Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : POV2DOC.ZIP
Filename : STONES.INC

Output of file : STONES.INC contained in archive : POV2DOC.ZIP
#declare Stones_Inc_Temp = version
#version 2.0

Persistence of Vision Raytracer Version 2.0

Stone textures by Mike Miller 1992

Contains declared texture statements defining a variety of
stone granite & marble textures. Most use the granite texture.
Turbulence has no effect on granite, but turbulence is stated
before the color map for convenience of switching to marble, which
does need a turbulence to swirl the color. I tried to avoid using
a random dither, but I find it helps create a subtle grain & can
spark lost colors in the map. On multi-layered texture, try a float
of about 0.05 on the first texture.

Final Note: I would not "INCLUDE" this whole data file into a scene
file if only one or two of these textures were being
used...There are too many declares being used.

The textures Grnt0-Grnt29, Grnt0A-Grnt24A and Crack1-Crack4 are
"building blocks" that are used to create the final "usable" textures,
Stone1 - Stone24 (and other textures that *you* design, of course!)


Grnt0 - Grnt29 color maps (generally) contain no filter values
Grnt0 - Gray/Tan with Rose.
Grnt1 - Creamy Whites with Yellow & Light Gray.
Grnt2 - Deep Cream with Light Rose, Yellow, Orchid, & Tan.
Grnt3 - Warm tans olive & light rose with cream.
Grnt4 - Orchid, Sand & Mauve.
Grnt5 - Medium Mauve Med.Rose & Deep Cream.
Grnt6 - Med. Orchid, Olive & Dark Tan "mud pie".
Grnt7 - Dark Orchid, Olive & Dark Putty.
Grnt8 - Rose & Light Cream Yellows
Grnt9 - Light Steely Grays
Grnt10 - Gray Creams & Lavender Tans
Grnt11 - Creams & Grays Kahki
Grnt12 - Tan Cream & Red Rose
Grnt13 - Cream Rose Orange
Grnt14 - Cream Rose & Light Moss w/Light Violet
Grnt15 - Black with subtle chroma
Grnt16 - White Cream & Peach
Grnt17 - Bug Juice & Green
Grnt18 - Rose & Creamy Yellow
Grnt19 - Gray Marble with White feather Viens
Grnt20 - White Marble with Gray feather Viens
Grnt21 - Green Jade
Grnt22 - Clear with White feather Viens (has some transparency)
Grnt23 - Light Tan to Mauve
Grnt24 - Light Grays
Grnt25 - Moss Greens & Tan
Grnt26 - Salmon with thin Green Viens
Grnt27 - Dark Green & Browns
Grnt28 - Red Swirl
Grnt29 - White, Tan, w/ thin Red Viens

Grnt0A - Grnt24A color maps containing filter
Grnt0a - Translucent Grnt0
Grnt1a - Translucent Grnt1
Grnt2a - Translucent Grnt2
Grnt3a - Translucent Grnt3
Grnt4a - Translucent Grnt4
Grnt5a - Translucent Grnt5
Grnt6a - Translucent Grnt6
Grnt7a - Translucent Grnt7
Grnt8a - Aqua Tints
Grnt9a - Filter Creams With Cracks
Grnt10a - Filter Cream Rose & light yellow
Grnt11a - Filter Light Grays
Grnt12a - Filter Creams & Tans
Grnt13a - Filter Creams & Grays
Grnt14a - Cream Rose & light moss
Grnt15a - Filter Sand & light Orange
Grnt16a - Cream Rose & light moss (again?)
Grnt17a - ???
Grnt18a - ???
Grnt19a - Gray Marble with White feather Viens with Filter
Grnt20a - White Feather Viens
Grnt21a - Thin White Feather Viens
Grnt22a - ???
Grnt23a - Transparent Green Moss
Grnt24a - ???

Crack1 - Crack4 clear with an thin opaque band for Cracks
Crack1 - Crack & Red Overtint
Crack2 - Translucent Dark Cracks
Crack3 - Overtint Green w/ Black Cracks
Crack4 - Overtint w/ White Crack


Stone1 - Stone24 complete texture statements - edit to your
scene & lighting situations.
Stone1 - Deep Rose & Green Marble with large White Swirls
Stone2 - Light Greenish Tan Marble with Agate style veining
Stone3 - Rose & Yellow Marble with fog white veining
Stone4 - Tan Marble with Rose patches
Stone5 - White Cream Marble with Pink veining
Stone6 - Rose & Yellow Cream Marble
Stone7 - Light Coffee Marble with darker patches
Stone8 - Gray Granite with white patches
Stone9 - White & Light Blue Marble with light violets
Stone10- Dark Brown & Tan swirl Granite with gray undertones
Stone11- Rose & White Marble with dark tan swirl
Stone12- White & Pinkish Tan Marble
Stone13- Medium Gray Blue Marble
Stone14- Tan & Olive Marble with gray white veins
Stone15- Deep Gray Marble with white veining
Stone16- Peach & Yellow Marble with white veining
Stone17- White Marble with gray veining
Stone18- Green Jade with white veining
Stone19- Peach Granite with white patches & green trim
Stone20- Brown & Olive Marble with white veining
Stone21- Red Marble with gray & white veining
Stone22- Dark Tan Marble with gray & white veining
Stone23- Peach & Cream Marble with orange veining
Stone24- Green & Tan Moss Marble


//--------- Gray Tan with Rose
#declare Grnt0 =
texture {
turbulence 0.4
{[0.000, 0.153 color rgbf <0.729, 0.502, 0.451, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.769, 0.686, 0.592, 0.000>]
[0.153, 0.398 color rgbf <0.769, 0.686, 0.592, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.843, 0.753, 0.718, 0.000>]
[0.398, 0.559 color rgbf <0.843, 0.753, 0.718, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.780, 0.667, 0.561, 0.000>]
[0.559, 0.729 color rgbf <0.780, 0.667, 0.561, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.741, 0.659, 0.576, 0.000>]
[0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.741, 0.659, 0.576, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.729, 0.502, 0.451, 0.000>]

//----- Creamy Whites with yellow & light gray
#declare Grnt1 =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.212 color rgbf <0.898, 0.898, 0.851, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.969, 0.980, 0.875, 0.000>]
[0.212, 0.424 color rgbf <0.969, 0.980, 0.875, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.859, 0.859, 0.859, 0.000>]
[0.424, 0.627 color rgbf <0.859, 0.859, 0.859, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.000>]
[0.627, 0.881 color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.937, 0.965, 0.902, 0.000>]
[0.881, 1.001 color rgbf <0.937, 0.965, 0.902, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.898, 0.898, 0.851, 0.000>]

//------- Deep Cream with light rose, yellow orchid & tan
#declare Grnt2 =
texture {
turbulence 0.5
{[0.000, 0.178 color rgbf <0.863, 0.757, 0.596, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.925, 0.792, 0.714, 0.000>]
[0.178, 0.356 color rgbf <0.925, 0.792, 0.714, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.000>]
[0.356, 0.525 color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.000>]
[0.525, 0.729 color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.902, 0.812, 0.714, 0.000>]
[0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.902, 0.812, 0.714, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.863, 0.757, 0.596, 0.000>]

//------- Warm tans olive & light rose with cream
#declare Grnt3 =
texture {
turbulence 0.5
{[0.000, 0.178 color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.925, 0.831, 0.714, 0.000>]
[0.178, 0.356 color rgbf <0.925, 0.831, 0.714, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.000>]
[0.356, 0.525 color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000>]
[0.525, 0.729 color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.937, 0.882, 0.820, 0.000>]
[0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.937, 0.882, 0.820, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000>]

//-------- Orchid sand & mouve
#declare Grnt4 =
texture {
turbulence 0.5
{[0.000, 0.178 color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.816, 0.725, 0.537, 0.000>]
[0.178, 0.356 color rgbf <0.816, 0.725, 0.537, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.820, 0.580, 0.522, 0.000>]
[0.356, 0.525 color rgbf <0.820, 0.580, 0.522, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.882, 0.725, 0.537, 0.000>]
[0.525, 0.729 color rgbf <0.882, 0.725, 0.537, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.000>]
[0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.000>]

//------- Medium Mauve Med.Rose & deep cream
#declare Grnt5 =
texture {
turbulence 0.5
{[0.000, 0.178 color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.000>]
[0.178, 0.356 color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.667, 0.502, 0.478, 0.000>]
[0.356, 0.525 color rgbf <0.667, 0.502, 0.478, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.859, 0.624, 0.545, 0.000>]
[0.525, 0.729 color rgbf <0.859, 0.624, 0.545, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.000>]
[0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.000>]

//--------- Med. Orchid Olive & Dark Tan "mud pie"
#declare Grnt6 =
texture {
turbulence 0.5
{[0.000, 0.153 color rgbf <0.545, 0.380, 0.345, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.588, 0.475, 0.333, 0.000>]
[0.153, 0.398 color rgbf <0.588, 0.475, 0.333, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.675, 0.478, 0.404, 0.000>]
[0.398, 0.559 color rgbf <0.675, 0.478, 0.404, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.757, 0.635, 0.522, 0.000>]
[0.559, 0.729 color rgbf <0.757, 0.635, 0.522, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.659, 0.549, 0.443, 0.000>]
[0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.659, 0.549, 0.443, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.545, 0.380, 0.345, 0.000>]

//------- Dark Orchid Olive & Dark Putty
#declare Grnt7 =
texture {
turbulence 0.5
{[0.000, 0.153 color rgbf <0.439, 0.310, 0.282, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.463, 0.369, 0.259, 0.000>]
[0.153, 0.398 color rgbf <0.463, 0.369, 0.259, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.541, 0.369, 0.298, 0.000>]
[0.398, 0.559 color rgbf <0.541, 0.369, 0.298, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.573, 0.424, 0.286, 0.000>]
[0.559, 0.729 color rgbf <0.573, 0.424, 0.286, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.494, 0.396, 0.306, 0.000>]
[0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.494, 0.396, 0.306, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.439, 0.310, 0.282, 0.000>]

//--------- Rose & Light cream Yellows
#declare Grnt8 =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.179 color rgbf <0.843, 0.655, 0.655, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.886, 0.769, 0.627, 0.000>]
[0.179, 0.368 color rgbf <0.886, 0.769, 0.627, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.000>]
[0.368, 0.538 color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.851, 0.671, 0.671, 0.000>]
[0.538, 0.846 color rgbf <0.851, 0.671, 0.671, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.000>]
[0.846, 0.983 color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.827, 0.612, 0.612, 0.000>]
[0.983, 1.001 color rgbf <0.827, 0.612, 0.612, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.843, 0.655, 0.655, 0.000>]

//--------- Light Steely Grays
#declare Grnt9 =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.894, 0.886, 0.886, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.745, 0.745, 0.753, 0.000>]
[0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.745, 0.745, 0.753, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.902, 0.902, 0.859, 0.000>]
[0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.902, 0.902, 0.859, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.729, 0.706, 0.694, 0.000>]
[0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.729, 0.706, 0.694, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.588, 0.592, 0.635, 0.000>]
[0.615, 0.803 color rgbf <0.588, 0.592, 0.635, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.608, 0.616, 0.659, 0.000>]
[0.803, 1.001 color rgbf <0.608, 0.616, 0.659, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.894, 0.886, 0.886, 0.000>]

//--------- Gray Creams & lavender tans
#declare Grnt10 =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.890, 0.690, 0.690, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.000>]
[0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.745, 0.635, 0.651, 0.004>]
[0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.745, 0.635, 0.651, 0.004>
color rgbf <0.733, 0.596, 0.557, 0.004>]
[0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.733, 0.596, 0.557, 0.004>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.000>]
[0.615, 0.803 color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.765, 0.616, 0.659, 0.000>]
[0.803, 1.001 color rgbf <0.765, 0.616, 0.659, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.890, 0.690, 0.690, 0.000>]

//--------- Creams & Grays Kakhi
#declare Grnt11 =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.000>]
[0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000>]
[0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.694, 0.624, 0.604, 0.004>]
[0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.694, 0.624, 0.604, 0.004>
color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000>]
[0.615, 0.812 color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.725, 0.655, 0.651, 0.000>]
[0.812, 1.001 color rgbf <0.725, 0.655, 0.651, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000>]

//--------- Tan Cream & Red Rose
#declare Grnt12 =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.996, 0.969, 0.800, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.000>]
[0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.000>]
[0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.816, 0.631, 0.537, 0.000>]
[0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.816, 0.631, 0.537, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.000>]
[0.615, 0.812 color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.000>]
[0.812, 1.001 color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.969, 0.800, 0.000>]

//--------- Cream Rose orange
#declare Grnt13 =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.698, 0.624, 0.000>]
[0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.698, 0.624, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.906, 0.675, 0.553, 0.000>]
[0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.906, 0.675, 0.553, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.000>]
[0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.000>]
[0.615, 0.812 color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.000>]
[0.812, 1.001 color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.000>]

//--------- Cream Rose & light moss & light Violet
#declare Grnt14 =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.690, 0.612, 0.569, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.737, 0.596, 0.522, 0.000>]
[0.154, 0.368 color rgbf <0.737, 0.596, 0.522, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.776, 0.702, 0.624, 0.000>]
[0.368, 0.538 color rgbf <0.776, 0.702, 0.624, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.796, 0.678, 0.643, 0.000>]
[0.538, 0.846 color rgbf <0.796, 0.678, 0.643, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.690, 0.612, 0.569, 0.000>]
[0.846, 0.932 color rgbf <0.690, 0.612, 0.569, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.773, 0.612, 0.569, 0.000>]
[0.932, 1.001 color rgbf <0.773, 0.612, 0.569, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.690, 0.612, 0.569, 0.000>]

//--------- Black with subtle chroma
#declare Grnt15 =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.104 color rgbf <0.161, 0.133, 0.118, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.110, 0.082, 0.071, 0.000>]
[0.104, 0.252 color rgbf <0.110, 0.082, 0.071, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.161, 0.133, 0.118, 0.000>]
[0.252, 0.383 color rgbf <0.161, 0.133, 0.118, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000>]
[0.383, 0.643 color rgbf <0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.161, 0.133, 0.118, 0.000>]
[0.643, 0.783 color rgbf <0.161, 0.133, 0.118, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.220, 0.149, 0.137, 0.000>]
[0.783, 0.922 color rgbf <0.220, 0.149, 0.137, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000>]
[0.922, 0.983 color rgbf <0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.220, 0.149, 0.137, 0.000>]
[0.983, 1.001 color rgbf <0.220, 0.149, 0.137, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.161, 0.133, 0.118, 0.000>]

//----- White Cream & Peach
#declare Grnt16 =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.316 color rgbf <0.910, 0.788, 0.788, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.922, 0.914, 0.871, 0.000>]
[0.316, 0.453 color rgbf <0.922, 0.914, 0.871, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.894, 0.867, 0.780, 0.000>]
[0.453, 0.624 color rgbf <0.894, 0.867, 0.780, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.784, 0.788, 0.788, 0.000>]
[0.624, 0.726 color rgbf <0.784, 0.788, 0.788, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.000>]
[0.726, 0.863 color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.000>]
[0.863, 1.001 color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.910, 0.788, 0.788, 0.000>]

//----- Bug Juice & Green
#declare Grnt17 =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.303 color rgbf <0.000, 0.239, 0.000, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.333, 0.294, 0.000, 0.000>]
[0.303, 0.588 color rgbf <0.333, 0.294, 0.000, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.000, 0.239, 0.341, 0.000>]
[0.588, 0.790 color rgbf <0.000, 0.239, 0.341, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.000, 0.020, 0.000, 0.000>]
[0.790, 1.001 color rgbf <0.000, 0.020, 0.000, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.000, 0.239, 0.000, 0.000>]

//------------ Rose & cream yellow
#declare Grnt18 =
texture {
turbulence 0.4
{[0.000, 0.202 color rgbf <1.000, 0.718, 0.541, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.890, 0.651, 0.612, 0.000>]
[0.202, 0.298 color rgbf <0.890, 0.651, 0.612, 0.000>
color rgbf <1.000, 0.820, 0.675, 0.000>]
[0.298, 0.377 color rgbf <1.000, 0.820, 0.675, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.890, 0.643, 0.612, 0.000>]
[0.377, 0.465 color rgbf <0.890, 0.643, 0.612, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.937, 0.729, 0.561, 0.000>]
[0.465, 0.544 color rgbf <0.937, 0.729, 0.561, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.878, 0.604, 0.565, 0.000>]
[0.544, 0.640 color rgbf <0.878, 0.604, 0.565, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.984, 0.780, 0.655, 0.000>]
[0.640, 0.860 color rgbf <0.984, 0.780, 0.655, 0.000>
color rgbf <1.000, 0.863, 0.635, 0.000>]
[0.860, 0.982 color rgbf <1.000, 0.863, 0.635, 0.000>
color rgbf <1.000, 0.765, 0.620, 0.000>]
[0.982, 1.001 color rgbf <1.000, 0.765, 0.620, 0.000>
color rgbf <1.000, 0.718, 0.541, 0.000>]

//--------- Gray Marble with White feather Viens
#declare Grnt19 =
texture {
turbulence 0.0
{[0.0, 0.3 color White color DimGray]
[0.3, 0.4 color DimGray color DimGray]
[0.4, 0.6 color DimGray color DimGray]
[0.6, 1.0 color DimGray color DimGray]
finish {
crand 0.02

//--------- White Marble with Gray feather Viens
#declare Grnt20 =
texture {
turbulence 0.0
{[0.0, 0.3 color Mica color White]
[0.3, 0.4 color White color White]
[0.4, 0.6 color White color White]
[0.6, 1.0 color White color White]
finish {
crand 0.02

//-------- Declare Green Colors
#declare g1 = color red 0.26 green 0.41 blue 0.31 //---Light Gray Green
#declare g2 = color red 0.27 green 0.34 blue 0.26 //---Med Gray Green
#declare g3 = color red 0.13 green 0.29 blue 0.28 //---Med Gray Aqua
#declare g4 = color red 0.03 green 0.18 blue 0.08 //---Dark Green

//--------- Green Jade
#declare Grnt21 =
texture {
turbulence 0.0
{[0.0, 0.1 color White filter 0.3 color SeaGreen filter 0.4]
[0.1, 0.3 color SeaGreen filter 0.4 color g2 filter 0.7]
[0.3, 0.5 color g2 filter 0.7 color DarkGreen filter 0.7]
[0.5, 0.7 color DarkGreen filter 0.7 color g4 filter 0.7]
[0.7, 0.8 color g4 filter 0.7 color DarkGreen filter 0.7]
[0.8, 1.0 color DarkGreen filter 0.7 color DarkGreen filter 0.7]
finish {
crand 0.02

//--------- Clear with White feather Viens ----- This one does contain Filter
#declare Grnt22 =
texture {
turbulence 0.0
{[0.0, 0.07 color White color White]
[0.07, 0.2 color White color DimGray]
[0.2, 0.3 color DimGray color Clear]
[0.3, 0.7 color Clear color Clear]
[0.7, 1.0 color Clear color DimGray]
finish {
crand 0.02

//---------- Light Tan to Mouve
#declare Grnt23 =
texture {
turbulence 0.5
{[0.000, 0.178 color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.925, 0.831, 0.714, 0.000>]
[0.178, 0.356 color rgbf <0.925, 0.831, 0.714, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.000>]
[0.356, 0.525 color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000>]
[0.525, 0.729 color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.937, 0.882, 0.820, 0.000>]
[0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.937, 0.882, 0.820, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000>]

//--------- Light Grays
#declare Grnt24 =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.894, 0.886, 0.886, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.745, 0.745, 0.753, 0.000>]
[0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.745, 0.745, 0.753, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.902, 0.902, 0.859, 0.000>]
[0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.902, 0.902, 0.859, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.729, 0.706, 0.694, 0.000>]
[0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.729, 0.706, 0.694, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.588, 0.592, 0.635, 0.000>]
[0.615, 0.803 color rgbf <0.588, 0.592, 0.635, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.608, 0.616, 0.659, 0.000>]
[0.803, 1.001 color rgbf <0.608, 0.616, 0.659, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.894, 0.886, 0.886, 0.000>]

//------------ Moss Greens & Tan
#declare Grnt25 =
texture {
turbulence 0.7
{[0.000, 0.168 color rgbf <0.824, 0.725, 0.584, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.514, 0.584, 0.533, 0.000>]
[0.168, 0.301 color rgbf <0.514, 0.584, 0.533, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000>]
[0.301, 0.398 color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.263, 0.337, 0.282, 0.000>]
[0.398, 0.558 color rgbf <0.263, 0.337, 0.282, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.431, 0.506, 0.451, 0.000>]
[0.558, 0.655 color rgbf <0.431, 0.506, 0.451, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.529, 0.631, 0.471, 0.000>]
[0.655, 0.735 color rgbf <0.529, 0.631, 0.471, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.333, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000>]
[0.735, 0.823 color rgbf <0.333, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000>]
[0.823, 0.876 color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000>]
[0.876, 0.929 color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000>]
[0.929, 1.001 color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.824, 0.725, 0.584, 0.000>]

//---------- Salmon with thin Green Viens
#declare Grnt26 =
texture {
{[0.000, 0.241 color rgbf <0.973, 0.973, 0.976, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.973, 0.973, 0.976, 0.000>]
[0.241, 0.284 color rgbf <0.973, 0.973, 0.976, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.600, 0.741, 0.608, 0.000>]
[0.284, 0.336 color rgbf <0.600, 0.741, 0.608, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.820, 0.643, 0.537, 0.000>]
[0.336, 0.474 color rgbf <0.820, 0.643, 0.537, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.886, 0.780, 0.714, 0.000>]
[0.474, 0.810 color rgbf <0.886, 0.780, 0.714, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.643, 0.537, 0.000>]
[0.810, 0.836 color rgbf <0.996, 0.643, 0.537, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.973, 0.973, 0.976, 0.000>]
[0.836, 1.001 color rgbf <0.973, 0.973, 0.976, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.973, 0.973, 0.976, 0.000>]
finish {
crand 0.02

//------ Dark Green & Browns
#declare Grnt27 =
texture {
{[0.000, 0.043 color rgbf <0.773, 0.647, 0.569, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.431, 0.322, 0.227, 0.000>]
[0.043, 0.113 color rgbf <0.431, 0.322, 0.227, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.278, 0.282, 0.216, 0.000>]
[0.113, 0.304 color rgbf <0.278, 0.282, 0.216, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.278, 0.282, 0.216, 0.000>]
[0.304, 0.426 color rgbf <0.278, 0.282, 0.216, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.459, 0.341, 0.243, 0.000>]
[0.426, 0.843 color rgbf <0.459, 0.341, 0.243, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.459, 0.341, 0.243, 0.000>]
[0.843, 0.878 color rgbf <0.459, 0.341, 0.243, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.459, 0.341, 0.243, 0.000>]
[0.878, 0.983 color rgbf <0.459, 0.341, 0.243, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.278, 0.282, 0.216, 0.000>]
[0.983, 1.001 color rgbf <0.278, 0.282, 0.216, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.773, 0.647, 0.569, 0.000>]

//------- Red Swirl
#declare Grnt28 =
texture {
turbulence 0.7
{[0.000, 0.155 color rgbf <0.686, 0.235, 0.282, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.686, 0.235, 0.282, 0.000>]
[0.155, 0.328 color rgbf <0.686, 0.235, 0.282, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.494, 0.243, 0.294, 0.000>]
[0.328, 0.474 color rgbf <0.494, 0.243, 0.294, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.769, 0.329, 0.373, 0.000>]
[0.474, 0.647 color rgbf <0.769, 0.329, 0.373, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.769, 0.329, 0.373, 0.000>]
[0.647, 0.810 color rgbf <0.769, 0.329, 0.373, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.686, 0.235, 0.282, 0.000>]
[0.810, 0.922 color rgbf <0.686, 0.235, 0.282, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.792, 0.388, 0.427, 0.000>]
[0.922, 1.001 color rgbf <0.792, 0.388, 0.427, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.686, 0.235, 0.282, 0.000>]
finish {
crand 0.03

//-------- White Tan & thin Reds
#declare Grnt29 =
texture {
turbulence 0.5
{[0.000, 0.053 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.624, 0.000>]
[0.053, 0.263 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.624, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.000>]
[0.263, 0.281 color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.643, 0.380, 0.376, 0.000>]
[0.281, 0.325 color rgbf <0.643, 0.380, 0.376, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.839, 0.722, 0.722, 0.000>]
[0.325, 0.711 color rgbf <0.839, 0.722, 0.722, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.000>]
[0.711, 0.798 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.769, 0.380, 0.376, 0.000>]
[0.798, 0.895 color rgbf <0.769, 0.380, 0.376, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.000>]
[0.895, 0.982 color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.000>]
[0.982, 1.001 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.000>]

//------------ start of textures with filter

//----- Translucent Grnt0
#declare Grnt0a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.153 color rgbf <0.729, 0.502, 0.451, 0.306>
color rgbf <0.769, 0.686, 0.592, 0.792>]
[0.153, 0.398 color rgbf <0.769, 0.686, 0.592, 0.792>
color rgbf <0.843, 0.753, 0.718, 0.396>]
[0.398, 0.559 color rgbf <0.843, 0.753, 0.718, 0.396>
color rgbf <0.780, 0.667, 0.561, 0.976>]
[0.559, 0.729 color rgbf <0.780, 0.667, 0.561, 0.976>
color rgbf <0.741, 0.659, 0.576, 0.820>]
[0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.741, 0.659, 0.576, 0.820>
color rgbf <0.729, 0.502, 0.451, 0.306>]

//----- Translucent Grnt1
#declare Grnt1a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.212 color rgbf <0.898, 0.898, 0.851, 0.306>
color rgbf <0.969, 0.980, 0.875, 0.792>]
[0.212, 0.424 color rgbf <0.969, 0.980, 0.875, 0.792>
color rgbf <0.859, 0.859, 0.859, 0.396>]
[0.424, 0.627 color rgbf <0.859, 0.859, 0.859, 0.396>
color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.976>]
[0.627, 0.881 color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.976>
color rgbf <0.937, 0.965, 0.902, 0.820>]
[0.881, 1.001 color rgbf <0.937, 0.965, 0.902, 0.820>
color rgbf <0.898, 0.898, 0.851, 0.306>]

//-----Translucent Grnt2
#declare Grnt2a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.144 color rgbf <0.863, 0.757, 0.596, 0.596>
color rgbf <0.925, 0.792, 0.714, 0.349>]
[0.144, 0.288 color rgbf <0.925, 0.792, 0.714, 0.349>
color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.784>]
[0.288, 0.644 color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.784>
color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.498>]
[0.644, 0.983 color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.498>
color rgbf <0.902, 0.812, 0.714, 0.722>]
[0.983, 1.001 color rgbf <0.902, 0.812, 0.714, 0.722>
color rgbf <0.863, 0.757, 0.596, 0.596>]

//-----Translucent Grnt3
#declare Grnt3a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.153 color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.447>
color rgbf <0.925, 0.831, 0.714, 0.678>]
[0.153, 0.297 color rgbf <0.925, 0.831, 0.714, 0.678>
color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.475>]
[0.297, 0.441 color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.475>
color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.918>]
[0.441, 0.763 color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.918>
color rgbf <0.937, 0.882, 0.820, 0.655>]
[0.763, 1.001 color rgbf <0.937, 0.882, 0.820, 0.655>
color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.447>]

//-----Translucent Grnt4
#declare Grnt4a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.144 color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.569>
color rgbf <0.816, 0.725, 0.537, 0.467>]
[0.144, 0.449 color rgbf <0.816, 0.725, 0.537, 0.467>
color rgbf <0.820, 0.580, 0.522, 0.584>]
[0.449, 0.568 color rgbf <0.820, 0.580, 0.522, 0.584>
color rgbf <0.882, 0.725, 0.537, 0.871>]
[0.568, 0.754 color rgbf <0.882, 0.725, 0.537, 0.871>
color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.816>]
[0.754, 1.001 color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.816>
color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.569>]

//-----Translucent Grnt5
#declare Grnt5a =
texture {
turbulence 0.5
{[0.000, 0.178 color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.569>
color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.467>]
[0.178, 0.356 color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.467>
color rgbf <0.667, 0.502, 0.478, 0.584>]
[0.356, 0.525 color rgbf <0.667, 0.502, 0.478, 0.584>
color rgbf <0.859, 0.624, 0.545, 0.871>]
[0.525, 0.729 color rgbf <0.859, 0.624, 0.545, 0.871>
color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.816>]
[0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.816>
color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.569>]

//-----Translucent Grnt6
#declare Grnt6a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.263 color rgbf <0.545, 0.380, 0.345, 0.733>
color rgbf <0.588, 0.475, 0.333, 0.741>]
[0.263, 0.432 color rgbf <0.588, 0.475, 0.333, 0.741>
color rgbf <0.675, 0.478, 0.404, 0.545>]
[0.432, 0.551 color rgbf <0.675, 0.478, 0.404, 0.545>
color rgbf <0.757, 0.635, 0.522, 0.384>]
[0.551, 0.720 color rgbf <0.757, 0.635, 0.522, 0.384>
color rgbf <0.659, 0.549, 0.443, 0.675>]
[0.720, 1.001 color rgbf <0.659, 0.549, 0.443, 0.675>
color rgbf <0.545, 0.380, 0.345, 0.733>]

//-----Translucent Grnt7
#declare Grnt7a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.119 color rgbf <0.439, 0.310, 0.282, 0.631>
color rgbf <0.463, 0.369, 0.259, 0.847>]
[0.119, 0.322 color rgbf <0.463, 0.369, 0.259, 0.847>
color rgbf <0.541, 0.369, 0.298, 0.549>]
[0.322, 0.449 color rgbf <0.541, 0.369, 0.298, 0.549>
color rgbf <0.573, 0.424, 0.286, 0.965>]
[0.449, 0.729 color rgbf <0.573, 0.424, 0.286, 0.965>
color rgbf <0.494, 0.396, 0.306, 0.741>]
[0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.494, 0.396, 0.306, 0.741>
color rgbf <0.439, 0.310, 0.282, 0.631>]

//-----Aqua Tints
#declare Grnt8a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.119 color rgbf <0.310, 0.384, 0.420, 0.631>
color rgbf <0.322, 0.369, 0.416, 0.847>]
[0.119, 0.322 color rgbf <0.322, 0.369, 0.416, 0.847>
color rgbf <0.424, 0.369, 0.420, 0.549>]
[0.322, 0.449 color rgbf <0.424, 0.369, 0.420, 0.549>
color rgbf <0.373, 0.424, 0.518, 0.965>]
[0.449, 0.729 color rgbf <0.373, 0.424, 0.518, 0.965>
color rgbf <0.482, 0.573, 0.533, 0.741>]
[0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.482, 0.573, 0.533, 0.741>
color rgbf <0.310, 0.384, 0.420, 0.631>]

//-----Filter Creams With Cracks
#declare Grnt9a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.216 color rgbf <0.812, 0.812, 0.812, 0.835>
color rgbf <0.745, 0.843, 0.835, 0.847>]
[0.216, 0.241 color rgbf <0.745, 0.843, 0.835, 0.847>
color rgbf <0.404, 0.337, 0.337, 0.463>]
[0.241, 0.267 color rgbf <0.404, 0.337, 0.337, 0.463>
color rgbf <0.773, 0.729, 0.745, 0.622>]
[0.267, 0.759 color rgbf <0.773, 0.729, 0.745, 0.622>
color rgbf <0.914, 0.843, 0.725, 0.651>]
[0.759, 0.784 color rgbf <0.914, 0.843, 0.725, 0.651>
color rgbf <0.153, 0.133, 0.208, 0.437>]
[0.784, 0.810 color rgbf <0.153, 0.133, 0.208, 0.437>
color rgbf <0.812, 0.812, 0.812, 0.835>]
[0.810, 1.001 color rgbf <0.812, 0.812, 0.812, 0.835>
color rgbf <0.812, 0.812, 0.812, 0.835>]

//--------- Filter Cream Rose & light yellow
#declare Grnt10a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.179 color rgbf <0.843, 0.655, 0.655, 0.455>
color rgbf <0.886, 0.769, 0.627, 0.608>]
[0.179, 0.368 color rgbf <0.886, 0.769, 0.627, 0.608>
color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.392>]
[0.368, 0.538 color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.392>
color rgbf <0.851, 0.671, 0.671, 0.659>]
[0.538, 0.744 color rgbf <0.851, 0.671, 0.671, 0.659>
color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.392>]
[0.744, 0.983 color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.392>
color rgbf <0.827, 0.612, 0.612, 0.706>]
[0.983, 1.001 color rgbf <0.827, 0.612, 0.612, 0.706>
color rgbf <0.843, 0.655, 0.655, 0.455>]

//--------- Filter Light Grays
#declare Grnt11a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.894, 0.886, 0.886, 0.659>
color rgbf <0.745, 0.745, 0.753, 0.584>]
[0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.745, 0.745, 0.753, 0.584>
color rgbf <0.902, 0.902, 0.859, 0.780>]
[0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.902, 0.902, 0.859, 0.780>
color rgbf <0.729, 0.706, 0.694, 0.686>]
[0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.729, 0.706, 0.694, 0.686>
color rgbf <0.588, 0.592, 0.635, 0.424>]
[0.615, 0.803 color rgbf <0.588, 0.592, 0.635, 0.424>
color rgbf <0.608, 0.616, 0.659, 0.761>]
[0.803, 1.001 color rgbf <0.608, 0.616, 0.659, 0.761>
color rgbf <0.894, 0.886, 0.886, 0.659>]

//--------- Filter Creams & Tans
#declare Grnt12a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.890, 0.690, 0.690, 0.659>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.659>]
[0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.659>
color rgbf <0.745, 0.635, 0.651, 0.780>]
[0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.745, 0.635, 0.651, 0.780>
color rgbf <0.733, 0.596, 0.557, 0.686>]
[0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.733, 0.596, 0.557, 0.686>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.659>]
[0.615, 0.803 color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.659>
color rgbf <0.765, 0.616, 0.659, 0.761>]
[0.803, 1.001 color rgbf <0.765, 0.616, 0.659, 0.761>
color rgbf <0.890, 0.690, 0.690, 0.659>]

//--------- Filter Creams & Grays
#declare Grnt13a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.608>]
[0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.608>
color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.635>]
[0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.635>
color rgbf <0.694, 0.624, 0.604, 0.294>]
[0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.694, 0.624, 0.604, 0.294>
color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.816>]
[0.615, 0.812 color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.816>
color rgbf <0.725, 0.655, 0.651, 0.957>]
[0.812, 1.001 color rgbf <0.725, 0.655, 0.651, 0.957>
color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000>]

//--------- Cream Rose & light moss
#declare Grnt14a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.996, 0.969, 0.800, 0.373>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.412>]
[0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.412>
color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.616>]
[0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.616>
color rgbf <0.816, 0.631, 0.537, 0.443>]
[0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.816, 0.631, 0.537, 0.443>
color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.745>]
[0.615, 0.812 color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.745>
color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.600>]
[0.812, 1.001 color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.600>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.969, 0.800, 0.373>]

//--------- Filter Sand & light Orange
#declare Grnt15a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.412>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.698, 0.624, 0.412>]
[0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.698, 0.624, 0.412>
color rgbf <0.906, 0.675, 0.553, 0.616>]
[0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.906, 0.675, 0.553, 0.616>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.412>]
[0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.412>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.412>]
[0.615, 0.812 color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.412>
color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.600>]
[0.812, 1.001 color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.600>
color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.412>]

//--------- Cream Rose & light moss
#declare Grnt16a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.078 color rgbf <0.769, 0.722, 0.690, 0.180>
color rgbf <0.745, 0.690, 0.655, 1.000>]
[0.078, 0.96 color rgbf <0.745, 0.690, 0.655, 1.000>
color rgbf <0.839, 0.804, 0.780, 1.000>]
[0.96, 1.001 color rgbf <0.839, 0.804, 0.780, 0.278>
color rgbf <0.769, 0.722, 0.690, 0.180>]

#declare Grnt17a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.034 color rgbf <0.027, 0.012, 0.012, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.235>]
[0.034, 0.342 color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.235>
color rgbf <0.792, 0.694, 0.690, 0.839>]
[0.342, 0.462 color rgbf <0.792, 0.694, 0.690, 0.839>
color rgbf <0.631, 0.506, 0.471, 0.608>]
[0.462, 0.632 color rgbf <0.631, 0.506, 0.471, 0.608>
color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.922>]
[0.632, 0.983 color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.922>
color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.282>]
[0.983, 1.001 color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.282>
color rgbf <0.027, 0.012, 0.012, 0.000>]

#declare Grnt18a =
texture {
turbulence 0.6
{[0.000, 0.128 color rgbf <0.820, 0.580, 0.580, 0.000>
color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.235>]
[0.128, 0.282 color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.235>
color rgbf <0.792, 0.694, 0.690, 0.282>]
[0.282, 0.393 color rgbf <0.792, 0.694, 0.690, 0.282>
color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.133>]
[0.393, 0.590 color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.133>
color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.333>]
[0.590, 0.983 color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.333>
color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.282>]
[0.983, 1.001 color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.282>
color rgbf <0.820, 0.580, 0.580, 0.000>]

//--------- Gray Marble with White feather Viens with Filter
#declare Grnt19a =
texture {
turbulence 0.0
{[0.0, 0.3 color White filter 0.0 color DimGray filter 0.5]
[0.3, 0.4 color DimGray filter 0.5 color DimGray filter 0.8]
[0.4, 1.0 color DimGray filter 0.8 color DimGray filter 0.9]
finish {
crand 0.02

//--------- White Feature Viens
#declare Grnt20a =
texture {
turbulence 0.0
{[0.0, 0.2 color White filter 0.0 color White filter 0.7]
[0.2, 0.3 color White filter 0.7 color Clear]
[0.3, 1.0 color Clear color Clear]
finish {
crand 0.02

//--------- Thinner White Feature Viens
#declare Grnt21a =
texture {
turbulence 0.0
{[0.0, 0.2 color White filter 0.4 color White filter 0.8]
[0.2, 0.3 color White filter 0.8 color Clear]
[0.3, 1.0 color Clear color Clear]
finish {
crand 0.02

#declare Grnt22a =
texture {
turbulence 0.5
{[0.000, 0.175 color rgbf <1.000, 0.718, 0.541, 0.890>
color rgbf <0.843, 0.678, 0.655, 0.753>]
[0.175, 0.228 color rgbf <0.843, 0.678, 0.655, 0.753>
color rgbf <0.906, 0.831, 0.773, 0.98>]
[0.228, 0.386 color rgbf <0.906, 0.831, 0.773, 0.698>
color rgbf <0.992, 0.718, 0.545, 0.794>]
[0.386, 0.412 color rgbf <0.992, 0.718, 0.545, 0.794>
color rgbf <0.333, 0.188, 0.067, 0.784>]
[0.412, 0.439 color rgbf <0.333, 0.188, 0.067, 0.784>
color rgbf <0.925, 0.557, 0.514, 0.778>]
[0.439, 0.684 color rgbf <0.925, 0.557, 0.514, 0.678>
color rgbf <0.984, 0.780, 0.655, 0.696>]
[0.684, 0.781 color rgbf <0.984, 0.780, 0.655, 0.696>
color rgbf <0.965, 0.847, 0.675, 0.880>]
[0.781, 0.982 color rgbf <0.965, 0.847, 0.675, 0.880>
color rgbf <1.000, 0.718, 0.541, 0.990>]
[0.982, 1.001 color rgbf <1.000, 0.718, 0.541, 0.890>
color rgbf <1.000, 0.718, 0.541, 0.890>]

//---------- Transparent Green Moss Colors
#declare Grnt23a =
texture {
{[0.000, 0.168 color rgbf <0.824, 0.725, 0.584, 0.600>
color rgbf <0.514, 0.584, 0.533, 0.600>]
[0.168, 0.301 color rgbf <0.514, 0.584, 0.533, 0.600>
color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.600>]
[0.301, 0.398 color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.600>
color rgbf <0.263, 0.337, 0.282, 0.700>]
[0.398, 0.558 color rgbf <0.263, 0.337, 0.282, 0.700>
color rgbf <0.431, 0.506, 0.451, 0.600>]
[0.558, 0.655 color rgbf <0.431, 0.506, 0.451, 0.600>
color rgbf <0.529, 0.631, 0.471, 0.500>]
[0.655, 0.735 color rgbf <0.529, 0.631, 0.471, 0.500>
color rgbf <0.333, 0.376, 0.318, 0.700>]
[0.735, 0.823 color rgbf <0.333, 0.376, 0.318, 0.700>
color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.600>]
[0.823, 0.876 color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.600>
color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.500>]
[0.876, 0.929 color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.500>
color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.600>]
[0.929, 1.001 color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.600>
color rgbf <0.824, 0.725, 0.584, 0.700>]

#declare Grnt24a =
texture {
turbulence 0.5
{[0.000, 0.053 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.500>
color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.624, 0.500>]
[0.053, 0.263 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.624, 0.500>
color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.500>]
[0.263, 0.281 color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.500>
color rgbf <0.643, 0.380, 0.376, 0.500>]
[0.281, 0.325 color rgbf <0.643, 0.380, 0.376, 0.500>
color rgbf <0.839, 0.722, 0.722, 0.500>]
[0.325, 0.711 color rgbf <0.839, 0.722, 0.722, 0.500>
color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.500>]
[0.711, 0.798 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.500>
color rgbf <0.769, 0.380, 0.376, 0.500>]
[0.798, 0.895 color rgbf <0.769, 0.380, 0.376, 0.500>
color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.500>]
[0.895, 0.982 color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.500>
color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.500>]
[0.982, 1.001 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.500>
color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.500>]

/*--------------------Crack & OverTint /Red---------------------*/
#declare Crack1 =
texture {
turbulence 0.85
{[0.0, 0.04 color Black filter 0.6 color Black filter 1.0]
[0.04, 0.97 color Scarlet filter 0.80 color DimGray filter 0.90]
[0.97, 1.001 color Black filter 0.9 color Black filter 1.0]

//-----Filter Dark Cracks
#declare Crack2 =
texture {
turbulence 0.8
{[0.0, 0.5 color Clear color Clear]
[0.5, 0.54 color Clear color Black]
[0.54, 1.0 color Clear color Clear]

//---------- Overtint Green with Black Cracks
#declare Crack3 =
texture {
turbulence 0.85
{[0.0, 0.04 color Black filter 0.6 color Black filter 1.0]
[0.04, 0.97 color DarkGreen filter 0.80 color DarkGreen filter 0.90]
[0.97, 1.001 color Black filter 0.9 color Black filter 1.0]

//--------- Overtint with White Crack
#declare Crack4 =
texture {
turbulence 0.85
{[0.0, 0.03 color White filter 0.3 color White filter 1.0]
[0.03, 0.97 color Black filter 0.70 color DimGray filter 0.90]
[0.97, 1.001 color White filter 0.9 color White filter 1.0]

//----------------- complete texture statements
// Scaled to cover nicely over a 2 unit Cube

//------------- Deep Rose & Green Marble with large White Swirls
#declare Stone1 =
texture{Grnt7 scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>}
texture{Grnt0a scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0,-30>
finish{phong 1 phong_size 90}

//------------- Light Greenish Tan Marble with Agate style veining
#declare Stone2 =
texture{Grnt0 scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>}
texture{Grnt7a scale <1.3, 2, 1.3> rotate <0, 0, -30> rotate <40, 0, 0>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90 ambient 0.2 }

//------------- Rose & Yellow Marble with fog white veining
#declare Stone3 =
texture{Grnt5 scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>}
texture{Grnt0a scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}

//------------- Tan Marble with Rose patches
#declare Stone4 =
texture{Grnt6 scale <1.5, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>
finish{diffuse 0.5}
texture{Grnt10a scale <1, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}

//------------- White Cream Marble with Pink veining
#declare Stone5 =
texture{Grnt12 scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>}
texture{Grnt17a scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30>}
texture{Crack1 scale <1, 2, 1.4> rotate <10, 0, -20>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90 ambient 0.2}

//------------- Rose & Yellow Cream Marble
#declare Stone6 =
texture{Grnt18 scale <1.5, 3, 3> rotate <0, 0, 40>}
texture{Grnt19 scale <2, 4, 1.3> rotate <0, 0, 30>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}
texture{Crack1 scale <1, 2, 1.4> rotate <10, 0, -20>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90 ambient 0.2}

//------------- Light Coffee Marble with darker patches
#declare Stone7 =
texture{pigment{color Salmon}}
texture{Grnt6a scale <1, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>}
texture{Grnt9a scale <3.5, 5, 4> rotate <0, 0, 60>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}

//------------- Gray Granite with white patches
#declare Stone8 =
texture{pigment{color White}
finish{ambient 0.4 crand 0.06 diffuse 0.7}
texture{Grnt0a scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30>}
texture{Grnt9a scale <5, 3, 4> rotate <0, 0, 40>
finish{phong 1.0 ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.5 phong_size 90}

//------------- White & Light Blue Marble with light violets
#declare Stone9 =
texture{Grnt9 scale <1.2, 2.4, 1.2> rotate <0, 0, -30> rotate <40, 0, 0>}
texture{Crack1 scale <1, 2, 1.4> rotate <10, 0, -20>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90 ambient 0.2}

//------------- Dark Brown & Tan swirl Granite with gray undertones
#declare Stone10 =
texture{pigment{color Black}}
texture{Grnt17a scale <3, 6, 2> rotate <0, 0, 50>}
texture{Grnt3a scale <1, 2, 1> rotate <0, 0, -50>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}

//------------- Rose & White Marble with dark tan swirl
#declare Stone11 =
texture{pigment{color Black}}
texture{Grnt15a scale <1.2, 3, 1.5> rotate <70, 0, 30>
finish{crand 0.03}
texture{Grnt2a scale <3, 3, 4> rotate <0, 0, 40>}
texture{Crack1 scale <1, 2, 1.4> rotate <10, 0, -20>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}

//------------- White & Pinkish Tan Marble
#declare Stone12 =
texture{Grnt23 scale <1, 5, 1> rotate <0, 0, 50>
finish{ambient 0.2 crand 0.03}
texture{Grnt0a scale <1, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}


//------------- Medium Gray Blue Marble
#declare Stone13 =
texture{Grnt24 scale <2, 5, 2> rotate <0, 0, 50>
finish{ambient 0.2 crand 0.03}
texture{Grnt8a scale <1, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}

//------------- Tan & Olive Marble with gray white veins
#declare Stone14 =
texture{Grnt6 scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30>
finish{ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.9 crand 0.03}
texture{Grnt19a scale <1, 3, 1> rotate <0, 0, 40>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}

//------------- Deep Gray Marble with white veining
#declare Stone15 =
texture{Grnt20 scale <1, 2, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30>
finish{ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.9 crand 0.03}
texture{Grnt8a scale <1, 2, 1> rotate <0, 0, 40>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}

//------------- Peach & Yellow Marble with white veining
#declare Stone16 =
texture{Grnt18 scale <1.3, 2, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30>
finish{ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.9 crand 0.03}
texture{Grnt19 scale <2, 4, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30>
finish{ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.9 crand 0.03}
texture{Grnt20a scale <1, 2, 1> rotate <0, 0, 40>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}

//------------- White Marble with gray veining
#declare Stone17 =
texture{Grnt20 scale <1, 2, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30>
finish{ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.9 crand 0.03}
//texture{Grnt8a scale <2.5, 4.5, 3.5> rotate <0, 0, 40>
// finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}
texture{Crack3 scale <1, 2, 1.4> rotate <10, 0, -20>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}

//------------- Green Jade with white veining
#declare Stone18 =
texture{pigment{color SeaGreen}
finish{ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.6 crand 0.03}
texture{Grnt22 scale <1.5, 0.7, 0.5> rotate <0, 0, 40>}
texture{Grnt20a scale <2.5, 2, 0.5> rotate <0, 0, -50>}
texture{Crack4 scale <0.7, 1, 1> rotate <10, 0, -20>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}

//------------- Peach Granite with white patches & green trim
#declare Stone19 =
texture{Grnt26 scale <1, 0.7, 0.5> rotate <0, 0, 40>}
texture{Grnt20a scale <2, 3, 1> rotate <10, 0, -20>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}

//------------- Brown & Olive Marble with white veining
#declare Stone20 =
texture{Grnt27 scale <0.7, 0.99, 0.7> rotate <0, 0, 40>}
texture{Grnt12a scale <1, 1.3, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>}
texture{Grnt20a scale <1.9, 3, 0.5> rotate <0, 0, -50>}
texture{Crack1 scale <1, 0.6, 1> rotate <10, 0, -20>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}

//------------- Red Marble with gray & white veining
#declare Stone21 =
texture{Grnt28 scale <1.3, 2.5, 1.7> rotate <0, 0, 40>}
texture{Grnt22 scale <1, 2, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>}
texture{Crack4 scale <1, 0.6, 1> rotate <10, 0, -20>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}

//------------- Dark Tan Marble with gray & white veining
#declare Stone22 =
texture{pigment{color Feldspar}}
texture{Grnt8a scale <1, 2, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>}
texture{Grnt22 scale <2, 4, 1.5> rotate <0, 0, -50>}
texture{Crack4 scale <1, 1, 1> rotate <10, 0, -40>
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90}

//------------- Peach & Cream Marble with orange veining
#declare Stone23 =
texture{Grnt29 scale <1, 1, 2> rotate <40, 0, 0> rotate <0, 0, 30>}
texture{Grnt24a scale <2, 1, 2> rotate <40, 0, 0> rotate <0, 0, 30>}
texture{Crack1 scale <1, 2, 1.5> rotate <0, 0, 40>}
texture{pigment{color Yellow filter 0.9}
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} // tint to liking

//------------- Green & Tan Moss Marble
#declare Stone24 =
texture{Grnt25 scale <1, 1, 2> rotate <0, 0, 50> rotate <20, 0, 30>}
texture{Grnt23a scale <2, 1, 2> rotate <40, 0, 0> rotate <0, 0, -30>}
texture{pigment{color Gray filter 0.8}
finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} // tint to liking
#version Stones_Inc_Temp

  3 Responses to “Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : POV2DOC.ZIP
Filename : STONES.INC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: