Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : VGAFX.ZIP
Filename : DEMO1.ASM

Output of file : DEMO1.ASM contained in archive : VGAFX.ZIP
Comment *

demos "flashing" text under attribute control mode 0.

Required external modules:

masm demo0; (tested under MASM 5.1, OPTASM 1.5)
link demo0+flash0;
exe2bin demo0



C.J. Dunford [CompuServe 76703,2002]

Revision history:
1.00 10/03/89


code segment word public 'code'
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code

extrn flash_init:near,flash_term:near
extrn pulse_color:near,pulse_color_partial:near
extrn grade_color_partial:near,grade_color:near
extrn blinker:near
extrn load_palettes:near,reset_palettes:near
extrn set_color:near,set_color_partial:near
extrn set_flash_rate:near,set_delta:near
extrn flash_enabled:byte

org 100h

; ===================================================================
; ===================================================================

; Initialize the VGA for controlled flashing
call flash_init
jnc demo1 ; NC = VGA OK
mov dx,offset no_VGA$ ; No VGA, terminate with message
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov ax,4C01h
int 21h

; Pulse reds and greens by slowly augmenting color intensity
mov ax,0202H ; AL=color 2 (green), AH=2 (incr/pal)
call pulse_color ; Create pulsed attribute
mov ax,0204H ; AL=color 4 (red)
call pulse_color
mov ax,020AH ; AL=color 10 (brt green)
call pulse_color
mov ax,020CH ; AL=color 12 (brt red)
call pulse_color ; Create pulsed attribute
call load_palettes ; Load new palettes into VGA
; After this call, anything red or
; green will flash. Nothing to it.
mov si,offset rg_aug$ ; Display the demo
call scrn

; Pulse all 16 attributes, using the same augmented intensity effect
mov cx,16 ; 16 attributes
mov ax,0200H ; Start with attr 0
p16: push ax
call pulse_color
pop ax
inc al ; Next attribute
loop p16
call load_palettes
mov si,offset all_aug$
call scrn

; Instant color change: green to bright red
call reset_palettes ; Clear all special effects
mov al,2
mov si,offset max_red
mov cx,0F08h
call set_color_partial
call load_palettes
mov si,offset g2R$ ; Display the demo
call scrn

; Graded color change: green to bright red
call reset_palettes ; Clear all special effects
mov al,2
mov si,offset max_red
call grade_color
call load_palettes
mov si,offset grd_g2R$ ; Display the demo
call scrn

; Blink red to bright red--periodic intensification
call reset_palettes
mov al,2
call set_delta
mov al,0C4H ; Set up blinking on bright red
call blinker
call load_palettes
mov si,offset r2R$ ; Display the demo
call scrn

; Demo simulated 'real' flashing
call reset_palettes ; Reset the green/red flashing
mov al,2 ; Flash a little faster
call set_delta
mov al,12 ; Set up blinking on bright red
call blinker
call load_palettes
mov si,offset flash$ ; Display the demo
call scrn

; Demonstrate "softened blinking": instead of just blinking

; on and off, we reduce the intensity of the color in palettes 0-7
; and then set 8-15 to the BG color (black, in this case)
call reset_palettes ; Clear all special effect
mov al,3 ; Cyan attribute
mov si,offset black
mov cl,0
mov ch,8
call grade_color_partial ; Grade cyan to black in 0->7
mov al,3 ; Black BG, cyan FG
call blinker ; Makes cyan black in 8-15
call load_palettes
mov si,offset soft$
call scrn

; Demo 'fading'. Just grade the color to black (or whatever BG)
call reset_palettes
mov al,3
mov si,offset black
call grade_color
call load_palettes
mov si,offset fade$
call scrn

; Demo "strobe" and "beacon" effects
call reset_palettes
mov al,1
call set_delta
mov al,14 ; Set attr 14 to black, pals 0-14
mov si,offset black
mov cx,0E00h
call set_color_partial ; And to bright yellow for pal 15
mov al,14
mov si,offset max_yellow
mov cx,0F0FH
call set_color_partial

mov al,1 ; Set blue to max blue in pal 15
mov si,offset max_blue
mov cx,0F0FH
call set_color_partial
call load_palettes
mov si,offset strobe$
call scrn

; Demonstrate that the blink rate can be adjusted. We make
; green and bright red flash bright green, very fast (~18/sec).
; The red/green flash is particularly psychedelic.
call reset_palettes
mov al,2
mov si,offset max_grn
call grade_color
mov al,12
mov si,offset max_grn
call grade_color
call load_palettes
mov al,15
call set_delta
mov si,offset fast$
call scrn

; ...and then very slowly.
mov al,1
call set_delta
mov ax,9
call set_flash_rate
mov si,offset slow$
call scrn
mov ax,1
call set_flash_rate
mov al,2
call set_delta

; Show that all this can be done with BG colors too. We'll set blue
; to flash to bright blue and use it as a background. Just for grins,
; we'll set attribute 2 (green) to display as blue, to show that you can
; have a plain blue and a flashing blue on the same screen (but there
; won't be any green).
call reset_palettes
mov al,1
mov si,offset max_blue
mov cx,0F08h
call set_color_partial
mov al,2
mov si,offset blue
call set_color
call load_palettes
mov si,offset back$
mov al,20h
call scrn9

; Demo shows that we can use bright backgrounds but still flash.
; We CLS with a bright BG, then flash cyan text to light cyan
call hw_blink_off ; Disable hardware blinking
call reset_palettes
mov al,93H ; Brt blue BG, cyan FG
call blinker
call load_palettes
mov si,offset brightback$
mov al,90h ; CLS with attrib 90 (bright blue)
call scrn9
call hw_blink_on ; Re-enable hardware blink

; The grand finale. Show that all effects can be mixed on one screen.
mov al,1
call set_delta

; "Beacon" in 1
mov al,1 ; Set blue to max blue in pal 15
mov si,offset max_blue
mov cx,0F0FH
call set_color_partial

; Quick shift green to red in 2
mov al,2
mov si,offset max_red
mov cx,0F08h
call set_color_partial

; Graded green-to-red on attribute 3
mov al,3 ; Make attr 3 base green
mov si,offset green
call set_color
mov al,3
mov si,offset max_red
call grade_color

; Blink red to bright red (periodic intensification) in 4
mov al,0C4H ; Set up blinking on bright red
call blinker

; Flash 5 on an off
mov al,5
call blinker

; "Softened blinking" in 6
mov al,6
mov si,offset black
mov cx,0800h
call grade_color_partial
mov al,6
call blinker

; "Fading" in 7
mov al,7
mov si,offset black
call grade_color

; "Pulse" in 10
mov al,10
mov si,offset green
call set_color
mov ax,020AH
mov cx,0F00H
call pulse_color

; Blacken every other palette in 11 (we haven't seen this one yet)
mov si,offset black
mov cx,0000
GF10: mov al,11
call set_color_partial
add cx,0202h
cmp ch,0FH
jbe GF10

; "Strobe" in 14
mov al,14
mov si,offset black
mov cx,0E00h
call set_color_partial
mov al,14
mov si,offset max_yellow
mov cx,0F0FH
call set_color_partial

; Load all those into VGA and display
call load_palettes
mov si,offset mixed$ ; Display the demo
call scrn

; Demos done, clean up for return to DOS
call flash_term

; Exit
mov al,7
call cls
mov ax,4C00h
int 21h

; No VGA found by flash_init, exit with message
mov dx,offset no_VGA$
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov ax,4C01h
int 21h

; ----- hw_blink_off -----------------------------------------------
; Function disables hardware blink, which enables bright BG.
; AX,BX destroyed.
mov ax,1003h
xor bl,bl
int 10h

; ----- hw_blink_on -----------------------------------------------
; Function enables hardware blink, which disables bright BG.
; AX,BX destroyed.

mov ax,1003h
mov bl,1
int 10h

; ----- scrn -------------------------------------------------------------
; This function clears the screen, displays the text at DS:SI, and waits
; for a keystroke. Note that the text is flashing in background while
; we're in BIOS, waiting for a key. In other words, once you've set
; up flashing, all you have to do is display text with the proper attributes
; (i.e., any attribute whose colors differ between palettes 1 and 2), then
; you can go on about your business.
; SCRN2 is similar but doesn't display the color chart and uses a
; background color of AL
mov al,7 ; CLS with attrib 7 (B/W)
call cls
call display ; Display text at SI
call colors ; Display the color chart
scrn50: mov si,offset prompt ; And the "any key" prompt
call display
mov ah,1 ; Wait for a keystroke
int 21h

call cls
call display ; Display the message
jmp scrn50

; ========================================================================
; ========================================================================

; ----- colors -------------------------------------------------
; This subroutine display the chart of all 16 attributes.
show macro strings
irp s,
mov si,offset &s
call display


; ----- display -----------------------------------------------------
; Clears the screen and displays some text with various attributes.
; Text taken from DS:SI in this format:
; Byte Start row
; Byte Start col
; Word Number of char/attr pairs in string
; Words Char/attr pairs
lodsb ; Get row
mov dh,al
lodsb ; Get col
mov dl,al
lodsw ; Get length
mov cx,ax
mov bh,0 ; Display page 0
mov bp,si ; DS:BP -> char/attr string
mov ax,1303h ; Display
int 10h

; ----- cls ---------------------------------------------------------
; Clear the screen, attribute 7 (normally white over black).
; AX,BX,CX,DX destroyed.
push si
push ax

; Get last row number to DH
push bp ; Function destroys ES:BP
push es
mov ax,1130h ; Char gen interface function
xor bh,bh ; Any valid subfn is OK
int 10h ; DL = last row #
pop es
pop bp
mov dh,dl

; Get last column # to DL
mov ah,0FH ; Video GETMODE
int 10h
dec ah ; AH = last col #
mov dl,ah

; Clear screen from (0,0) to (DH,DL)
pop ax ; Recover CLS attribute
mov bh,al ; Attribute to BH
mov cx,0 ; From 0,0
mov ax,0700H ; Scroll up, clear entire window
int 10h

pop si

; ========================================================================
; ========================================================================

; These are some color definitions that we'll use for some of the demos.
; Each definition is three bytes long (one each for red, green, and blue).
; Valid values for each byte are 0-63.
max_red db 3FH, 0, 0
green db 0, 2AH, 0
max_grn db 0, 3FH, 0
max_cyan db 0, 3FH, 3FH
black db 0, 0, 0
max_yellow db 3FH, 3FH, 0
blue db 0, 0, 2AH
brt_blue db 0, 0, 33H
max_blue db 0, 0, 3FH

; Macro to define char/attr pairs for the demo display strings.
; Call: atext attrib,
atext macro attr,dat
irpc x,
db "&x",attr

; Text/attribute strings for the demo displays. See DISPLAY routine.
rg_aug$ label byte
db 0,0
dw rg_aug$L
atext 15,
atext 4,
atext 15,< and >
atext 2,
atext 15,<; high intensity >
atext 10,
atext 15,< pulse less dramatically>
rg_aug$L equ ($-rg_aug$-4)/2

all_aug$ label byte
db 0,0
dw all_aug$L
atext 15,
all_aug$L equ ($-all_aug$-4)/2

g2R$ label byte
db 0,0
dw g2r$L
atext 15,
g2R$L equ ($-g2r$-4)/2

grd_g2R$ label byte
db 0,0
dw grd_g2R$L
atext 15,
grd_g2R$L equ ($-grd_g2R$-4)/2

flash$ label byte
db 0,0
dw flash$L
atext 15,
flash$L equ ($-flash$-4)/2

strobe$ label byte
db 0,0
dw strobe$L
atext 15,
strobe$L equ ($-strobe$-4)/2

r2R$ label byte
db 0,0
dw r2R$L
atext 15,
r2R$L equ ($-r2R$-4)/2

mixed$ label byte
db 0,0
dw mixed$L
atext 15,
mixed$L equ ($-mixed$-4)/2

fast$ label byte
db 0,0
dw fast$L
atext 15,
fast$L equ ($-fast$-4)/2

slow$ label byte
db 0,0
dw slow$L
atext 15,<...or almost too slow to detect (C is obvious, but watch 2)...>
slow$L equ ($-slow$-4)/2

soft$ label byte
db 0,0
dw soft$L
atext 15,
soft$L equ ($-soft$-4)/2

fade$ label byte
db 0,0
dw fade$L
atext 15,
fade$L equ ($-fade$-4)/2

back$ label byte
db 10,16
dw back$L
atext 1EH,< All these effects work on background, too... >
back$L equ ($-back$-4)/2

brightback$ label byte
db 10,0
dw brightback$L
atext 9Eh,
atext 93h,
atext 9Eh,< your text>
brightback$L equ ($-brightback$-4)/2

prompt label byte
db 24,0
dw promptL
atext 15,
promptL equ ($-prompt-4)/2

; Macro generates the data definitions for the attribute chart
a = 0 ; Start with attribute 0
r = 2 ; At screen row 2
irp x,<0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F>
Atr&x label byte
db r,25
dw 10
db "&x",a
a = a+1
r = r+1

; Error message for non-VGA systems
no_VGA$ db 'Sorry, flash demo requires VGA',13,10,10,'$'

code ends
end demo0

  3 Responses to “Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : VGAFX.ZIP
Filename : DEMO1.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: