Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : TIFGIF.ZIP
Filename : COMPRESS.C

Output of file : COMPRESS.C contained in archive : TIFGIF.ZIP
/* Copyright (c) 1987 */
/* by CompuServe Inc., Columbus, Ohio. All Rights Reserved */
/* COMPRESS.C can be copied and distributed freely for any */
/* non-commercial purposes. COMPRESS.C can only be incorporated */
/* into commercial software with the permission of CompuServe Inc. */

* The compression algorithm builds a string translation table that maps
* substrings from the input string into fixed-length codes. These codes
* are used by the expansion algorithm to rebuild the compressor's table
* and reconstruct the original data stream. In it's simplest form, the
* algorithm can be stated as:
* "if k is in the table, then is in the table"
* is a code which represents a string in the table. When a new
* character k is read in, the table is searched for k. If this
* combination is found, is set to the code for that combination
* and the next character is read in. Otherwise, this combination is
* added to the table, the code is written to the output stream and
* is set to k.
* The expansion algorithm builds an identical table by parsing each
* received code into a prefix string and suffix character. The suffix
* character is pushed onto the stack and the prefix string translated
* again until it is a single character. This completes the expansion.
* The expanded code is then output by popping the stack and a new entry
* is made in the table.
* The algorithm used here has one additional feature. The output codes
* are variable length. They start at a specified number of bits. Once
* the number of codes exceeds the current code size, the number of bits
* in the code is incremented. When the table is completely full, a
* clear code is transmitted for the expander and the table is reset.
* This program uses a maximum code size of 12 bits for a total of 4096
* codes.
* The expander realizes that the code size is changing when it's table
* size reaches the maximum for the current code size. At this point,
* the code size in increased. Remember that the expander's table is
* identical to the compressor's table at any point in the original data
* stream.
* The compressed data stream is structured as follows:
* first byte denoting the minimum code size
* one or more counted byte strings. The first byte contains the
* length of the string. A null string denotes "end of data"
* This format permits a compressed data stream to be embedded within a
* non-compressed context.
* AUTHOR: Steve Wilhite

#include /* MSC 4.0 */

#include "compress.h"

#define GetMem _fmalloc
#define FreeMem _ffree

#define far_null_ptr 0L
#define null_ptr 0
#define largest_code 4095
#define table_size 5003

/* Declare prototypes */

static void init_table( short min_code_size );

static void flush( short n );

static void write_code( short code );

jmp_buf recover;

struct code_entry
short prior_code;
short code_id;
unsigned char added_char;

static short code_size;
static short clear_code;
static short eof_code;
static short min_code;
static short bit_offset;
static short byte_offset, bits_left;
static short max_code;
static short free_code;
static short prefix_code;
static short suffix_char;
static short hx, d;

static unsigned char code_buffer[256+3];
static struct code_entry far *code_table;
static short (*get_byte)(void);
static short (*put_byte)(unsigned char);

static void init_table( short min_code_size )
short i;

code_size = min_code_size + 1;
clear_code = 1 << min_code_size;
eof_code = clear_code + 1;
free_code = clear_code + 2;
max_code = 1 << code_size;

for (i = 0; i < table_size; i++)
code_table[i].code_id = 0;


static void flush( short n )
short i, status;

status = (*put_byte)((unsigned char)(n));

if (status != 0)
longjmp(recover, status);

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
status = (*put_byte)(code_buffer[i]);

if (status != 0)
longjmp(recover, status);

static void write_code( short code )
long temp;

byte_offset = bit_offset >> 3;
bits_left = bit_offset & 7;

if (byte_offset >= 254)
code_buffer[0] = code_buffer[byte_offset];
bit_offset = bits_left;
byte_offset = 0;

if (bits_left > 0)
temp = ((long) code << bits_left) | code_buffer[byte_offset];
code_buffer[byte_offset] = (unsigned char)(temp);
code_buffer[byte_offset + 1] = (unsigned char)(temp >> 8);
code_buffer[byte_offset + 2] = (unsigned char)(temp >> 16);
code_buffer[byte_offset] = (unsigned char)(code);
code_buffer[byte_offset + 1] = (unsigned char)(code >> 8);

bit_offset += code_size;


short Compress_Data( short min_code_size,
short (*get_byte_routine)(void),
short (*put_byte_routine)(unsigned char) )
* Function:
* Compress a stream of data bytes using the LZW algorithm.
* Inputs:
* min_code_size
* the field size of an input value. Should be in the range from
* 1 to 9.
* get_byte_routine
* address of the caller's "get_byte" routine:
* status = get_byte();
* where "status" is
* 0 .. 255 the byte just read
* -1 logical end-of-file
* < -3 error codes
* put_byte_routine
* address the the caller's "put_byte" routine:
* status = put_byte(value)
* where
* value the byte to write
* status 0 = OK, else < -3 means some error code
* Returns:
* 0 normal completion
* -1 (not used)
* -2 insufficient dynamic memory
* -3 bad "min_code_size"
* < -3 error status from either the get_byte or put_byte routine
short status;

get_byte = get_byte_routine;
put_byte = put_byte_routine;

if (min_code_size < 2 || min_code_size > 9)
if (min_code_size == 1)
min_code_size = 2;
return -3;

code_table = (struct code_entry far *)
GetMem(sizeof(struct code_entry)*table_size);

if (code_table == null_ptr)
return -2;

status = setjmp(recover);

if (status != 0)
FreeMem((char *) code_table);
return status;

(*put_byte)((unsigned char)(min_code_size)); /* record minimum code size */
bit_offset = 0;
suffix_char = (*get_byte)();

if (suffix_char >= 0)
prefix_code = suffix_char;

while ((suffix_char = (*get_byte)()) >= 0)
hx = (prefix_code ^ suffix_char << 5) % table_size;
d = 1;

for (;;)
if (code_table[hx].code_id == 0)

d = free_code;

if (free_code <= largest_code)
code_table[hx].prior_code = prefix_code;
code_table[hx].added_char = (unsigned char)(suffix_char);
code_table[hx].code_id = free_code;

if (d == max_code)
if (code_size < 12)
max_code <<= 1;

prefix_code = suffix_char;

if (code_table[hx].prior_code == prefix_code &&
code_table[hx].added_char == (unsigned char)(suffix_char))
prefix_code = code_table[hx].code_id;

hx += d;
d += 2;
if (hx >= table_size)
hx -= table_size;

if (suffix_char != -1)
longjmp(recover, suffix_char);

else if (suffix_char != -1)
longjmp(recover, suffix_char);


/* Make sure the code buffer is flushed */

if (bit_offset > 0)
flush((bit_offset + 7)/8);

flush(0); /* end-of-data */

FreeMem((char *) code_table);
return 0;

  3 Responses to “Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : TIFGIF.ZIP
Filename : COMPRESS.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: