Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : $$$PCX.ZIP
Filename : PCXSHOW.C

Output of file : PCXSHOW.C contained in archive : $$$PCX.ZIP
/* PCXshow.c - Simple PCX Slide Show for all three video boards.

Update History:

10-Mar-88: starting. using the PCX Tech Doc as documentation
for now.
12-Mar-88: This file created from PCX.C. Works but needs
ability to handle color planes.
01-Apr-88: starting on a version that uses the VGR functions
to show PCX files on any video board.
21-Jun-88: Extremely late! mods that should've been done 2
months ago!

Note: sorry, I was too busy to write the routines to convert
pictures from one format to another. This routine will
actually display any picture on any adapter, but the
results will look funny in some cases.

15-Aug-88: re-installed the ref_expand() code for file names.

#define ALLOCATE
#undef NULL
#include "pcx.h"

char *spec;

int show_flg = 0;
long show_time = 100;
struct TIMER timer;
int inverse = 0;
int palette = 0;

char language = 'E';

main( argc, argv )
char **argv;
int argc;
int i;

if ( argc < 2 )
{ help();

for ( i=1; i < argc; i++ )
if ( *argv[i] == '-' )
check_option( argv[i]+1 );

if ( vgr_setup( spec ) )
CRASH("vgr_setup failed!");

if ( vgr_type == TYPE_UNKNOWN )
CRASH( "ERROR: Can't Identify Video Board!" );
if ( vgr_type == TYPE_MDA )
CRASH( "ERROR: Requires a graphic board" );

printf("%s Video Board Detected\n", vgr_type_name );
printf("hit return to continue, or ^C to exit:");

for ( i=1; i < argc; i++ )
if ( *argv[i] != '-' )
dmppcx( argv[i] );

if ( show_flg )
vgr_mode( 3 );

check_option( opt )
char *opt;
if ( *opt == 'd' )
show_time = atoi( opt + 1 ) * 10l;
else if ( *opt == 'i' )
inverse = 1;
else if ( *opt == 'n' )
inverse = 0;
else if ( *opt == 'p' )
palette = 1;
else if ( !strcmp( opt, "cga" ) )
spec = opt;
else if ( !strcmp( opt, "ega" ) )
spec = opt;
else if ( !strcmp( opt, "cga2" ) )
spec = opt;
else if ( !strcmp( opt, "herc" ) )
spec = opt;
else if ( *opt == '?' )
else { printf( "unknown option: %s, try \"PCXDISP -?\"\n", opt );

dmppcx( fn )
char *fn;
char *argv[99];
int i, argc;

argc = ref_expand( argv, 99, fn );
if ( argc < 0 )
err_exitf( -argc, "error expanding %s\n", fn );

for ( i=0; i < argc; i++ )
_dmppcx( argv[i] );

_dmppcx( fn )
char *fn;
PCXPIC *pic, *load_picture();

pic = load_picture( fn );

if (inverse)
pcx_invert_pic( pic );

if ( palette && vgr_type == TYPE_EGA )
play_with_palette( pic );
else display_picture( pic );

pcx_free_pic( pic );

PCXPIC *load_picture( fn )
char *fn;
PCXPIC *pic, *pcx_init_pic();
FILE *fp, *bufopen();

fp = bufopen( fn, "r" );

if ( !( pic = pcx_init_pic( 0, 0, 0 ) ) )
CRASH( "out of memory" );

if ( pcx_read_pic( pic, fp ) )
{ printf( "pcx_read_pic failed reading %s", fn );

return pic;

display_picture( pic )
PCXPIC *pic;
unsigned long stopwatch();

if ( (*vgr_nit)() )
CRASH( "Board init failed" );
if ( VGR_MODE( vgr_md ) )
CRASH( "Mode select failed" );


pcx_showpic( pic, 0, 0, 0 );

stopwatch( 1, &timer );
show_flg = 1;

int c = 0;

if ( show_flg )
while ( stopwatch( 0, &timer ) < show_time )
if ( constat() )
if ( (c = conin()) == 27 || c == 32 )
else errbeep();

if ( c == 27 )
{ vgr_mode( 3 );

play_with_palette( pic )
PCXPIC *pic;
char buf[64];
int p, c, r, g, b;

p = r = g = b = 0;
top: vgr_mode( 3 );
printf("Palette=%d, R%d G%d B%d\n", p, r, g, b );
printf("p#, r#, g# or b#:");

if ( *buf )

{ if ( *buf == 'r' )
r = atoi(buf+1);
if ( *buf == 'g' )
g = atoi(buf+1);
if ( *buf == 'b' )
b = atoi(buf+1);
if ( *buf == 'p' )
p = atoi(buf+1);

show_flg = 0;
display_picture( pic );
pal: r &= 0x03; g &= 0x03; b &= 0x03; p &= 0x0f;
ega_set_palette( p, r, g, b );

sound( 500 + ( (b & 0x01) | !!(b & 0x02) * 8
| !!(g & 0x01) * 2 | !!(g & 0x02) * 16
| !!(r & 0x01) * 4 | !!(r & 0x02) * 32 )
* 100, 10 );

while ( (c=conin()) != 27 && c != 3 && c != '+' && c != '-' )

if ( c == 3 )
{ vgr_mode( 3 );

if ( c == '+' || c == '-' )
if ( *buf == 'r' || *buf == 'g' || *buf =='b' )
{ if ( *buf == 'r' )
r += (c=='+') ? 1 : -1;
if ( *buf == 'g' )
g += (c=='+') ? 1 : -1;
if ( *buf == 'b' )
b += (c=='+') ? 1 : -1;
goto pal;

goto top;

err_exitf( 1, "\
usage: PCXDISP [options...] [file_refs...]\n\
PCXDISP is a simple slide show utility. Each .PCX file\n\
listed is shown for a period of time. Options are as follows:\n\
-cga force CGA 640x200x2 mode\n\
-cga2 force CGA 320x200x4 mode\n\
-ega force EGA 640x350x16 mode\n\
-herc force HERC 720x348x2 mode\n\
-dnn set the delay between 'slides' to seconds\n\
-i Invert all bits in the image before displaying\n\
-n Stop inverting bits in the image\n\
-p Allow interactive tinkering with palette registers\n\
works only in EGA mode; try ESC, ^C, +, -, r, g & b keys.\n\
-? Show this help message\n" );

  3 Responses to “Category : Printer + Display Graphics
Archive   : $$$PCX.ZIP
Filename : PCXSHOW.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: