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PLOTS: TPLOT-based plot manager/command file builder
---------------------------- selected keywords -------------------------------
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TPLOT requires at least one file: a command file. All command files should
have the extension ".PLT" in order for PLOTS to be able to distinguish them from
data files. Optionally, TPLOT can handle one or more data files for a given
command file. I recommend giving these the extension ".DAT".
TPLOT comes with a program called NEWLU.COM which will reassign the LU on the
second line of every file with the extension ".PLT" to the specified number.
The new LU must be one of the following: 186,286,386,486,7470,7475,7550. To
run it from DOS, enter something like:


which, for instance, will set all examples to EGA.

NEWFILE tells TPLOT to look in a different file for data (NOTE: NEWFILE is one
of two PLOT commands that CAN'T come before the title - it comes after the last
legend corresponding to the data read from the original file, after the NEWFILE
command you must start over part of the command sequence - see the example "data
from more than one file".

If you put NOCOLOR just before the NEWFILE command after a contour plot, TPLOT
will switch over to regular X,Y data mode. This was a special request in order
to plot scattered X,Y data on top of X,Y,Z data. You may find some other use
for it.
TPLOT is a generalized scientific plotting program that can be used to generate
plots, graphs, and figures. TPLOT has the capability of special characters,
superscript, subscript, Greek letters, symbols, symbol size increase or
decrease, symbol displacement, and color shifts in text. TPLOT was developed to
produce report quality scientific graphics on a pen plotter. TPLOT also
provides CRT graphics. TPLOT is not intended for generating "pictures" as one
might do with McDraw. TPLOT does not readily produce "pie charts" or "bar
graphs." This is intentional!

TPLOT is not interactive. The user must create a command file containing all of
the instructions that TPLOT is to process. If there is any data to be plotted,
the user must also create a separate data file. Data can be extracted from more
than one file; but these must all be created prior to running TPLOT.

Note that the file name can not exceed twelve characters (this is a holdover
from the HP-1000F RTE operating system).

All character strings (e.g. titles, legends, and data) can have up to 200
characters. A data file can have up 40 columns of numbers. All numbers are
read in free format (refer to a FORTRAN manual if you don't know what this
means). Do not leave gaps in a data file to indicate missing numbers. If you
have missing numbers you must specify some out of range value.

This user guide contains a description of the command syntax used by TPLOT, the
symbol and line types, and a number of examples. The command files as well as
the data used to create the figures in this guide are listed on the following
pages. These files are also stored on the disk under the respective names (e.g.
Example 01 command file is called EXAMPL01.PLT and the data file is called
EXAMPL01.DAT - on the HP-1000F these are called "EX01 and #EX01 respectively).

The first line in your command file must be simply "TPLOT". This is to remind
you that this file was created for TPLOT rather than one of the other numerous
plot programs that are floating around. You can put something else on this line
if you like as a comment to yourself as long as it starts at column 7 or beyond
as TPLOT only reads the first six characters of any command. This only applies
to commands such as TPLOT, COLOR, ASPECT, DASH, etc. and not to lines where
numbers are expected. In the latter case, the full 128 (or 200) characters will
be read.
The second line of your command file must contain the destination (or LU). This
is a 4-digit integer (ie. 9872) as detailed below. DO NOT include character
abbreviations for the manufacturer in the destination (ie. "HP-9872" will
result in an error).

for this device use....................................this LU
IBM-PC 720X348 HGA (Hercules) graphics (low resolution).. 186
IBM-PC 640X350 EGA graphics (low resolution)............. 286
COMPAQ Plasma 640X400 QGA graphics (low resolution)...... 386
IBM-PC 640X480 VGA graphics (low resolution)............. 486
HP-2623 B&W graphics terminal (low resolution)........... 2623
HP-2627 color graphics terminal (low resolution)......... 2623
HP-2648 B&W graphics terminal (low resolution)........... 2648
Tektronix-4014 graphics terminal (high resolution)....... 4014
Tektronix-4107 graphics terminal (medium resolution)..... 4107
HP-7470 two pen plotter (very high resolution)........... 7470
HP-7475 four pen plotter (very high resolution).......... 7475
HP-7550 eight pen plotter (very high resolution)......... 7550
IBM-PC 320X200 B&W graphics (very low resolution)........ 8086
HP-9872 six pen plotter (very high resolution)........... 9872

Also on the second line following the destination (or LU) you can specify the
initialization option and the alternate LU.

On a graphics terminal, the initialization option, IOPT, tells TPLOT whether or
not to clear the CRT before plotting (this does not work on the PC). If IOPT=0
then TPLOT clears the screen, if IOPT>0 then TPLOT doesn't clear the screen. If
you are sending a plot to an HP-9872 pen plotter and want an 8.5"X11" plot then
IOPT should be either 0 or 1. For an 11"X17" plot IOPT should be 2.

The alternate LU tells TPLOT to send the plot to something other than the
default. If you are working on the HP-1000F you should know the difference
between a system and a session LU before you start. If, for instance, the 7550
is supposed to be connected to LU=56; but someone has moved it to LU=45, then
you will have to specify "7550,0,45" if you want the plot to go to the 7550.

On the PC, the alternate LU is used to tell TPLOT which COM port you want the
plot sent from if it is going to a pen plotter. For instance, to send a plot to
an HP-7470 connected to COM1 specify "7470,0,1" (for COM2 specify "7470,0,2").
!ABSOLUTE changes scale to absolute raster units, this is the opposite of the
!RELATIVE command, absolute is the default, !ABSOLUTE is only valid after the
!DRAW command and can appear anywhere within a set of drawing commands.

!RELATIVE changes the plot scale from raster units to the scale of the previous
plot (you must have already drawn a plot or defined !BOUNDS), note that this
gets tricky when you have more than one X or Y axis on a plot - you get
whichever one you used last.
!ALTER sets alter mode, this is the opposite of the !REGULAR command, regular is
the default, !ALTER can appear anywhere within a set of drawing commands and can
appear before the !PLOT command, but not after the !PLOT command unless there is
an intervening !DRAW command (I'm sorry this is confusing, just look at the
examples.) see "alter mode".

In order to modify characters with TPLOT it is necessary to assign special
significance to certain characters. TPLOT defaults to "regular mode" which does
not attribute any special meaning to any character. If you want these
enhancements then you need to set "alter mode" with the global command !ALTER.
The only exception to this is the escape character which will toggle "alter
mode" within a string. Most editors won't let you put an escape in your text
anyway. You can switch back and forth from "alter mode" with !ALTER and
!REGULAR as many times as you want while in "draw mode" (ie. after the !DRAW
command); but you must choose one or the other when in "plot mode" (ie. after
the !PLOT command) and you must set it before initiating a plot (ie. before the
!PLOT command). The characters that special meaning in alter mode are as

% split line (drop down and continue)
{ shift to present color/pen +1
} shift to present color/pen -1
@ shift next character to Greek
$ shift next character to symbol

< move next character one-half space to the left
> move next character one-half space to the right
^ move next character one-half line up
\ move next character one-half line down
! make next character one-square-root-of-twoth bigger
` make next character one-square-root-of-twoth smaller
~ make next character a superscript
_ make next character a subscript
] put a little vector arrow over the top of the next character
[ toggle underline
# toggle italics
" toggle shift lock
| hard backspace (this is not the same as <<)
; mask next character

The split line character (%) is kind of tricky because people often forget that
this does something and wonder why their plot that has "RELATIVE HUMIDITY IN %"
in it comes out funny. It is very useful to be able to split lines especially
in labels and legends. If you want to get a percent sign use the mask as
detailed subsequently.

The positioning/size characters (ie. <>^\!`) can be repeated and are
cumulative. To make the next character twice the normal size put two bangs (!)
in front of it (that's where the square root of 2 comes in). To make it four
times as big put 4 bangs in front of it. Six bangs will make it eight times as
big and so forth. To drop the next character a full line use \\, two lines
\\\\, etc.

The shift lock (") can be used to "hold" on any of the positioning/size
adjustments. For example the entire string below will be twice as big as

"!!!!this is a big string - twice as big, in fact"

If you set the shift lock, don't forget to take it off. The shift lock does not
"hold" Greek, symbol, superscript, or subscript. The double shift lock ("") has
no effect; but does come in handy sometimes as mentioned in the draw command

The toggle switches (#[) are used to italicize or underline one or several
characters. The first occurrence will turn it on, the second will turn it off,
the third will turn it back on, etc.

The hard backspace character (|) is another one that often confuses people. A
soft backspace can be obtained by using two half-lefts (<<). However, this only
affects the next character (or characters as long as you have the shift lock
set). The whole rest of the string will have a gap in it (unless you put
something else there). In order to pull the whole line to the left you need a
hard backspace.

In order to actually draw one of the special characters while in "alter mode" it
is necessary to have a mask character. This is the semi-colon (;). If you put
a semi-colon before one of the other characters (including another semi-colon)
it will mask any special significance. For example to get a great big bang (!)
use the following.


SUPPRESS tells TPLOT not to bother listing every data point that is out of range
!BOUNDS specifys the relative bounds of the window on the next line (XMIN, YMIN,
XMAX, YMAX), you must put 4 reals on the next line which correspond to the lower
left and upper right corners of the window in relative units (this doesn't do
anything unless you also use !RELATIVE), !BOUNDS can only appear after the !DRAW

BOUNDS defines the window in percent, you must put 4 real numbers on the next
line (XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX) corresponding to the lower left and upper right
corners of the window in percent (default is 0 0 100 100).

!SCALE changes plot scale, you must define 3 scaling factors on the next line,
X-offset in raster units, Y-offset in raster units, and scale (e.g. say there
were 1000 raster units to the inch on the plotter that you were using, now you
want to send the plot to a device that has only 250 per inch, a scale of
"125,-250,.25" would move the plot one- half inch to the right, one inch down,
and make the whole thing one-fourth scale), the !SCALE command can only appear
after the !DRAW command.

SCALE scales the plot, on the next line put one real indicating the plot size in
percent (50 will make the plot half as high and half as wide and actually looks
smaller than 50% but isn't).

!WINDOW specifys the window in raster units on the next line (MINX, MINY, MAXX,
MAXY), you must put 4 integers on the next line which correspond to the lower
left and upper right corners of the window, !WINDOW can only appear after the
!DRAW command.

WINDOW defines the plot window, on the next line put four integers
MINX,MINY,MAXX,MAXY which are to be the lower left and upper right corners of
the window in raster units.
!BUFFER changes the I/O buffer size, you must put an integer on the next line
indicating how many bytes to use (minimum=50, maximum=1024)
!DRAW initiates "draw" mode (as opposed to "plot" mode)
!END........ quit reading the command file even if there is more
!PLOT....... initiate a plot (also see DRAW)
!TILT....... rotate the whole plot 90 degrees clockwise, this is the opposite
of !UPRIGHT, !TILT can appear anywhere within a set of drawing commands and can
appear before the !PLOT command, but not after the !PLOT command unless there is
an intervening !DRAW command.
ABOVE positions the title above the plot, the title must appear on the next
line. This is the last plot command that you can specify.

BELOW positions the title below the plot, the title must appear on the next
line. This is the last plot command that you can specify.

NOTITLE tells TPLOT not to put a title on the plot (also don't put one in your
command file or TPLOT will think it is supposed to be the xname). This is the
last plot command that you can specify.
ARROW tells TPLOT to read a data file having X,Y,U,V columns and draw 2-D
velocity vectors. See EXAMPLE32.* for more details. The line below the ARROW
command should contain the velocity scale and the fractional arrowhead size
proportional to the default symbol. If you put zero, TPLOT will scale
automatically. If you don't like the way TPLOT scales it, you can play around
with these two numbers until it looks the way you want.

You can also draw a line and an arrowhead like the LABEL command. This is done
with the following syntax and will work only in !PLOT mode. Note that the "<"
must be in column 1.

<-- column 1
<123.4 567.890 123.4 750.0 0 750
[X1] [Y1] [X2] [Y2] [X3] [Y3] ...

The arrowhead will be at (X1,Y1) and the line will go to (X2,Y2) with optional
line to (X3,Y3), (X4,Y4),...

To draw an arrowhead in !DRAW mode, use the following syntax:

-1 50 75 20 45 1 (-1=arrowhead, 50=x-location of point,
75=y-location of center, 20=length,
45=angle, 1=pen/color)

The location (X,Y) and length are in raster units unless !RELATIVE is in effect.
Also you can specify a size of say -.5 and TPLOT will draw an arrowhead with a
length of half the default symbol size.
ASPECT sets the aspect of the characters, you must put 2 real numbers on the
next line ("1.5,0.5" for tall letters and short numbers). These two numbers
control the aspect of the characters drawn horizontally and vertically
CHARACTERS defines the character sizes, you must put 7 integers on the next line
which are the height of the title, xname, xnums, yname, ynumbs, legend, and
symbols respectively in raster units.

LETTERS changes the size of the characters, this is like the CHARACTER command
but it works in relative sizes rather than absolute sizes, on the next line put
7 reals indicating the relative sizes of the title, xname, xnums, yname, ynums,
legend, and symbols respectively (e.g. 7*2 will make all characters twice as
big as normal).

To draw a character string in !DRAW mode, you must begin a line with a character
that can't be mistaken for a number. On the next line TPLOT will attempt to
read eight numbers: the X,Y location in raster units of where you want the
lower left corner of the first character, the height in raster units, then the
aspect, angle, slant, shade, and pen/color number. If TPLOT can't read the 8
numbers on the next line (that is if you have another character string or a
global command on the next line) then TPLOT will draw the string below the
previous one (like text form). In case you haven't drawn a previous line, TPLOT
has some default values for the placement; but this isn't good practice.

100 200 25 1 0 0 0 1 (100=x-location, 200=y-location, 25=height,
1=aspect, 0=angle, 0=slant, 0=shade, 1=pen)

Again, the location (X,Y) is in raster units unless !RELATIVE is in effect.
Also you can specify a size of say -.5 and TPLOT will draw an arrowhead with a
length of half the default symbol size.

If you were to copy the above example EXACTLY (including the comments like
1=aspect) this would get you into trouble because TPLOT can read the "1" on the
third line and will attempt to do something with it. Watch out for this. A
trick that I use when I want to draw a character string that begins with a
number is to precede it with two double quotes. In "alter mode" the double
quote is a shift lock toggle. The two nullify each other so nothing comes out
on the plot; but it keeps TPLOT from misinterpreting it as a number.
COLOR sets up for color regions (these must be triangular and specified in the
data file as X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2,X3,Y3,Z3), on the next line you must put 2 reals
and an integer which are the minimum Z, maximum Z, and outline color (if you
want the color boundaries outlined).

Optionally, you can specify the contour spacing right after the outline color.
Otherwise, it will be computed automatically in order to correspond to the
number of colors available on the selected device.

The number of entries in the legend defaults to the number of available colors
on the device. The typical exception to this is when DOTS or D0TS is used in
which case the resolution defaults to 5. If you want more or less than the
default then specify the desired number after the optional contour spacing.

V6.5 has the option to sort and connect contour segments before plotting them.
This is selected with the C0L0R command (use zeroes instead of OHs). You don't
want to use this on a CRT as it will take considerably longer. The only time
you want to use it is when using a slow pen plotter.

Also see the DOTS, SPOTS, ZARRAY, and NUMBER commands.
If you use the command ZARRAY with the COLOR, C0L0R, CONTOUR, or C0NT0UR then
the data in the data file will be assumed to be in the following form.

first line: Xmin,Xstep,NXsteps,Ymin,Ystep
subsequent lines: Z in row order (you can have up to 40 Zs or 200
characters on each line but each new row in Z must start
on a new line)

For example:

50.0 25.0 9 50.0 25.0 9
-1.526 -1.573 -1.566 -1.500 -1.446 -1.415 -1.402 -1.400 -1.404
-1.558 -1.813 -1.827 -1.566 -1.415 -1.376 -1.373 -1.383 -1.395
-1.459 -1.508 -1.353 -1.278 -1.280 -1.306 -1.341 -1.372 -1.395
-1.433 -1.390 -1.102 -1.105 -1.115 -1.271 -1.350 -1.393 -1.418
-1.525 -1.694 -1.611 -1.426 -1.388 -1.388 -1.446 -1.464 -1.470
-1.502 -1.522 -1.532 -1.629 -1.676 -1.746 -1.449 -1.552 -1.537
-1.503 -1.527 -1.577 -1.730 -1.866 -1.824 -1.657 -1.673 -1.593
-1.514 -1.540 -1.583 -1.657 -1.835 -1.802 -1.765 -1.655 -1.601
-1.518 -1.539 -1.567 -1.601 -1.634 -1.644 -1.633 -1.610 -1.584

This would work equally well:

50.0 25.0 9 50.0 25.0 9
-1.526 -1.573 -1.566 -1.500 -1.446 -1.415
-1.402 -1.400 -1.404
-1.558 -1.813 -1.827 -1.566 -1.415 -1.376
-1.373 -1.383 -1.395
-1.459 -1.508 -1.353 -1.278 -1.280 -1.306
-1.341 -1.372 -1.395
-1.433 -1.390 -1.102 -1.105 -1.115 -1.271
-1.350 -1.393 -1.418
-1.525 -1.694 -1.611 -1.426 -1.388 -1.388
-1.446 -1.464 -1.470
-1.502 -1.522 -1.532 -1.629 -1.676 -1.746
-1.449 -1.552 -1.537
-1.503 -1.527 -1.577 -1.730 -1.866 -1.824
-1.657 -1.673 -1.593
-1.514 -1.540 -1.583 -1.657 -1.835 -1.802
-1.765 -1.655 -1.601
-1.518 -1.539 -1.567 -1.601 -1.634 -1.644
-1.633 -1.610 -1.584

This saves considerable space in the data file when the Zdata is defined in an
evenly spaced rectangular array. There is no limit to the number of rows;
however, there can be no more than 256 columns in the array.
CONTOUR sets up for color (or B&W) contours (the data must be triangular regions
specified in the data file as X1,Y1,Z1, X2,Y2,Z2,X3,Y3,Z3), on the next line you
must put 3 reals which are the minimum Z, the Z increment, and the maximum Z (if
your data goes from Z=0 to Z=100 and you want contours at 0,10,20,30,,,100 use
"0,10,100"). Also see SPOTS.

The number of entries in the legend defaults to the number of available colors
on the device. The typical exception to this is when "DOTS" or "D0TS" is used
in which case the resolution defaults to 5. If you want more or less than the
default then specify the desired number after the maximum Z.

V6.5 has the option to sort and connect contour segments before plotting them.
This is selected with the C0NT0UR command (use zeroes instead of OHs). You
don't want to use this on a CRT as it will take considerably longer. The only
time you want to use it is when using a slow pen plotter.

Also see the DOTS, SPOTS, ZARRAY, and NUMBER commands.
DASH uses dashed grid lines.

SOLID uses solid grid lines.

GRIDCOLOR defines the color/pen with which to draw the grid (this started out
with the pens that dried up before you could get a single plot finished), on the
next line put one integer indicating either the color or pen number.
The GRIDCOLOR command has been extended to allow for up to 10 different pens in
the following order: grid, title, X-name, X-nums, Y-name, Y-nums, extra
X-name, extra X-nums, extra Y-name, and extra Y-nums.

GRIDTYPE defines the line type for the grid, on the next line put a single
integer indicating the line type you want (refer to the figure showing line

DISPLACE displaces the character strings, you must put 12 integers on the next
line that are the X and Y displacement of the title, xname, xnums, yname, ynums,
and legend respectively in raster units (e.g. if there are 1000 raster units
per inch and you want to move all of the Y-axis numbers to the right one-half
inch use "8*0 500 0 2*0", to move them all down three-quarters of an inch use
"8*0 0 -750 2*0").

MOVE works like the DISPLACE command but in relative scale rather than raster
units, on the next line put 12 reals defining the relative displacement (X,Y) of
the title, xname, xnums, yname, ynums, and legend (e.g. if your X-axis goes
from 0 to 1000 and you want to move the title to the right by one-fourth of the
width of the plot, specify 250 11*0).
DOTS sets up for variable density dots (this is a poor patch up for what ought
to be a color plot when all you have is a B&W CRT), this just sets a flag, you
then need to use the COLOR command to actually get the plot.

Use D0TS (with a zero instead of "oh") to reverse the sense of sparse/dense. Of
course, you can specify Zmin>Zmax and Zstep<0 and have the same effect except
for the legend.
EXTRAX sets up for an extra X-axis (like one in degrees F and the other in
degrees C), you don't put anything on the next line but you will have to define
the axis label and scale later.

EXTRAY sets up for an extra Y-axis (like one in degrees F and the other in
degrees C), you don't put anything on the next line but you will have to define
the axis label and scale later.

One of the most common reasons to use extra axes is to present the data in both
SI and sensable units. This is no problem if length, time, energy, etc. are
involved. However, when plotting temperature, there is a little more work to
do. In order for the two axes to properly correspond you must use an offset.
For example, if the first X-axis is in degrees C, say 0,5,10,15,20,25, you would
put the following in your command file:

...intervening commands ending with ABOVE/BELOW/NOTITLE and title
0 5 25 2 -1

In order for the extra X-axis to correspond, it must go from 32 to 77. But you
wouldn't want it to be 32,37,42,... Instead, you want it to offset the first
number by 3 so that they will run 35,40,45,... On the next line you should put:

33 5 77 2 -1 3
LABEL defines a label (NOTE: LABEL is one of two PLOT commands that CAN'T come
before the title - it comes after the plot) on the next line put a character
string of whatever you want, and on the line after that put 2 reals indicating
at what X,Y location you want the lower left hand corner of the first character
in the string to start.

Alternately, a text label is specified with the following syntax and will work
only in !PLOT mode.

[X] [Y] [this is the label]
The LEGEND command allows you to specify the number of entries in the legend of
a color plot. On the next line specify the number of entries (must be between 3
and 10).
LOGX makes the X-axis logarithmic.

LOGY makes the Y-axis logarithmic.

LOGZ takes the log of Z data before plotting.

XLOGX makes the extra X-axis logarithmic.

XLOGY makes the extra Y-axis logarithmic.

Use L0GX and L0GY for expanded exponents (see EXAMPLE32).

Also see TICKL.
MINOR puts minor ticks on the axes. On the next line put four integers defining
how many minor ticks to the major tick you want on the X-axis, Y-axis, far or
extra X-axis, and far or extra Y-axis respectively. For example, if your major
ticks are at 0,10,20,30,... and you want minor ticks at 5,15,25,... put "4*1"
on the next line, for minor ticks at 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,... use
"4*9". If you use a negative number for minors, TPLOT will draw minor grid
division lines across the entire figure rather than just minor ticks.

TICK puts tick marks on the X and Y axis next to the numbers.

TICKL puts minor ticks on any of the log axes (use with TICK or TICKS, but not
with MINOR).

TICKS is the same as TICK but also put them on the far axes too (don't use TICK
and TICKS together).
NOAXES tells TPLOT not to draw any of the axes (but leave room for them), this
is useful in plot-over-plots so as not to repeatedly draw the axes, also for
plots that aren't supposed to look like a plot but actually are (isn't that
clear as mud?).
NOCOLOR tells TPLOT not to use any colors (other than B&W), this only affects
the COLOR and CONTOUR commands (it removes the legend too).
NOLEGEND tells TPLOT not to draw the legends even if they are specified, this is
the only way you can get dashed or solid grid lines to go all the way to the top
(which would mess up your legend if you had one).
NOXNUMS tells TPLOT not to draw any numbers on the X-axis (but leave room for
them), this is handy for getting rid of the numbers for stacked plots or for
leaving room for writing months instead of numbers.
NOYNUMS tells TPLOT not to draw any numbers on the Y-axis (but leave room for
them), this is handy for getting rid of the numbers for stacked plots.
OVERRUN defines the overrun color, you must put a single integer on the next
line which defines the color to use for data out of range (default is black),
this only works on COLOR plots and is useful in drawing such things as "dirt"
below the water in a reservoir or whatever you want the background to look like
if you don't want it just plain black.
SHADE sets the character shading, on the next line put up to six integers
defining the shading to be used on the title, labels (other than the title), the
numbers, the frame, the major grid divisions, and the minor grid divisions
respectively. Note that shade=0 is default, shade=1 is dark, shade=2 is very
dark, shade=3 wears a hole in the paper, and shade>3 will dig through the
plotter bed.
SLANT defines the slant on the characters, on the next line put 2 reals defining
the slant on the characters and numbers respectively (slant=+45 is tilted way
forward and slant=-45 is tilted way backward).
SPOTS sets up for a "spot" plot, or an X,Y,Z scatter plot (ie. unstructured
X,Y,Z data). The location of the data points does not matter in the sense that
they do not need to be in triangles or rectangles. SPOTS is used as a modifier
to the CONTOUR and COLOR commands much like the DOTS command is used as a
modifier to the COLOR command. TPLOT will read the data--which must be in the
form X,Y,Z--and interpolate in order to fill the X-Y data frame. IF you use
SPOTS with the CONTOUR option, TPLOT will put color spots on the plot where the
data appears. If you don't want these, then set the symbol size to zero.

SPOTS defaults to the maximum practical interpolation resolution (64X64); but
you can override this if you want (ie. optionally less resolution and faster
plotting). To do so, put 2 integers on the same line as SPOTS as illustrated

SPOTS 32 24

You can also control the "potential well" interpolation by specifying an
optional third number between 1 and 10 (default is 10) as in:

SPOTS 32 24 2

NOTE: with V7.0 the SPOTS command has been changed.
TEXT sets up for a "text placement as data" plot. This is like a regular plot
except that the data file must be in the form X,Y,string (commas optional),
TPLOT will read the X,Y and parse the string, then draw the string on the plot
with the lower left corner of the first character in the string starting at X,Y,
see the example for more details.
To draw a line or a set of connected line segments in !DRAW mode, use the
following syntax. This example will draw a box of unit size. Note that it
takes five points to draw a box (or four to draw a triangle).

5 2 1 (5=five points, 2=line type, 1=pen/color)
0 0 (X,Y of first point - lower left corner)
0 1 (X,Y of second point - upper left corner)
1 1 (X,Y of third point - upper right corner)
1 0 (X,Y of fourth point - lower right corner)
0 0 (X,Y of fifth point - lower left corner again)

In this case the points (X,Y) are specified in raster units and should be
integers. If !RELATIVE is in effect then the points (X,Y) are in relative
coordinates and should be reals. Note that you can't have less than two points
in a line segment. There is no upper limit on the number of points that can be
connected by line segments in this way.
To draw a circle (or arc) in !DRAW mode, use the following syntax:

0 50 75 100 0 360 3 (0=circle, 50=X-location of center,
75=y-location of center, 100=radius,
0=beginning angle, 360=ending angle,

The location (X,Y) and radius are in raster units unless !RELATIVE is in effect.
Also you can specify a radius of say -.5 and TPLOT will draw a circle with a
radius of half the default symbol size.
To fill in a polygonal region in !DRAW MODE, use the following syntax: Note
that the closure of the polygon is assumed (this is not the case with line
segments - this makes sense if you think about it). To define a box-shaped
polygonal region only takes 4 points, a triangle takes 3. It takes at least 3
points to define a polygon. The maximum number of points DOES MATTER in this
case and is set at 100. A polygonal region can be convex or concave but can not
have any internal voids unless you define the outside boundary in the clockwise
direction, a line going into the void, the boundary of the void in the
counter-clockwise direction, and a line returning from the void to the outside
boundary. If you want to see a picture of what this looks like find an advanced
calculus book and look up line integrals. The following example will fill in a

-4 0 1 10 2 6 (-4=four points, 0=see below, 1=slope of the lines,
10=line spacing in raster units, if you specify
minus ten TPLOT will outline the region too,
2=line type, 6=pen/color)
0 0 (X,Y of first point - lower left corner)
0 100 (X,Y of second point - upper left corner)
100 100 (X,Y of third point - upper right corner)
100 0 (X,Y of fourth point - lower right corner)

The location (X,Y) is in raster units unless !RELATIVE is in effect. Also you
can specify a real number for the second entry (ie. -4 .5 1 0 2 6) and TPLOT
will fill in the pattern with line spacing equal to half the default symbol
size. To outline the region as well use -4 -.5 1 0 2 6.
HPGL2PRN translates HP-GL commands into HP LaserJet or Epson, IBM, or STAR dot
matrix commands for a printer. HPGL2PRN supercedes HP2EPS, HP2IBM, HP2LJET, and
You can split a long character string onto multiple lines in !DRAW mode by the
concatenation sequence "//" in column 1.
The NUMBER command is used to put numbers on the contours. Each contour will be
numbered once at the point where the gradient is a minimum (or the spacing
between contours is maximum). Optionally, you can put an integer from 1 to 9 or
-9 to -1 on the same line to number the contours at regular intervals (this is
also much faster). If a positive number is specified, the range of X will be
subdivided into equal segments; and if a negative number is specified, the
range of Y will be subdivided into equal segments. Each time a contour crosses
one of these subdividing lines, it will be labeled. For instance, if +3 is
specified and X varies from 0 to 10, then every contour that crosses X=2.5, 5.0,
or 7.5 will be labeled. If -2 is specified and Y varies from 0 to 10, then
every contour that crosses Y=3.333 or 6.667 will be labeled. See the following

PROX makes the X-axis probability.

PROY makes the Y-axis probability.

XPROX makes the extra X-axis probability.

XPROY makes the extra Y-axis probability.
Any character string containing the following sequence:


will be date stamped. The date (e.g. 03/14/90) will be substituted into the
string before drawing it. Similarly any character string containing the
following sequence:


will be time stamped with the hour and minutes in military notation (e.g. 1234
for 12:34 pm).

Use the !INCLUDE command to add another plot command file and return to the
current location on EOF (end of file). Include files can be nested up to 10
deep. This command applies only to the plot command file and not data files.
Use the following syntax:

!INCLUDE d:\path\filename.ext

Use the !TRANSFER command to transfer to another plot command file (do not
return to the current file). This command applies only to the plot command file
and not data files. Use the following syntax:

!TRANSFER d:\path\filename.ext
The FUNCTION command defines a function to be used in preprocessing the data
before plotting. This is useful for such things as unit conversions. The
functions must be defined for each plot (ie. initiation of a new plot will
discard any functions previously defined). There can be up to 40 functions.
Each with up to 128 characters of algebraic commands. These only operate on X,Y
data plots (ie. they will have no effect on X,Y,Z contours). These do not work
in !DRAW mode nor do they have any effect on optional labels at the tail end of
plot commands. These must conform to a certain syntax and must reference
specific columns of data (refered to as C1, C2, ... C40). The operations are
in RPL (reverse polish notation). THERE IS NO PREFERRED ORDER like there is in
FORTRAN! If there is any doubt, I suggest using extra parentheses to remove any
ambiguity. The following syntax is used. Where parentheses are not necessary
they can be omitted as illustrated below. Trailing comments can be added after
a "!" as in FORTRAN.

FUNCTION:C(2)=C(2)/3.281 !convert column 2 from feet to meters
FUNCTION:C(1)=C(1)-32/1.8 !convert column 1 from degrees F to C
FUNCTION:c3=c1*c2-c4 !upper case and parentheses optional
FUNCTION:C1=C1L/2.303 !same as C(1)=ALOG(C(1))/2.303
FUNCTION:C12=C10MC11 !same as C(12)=AMAX1(C(10),C(11))
FUNCTION:C32=C40NC41 !same as C(32)=AMIN1(C(40),C(41))
FUNCTION:C5=C5|+3*6 !same as C(5)=(ABS(C(5))+3)*6 note RPL!
FUNCTION:C3=C3$C4 !same as C(3)=SIGN(C(3),C(4))
FUNCTION:C2=C3**4.2 !same as C(2)=C(3)**4.2
FUNCTION:C2=C3^C2 !same as C(2)=C(3)**C(2)
FUNCTION:C2=(C1-1)/(C2-2) !same as C(2)=(C(2)-1.)/(C(2)-2.)
The !STANDARD command will scale the plot as close to an HP-7475 pen plotter as
possible (at the expense of resolution on a CRT). This may help you to see how
things will fit better on the final hard copy.

  3 Responses to “Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : TPLOT73.ZIP
Filename : PLOTS.HLP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: