Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : PLYDAT.ZIP
Filename : LOOKPOND.PI

Output of file : LOOKPOND.PI contained in archive : PLYDAT.ZIP
# Sample file demonstrating many of the features of Polyray.
# Author: Alexander Enzmann

# So far this image contains the following:
# A looking pond with ripples defined as a height function
# Columns along the side of the pond
# Spot light illuminating parts of the image
# Two wood display cases containing various polynomial surfaces

viewpoint {
from <0, 8, -30>
at <0,0,10>
up <0,1,0>
angle 40
resolution 640, 480
aspect 1.3333

background <0, 0, 0>
light <0, 50, -30>
spot_light white, <20, 30, -10>, <0, 0, 0>, 3, 10, 15

include ""
include ""

# Define constants for the outer perimeter of the pond
define tau (1 + sqrt(5))/2 # Golden Mean
define width 5
define length width * tau
define height width * 0.10

# Define constants for the ripples in the pond
define ripple_steps 80
define ripple_height height/2.5
define ripple_freq 6.0
define ripple_falloff 1
define ripple_x0 0 # x position of first ripple
define ripple_z0 -2 # y position of first ripple
define ripple_x1 3 # x position of second ripple
define ripple_z1 2 # y position of second ripple
define ripple_function0
height/2 +
ripple_height *
cos(ripple_freq *
sqrt((x-ripple_x0)^2 + (z/tau-ripple_z0)^2)) *
exp(-ripple_falloff *
sqrt((x-ripple_x0)^2 + (z/tau-ripple_z0)^2))
define ripple_function1
height/2 +
ripple_height *
cos(ripple_freq *
sqrt((x-ripple_x1)^2 + (z/tau-ripple_z1)^2) + 2.5) *
exp(-ripple_falloff *
sqrt((x-ripple_x1)^2 + (z/tau-ripple_z1)^2))

# Build the water surface from a bunch of ripples
define ripple_function
ripple_function0 + ripple_function1

# Define the textures to use for the components of the pond
define pond_edge_texture matte_red
define basic_water_color <0.2, 0.5, 1>
define water_texture
texture {
surface {
ambient basic_water_color, 0.2
diffuse basic_water_color, 0.8
specular white, 1

define pool
object {
# Top and bottom of the pond edge
object { box <-width - height, 0, length>,
< width + height, height, length + height>
pond_edge_texture }
+ object { box <-width - height, 0, -length>,
< width + height, height, -length - height>
pond_edge_texture }

# The two sides of the pond edge
+ object { box <-width, 0, -length>,
<-width - height, height, length>
pond_edge_texture }
+ object { box < width, 0, -length>,
< width + height, height, length>
pond_edge_texture }

# Put a rippled surface into the pond
+ object { height_fn ripple_steps, -width, width, -length, length,
water_texture }

define col_height width
define col_radius height
define cap_height height
define cap_width 1.5 * col_radius
define col_offset 2*cap_width
define sin_color_offset (sin(3.14 * fmod(4*x*y*z, 1)) + 1) / 2
define sin_color
define column_texture
texture {
special surface {
color sin_color
ambient 0.2
diffuse 0.8
specular white, 0.2
microfacet Reitz 10
translate <0, col_height/2, 0>

define column
object {
object { cylinder <0, 0, 0>, <0, col_height, 0>,
col_radius }
+ object { box <-cap_width, 0, -cap_width>,
< cap_width, cap_height, cap_width> }
+ object { box <-cap_width, col_height, -cap_width>,
< cap_width, col_height+cap_height, cap_width> }

define columns
object {
# Columns along the sides of the pond
column { translate <-width-col_offset, 0, -length-col_offset> }
+ column { translate < width+col_offset, 0, -length-col_offset> }
+ column { translate <-width-col_offset, 0, length+col_offset> }
+ column { translate < width+col_offset, 0, length+col_offset> }

# Define a texture for the ground plane
#define ground_texture matte_white
define ground_texture
texture {
special surface {
color cornflowerblue
ambient 0.2
diffuse 0.8
specular white, 0.2
microfacet Reitz 10
scale <10, 1, 10>

# Create a ground plane
define ground
object {
polynomial y
translate <0,-0.01,0>

define light_wood <0.3, 0.12, 0.03>
define dark_wood <0.05, 0.01, 0.005>
define xydist sqrt(x * x + y * y)
define wood_turb 0.5
define wood_fn (sawtooth(xydist + wood_turb * noise(P,4)) + 1) / 2
define wood_map
[0.0, 0.8, light_wood, light_wood]
[0.8, 0.9, light_wood, dark_wood])
define wood_texture
texture {
special surface {
color wood_map[wood_fn]
ambient 0.2
diffuse 0.8
specular white, 0.3
microfacet Reitz 10

# Put together the first display case
define display_case1
object {
bicorn { rotate <90, 0, 0> translate <-4.5, 0, 3> }
+ bifolia { rotate <90, 0, 0> translate <-1.5, 0, 3> }
+ cassini { rotate <90, 0, 0> translate < 1.5, 0, 3> }
+ csaddle { translate < 4.5, 0, 3> }
+ devils_curve { translate <-4.5, 0, 0> }
+ folium { rotate <0, 0, 45> translate <-2, 0, 0> }
+ hyp_torus { translate < 1.5, 0, 0> }
+ kampyle { translate < 4.5, 0, 0> }
+ lemniscate { translate <-4.5, 0, -3> }
+ qloop { translate <-1.5, 0, -3> }
+ monkey_saddle { translate < 1.5, 0, -3> }
+ par_torus { translate < 4.5, 0, -3> }
+ ( object { box <-7, -4, -5.5>, < 7, 0, 5.5> wood_texture }
- object { box <-6, -3, -4.5>, < 6, 1, 4.5> wood_texture })
bounds object { box <-7.1, -4.1, -5.6>, <7.1, 0.1, 5.6> }
scale <0.4, 0.4, 0.4>
rotate <-90, -90, 0>
translate <-width-3*col_offset, 2*col_height/3, -length/2>

# Put together the second display case
define display_case2
object {
piriform { translate <-4.5, 0, 3> }
+ quart_parab { translate <-1.5, 0, 3> }
+ quart_saddle { translate < 1.5, 0, 3> }
+ space_needle { translate < 4.5, 0, 3> }
+ parab4 { translate <-4.5, 0, 0> }
+ steiner { translate <-1.5, 0, 0> }
+ strophoid { translate < 1.5, 0, 0> }
+ tear3 { translate < 4.5, 0, 0> }
+ tear5 { translate <-4.5, 0, -3> }
+ torus_5_2 { translate <-1.5, 0, -3> }
+ crossed_trough { translate < 1.5, 0, -3> }
+ twin_glob { translate < 4.5, 0, -3> }
+ ( object { box <-7, -4, -5.5>, < 7, 0, 5.5> wood_texture }
- object { box <-6, -3, -4.5>, < 6, 1, 4.5> wood_texture })
bounds object { box <-7.1, -4.1, -5.6>, <7.1, 0.1, 5.6> }
scale <0.4, 0.4, 0.4>
rotate <-90, -90, 0>
translate <-width-3*col_offset, 2*col_height/3, length/2>

# Put the scene together
object {
+ ground
+ columns
+ display_case1
+ display_case2
rotate <0, 80, 0>

  3 Responses to “Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : PLYDAT.ZIP
Filename : LOOKPOND.PI

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: