Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : PLYDAT.ZIP
Filename : WHIRL.PI

Output of file : WHIRL.PI contained in archive : PLYDAT.ZIP
# Demonstration of a whirling spheres
# Polyray input file - Alexander Enzmann

# Define the range of the animation
start_frame 0
end_frame 119
total_frames 120
outfile whirl

# Set up the camera
viewpoint {
from <0,3,-20>
at <0,0,0>
up <0,1,0>
angle 45
resolution 160, 160

# Set up background color & lights
background skyblue
#light <-10,20,-50>
light < 10,20,-50>

include ""

# Give the (time dependent) location of the sphere points
define ang radians(6 * frame)

define r10 1
define r11 1
define r20 2
define r21 1
define r30 2
define r31 3
define r40 3
define r41 4
define r50 4
define r51 1
define r60 1
define r61 3
define r70 2
define r71 2
define r80 3
define r81 5

define s1 3
define s2 2
define s3 1.5
define s4 1
define s5 3
define s6 2
define s7 1.5
define s8 1
define s09 2
define s10 1.5
define s11 3
define s12 1.5
define s13 2
define s14 3
define s15 2
define s16 1.5
define s17 1

define r09x 3
define r09y 2
define r09z 1
define r10x 1
define r10y 2
define r10z 1
define r11x 2
define r11y 0.5
define r11z 3
define r12x 5
define r12y 0
define r12z 0
define r13x 3
define r13y 3
define r13z 3
define r14x 4
define r14y 0
define r14z 1
define r15x 0
define r15y 0
define r15z 4
define r16x 0
define r16y 3
define r16z 0.5

define o09 radians(0)
define o10 radians(192)
define o11 radians(15)
define o12 radians(20)
define o13 radians(117)
define o14 radians(300)
define o15 radians(270)
define o16 radians(90)

# Define the positions of the various spheres
define loc1 < r10 * cos(s1*ang), 0, r11 * sin(s1*ang)>
define loc2 < r20 * cos(s2*ang), 0, r21 * sin(s2*ang)>
define loc3 < r30 * cos(s3*ang), 0, r31 * sin(s3*ang)>
define loc4 < r40 * cos(s4*ang), 0, r41 * sin(s4*ang)>
define loc5 < r50 * cos(s5*ang), r51 * sin(s5*ang), 0>
define loc6 < r60 * cos(s6*ang), r61 * sin(s6*ang), 0>
define loc7 < r70 * cos(s7*ang), r71 * sin(s7*ang), 0>
define loc8 < r80 * cos(s8*ang), r81 * sin(s8*ang), 0>

define loc09
define loc10
define loc11
define loc12
define loc13
define loc14
define loc15
define loc16

# The following spheres make a set of whirling balls
# Note that by changing the center location of the spheres rather than
# using a "translate" statement, the textures do not move with the spheres
object { sphere loc1, 0.5 shiny_red }
object { sphere loc2, 0.5 shiny_blue }
object { sphere loc3, 0.5 texture { checker matte_cyan, matte_magenta } }
object { sphere loc4, 0.5 texture {hexagon matte_brown,matte_white,shiny_blue}}
object { sphere loc5, 0.5 shiny_coral }
object { sphere loc6, 0.5 texture { checker matte_red, matte_blue } }
object { sphere loc7, 0.5 shiny_orange }
object { sphere loc8, 0.5 matte_brown }
object { sphere loc09, 0.5 shiny_red }
object { sphere loc10, 0.5 texture {hexagon shiny_red,shiny_green,shiny_blue}}
object { sphere loc11, 0.5 texture { checker shiny_coral, shiny_green } }
object { sphere loc12, 0.5 shiny_green }
object { sphere loc13, 0.5 shiny_coral }
object { sphere loc14, 0.5 texture { checker matte_red, matte_blue } }
object { sphere loc15, 0.5 shiny_orange }
object { sphere loc16, 0.5 matte_brown }

  3 Responses to “Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : PLYDAT.ZIP
Filename : WHIRL.PI

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: