Dec 092017
TOP DRAW v1.0a - Powerful yet easy to use object-oriented drawing program. For: desktop publishing, illustrations, diagrams, logos, brochures, newsletters, and more.

Full Description of File

TOP DRAW v1.0a - Powerful yet easy to
use object-oriented drawing program. For:
desktop publishing, illustrations, diagrams,
logos, brochures, newsletters, and more.
Context-sensitive on-line help, status line,
shape palette, multi-level undo. Gradient
fills, textures, calligraphic pens, layers,
text wraps to fit shape, Bezier curves.
Much more! Try it! Requires Windows 3.1 on
80386 or better. Top Software (11/30/93)

File TOPDRAW.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Printer + Display Graphics
TOP DRAW v1.0a – Powerful yet easy to use object-oriented drawing program. For: desktop publishing, illustrations, diagrams, logos, brochures, newsletters, and more.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ARROWS.TDS 9242 2438 deflated
ASSORTED.TDS 51238 23662 deflated
CONTEST.WRI 2304 842 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 441 318 deflated
HEARTS.TDR 14513 5896 deflated
INSTALL.EXE 33280 14661 deflated
MERGE.TDR 9372 3284 deflated
OCEAN.TDR 9382 3377 deflated
OPINION.WRI 2432 859 deflated
ORDER.WRI 9216 2450 deflated
PENS.TDS 7118 1552 deflated
PINETREE.TDR 4450 864 deflated
PRESSREL.WRI 7680 3087 deflated
PROBLEM.WRI 2176 997 deflated
README.WRI 18176 7250 deflated
SAMPLER.TDR 8358 2268 deflated
SHAREWAR.WRI 3968 1668 deflated
SYSOP.WRI 6016 2528 deflated
TOPDRAW.EXE 675328 228847 deflated
TOPDRAW.HLP 519543 378433 deflated
TOPDRAW.PAL 1026 390 deflated
TOPDRAW.TDR 39477 12925 deflated
TOPSTAR.TDR 20836 7241 deflated
VENDOR.WRI 14464 5288 deflated

Download File TOPDRAW.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.WRI file

TOP DRAW v1.0a - Powerful yet easy to
use object-oriented drawing program. For:
desktop publishing, illustrations, diagrams,
logos, brochures, newsletters, and more.
Context-sensitive on-line help, status line,
shape palette, multi-level undo. Gradient
fills, textures, calligraphic pens, layers,
text wraps to fit shape, Bezier curves.
Much more! Try it! Requires Windows 3.1 on
80386 or better. Top Software (11/30/93) 1E2x

November 1993
Getting Started with Top DrawTM

Copyright 1993 Top SoftwareTM

New Top Draw users should read this discussion in its entirety so that they can get up and running quickly. It is also important that you understand copyright law as it applies to this program, and the benefits of becoming a registered user. The following topics are covered:

System Requirements
License Agreement
Technical Support
Running Top Draw
Learning the Features
Release Notes
About Top Software
ASP Ombudsman Statement

1. System Requirements
Top Draw runs under Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later. It requires about 2 megabytes of free memory under Windows to run. All distributed files occupy about 2 megabytes of hard disk space. A display resolution of 640x480 (standard VGA) or better is required, and your system must have a Windows supported mouse or equivalent pointing device. Top Draw works with any printer supported by Windows.

Top Draw will run on any 80386, 80486 (SX, DX, DX2), or Pentium based computer that runs Microsoft Windows. For acceptable performance, a 25MHz 80386SX or better CPU with 4 megabytes or more of RAM is recommended. If you want to experience the full power of Top Draw, a fast 386DX, 486DX, or Pentium processor and an accelerated Super-VGA display are best. Top Draw is written to take advantage of a floating point coprocessor if one is installed.

2. License Agreement
Top Draw is protected under U.S. and international copyright law. This license agreement describes your rights and responsibilities as a user of this software. "Top Draw" and "Top Software" are trademarks of Top Software.

Top Draw Evaluation Version supports all features but you must press a key to bypass the "sign-on" message and a "reminder" message may appear when exiting the program. Top Draw Registered Version supports all features. The program "sign-on" message and "about" dialog will tell you what version you are running.

Top Draw Evaluation Version is provided to the user for 60 days of evaluation use without a license fee. At the end of the evaluation period, the user must either register the program or stop using it. The Evaluation Version may be copied and distributed to others as shareware provided that no fee is charged and no files are modified or deleted.

Anyone distributing Top Draw for any kind of remuneration must first read and follow the distributor licensing instructions in the file "VENDOR.WRI". Sysops should read the instructions in the file "SYSOP.WRI".

Upon paying the registration fee, or upon retail purchase, one copy of Top Draw Registered Version is licensed to the purchaser for use on one computer at any one time. You must treat the software just like a book. This software may be used by any number of people and may be freely moved from one computer location to another, so long as there is no possibility of it being used at one location while it's being used at another.

Business users - ask about special discounts for site license agreements. For network server installation - ask about our multi-user licenses. Home users - ask about special "home license" arrangements that allow you to run Top Draw on all of your home computers for a single low license fee. Schools - ask about our special educational discounts and site license agreements.

3. Disclaimer


4. Technical Support
To reach technical support, call Top Software at (303) 838-0384, or send CIS e-mail to 72643,436. In the UK, call Nildram Software at 0442 891331, or send CIS e-mail to 76004,3436. Unregistered users are entitled to one technical support call. Registered users may call as often as necessary. For further information, click on Technical Support in the Top Draw Help menu.

5. Installation
Floppy Disk:
- Find the file install.exe in your distributed files (on "disk 1").
- Run it from inside Windows (double-click in File Manager, or use File|Run in Program Manager).
- Follow the instructions.

BBS Download:
- Create a TOPDRAW directory on your hard drive (suggested: c:\topdraw)
- Download file(s) into this directory.
- Decompress (UNZIP)
- Run install.exe in Windows to verify files, and to set up an icon and a *.tdr file association
install.exe must be in the same directory as the other Top Draw files.

- Configuration vary. Follow on-disk instructions.

6. Running Top Draw
Running Top Draw is like running any other Windows application. You can double-click on the Top Draw icon in Program Manager, double click on topdraw.exe in File Manager, or type in a command line in the Program Manager File|Run dialog. You can double-click on any *.tdr (Top Draw) file in File Manager to start the program with the clicked-on file loaded.

To exit Top Draw, choose Exit in the Top Draw File menu, or choose Close in the control menu of the Top Draw window (upper left).

7. Learning The Features
The on-line help system provides everything you need to learn to use Top Draw. Click on Contents in the Top Draw Help menu. In the Help window, click on Learning Top Draw. Browse through the information provided.

If you are not familiar with Windows Help, you can save $20 (or more) by learning it now (see How to Use Help in the Top Draw Help menu). The on-line help provided with Top Draw contains the same information as the printed User's Guide, only the on-line version is more convenient to use and is in color. In addition, updated on-line help is included in the basic cost of an upgrade (i.e. FREE for your one free upgrade). An updated User's Guide costs another $20. Save time. Save money. Save trees. Save space on your bookshelf. Use on-line help.

TIP 1: To get help on a menu command, move the mouse cursor over the menu command so that a brief description of the command appears in the Status Line, then, without moving the mouse or releasing the mouse button, press F1 for detailed help.

TIP 2: For help on any Top Draw button, move the mouse cursor over the button so a brief desription of the button function appears in the Status Line, then press F1 for detailed help.

8. Registering

Why register? Here are a few good reasons:

1. To get past the "sign-on" message without pressing a key.
2. To get rid of "reminder" messages when you exit the program.
3. To get a printed manual (optional).
4. To get a free upgrade to the next version (see the "Coming Soon..." section for details).
5. To get additional pens, arrow heads, symbol sets, and clip art.
6. To get bug fix and upgrade notices.
7. To get our newsletter containing tips, tricks, contest, and company information.
8. To get conversion utilities if the drawing file format changes.
9. To be eligible for full technical support.
10. To be eligible to enter our annual art contest.
11. To make money! (see below).
12. It's the right thing to do.

How do I register?
If you have a credit card (Mastercard or Visa), just call. For current pricing, phone numbers, and international ordering information, see the file "ORDER.WRI" or the "Register" topic in the on-line help. Mail-order customers - see the file "ORDER.WRI" or the "Register" topic in the on-line help for an order form. Just print it, fill it out, and mail it in.

What do I get?
We will ship you a copy of the newest version of Top Draw (which will often have new features that you don't have) and extra goodies such as more pens, arrows, symbol sets, etc. If you order the printed User's Manual, you will get that too. When the next version is ready, we will send you a free upgrade to the program (disk only).

Here are 2 ways to make money using Top Draw:

1. Annual Art Contest
Submit your best drawing(s) on a floppy disk along with a completed contest entry form to Top Software (see the file "contest.wri"). Winners will be chosen once a year and announced on July 4th. Entries must be received by May 1st to be considered for the current contest year. The decisions of the judges are final. All entries become the property of Top Software. Awards will be in cash and will be a function of total sales (so make sure your friends register!). The minimum awards will be: first place $100, second place $50, third place $25. Registered users only!

2. Clip Art And Symbol Sets
We need additional clip art and symbol sets to distribute with Top Draw and will pay for top quality work. Clip art should generally be realistic rather than cartoon style. Pictures of "ordinary" objects are generally the most useful as clip art. Symbol sets should be focused (e.g. flow charting, computers & networks, floor plans, paper dolls, etc.) and provide full coverage of the chosen topic area. You are encouraged to call Top Software for an evaluation of your concept and to send in samples before committing large amounts of time to a project. All work must be original. Registered users only!

9. Release Notes
This is Top Draw Version 1.0a, release date 11/30/93.
Changes Since Version 1.0:

ASP Member - The author of Top Draw is now a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals. The new version meets all ASP no-crippling requirements.

Smaller Help file - By optimizing Top Draw Windows Metafile output and manually fine tuning some figures, the Help file is now much smaller with the same content. This makes room for future upgrades!

Text shortcuts - To add text to the selected object, just start typing. Double-click with the Select tool to switch to the Text Tool and set the text caret location.

New keyboard accelerators - Ctrl+C (Copy Style), Shift+Ctrl+C (Set Style), Ctrl+B (bold), Ctrl+I (italic), Ctrl+U (underline), Shift+Ctrl+G (Ungroup - was Ctrl+U). Backspace key can now be used to delete objects and nodes the same as the Delete key.

Main Menu "Help" moved - shifted over from far right corner to match Microsoft conventions, makes it easier to find.

topdraw.ini moved - to the Windows directory to simplify running Top Draw directly from CD-ROM.

Coming Soon - In Top Draw Version 1.1

Line Text - just click anywhere and start typing. Then manipulate the line to get rotated text, text on a curve, and more. Or click on an existing line (even a curved one) and start typing. The text will follow the line.
Status Line - more step-by-step prompting during various operations for even greater ease of use.
More - built in textures, symbol sets, clip art, etc.
Speed ups and fixes - Expect a faster, more polished, solid package.

What new feature do you need the most? Drop us a line and let us know, we may be able to put it in the next release. Unlike the big guys, we will add specialized features just to make our program the top contender in a small market niche. If you've gotta have it and nobody else does it, call us, or use the form provided in the file "opinion.doc".
Registered Top Draw 1.0 and 1.0a users will get Version 1.1 as their free upgrade.

10. About Top Software
Top Software was founded January 1, 1993. Jeff Becker, founder and President of Top Software as well as designer and developer of Top Draw, has B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Illinois. Top Draw is the company's first product. The company is located near Conifer, Colorado, which is in the foothills near Denver.

11. ASP Ombudsman Statement
This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants
to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related
problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP
Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide
technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road,
Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe
Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
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 December 9, 2017  Add comments

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