Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : CSHOW873.ZIP
Filename : SETUP.DOC
"Command-line switches" let you control graphics video features, program
options, and the way that the program allocates memory for various purposes.
1. In case of problems getting started
CompuShow requires at least 325k of available memory (depending on the
start-up options specified.) If the program displays an "Insufficient
memory" message, you need to make more memory available. (Remove some
memory-resident programs, for example.)
If you have trouble reading the text screen colors on an LCD screen or a
monochrome monitor, execute the DOS command "MODE BW80" before starting
CompuShow, so that it uses black, gray, & white text colors.
/L1 Use this switch if the screen goes blank when you start CompuShow. Early
Leading Edge "IBM compatible" computers (and other incompatible adapters)
would display black-on-black text when a program tried to set the text-
mode border color.
/A In the (extremely rare) case where CompuShow can't detect the type of
video adapter you have, you can FORCE it. In general, you shouldn't need
this switch, unless there's a serious problem:
/Ah monochrome graphics adapter
/Ab EGA with monochrome monitor
/M Mouse cursor. The default on EGA or VGA adapters is the 'software cursor'.
On some adapters, moving the mouse may 'scramble' the text screen so
badly, that you can't use the software mouse at all. If the software mouse
does work, clicking on the mouse prompt at the bottom of the screen allows
you to select a software mouse shape or the hardware (block) cursor. If
the characters on the screen occasionally become 'corrupted', click
repeatedly to change to the hardware cursor, which will restore the
original characters.
/M0 Disable the mouse entirely.
/M1 Use the standard hardware mouse.
/Mn Use software cursor shape n (2..9) as indicated by /M on the
Shift-F1 box.
2. Graphics features that don't work
/H0 Hardware panning on an EGA. If your screen is scrambled in 640x350x16
mode, use this switch to disable hardware panning.
/C0 Color palette setting for MCGA/VGA. Use this switch to set the palette
through the BIOS.
[SETUP.DOC] Page 1
/[0 Disable extended 320x400x256 mode
/]0 Disable extended 360x480x256 mode
3. Special graphics modes
/E Enable a "Super-EGA" 640x480x16 mode
/Ea Ahead (mode 38)
/Eg Genoa (mode 115)
/Ep Paradise (mode 80)
/Et Tseng Labs (mode 37)
/Ev 'VGA' (Zenith) (mode 18)
/E71 any decimal number as listed in your owners manual
/J1 Enable PCjr (Tandy 1000) 16-color graphics.
4. Program options
/D0 Turns dithering off
/G0 Turns off display of GIF (Tiff, IFF/LBM/HAM, JFIF, MacPaint) comments.
/Q1 Turns on Quiet mode, so that the program doesn't make any sounds.
/R Rescaling
/R0 Original size, don't rescale anything.
/R1 Rescale most, except for 2-color images.
/R2 Rescale all images to fit the screen.
/T0 Turns off display of "thumbnail" images in Tiff files.
/U1 Turns on correction for gamma 1.0 true color graphics.
/X Specifies the maximum amount of XMS or EMS memory in K-bytes. By default,
CompuShow takes up to 1280k of EMS memory. If no EMS is available, it
takes up to 1280k of XMS. You can specify any amount from 1k to 30000k
/X2000e use 2000k of Ems
/X800x use 800k of Xms
Options and memory
In CompuShow, hold down a shift key and press F1 (or right-click F1help) (or
F1help and "I") to pop up the Program Information box, which identifies the
amount of memory used for various purposes. This information is important, as
the size of the "virtual screen" determines whether (and how much) you can pan
images larger than the screen, and can affect the operation of the restore-to-
previous function and transparency.
Turning on PCjr graphics (/J1) takes 32k away from the virtual screen, unless
EMS or XMS memory is used.
[SETUP.DOC] Page 2
CompuShow Setup
In CompuShow, F1help then "S" executes the Setup program, which is used to
select a video driver. See VIDEO.DOC for a complete list of video drivers and
detailed information about video driver selection.
[SETUP.DOC] Page 3
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: