed for you to
choose the file that you want to delete. To select anoth-
er directory simply highlight the directory you wish and
tap or click on it with the left mouse button.
If no previously saved ANGLES solution files exist in the
current directory you will be notified.

Also see: ^Load File^

----------------------- MAIN ----------------------------
*B 11,Options


FIX allows you to set the number of decimal places of
precision that you would like ANGLES to round its' solu-
tions to.

INFO is just a little background information for anyone
that might be interested.

The REGISTER menu selection is provided for those who have
decided to use ANGLES and need to register.

CONVERSIONS contains a sub-menu that will list the four
types of angular conversion calculators.

Also see: ^Menu^ ^Fix^ ^Info^ ^Registration^


*B 12,Fix


OPTIONS: FIX will set the decimal precision with which
ANGLES displays its solutions. Only 3 through 9 decimal
places are allowed. Numbers that must be rounded will be
rounded to the next highest values.

For instance: FIX | PI
3 | 3.142
4 | 3.1416
5 | 3.14159
6 | 3.141593
7 | 3.1415927

8 | 3.14159265
9 | 3.141592654

Fix does not affect internal calculation precision, only
the precision with which solutions are displayed.

When you choose Fix you must enter the desired number (3
through 9) and press . You will then be asked if
you would like to save the new number as the default. If
you answer "yes" ANGLES will use the decimal precision you
specified as its default value. If you answer "no" the
new number will only be used for this session and will not
be saved.


*B 13,DMS Calculator


Sometimes you may run across an instance that you only
know an angle in a "degrees, minutes, seconds" format.
The ANGLES program will only accept an angle in a decimal
degrees format. The degrees, minutes, seconds calculator
(DMS for short) is provided to automatically calculate the
decimal degrees equivelant of your angle.

If you choose the DMS calculator from the main menu Simply
type in the appropriate information and the answer will be
displayed. If, however you are entering data to solve a
problem you may press the F5 "hot" key and the DMS calcu-
lator will "popup". After you enter the degrees, minutes,
and seconds the answer will be displayed and you will be
asked if you want to export it. If you type a "Y", or hit
the converted decimal angle will be typed in the
input field for you. If you type a "N" the calculator
will disappear and you can pick up where you left off.

Also see: ^Radians->Decimal Calculator^


*B 14,Info


Just a little background information for those who might
be curious enough to read it.

Also see: ^Registration^

----------------------- MAIN ----------------------------

*B 15,Quit


I hope you found ANGLES to be a useful program. If you
decide to use it regularly please register! Even if you
do not decide to use ANGLES I would like to encourage you
to distribute copies of it to your friends. Please make
sure all these files are included:

ANGLES.EXE The main program
ANGLES.HLP The online help file for ANGLES.EXE
README.DOC Distibution info and notes
SOLVED.ANG Sample of a saved triangle solution

Also see: ^Menu^ ^Registration^


*B 16,Triangle View Selection


Wether you are about to solve a right triangle or an
oblique triangle you now have 8 different views to choose
from. These different views are intended to be an aid in
helping you visualize the triangle you must solve.

Select a view by one of three ways:

1) If you have a mouse installed simply move the
mouse up or down and the views will scroll by.
When you find a suitable view tap your left mouse
button and ANGLES will prompt you for the triangles
known information.

2) The number keys 1 through 8 across the top of your
keyboard will select the coresponding view number.
Tap to input the triangles known informa-

3) Use the arrow keys (up, down, right, left) to move
through the views. PageUp and PageDown also move
you up or down through the views. Tap to
input the triangles known information.


*B 17,Side input


You must supply ANGLES with at least one side dimension
for your triangle. If you have a choice to enter one side
or one angle the side would be preferable. If you don't
know how long a side is simply tap . A question
mark will appear to indicate that the side is unknown and
you will pass to the next position. A zero (0) entry is
counted as an unknown side. If you accidentally pass up
an entry field just tap your up arrow key to go back.
ANGLES accepts mathematical expressions also:

+ plus
- minus
* multiply

/ divide
() prenthases

Example entries:

4.1 + (.625/2) will yield 4.41250000
5.25 / 2 * 8 will yield 21.0000000
5.25 / (2 * 8) will yield 0.32812500
5+5 will yield 10.0000000

Spaces may be included in your entry if you like but they
are not neccesary. If you have entered something that
ANGLES does not recognize as a valid expression an error
window will popup to inform you of the problem. After you
read the message, tap a key and the cursor will be blinking

under the unrecognized character. Don't forget to make
sure your prenthases match up!


As you move around on the data entry form entering the
known information, you will notice the lower center sec-
tion of the screen contains input status infomation. This
information changes to inform you of what ANGLES needs, or
doesn't need. When ANGLES is satisfied with your input it
will read "SUCCESS". Remember that if ^Auto Calc^ is on,
your triangle will be solved immediatly upon SUCCESS.

Also see: ^Numerical Input^ ^Edit Keys^


*B 18,Angle Input


For an unknown angle simply tap . A question mark
will appear to indicate that the angle is unknown and you
will pass to the next field. A zero (0) entry is counted
as an unknown angle. If you accidentally pass up an entry
field just tap the up arrow key to go back.

ANGLES expects angular data to be entered in a decimal
degrees format. If you know an angle but it is called
out in a degrees, minutes, seconds format simply tap F5
to call up the ^DMS calculator^. If you know the angle in
radians you can convert it to decimal by tapping the F6
key and inputting the radians.

ANGLES also accepts mathematical expressions:

+ plus
- minus
* multiply
/ divide
() prenthases

Example entries:

85-12.5 will yield 72.5000000
5.25 / 2 will yield 2.6250000
5.25 / (2 * 8) will yield 0.3281250
15+15 will yield 30.0000000

Spaces may be included in your entry if you like but they
are not neccesary. If you have entered something that
ANGLES does not recognize as a valid expression an error
window will popup to inform you of the problem. After you
read the error message tap a key and the cursor will be
blinking under the unrecognized character. Don't forget
to make sure your prenthases match up!


As you move around on the data entry form entering the
known information, you will notice the lower section of
the screen contains input status infomation. This infor-
mation changes to inform you of what ANGLES needs, or

doesn't need. When ANGLES is satisfied with your input it
will read "SUCCESS". Remember that if ^Auto Calc^ is on,
your triangle will be solved immediatly upon SUCCESS.

Also see: ^Numerical Input^ ^Edit Keys^
^Radians->Decimal Calculator^


*B 19,Two Solutions


There are two possible solutions to the triangle you have
just defined. The angle shown in the dialogue box could
be either greater or less than 90 degrees and still fit
the information you have supplied. If you choose greater
than 90 degrees ANGLES will solve your triangle according-
ly. Likewise if you choose less than 90 degrees ANGLES
will solve for that possiblity.

You may view the other solution by toggling ^Auto Calc^
back on and re-calculating the triangle.


*B 20,Continue


Continue will take you back to the side and angle data
entry fields so you may edit some of the the triangle's
known information. The values you have already entered
will be preserved but you may delete or modify them. If
you would like to clear all the fields you can type a "C".

Please take note that once a solution has been displayed
^Auto Calc^ will be toggled off and must be manually
turned on to solve for new input.

Also see: ^Save^ ^Printout^ ^Save and Print^


*B 21,Save


The solution you have just completed can now be saved to
disk with this menu choice for later reference and/or
printing. If you choose to save the solution you will be
prompted for a DOS file name. Do not enter a file name
extention this will be supplied automatically for you.

If the file name you specified already exists on disk you
will be asked if you want to overwrite it.

Also see: ^Auto Calc^ ^Load File^ ^Delete File^
^Input Filename^


*B 22,Printout


This menu selection will print the currently displayed
solution. When the printing is completed you will be
returned to the ANGLES input form and ^Auto Calc^ will be
toggled off. Check to make sure your printer is online
and ready to recieve data before proceeding.

Also see: ^Save and Print^ ^Continue^


*B 23,Save and print


This menu selection will first prompt you for a DOS file
name, save the current solution to disk, then print the
solution on your printer. Check to make sure your printer
is online and ready to recieve data. When you are re-
turned to the input fields ^Auto Calc^ will be toggled

If the file name you specified already exists on disk you
will be asked if you want to overwrite it.

Also see: ^Load File^ ^Delete File^ ^Input Filename^


*B 24,Input Filename


Enter a legal DOS filename i.e. eight characters or less,
no "?", or "*". You will not be allowed to enter a file-
name extension because it will automatically be appended
for you. If you supplied an illegal file name ANGLES will
inform you that the file was not saved.

Also see: ^Edit Keys^


*B 25,Expression Error


The expression you have entered has one or more characters
that are unrecognizable to ANGLES. After you read the
message and return to the statement in question the cursor
will be located under the first error it encountered. The
error may be mismatched parenthesis, or perhaps a letter
where a number should be. Modify the statement and press
to re-evaluate the expression.

Also see: ^Numerical Input^ ^Edit Keys^


*B 26,Edit Keys


Here is a listing of your input field editing keys:

LeftArrow ....... Cursor left
RightArrow ...... Cursor right
DownArrow ....... Cursor down
UpArrow ......... Cursor up
Ctrl-LeftArrow .. Word left
Ctrl-RightArrow . Word right
Tab ............. Field right
Shift-Tab ....... Field left
Enter ........... Process field
Ins ............. Toggle insert mode
Del ............. Delete character at cursor

BackSpace ....... Delete character left of cursor
Esc ............. Abort data entry
C ............... Clear all triangle input fields

Also see: ^Numerical Input^


*B 27,Numerical Input


ANGLES accepts mathematical expressions as well as regular

+ plus
- minus
* multiply
/ divide
() parentheses

Example entries:

85-12.5 will yield 72.5000000
5.25 / 2 will yield 2.6250000

5.25 / (2 * 8) will yield 0.3281250
15+15 will yield 30.0000000

Spaces may be included in your entry if you like but they
are not necessary. If you have entered something that
ANGLES does not recognize as a valid expression an error
window will popup to inform you of the problem. You will
then be returned to the input field with the cursor locat-
ed under the unrecognized character.

Also see: ^Edit Keys^ ^Expression Error^


*B 28,Mouse


If you have a mouse installed on your system ANGLES will
support it. The left button will act the same as if you
pressed the key. The right button acts the same
as if you typed ESCape. If you have a middle button it
will function the same as the right button.

To select from a menu bar simply place the mouse cursor on
the item you want and tap the left button. To back out of
many places in ANGLES simply tap the right button one or
more times. In some instances the right button will not
work, but the ESCape key will always backup one step

Also see: ^Edit Keys^ ^Menu^


*B 29,Help on Help


ANGLES context sensitive help system is provided to give
you specific information about any field that the cursor
may be resting upon. It also features cross referencing
to other help catagories to assist you in understanding
the topic at hand. ANGLES help will be a real asset to
those who (like myself) don't like to read all the docu-
mentation before they dig in to a program. To use the
online help system simply highlight the selection you want
information about and tap F1. The cross referenced sub-
jects will stand out from the normal text. You may access
the subjects by pressing the key. If there are
more than one subject in the window you can move amoung
them with the arrow keys. ESCape to quit.


*B 30,Registration


If you decide to use ANGLES please register your copy.
ANGLES is not intended to be "freeware" but is user sup-
ported software, or Shareware. For your convenience I
have provided a registration form for you to fill out and
send in. This form is found off the main menu under
"Options" - "Register".

Any comments/suggestions would also be appreciated!

Thank you!


*B 31,Auto Calc


Automatic Calculation, or "AutoCalc" is basically an
ON/OFF toggle switch. The current AutoCalc status is
shown in the right center window of the screen. To toggle
AutoCalc simply tap the "A" key. You will hear a low
frequency "blip" when you toggle AutoCalc OFF and a higher
frequency "blip" when toggled ON.

When AutoCalc is toggled ON it allows ANGLES to solve your
triangle the instant enough information has been input.
If it is toggled OFF it will not allow ANGLES to solve a
triangle. The purpose of the OFF mode is to allow you to
change your triangles sides and/or angles without con-
stantly being given a solution.

When you first begin angles data input AutoCalc will be
ON. As soon as you have entered enough information to
solve the triangle you will be whisked to the solution
screen. After you return from the solution screen Auto-
Calc will be toggled OFF. When AutoCalc is OFF you may
change any information but your triangle will not be
solved until AutoCalc is toggled back ON by tapping the
"A" key.

Also see: ^Numerical Input^ ^Edit Keys^


*B 32,Cartesian coordinates


The polar menu selections in ANGLES are based on a system
of coordinates sometimes referred to as the cartesian
coordinate system. Cartesian coordinates are laid out in
a grid like this:
(-X) ------+------ (+X)

The Y axis is defined by the vertical line and the X axis
is defined by the horizontal line.

A point may be defined on this coordinate system by speci-
fying it's X&Y values (the X axis is always defined first,
then the Y axis). For instance (5,2) would locate a point
5 units to the right of the Y axis at X=5, and 2 units
above the X axis at Y=2.

Negative values may also be specified for example (-2.5,0)
would locate a point 2-1/2 units to the left of the Y axis
at X=-2.5, and zero units from the X axis (directly on the
X axis line) at Y=0.

Angular directions in ANGLES coordinate system should
always be called out in decimal values not degrees,
minutes, seconds, or radians.

Anglular directions are treated as shown:

(-180) | (360)
(+180) ------+------ (0)

As you can see the angle is always determined FROM the
point of origin (0,0).

*B 36,Decimal->DMS Calculator


This option is provided for those who need to convert a
decimal degree angle to its degrees, minutes, seconds
equivalent. Enter the decimal degrees, press and
the answer will be displayed.

Also see: ^Edit Keys^


*B 37,Radians->Decimal Calculator


Sometimes you may run across an instance that you only
know an angle in radians. ANGLES will only accept an
angle in a decimal degrees format. The Radian calculator
is provided to automatically calculate the decimal degrees
equivelant of your angle in radians.

If you choose the Radian calculator from the main menu
Simply type in the appropriate information and the answer
will be displayed. If, however you are entering data to
solve a problem you may press the F6 "hot" key and the
Radian calculator will "popup".

As soon as you enter the angle in radians the answer will
be displayed and you will be asked if you want to import
it. If you type a "Y", or hit ENTER the converted decimal
angle will be typed in the input field for you. If you
type a "N" the calculator will disappear and you can pick
up where you left off.

Also see: ^Edit Keys^ ^DMS Calculator^


*B 38,Decimal->Radians


This option is provided for those who need to convert a
decimal degree angle to its radian equivalent. Enter the
decimal angle and press . The answer will be


*B 42,Conversions


ANGLES will only accept angular data in a decimal degrees
format. Frequently you may have the need to convert to
decimal degrees from some other angular format such as
radians or degrees, minutes, seconds. You may also need
to convert your answers back into the original format.
All these thing may be accomplished using the four calcu-
lators supplied:

1) Degrees, minutes, seconds convert to Decimal degrees
2) Radians convert to Decimal degrees
3) Decimal degrees convert to Degrees, minutes, seconds
4) Decimal degrees convert to Radians

The first two calculators may be "hot" keyed from anyplace
in ANGLES to do your conversions into decimal format. The
hot key for the degrees, minutes, seconds to decimal
calculator is F5. The hot key for the radians to decimal
degrees is F6.

  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : ANGLE102.ZIP
Filename : ANGLES.HLP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: