Category : System Diagnostics for your computer
Archive   : PRCTST1D.ZIP
CPUID and FPU test written by Daan Waterman '1994
( 7 december 1994 )
This program detects what processor is used. It will run a check on
the FPU (Floiting Point Unit=Arithmic Coprocessor) and is able to detect
the Pentium FDIV error and the step version of the Pentium CPU.
Because it runs the same routine on a 80486 and a Pentium you can easily
see that calculations that run good on the 80486 give strange result on the
As far as we know there isn't a good P5 yet, so everyone has a buggy version.
This program can be of enormous help to people who want to buy a Pentium in
the near future. The buggy versions can be detected so the consumer can
protect himself against the buggy Pentium that will be sold much cheaper.
³ CAD/CAM applications and PCB design programs cannot run reliable on Pentium
³ machines that have the buggy P5. A serious problem !
³ DO NOT RUN your financial calculations on a 'buggy' Pentium because this
³ can cause enormous differences in the result. And can costs MONEY !
This program is *FREEWARE/Public Domain*. The only thing we hope for is
some feedback about the results on your machine. Because there could be
new P5 processors with a newer step/revision nr that do not have the bug
anymore we like to hear from you.
All Public Domain productions of D.W. will be first available at :
Ensing-BBS, Harkstede, The Netherlands :
+31 5904-1913 2:282/523
+31 5904-1388 2:282/523
+31 5904-2135 2:282/521
+31 5904-2733 2:282/522
Thanking you in advance for your replies,
Internet : [email protected],
FIDO Netmail : Daan Waterman on 2:282/521,
Local on BBS : Daan Waterman
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: