Dec 132017
Generates Mandelbrot & Julia set fractals. Only works on 386/486 machines. Works in SuperVGA modes, as well as VGA/EGA/CGA. Mouse support. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
FRACT386.C | 36992 | 10922 | deflated |
FRACT386.DOC | 28416 | 10784 | deflated |
FRACT386.EXE | 51890 | 25493 | deflated |
FRASM386.ASM | 39680 | 10554 | deflated |
FRASM386.OBJ | 4016 | 2470 | deflated |
Download File FRACT386.ZIP Here
Contents of the FRACT386.DOC file
********* FRACT386 (Version 5.1) ********** by Bert Tyler *********
with Mouse support by Michael Kaufman
+++++ Quick Documentation Format -- Features new to 5.1 +++++
- Save-to-disk support (GIF format)
- New! Improved! (and Incompatable!) Optional Arguments Format
- "Correct" Initial Image Aspect Ratio
- Still more video modes
+++ Features new to 4.0 +++
- Mouse Support (See the Mouse Notes, below)
- Dynamic Iteration Limits ('<' and '>' keys)
- Color-Cycling ('+' and '-' keys)
- Dual-Pass Mode ('1' and '2' keys)
- More Video Modes, including "tweaked" modes for IBM VGA
and register-compatable adapters
+++ Features new to 3.0 +++
- Julia Sets
This program generates Mandelbrot and Julia set fractal images using 32-bit
integer arithmetic specific to the 386 microprocessor. It will politely
refuse to execute if it finds itself on any earlier Intel processors such
as the 8086, 80186 or 80286. The program will work with CGA, EGA, MCGA,
VGA, "tweaked" VGA, and many popular super-rez adapters, and can switch
display modes on-the-fly for those adapters capable of multiple emulation.
For instance, I can run this program in any of the IBM CGA/EGA/MCGA/VGA
modes on my PS/2 model 80. The program does not perform any floating point
arithmetic in its image generation routines, and does not require an FPU.
To start the program, simply type its name (FRACT386) without any parameters.
When the program fires up, it displays a startup screen explaining how it
works, and then waits for you to hit a Function Key (F1, F2, etc) to select
an initial video mode (see the table below for a partial list of supported
adapters and video modes). You can also hit the ENTER (Return) key to see
a complete list of the video adapters and video modes currently supported
by the program and the function keys you can hit to activate them. As soon
as you select a video mode, the program begins drawing an initial display
of the full Mandelbrot set. From this point on, and AT ANY TIME, you can
hit any of the following keys to select a function:
Key Function
=========== ===============================================================
PageUp Display and Shrink the Zoom Box ("Zoom In")
PageDown Display and Expand the Zoom Box ("Zoom Out")
Cursor Keys Display and Move the Zoom Box Left, Right, Up, or Down ("Pan")
Ctrl-Cursor-Keys Pan like the normal Cursor-Keys, but (five times) faster
(NOTE: Fast-Panning works only with an Enhanced Keyboard BIOS)
End or Enter Redraw the area inside the Zoom Box as a full-screen image
(If there is no Zoom Box, just re-draw the current screen)
F1,F2,F3,F4... Select a new Video Mode and THEN perform a Screen Redraw
Currently supported video modes include:
F1 = 320x200 16-color EGA/VGA F2 = 640x350 16-color EGA/VGA
F3 = 320x200 256-color MCGA/VGA F4 = 640x480 16-color VGA
F5 = 320x200 4-color CGA F6 = 640x200 B&W CGA
F7 = 640x350 B&W EGA/VGA F8 = 640x480 B&W VGA
F9 = 640x200 16-color EGA/VGA ..etc...etc..
(For a complete list, hit the ENTER key at the Startup Screen)
Home Redraw the Previous Screen (the program tracks 100 screens)
(this gives you the ability to "back out" screen-by-screen)
Tab Display the Current Screen or Zoom-Box coordinates
(this gives you the ability to track where you are and
re-start the program at your current position later on)
Spacebar Toggles between Mandelbrot images and their corresponding
Julia set images (read the Julia set notes below before
trying this option if you want to see anything interesting)
< or > Lower or Raise the maximum iteration count by 50
(the default value is 150, the allowable range is 50 - 1000)
((Note: the unshifted equivalents (comma, period) also work))
= Display the current maximum iteration count
(in case you've forgotten what it was)
1 or 2 Select single-pass (the default) or dual-pass mode. Dual-pass
mode generates a "coarse" screen first using (2x2) pixel boxes,
and then generates the rest of the dots with a second pass.
(same net speed and final display, but with a quick-preview)
+ or - (For VGA adapters) Rotate the Video DAC up or down one color.
Hold down a key for exploding fractals! Whee! (sorry)
s or S Save the screen contents to disk (default = FRACT001.GIF)
To display its progress, the program colors the left-most
and right-most dots as it saves the screen, top to bottom.
The saved files are readable by GIF viewers (I use PICEM).
Insert Restart the Program all over again at the Startup Screen
(in case you forgot the instructions or need to see the
Video Mode list again)
Delete or Esc Stop the Program and Return to MSDOS
Mouse Support
If you have a mouse, FRACT386 now supports it, thanks to the contributions
of Michael Kaufman. He added mouse encoding to FRACT386 (which I then
hacked up beyond all recall, so any bugs in the code are probably mine - Bert)
The mouse encoding is as follows:
Left Button: Brings up and sizes the Zoom Box. While holding down the
left button, push the mouse forward to shrink the Zoom Box,
and pull it back to expand it. Then let go of the button
and move the mouse around to "pan" the Zoom Box (with no
buttons held down, you are in "fast-pan" mode).
Right Button: When the right button is held down, the "panning" operation
switches from "fast-pan" to "slow-pan" mode, giving you
better control over the location of the Zoom Box.
Both Buttons: (or the middle button, if you have three of them) Redraws
the area inside the Zoom Box over your full screen.
Zoom and Pan using the mouse typically consists of pushing in the left
button, sizing the zoom box, letting go of the button, fast-panning to
the general area, pushing in the right button and slow-panning to the
exact area you want, and then (still holding down the right button) tapping
the left button to perform the Zoom.
Remember, you do NOT have to wait for the program to finish generating the
full screen display (a process that can take from 30 seconds in "Low-Rez" EGA
or MCGA mode to several minutes in full VGA mode) before hitting one of the
above keys. If you hit a keyboard key while the program is generating a
screen image, it will simply stop and process the key (it will NOT finish
the display, though). If, say, you see an interesting spot you want to zoom
in on, don't wait -- do it! If the program finishes a display before you
hit any keys, it will simply beep and wait for you to hit one.
Hints: The most interesting areas are the border areas where the colors are
changing rapidly. Zoom in on them for the best results. The areas closer
to the outside of the fractal "egg" tend to involve fewer iterations and
display more quickly than those closer to the inside. The solid blue
interior is the slowest region of all to display -- in fact, it's where
the program has hit its iteration maximum (150) and given up.
Another hint: The time it takes to generate a fractal image is directly
proportional to the resolution of the selected video mode (more dots = more
calculations). I always select a low-resolution mode (I use F3 for MCGA)
on the startup screen, and at some later point hit a function key instead
of the END key to switch to a higher resolution mode (I use F4 for VGA)
when things get interesting. That gets me into the interesting stuff in
detailed resolution quickly -- I've seen that first screen too often to
get excited about it. Actually, with its 256 colors (the program is
"only" using the first 150), MCGA mode can give you some pretty spectacular
effects on its own.
A final hint: Try using the '2' key to get dual-pass mode. Dual-pass
mode makes an initial sweep of the screen calculating every fourth pixel
and using it to display a 2x2 pixel box, and then calculates the other three
pixels in a second, "clean-up" sweep. The total time it takes to generate
a full screen is the same as in single-pass mode, and the final display is
identical, but you get a quick scan early for zooming purposes.
****** Optional Command Line Arguments ******
FRACT386 accepts optional arguments that allow you to better control
such things a video modes, iteration limits, and startup display areas.
NOTE that the current argument list is (a lot better, much more exapandable,
but) totally incompatable with the argument lists of FRACT386 versions prior
to version 5.1. The full FRACT386 command line is:
FRACT386 [argument] [argument] ...
where the individual arguments are separated by one or more spaces (an
individual argument can NOT include spaces), can be in any order or
(upper/lower) case, and can be any of the following:
Argument Example Description
inside=nnn inside=0 Set the color of the Mandelbrot
Interior (in this example, to black)
maxiter=nnn maxiter=500 Set the starting iteration maximum
(between 50 and 1000, please)
iterincr=nnn iterincr=32 Set the interation increment (what
happens when you hit '<' or '>')
video=xxxxx video=f4 Set the initial video mode
(and bypass the startup screen)
savefile=xxxxxx savefile=myfile Set the filename (myfile.gif, here)
to use when you press the 's' key.
julia=creal/cimag julia=-0.480/0.626 Begin with a Julia set with this
(real and imaginary) starting value
corners=xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax Begin with these Coordinates
corners=-0.739/-0.736/0.288/0.291 instead of the default values
The 'julia=' and 'corner=' arguments let you re-create images that you or
others have generated in previous sessions of FRACT386 or other fractal
generation programs. The julia set and corner values can be displayed
at any time in FRACT386 by hitting the TAB key.
A warning about the 'video=' option: EVERY version of FRACT386 (including
this one) has been introduced with a bigger, better, and generally shuffled
around Video Table. BE CAUTIOUS about using this argument and then
downloading future versions of FRACT386, particularly if you are using
the "Super-VGA" modes near the end of the video table.
***** Toggling between Mandelbrot and Julia Sets *****
FRACT386 can be toggled between Mandelbrot images and their corresponding
Julia sets. What is a Julia set? I don't really know either, but I can
describe how the program generates them. Let's start with a diversionary
tactic and describe how the program generates the Mandelbrot set. The
Mandelbrot set is generated by assuming that each pixel on the screen
represents a point on the complex-number "C plane", (X + i*Y), and calculating
the following function until the "size" of Z(n) is greater than 2 :
Start with a complex-number constant C = xcoord + i * ycoord
use as the initial value of Z Z(0) = 0
and iterate using this function Z(n+1) = Z(n)**2 + C
Julia sets use a slightly different tactic, picking out a specific point
on the "C plane" and assuming that each pixel on the screen represents
an initial point on the "Z plane". Once everything has been started up,
however, the calculations are the same:
Start with a USER-SPECIFIED value of C C = Creal + i * Cimaginary
use as the initial value of Z Z(0) = xcoord + i * ycoord
and iterate using this function Z(n+1) = Z(n)**2 + C
In either case, the pixel's color is arbitrarily determined by the
number of iterations it took the program to get Z "large" enough to
bail out of the loop.
Generating Julia sets are different from generating Mandelbrot sets in
several important ways:
(1) There is only one Mandelbrot set but, given that there are an infinite
number of values available for the complex-number C, there are an infinite
number of Julia sets.
(2) Although there are an infinite number of Julia sets, a lot of them
are pretty boring. Only certain ranges of C result in interesting
Julia set displays - values too "small" generate a simple circular display,
and values that are too "big" generate something that looks like scattered
(3) It turns out, however, that the coordinates of the most interesting
portions of the Mandelbrot image, where the colors are changing rapidly,
are the VERY SAME values that generate the most interesting Julia sets.
(There is a very sound mathematical reason for this. I haven't the
vaguest idea what it is, though.)
What FRACT386 does is begin with the full Mandelbrot set, give you the
capability to zoom and pan around generating interesting Mandelbrot images,
and then AT ANY POINT hit the spacebar toggle to "flip" to a full Julia set
with startup constant C set to the coordinates at the center of the Mandelbrot
image that you last generated. From that point, you are zooming and
panning around in a Julia set "Z plane" (you can always hit the spacebar
toggle again to get your Mandelbrot set back). You can think of it this way:
all those fantastic Mandelbrot images you have been generating are just
a way to select an initial value for Julia sets you can play with!
Holy infinity, Batman!
*** Support for "Tweaked" VGA modes and Third-Party Hi-Rez Video Adapters ***
FRACT386 uses a Video Adapter Table in the "C" program to reference
everything it needs to know about any particular adapter/mode combination.
This table can contain information for up to 76 adapter/mode combinations,
and is automatically tied to seventy-six Function Keys (F1-F10, their Control/
Shift/Alt variants, and many Alt-x keypad combos) when the program is running.
The table entries, and the function keys they are tied to, are displayed
on your screen if you hit the ENTER key at FRACT386's startup screen.
This table makes adding support for various third-party video cards and
their high-rez modes much easier, at least for the ones that pretend to be
a standard adapter with more dots and/or colors.
The assembler object code (FRASM386.OBJ) is included in the ARC files to
make it easier for those of you that have a fancy video adapter and want to
modify FRACT386 to support it. You will at a minimum need a "C" compiler
that supports "Medium" model object code (Microsoft or Borland will work)
and enough information about your adapter to throw it into one of its unique
modes via INT 10.
[Chris Green didn't have a "C" compiler handy, so he modified the
program's video adapter table using DEBUG when he was testing the Paradise
adapter entries -- it was an act of desperation, but it worked. And the
.EXE file isn't run through EXEPACK anymore, so it's easier now.]
The table as currently distributed begins with nine standard and several
non-standard ("tweaked") IBM video modes that have been exercised successfully
with a PS/2 model 80. These entries, coupled with the descriptive comments
in the table definition and the knowledge you have about throwing your adapter
into its unique modes, should be all you need to see to be able to add your
own entries.
programmable device, and can be set up to display many video-mode combinations
beyond those "officially" supported by the IBM BIOS. The assembler program
in FRACT386 contains code that sets up the IBM VGA adapter (or any truly
register-compatable clone) for several extended modes - such as 704x528,
736x552, 768x576, and 800x600. The program accomplishes this by programming
the VGA controller to use the fastest dot-clock on the IBM adapter (28.322Mhz),
throwing more pixels on the screen, and reducing the refresh-rate to make up
for it. Note that these modes push many monitors beyond their rated specs,
both in terms of higher pixel resolution and lower refresh-rate. Signs that
your monitor is having problems with a particular "tweak" include: vertical or
horizontal overscan (displaying dots beyond the edges of your visible CRT
area), annoying "flicker" (caused by a too-slow refresh-rate), and "rolling"
or total garbage on the screen (your monitor simply can't keep up, or is
attempting to "force" the image into a pre-set mode that doesn't fit).
I have successfully tested the modes up to 768x576 on an IBM PS/2 model 80
connected to IBM 8513, IBM 8514, NEC Multisync II, and Zenith 1490 monitors
(all of which exhibit some overscan and flicker at the highest rates), and
have tested 800x600 mode on the NEC Multisync II (although I had to fiddle
with the vertical size knob some to get it to display correctly).
UNTESTED (note the emphasis) support for a number of popular high-rez
video adapters has been added to the table from an information sheet that
shows up sporadically on USENET (and later adjusted based on alternate lists
and user feedback). Because the information on the sheet is somewhat sparse,
I was forced to use the BIOS method for reading/writing dots for each of these
adapters. Specs for the Everex EVGA board are courtesy of Tom Moran (tmoran
on BIX). Specs for the Video-7 board are courtesy of Ira Emus (irae on BIX).
Other specs came from a list compiled by GRAFX and supplied by Juan Orlandini
(juan on BIX). (Specs for the VEGA VGA board have "?" added to them because
I now have two lists with CONFLICTING specs on that particular board.
Nobody has complained yet about the old listing, but another claims that it
is programmed the same way as a Video-7 VRAM VGA. Confusion reigns.) Note
that many "competitive" Super-VGA boards actually use identical chip sets,
(Paradise, COMPAQ, Dell) and are programmed in an identical manner!
I tried calling up each of the "major" video board manufacturers (defined as
those paying for full-page ads in magazines like BYTE and PC) several times
to get the specs for their boards, but never got through to any technical
support people - unless they were the ones playing the MUSAK while I was on
hold. And boy, was I on hold.
If you have a favorite adapter that you would like added to the standard
releases of FRACT386, just give me the table entry that you added to get
it working. You will be credited in the comments which display with the
initial list of adapters ("Courtesy of John Smith"). If you have a favorite
adapter that you would like added, but don't have the equipment to add it
yourself, just provide me with the following information:
The name of the Adapter/Video mode combination
The resolution (pixels across, pixels down, number of colors)
How you get it into its special mode (hopefully it's a variant
of BIOS interrupt 10H, with AX/BX/CX/DX = some specific values)
How the assembler routine should access it in its write-a-dot
and read-a-dot routines. Current options are:
1) use the BIOS (INT 10H, AH=12/13, AL=color) ((SLOW))
2) pretend it's a super-res EGA/VGA
3) pretend it's a super-res MCGA
(If you're not sure, have me use the BIOS or get me a programmer's
manual. Note that using the BIOS to read/write dots can make it
tough to keep up with the keyboard during zoom/pan box operations)
I will add the adapter to my list, with a status of "UNTESTED: may not work",
and will change the status to "Tested OK by John Smith" on future releases of
FRACT386 after getting confirmation from you or someone else that it works.
Which brings up another point: If you can confirm that a particular video
adapter/mode works (or that it doesn't), and the program says it is UNTESTED,
please get that information to me. Thanks.
***** Limitations and Uglies *****
This program uses 32-bit integer math to generate fractals quickly (I do not
have an FPU, and "normal" fractal packages take hours to draw on my machine).
The advantage of this option is speed: quite simply, this is by far the
fastest fractal package that I have ever seen on a 386-class machine. The
disadvantage, aside from the fact that it cannot run on 80286-and-below
processors, is accuracy. To keep as much accuracy as possible, the program
represents numbers like 1.00 as 32-bit integers of the form [1.00 * (2**29)]
(approximately 500,000,000). This yields over 8 significant digits of
accuracy, and works just great -- until the initial values of the fractal
calculations on consecutive pixels differ only in the ninth decimal place.
At that point, the program does the best it can do -- it switches to its
minimal drawing mode, with consecutive pixels in both directions having
initial values differing by 1 (really 0.000000002) and disables zooming
and panning. This happens more often than you might think, only because
it's so easy (and fascinating) to zoom in on a tiny piece of the previous
screen -- and you can force this situation with your seventh consecutive
"maximum zoom", each of which zooms in on about 1% of the previous screen.
If it's any consolation, remember that this situation occurs when you are
attempting to draw an area over your full screen that is approximately
1/(10**13)th [~0.0000000000001] of the area of the full Mandelbrot set ***
-- and you can always hit the "Home" key to get the previous screen(s) back.
*** Or, you can think of it this way: First, draw the full Mandelbrot set
in full VGA mode. Then zoom in on an area represented by a SINGLE
PIXEL (which you can't do with the current program) and re-draw it as
a full-screen image. Then zoom in on an area represented by a single
pixel of THAT screen and re-draw IT as a full-screen image. Your
screen is now displaying an area representing ((1/(640*480))**2)th
[~0.00000000001] of the area of the area of the full Mandelbrot set -
not yet in minimal drawing mode. Try it a THIRD time, though, and
you'll reach it - but not if you can contain yourself and zoom in on
an area no smaller than 1/100th of the third screen.
Also, this being a public domain program and being true to that spirit, the
program makes no attempt to verify that your video adapter can run in the
mode you specify, or even that it's really there, before writing to it.
It also assumes that every EGA adapter has a full 256K of memory (and can
therefore display sixteen simultaneous colors in 640x350 resolution), but
does nothing in particular to verify that fact before throwing pixels at it.
*** Background ***
This program started out as a modification of the Mandelbrot set program
distributed (on BIX) by Doug Klein as DKMANDEL.ARC. I have also downloaded
and read the excellent description on Fractal calculations that is part of
Tron Hvaring's FRACT12.ARC program (also on BIX). I kept adding this and
replacing that to Doug's code, until one day I looked around and couldn't
find any of his code lying around anymore, so I guess it's now an original
I have a PS/2 model 80 without an FPU, and all the Mandelbrot programs
I could find on BIX ran slow as molasses using FPU emulation, so I
developed code to use 386-specific arithmetic along with a few other
tricks to speed things up. If I say so myself, I think this version sets
new speed records. Clock the basic mandelbrot set using 150 iterations
(that's the first screen the program draws) in MCGA mode on a 16MHZ PS/2
model 80 without an FPU in 26 seconds, or in full VGA mode in 125 seconds!
I would like to be able to claim that re-writing what is traditionally
Floating Point arithmetic as scaled 32-bit integer arithmetic was my idea,
but the truth is that I first saw it done by Dave Warker of HDS about a
year ago when he wrote a Mandelbrot generator for a TI34010-based video
display that HDS was going to throw into a graphics terminal. When I
got the idea to do the same thing on a PS/2 model 80, I first called Dave to
find out how he accomplished it. I may not be very creative, but I know
good code when I steal--uh--see it.
(No, Dave doesn't mind -- in fact, he was one of the guys responsible
for getting me the Scientific American articles on Julia sets and then egging
me on to adding them to FRACT386. The TAB key display was also added
at his request so that, in his words, "someone could compare screens with,
say, something on his MAC II". Dave uses a MAC-II as his "home" computer.)
After I got it running real fast and started showing it around to
everybody (see that! that's mine! WOW, that's fast!) I discovered that
nobody was particularly interested in playing with it, primarily because
the original user interface was less than spectacular (re-read the arguments
that use four floating-point numbers to start FRACT386 on a particular
piece of the fractal plane -- then picture that as the ONLY way to select an
area to draw). That's when I added the zoom-and-pan interface. It has passed
a pretty robust ease-of-use test -- my seven year old likes to play with it.
This code was compiled using Microsoft C (version 5.1) and Microsoft
Assembler (also version 5.1) using the "Medium" model. Note that the
assembler code uses the "C" model option added to version 5.1 (just because
I thought it was neat), and must be assembled with the /MX switch to link
with the "C" code. The "C" code is pretty simple (and simple-minded).
The assembler code, however, is tweaked to the hilt for performance reasons.
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GIF and 'Graphics Interchange Format' are trademarks (tm) of Compuserve
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*** Distribution and Contribution Policies ***
This is public domain software. There is no warranty or acceptance
of liability either expressed or implied with it. Use it, modify it,
distribute it as you wish. Your uploading it to other bulletin boards and
the like is specifically encouraged.
Contribution policy: Don't want money. Got money. Want admiration.
Bert Tyler btyler on BIX
Tyler Software [73477,433] on Compuserve
124 Wooded Lane
Villanova, Pa 19085
(215) 525-6355
Mouse support courtesy of:
Michael L. Kaufman (accessable via EXEC-PC bbs)
2247 Ridge Ave #2k
Evanston, Il, 60201
(312) 864-7916
December 13, 2017
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