Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : GSIP10.ZIP
Filename : GSIP.DOC

Output of file : GSIP.DOC contained in archive : GSIP10.ZIP

Manual for GSIP V1.0

GSIP (GRAY SCALE IMAGE PROCESSOR) is a program designed for
viewing, editing, and printing of 8-Bit gray PCX images.
Image size is restricted to:
Width: 2048 Pixels
Depth: Size of extended memory.
This program was written using the following hardware:
Computer: 286 PC Compatible
Monitor: VGA 640x480 Sony 1303
Mouse: Logitech Serial 3-Button
Printer: Epson KX-P1080i, HP LaserJet II

1. VGA Monitor
2. Extended Memory with HIMEM.SYS driver.
HIMEM.SYS is a MICROSOFT Product and is supplied with

Menu Selection
Use a the following to select a menu item:

MOUSE: The LEFT button of the mouse.
The RIGHT button will return to the previous menu.
KEYBOARD: The ARROW keys followed by the ENTER key.
The ESC key will return to the previous menu.

Viewing Options
Normal Mode - View Window = 592 wide x 384 deep
Preview Mode - View Window = (2) x 294 wide x 384 deep

MOUSE: Change the viewing window by moving the small
square in the vertical and horizontal scroll bars.
KEYBOARD: Change the viewing window by using PAGEUP,
Manual for GSIP V1.0

Editing Options
1. Negative
2. Remap Gray
3. Insert
4. Bit AND
5. Bit OR
6. Sharpen
7. Blur
8. Black White
9. Spot Remove
10. Spot Fill
11. Average
12. Edge Enhancement
13. User Filter
14. Equalization
15. Resize
16. Reduce All
17. Rotate
18. Mirror
19. Copy
20. XOR Copy
21. AND Copy
22. OR Copy
23. Dither/Halftone
Manual for GSIP V1.0

Printing Options
1. Burkes Dither
2. Halftone Pattern 1 (6x6)
3. Halftone Pattern 2 (6x6)
4. Halftone Pattern 3 (4x4)

1. Epson
2. HP Laser (75,100,150,300 DPI)

1. View Histogram
2. Change color of screen (does not effect image palette or
image data). Useful for image analysis.
3. Zoom In
4. Zoom Out - Temporarily view entire image.
5. Edit Individual Pixel
6. View Image Data
7. Preview Mode - View results of editing without changing
original image.

Loading an Image


MOUSE: Select the file with the LEFT button, then press
the RIGHT button.
KEYBOARD: Select the file with the PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN, HOME,
END & ARROW keys, then press ENTER.

The selected file is loaded. If the image is a 256 color
image, the palette is converted to a gray scale
approximation. When the image is saved, the color palette
will NOT be saved, only the gray scale. Access is
restricted to the current drive and directory. All
associated files must be in the same area.
Extended memory is configured for the width of the first
image loaded. Appended images wider than the first and
greater then 592 pixels (view window) will be clipped.

Manual for GSIP V1.0

Editing an Image

Make image negative in the selected area.

Remap Gray
This function allows one to reassign all 256 gray values
to different values simply by editing a curve (DEFAULT.MAP).
A negative image can be made by creating a negative slope.

FF | . |
^ | . |
^ | . |
Darker | . |
^ | . |
^ | . |
|. |
0 ----------------
0 FF

>> Darker >>

Inserts a gray value (0 - 255) to the selected area.

ANDs the selected value with the selected area.

ORs the selected value with the selected area.
Manual for GSIP V1.0

Sharpens the selected area from 0 -> 20. (Less <---> More).
Uses a spatial HP filter. Template contains 9 weights.

|-1 |-1 |-1 |
|-1 | 8 |-1 |
|-1 |-1 |-1 |

Gray value = current gray value +
[ ( Summation (pixel(1-9)*WT(1-9)) ) / (9 + 20 - value)]

Blurs the selected area from 0 -> 20. (Less <---> More).
Uses a spatial LP filter. Template contains 9 weights.
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 1 |-8 | 1 |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |

Gray value = current gray value +
[ ( Summation (pixel(1-9)*WT(1-9)) ) / (9 + 20 - value)]

User Filter

Modifies the selected area from 0 -> 20. (Less <---> More).
Uses a spatial filter supplied by the user. Template
contains 9 weights.
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |

Gray value = current gray value +
[ ( Summation (pixel(1-9)*WT(1-9)) ) / (9 + 20 - value)]
Manual for GSIP V1.0

Black White
This function transforms a 256 gray scale image to a
black/white (ff/0) image. It does this by looking at a 5x5
area at each pixel location in the selected area.

1. An average value is calculated for the 5x5 region.
2. A normalized average value is plugged into the
3. The result is the average value.
4. The center pixel is plugged into the BLACK_WHITE_THR
5. The result is the center value.
6. The decision on black or white is then simply made:
average value < center value = BLACK
else = WHITE

The curves provided (DEFAULT.AVG, DEFAULT.THR) work
reasonably well for a variety of different gray images.
Different results can be obtained by modifying both curves.
Both curves are modified only with a mouse.

Spot Remove
This function eliminates undesirable black spots on a
black/white image. The template chosen is compared at all
pixel locations in the selected area. The center pixel (if
black) will be removed if NO MATCH is found in the
surrounding pixels of the template to the image.

Spot Fill
This function fills black spots on a black/white image. The
template chosen is compared at all pixel locations in the
selected area. The center pixel (if white) will be filled if
all surrounding pixels of the template DO MATCH the image.

This function adds the gray values in a 3x3 pixel region and
divides by 9 to get an average value. This value is inserted
in the center of the region. This is done for each pixel in
the selected area.
Manual for GSIP V1.0

Edge Enhancement

These functions displays non-homogeneous areas.
Gradient value = |(center - corner| + |(right - bottom)|
|center | right |
|bottom | corner|

New Center Value =:

GRADIENT: Gradient
GRADIENT+CELL: Current gray value + gradient
GRADIENT+BW_THR: If gradient < threshold
A equalization curve is generated by the histogram
equalization method and the selected area is remapped
according to the equalization curve. The equalization curve
can be viewed under ANALYZE,EQUALIZATION.

Reduces or enlarges a selected area. Mouse is required.

Reduce All
Reduces the entire image to:

{37% of total,50%,56%,62%,68%,75%,81%,87%,93%}
This function determines new current image width and depth
when not in preview mode.

Rotates the image 180 degrees.

Flips the image horizontally.


Copies the selected area to another area. Mouse required.
Manual for GSIP V1.0

Selecting an Area to Edit

ENTIRE IMAGE - This is the rectangular area defined as the
Current Image Width and Depth under STATUS.
Image data can be placed out of the region
but no edit function will effect it by
SELECT AREA - This is the rectangular area defined by the
user with the mouse. To make a box start at
the upper left area, keeping the LEFT mouse
button pressed, move the mouse till the
selected area is enclosed, then release the
LEFT button. Repeat to choose another area. Press
the RIGHT button to continue and confirm with
This is limited to the current viewing area
and a mouse is required.

Selecting a Value



MOUSE: Selected with the LEFT button, RIGHT button
when finished.
KEYBOARD: Value can be selected with arrow keys. Use the TAB
key to toggle DECIMAL, HEX, or BINARY value.
The ESC key will continue without changing value.

Printing an Image

Select the printer type and resolution. Select a print curve
(DITHER.PRT,HALFTONE.PRT). The curve is a lookup table for
how the gray values will be printed.
The curve effects the distribution of the error in the error
diffusion process of the Burkes dither and the results are
unpredictable but areas of an image can be darkened or
lightened. Prints to LPT1.
The curve effects the halftone process in a linear fashion.
A negative image can be made with a negative slope. Printing
a black/white image can be done with the THRESHOLD option.
Manual for GSIP V1.0


The video display color can be changed to any color or gray
level. This will have NO effect on the image data or
palette. It allows one to customize for example the
background (if too bright) or focus on particular image data
of interest.

Extended Memory
Make sure the HIMEM.SYS driver is located in the CONFIG.SYS
file. Other drivers such as SMARTDRV.SYS will reduce the
amount of available extended memory. They will have to be
removed if the extra memory is needed. The extended memory
allocated for this program is limited only by how much
memory is installed.
If for some reason one does not exit GSIP normally, the
extended memory will not be deallocated and running the
program again will result in a message:

ERROR - Insufficient Extended Memory

Roboot (Control/Alt/Del) and run the program again.

  3 Responses to “Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : GSIP10.ZIP
Filename : GSIP.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: