Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : PLYDAT16.ZIP
Filename : ECLPSE.PI

Output of file : ECLPSE.PI contained in archive : PLYDAT16.ZIP
// Experiment in layered textures: A portion of a planet is being
// eclipsed by its moon. All effects will be simulated with solid
// texturing. The final form of the planet has a series of textures
// going from the umbra/penumbra of the eclipse, down to the oceans.
// Polyray input file: Alexander Enzmann

background black // planar_imagemap(image("spirg1.tga"), P)

// Place the sun, at the same time figure out what direction it is at
// so that we can align the planet and moon with it.
define sun_position <-40, 0, -200>
light sun_position

define sun_vector sun_position/|sun_position|

// The moon will be a white bumpy sphere.
define cratered
texture {
noise surface {
color white
normal 1
frequency 4
bump_scale 2
ambient 0.05
diffuse 0.8
specular white, 0.2
microfacet Reitz 5
scale <0.05, 0.05, 0.05>

define moon_position sun_vector * 7
object {
sphere moon_position, 0.3
shading_flags 0

// Set up the camera, we want to point it somewhere between the planet
// and the moon so that we get a good frame of the two. The 2/3 point
// worked out pretty well
viewpoint {
from <0,0,-10>
at 2*moon_position / 3
up <0,1,0>
angle 30
resolution 640, 480
aspect 4/3

// Build an eclipse texture. This is similar in many respects to
// a wood texture. The central core of the eclipse is black, and
// as we move farther from the core, we move into less and less
// shadowed regions. After a certain distance there is no more
// shadow and the eclipse texture becomes clear.
// Note that the eclipse calculations are done with "W". The use of
// world coordinates is quite deliberate - we dont want the eclipse to
// move if the planet turns. The only problem is that the eclipse has to
// be on something at the origin (but then the earth is at the center of
// the universe).
define eclipse_point W / |W|
define eclipse_dot (W[0] * sun_vector[0] +
W[1] * sun_vector[1] +
W[2] * sun_vector[2]) / |W|
define eclipse_dist sqrt(1 - eclipse_dot)
// Define the coloring for the eclipse
// "eclipse_colors" was just for testing on an otherwise uncolored sphere
// we don't want any color at all in the final layered texture.
define eclipse_colors
color_map([0, 0.02, black, black] // Umbra
[0.02, 0.22, black, white] // Penunmbra
[0.22, 4.0, white, white]) // No shadow
// The function for the alpha is what gives us the black core for values
// less than 0.2, a soft shadow for values between 0.02 and 0.22, and no
// shadow above that.

define eclipse_alpha (eclipse_dist < 0.02 ? 0
: (eclipse_dist < 0.22
? 5 * (eclipse_dist - 0.02)
: 1))
define eclipse
texture {
special surface {
color black
ambient 0.1
diffuse 0.9
specular 0
transmission eclipse_alpha, 1.0

// Swirling clouds texture
// This texture is an attempt to add a sort of simulation of the
// Coriolis effect to the clouds over a planet. Not real, but
// I think the look is better than a simple noise function.
// The clouds are swirled by a modulated helix - as we move up
// and down the y axis, we twist back and forth according to
// the value of "y_fn". Using this alone produces very even
// looking clouds that twist back and forth. By then adding some
// displacement to this helix, using the dnoise function, we can
// do some local bubbling of the clouds.
// The multipliers used in the definition of "sky_fn" were found by
// playing around. For a different look, turn off the transmission
// component of the texture and start changing the values. When you
// find one you like, turn on the transmisson again to add in the
// rest of the planet.
define y_fn cos(6*y)
define helical_pos
define sky_fn sawtooth(3*noise(2*helical_pos+3*(dnoise(P, 2)-<0.5,0.5,0.5>), 4))
define sky_color
color_map([0, 0.2, white, white]
[0.2, 0.4, white, 0.7*white]
[0.4, 0.5, 0.7*white, black]
[0.5, 1, black, black])
// The transparency is chosen to coincide with the black portions of
// the color map used in "sky_color". Below 0.4 we are in the white
// part of the clouds, between 0.4 and 0.5 we are in transition from
// white to clear, and above 0.5 there are no clouds.
define sky_alpha (sky_fn < 0.4 ? 0
: (sky_fn < 0.5 ? 10 * (sky_fn - 0.4) : 1))
// Finally put together the cloud texture.
define swirling_clouds
texture {
special surface {
color sky_color[sky_fn]
ambient 0.2
diffuse 0.6
specular 0
transmission sky_alpha, 1.0

// What would a planet be without polar ice caps? This is a very
// simple white/clear texture, however note the offset in the color
// map from what would be expected for a 2 unit sphere that we
// wrap this onto. This offset is to compensate for the extra
// turbulence we added.
define ice_caps
texture {
noise surface {
ambient 0.1
diffuse 0.7

octaves 4
position_fn 1
turbulence 1.2

[-5, -0.8, white, 0, white, 0]
[-0.8, 2, black, 1, black, 1]
[ 2, 5, white, 0, white, 0])
rotate <0, 0, 90>

// The land mass of the planet is a standard noise function applied
// to a sphere. Since we are using a sawtooth lookup function, we
// know that all the noise values will be between 0 and 1. The
// color map is designed to simulate the following features of a
// planet: white -> mountain tops; a medium tan for areas near the
// mountains, a Desert color for arid land, a green color for the
// livable areas, and a clear color for where we are going to put
// the ocean. The ocean is separated from this texture because it
// will be rippled to simulate waves and applying ripple to the
// land would not look good.
define Desert (Wheat + Tan) / 2
define land
texture {
noise surface {
color white
octaves 6
position_scale 0.5
lookup_fn 1
turbulence 1.7
ambient 0.1
diffuse 0.7
specular 0.1
microfacet Cook 5
[0, 0.003, white, white]
[0.003, 0.02, 0.8*Tan, 0.8*Tan]
[0.002, 0.08, 0.8*Tan, Desert]
[0.08, 0.15, Desert, Desert]
[0.15, 0.2, Desert, MediumForestGreen]
[0.2, 0.4, MediumForestGreen, MediumForestGreen]
[0.4, 0.5, MediumForestGreen, 0, black, 1]
[0.5, 1.0, black, 1, black, 1])
translate <50, 50, -100>

// The bottom most layer is the ocean. This is a blue color with
// a ripple applied to the normal. Clearly the ocean isn't going
// to have waves this big, but it looks nice.
define ocean
texture {
noise surface {
color <0.4, 0.4, 1.0>
normal 2
frequency 500
bump_scale 2
ambient 0.2
diffuse 0.5
reflection 0.3
specular white, 0.5
microfacet Cook 5
scale <10, 1, 10>

object {
sphere <0, 0, 0>, 2
texture { layered eclipse, swirling_clouds, ice_caps, land, ocean }
rotate <0, 20, 0>

  3 Responses to “Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : PLYDAT16.ZIP
Filename : ECLPSE.PI

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: