Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : TED.ZIP
Filename : TED.LSP

Output of file : TED.LSP contained in archive : TED.ZIP
; TED 2.1a
; Full screen line editor for AutoCAD text entities.
; Please read TED.DOC for installation and operation instructions.
; This is a shareware product. If you use TED, you must register.
; Copyright 1988 Alacrity

(defun c:TED (/ ss process escape modify key ent num entlst deltxt len nkey
i chglin txtlst tab display txtlin cursor ins mode comlin err
entdata txt modtxt clear x insert p lst delete chglst okey)
; Error Handler
(setq err *error*)
(defun *error* (msg)
(setq *error* err)
(princ msg)
; Process alphanumeric key
(defun process ()
; Insert or Replace
(if ins
; Print change, make change to txt
(setq txt (strcat (substr txt 1 (1- p))
(princ (chr key))
(princ (substr txt p))))
(princ "\004")
; Add to pointer, length
(setq p (1+ p) len (1+ len))
; Position cursor
; Print change, make change to txt
(setq txt (strcat (substr txt 1 (1- p))
(princ (chr key))
(substr txt (1+ p))))
; Add to length if end of line
(if (> p len)
(setq len (1+ len))
(princ "\004")
; Add to pointer
(setq p (1+ p))
; Position cursor
; Position Cursor
(defun cursor ()
; Write current cursor position
(princ (strcat "\e[2;26H" (itoa p) " "
; Position cursor
"\e[" (itoa (+ 5 txtlin)) ";" (itoa p) "H"))
; Delete atom in list
(defun delete (lst p)
((zerop p) (cdr lst))
(T (cons (car lst) (delete (cdr lst) (1- p))))
; Insert atom in list
(defun insert (lst x p)
((zerop p) (cons x lst))
(T (cons (car lst) (insert (cdr lst) x (1- p))))
; Change current line
(defun chglin (i)
; Has text changed?
(if txt (chglst))
; Set variables
(setq txtlin (+ i txtlin) ; current text line
p 1 ; string position
txt (nth txtlin txtlst) ; current text string
len (strlen txt) ; length of text string
; Write current line number to status line
(princ (strcat "\e[2;15H" (itoa (1+ txtlin)) " "))
; Modify text entity
(defun modtxt ()
(setq entdata (entget (nth txtlin entlst)))
(entmod (subst (cons 1 txt) (assoc 1 entdata) entdata))
; Clear command line
(defun comlin () (princ "\e[3;1H\e[K"))
; Update text list
(defun chglst ()
; Has text changed
(if (/= txt (nth txtlin txtlst))
; Yes, update txtlst
(setq txtlst (insert (delete txtlst txtlin) txt txtlin))
; Toggle Insert ON/OFF
(defun mode ()
; Toggle
(setq ins (not ins))
; Save cursor position, locate cursor on status line
; Print insert mode
; restore cursor position
(princ (strcat "\e[s\e[2;1H" (if ins "Insert " "Replace") "\e[u"))
; Clear screen of garbage
(defun clear ()
(princ "\e[2J")
(repeat 24 (terpri))
(princ "\n \n \n \n")
; Generate TED display
(defun display ()
; Clear screen
; Redefine keys
; Title line
"\e[2J\e[0mTED 2.1a (c) 1988 Alacrity \e[7mF2\e[0mModify\e[7mNA\e[0mJoin"
(if ins "Insert " "Replace")
" Line "
(itoa (1+ txtlin))
"\e[2;19HColumn "
(itoa p)
"\e[2;31H\020 \021 \036 \037 Home End Ins Del BackSpace TAB ShftTAB ESC\n"
; Tab stops line
(repeat 16 (princ tab))
; Write text strings
'(lambda (x)
(princ (strcat x "\004\n"))
; Delete Text Entity
(defun deltxt ()
; Clear screen
; Delete entity
(entdel (nth txtlin entlst))
; Update variables
(setq txtlst (delete txtlst txtlin)
entlst (delete entlst txtlin)
txt nil
num (1- num)
; Still have text?
(if (zerop num)
; No, quit
; Yes,
; Regen display
; Reposition cursor
(if (zerop txtlin)
(chglin 0)
(chglin -1)
; Modify text, Regen screen
(defun modify ()
; Update txtlst
; Continue or Quit
(princ "Any key to continue, [ESC] to end.")
(if (= (cadr (grread)) 27)
; ESCAPE (Quit)
; Continue
; Ecape (Quit TED)
(defun escape ()
; Has text changed?
; Clear command line
; Update text?
(initget "Yes No")
(setq key (getkword "Make changes? No/: "))
; Clear screen
(if (/= key "No")
'(lambda (ent txt)
; Get entity list
(setq entdata (entget ent))
; Has text been changed?
(if (/= (cdr (assoc 1 entdata)) txt)
; Yes, make changes
(entmod (subst (cons 1 txt) (assoc 1 entdata) entdata))
entlst txtlst
; Quit TED
; New Key Definitions
(defun nkey ()
(princ "\e[0;75;0;115p\e[0;77;0;116p\e[0;71;0;119p\e[0;79;0;117p\e[0;73;0;132p")
(princ "\e[0;81;0;118p\e[0;82;0;23p\e[0;83;0;32p\e[0;72;0;132p\e[0;80;0;118p")
; Old Key Definitions
(defun okey ()
(princ "\e[0;75;0;75p\e[0;77;0;77p\e[0;71;0;71p\e[0;74;0;74p\e[0;73;0;73p")
(princ "\e[0;81;0;81p\e[0;82;0;82p\e[0;83;0;83p\e[0;72;0;72p\e[0;80;0;80p")
; Initialize some parameters
(setvar "CmdEcho" 0)
(setq num 0
p 1
txtlin 0
tab (strcat "+" (chr 205) (chr 205) (chr 205) (chr 205))
; Create entlst of text entities and txtlst of text strings
(if (setq ss (ssget))
(while (and (setq ent (ssname ss 0)) (< num 15))
(if (equal (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ent))) "TEXT")
(setq entlst (append entlst (list ent))
txtlst (append txtlst
(list (substr (cdr (assoc 1 (entget ent))) 1 79)))
num (1+ num)
(ssdel ent ss)
(setq txt (nth 0 txtlst)
ent (nth 0 entlst)
; Main routine
; Are there any text entities selected?
(if entlst
; Yes, edit them
; Draw display

; Initialize cursor position
(chglin 0)
; Are there text lines to edit?
(if (zerop num) nil T)
; Get input from user
(if (= (car (setq key (grread))) 2)
(setq key (cadr key))
; Alphanumeric key
((not (or (< key 32) (> key 126) (> p 80))) (process))
; Ctrl Left arrow
((not (or (/= key 243) (< p 2)))
(progn (setq p (1- p)) (cursor))
; Ctrl Right arrow
((not (or (/= key 244) (> p len)))
(progn (setq p (1+ p)) (cursor))
; Backspace
((not (or (/= key 8) (< p 2)))
(setq p (1- p))
(setq txt (strcat (substr txt 1 (1- p))
(princ (substr txt (1+ p))))
(princ "\004 ")
(setq len (1- len))
((= key 9)
(setq p (if (= (/ (1- p) 5) (/ (1- p) 5.0))
(+ p 5)
(+ 6 (* (/ (1- p) 5) 5))))
(if (>= p len) (setq p (1+ len)))
; Shift TAB
((= key 143)
(setq p (if (= (/ (1- p) 5) (/ (1- p) 5.0))
(- p 5)
(1+ (* (/ (1- p) 5) 5))))
(if (< p 1) (setq p 1))
; Home
((= key 247) (progn (setq p 1) (cursor)))
; End
((= key 245) (progn (setq p (1+ len)) (cursor)))
; Down arrow or ENTER
((or (= key 246) (= key 13))
; Less then number of text lines
((< txtlin (1- num)) (chglin 1))
; Can do no more lines
(T (chglin 0))
; Up arrow
((not (or (/= key 132) (<= txtlin 0))) (chglin -1))
; Modify F2
((= key 188) (modify))
; Delete
((not (or (/= key 160) (> p len)))
(setq txt (strcat (substr txt 1 (1- p))
(princ (substr txt (1+ p)))))
(princ "\004 ")
(setq len (1- len))
; Insert
((= key 151) (mode))
((= key 27) (escape))
; Fall through
(T T)
; Is text string empty?
(if (< len 1) (deltxt) T)
(setq *error* err)
; End of File

  3 Responses to “Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : TED.ZIP
Filename : TED.LSP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: