Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : ARTCON.ZIP
Filename : ARTCON.DOC

Output of file : ARTCON.DOC contained in archive : ARTCON.ZIP

ARTCON Version 1.4 - 6/3/88

Clip-Art converter for:
Print Shop
NewsMaster (*)
PFS: First Publisher

by Robert Onda
Copyright (C) 1988

Portions Copyright (C) 1982-1987 by Microsoft Corporation
Portions Copyright (C) 1985-1987 by Thomas Hanlin III

This first version of ARTCON does FAST, EASY clip-art
conversions between Print Shop and PrintMaster Libraries, and
converts either Print Shop or Printmaster Libraries to the
PFS: First Publisher format. This first version is released
for the immediate need of converting graphics to the First
Publisher format. Future versions will add greater support
for different drives/paths if this type of feature is needed.
ARTCON requires DOS 3 or later.

Preparation to use ARTCON

To convert Print Shop Libraries

Print Shop Libraries contain two files, one ending in .NAM
(the graphic names file) and .DAT (the actual graphics).
Either copy each pair of files to convert to a floppy along
with ARTCON, or copy ARTCON into the directory containing the
two files. ARTCON expects both files to start with "GR", so
rename the files if necessary. When converting to
PrintMaster/NewsMaster, two new files will be created in the
same directory, one ending in .SDR (the names) and one ending
in .SHP (the graphics). When converting to First Publisher,
a series of .ART files will be created in the same directory.

To convert PrintMaster/NewsMaster Libraries

PrintMaster Libraries contain two files, .SDR (names) and
.SHP (graphics data). NewsMaster Libraries contain three,
.SDR, .SHP, and .SDX (.SDX is a pointers file which, among
other things, compensates for poor construction of the .SHP
file). Copy these files to a floppy along with ARTCON, or
copy ARTCON into the directory containing these files.
Conversions to Print Shop will leave two new files in the
same directory, one ending in .NAM and one ending in .DAT.
Conversions to First Publisher will leave a series of .ART
files in the same directory or floppy. See NewsMaster notes

ARTCON Version 1.4 has just five menu choices:

1. Print Shop Library to PrintMaster/NewsMaster Library

ARTCON shows the Print Shop Libraries on the current
directory and asks for the name of the library to convert.
It will show the names of all the graphics in the selected
library and create a PrintMaster/NewsMaster format file.
ARTCON will name the new files into the default
Print/NewsMaster format; however if the default filename
exists ARTCON will ask for a new name. You may press
alone at any prompt to abort and return to the opening

2. Print Shop Library to PFS: First Publisher .ART files

ARTCON shows the Print Shop Libraries on the current
directory and asks for the name of the library to convert.
It then shows the names of all graphics in the selected
library and creates separate .ART files for use with PFS:
First Publisher. Because Print Shop graphic names may be up
to sixteen characters, while PFS: First Publisher (and DOS)
can use only eight, the first eight characters of the graphic
name are used. If that eight-character filename would
duplicate an existing filename, ARTCON will beep and ask for
a new filename. You may abort by pressing alone.

3. PrintMaster/NewsMaster Library to Print Shop Library

The reverse of #1 above. (See NewsMaster notes below.)
ARTCON will create two new files ending in .SDR and .SHP.
Note: A NewsMaster library may include graphics of different
sizes; any graphics which are not the same size as a Print
Shop graphic will be skipped (in this version 1.0).

4. PrintMaster/NewsMaster to PFS: First Publisher .ART Files

Similar to #2 above. All NewsMaster graphics, of any
size, will be converted to First Publisher. (See NewsMaster
notes below.)

6. END and Shareware notice

This exits the program, showing the Shareware screen.


GRACDEMO.NAM and GRACDEMO.DAT is a Print Shop Library
containing 15 graphics. You can immediately try ARTCON,
converting the GRACDEMO file to PrintMaster or PFS: First
Publisher formats.

NewsMaster notes:

With the release of NewsMaster (and PrintMaster Plus?),

variable-sized graphic capabilities are used in (more or
less) the standard PrintMaster format. I have added a minimal
adaptation for the NewsMaster files; unfortunately, ARTCON
might be fooled somewhere within a NewsMaster library while
converting to Print Shop or PFS: First Publisher, and some
graphics may look skewered or unrecognizable. This condition
will be solved soon.

PFS: First Publisher notes:

Print Shop graphics and PrintMaster graphics are converted
in approximately the proper aspect ratio for direct use in
PFS: First Publisher. However, since First Publisher .ART
has twice the (apparent) vertical resolution, you are able to
"Magnify" each graphic and do manual touch-ups or smoothing.
The variable-size NewsMaster graphics also are converted to
First Publisher .ART files in near-correct aspect ratio. The
new Super-Size NewsMaster graphics may not convert correctly
at this time (then again, they may).

Notes on using with floppy disks:

You should first copy the original files to a floppy disk
containing no other files. Start ARTCON from your A> drive,
and swap into the A> drive the disk containing the original
library files. If the disk becomes full while converting and
saving the new graphics, ARTCON will stop cleanly and exit
to DOS.

ARTCON is Shareware

If you use and are satisfied with ARTCON and wish to
support my effort to add more clip-art format conversions,
please register your use of ARTCON by sending $15.00 to:

Robert Onda
Box 611
Lanham, Maryland 20706

I will send back a disk containing the latest update of
ARTCON along with at least 100 graphics in Print Shop format
(new to the PC-compatible universe) ready for conversion to
PrintMaster or PFS: First Publisher formats.

In the near future, ARTCON will include complete support
for NewsMaster files; conversions to/from Newsroom (in proper
aspect ratio); and support for more desktop publishing or
other programs using clip-art. Suggestions for enhancements
are welcome.

For you bean counters:

This first released version of ARTCON was written using the
Microsoft QuickBasic compiler, and was made much more
user-friendly with the Advanced Function Library (ADVBAS)
routines written by Thomas Hanlin III.

Corrected a flaw which prevented ARTCON from working on some
original commercial Print Shop Graphics Library disks and
PrintMaster Art Gallery disks.

Fixed conversion of some Print Shop graphic names.

Subtle speedups.

  3 Responses to “Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : ARTCON.ZIP
Filename : ARTCON.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: