Dec 162017
Menu and security system with many very powerful features.
File PASSKEY.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category System Diagnostics
Menu and security system with many very powerful features.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
INSTALL.BAT 222 81 deflated
M.BAT 75 64 deflated
MENU.BAT 213 118 deflated
PASSKEY.DOC 23199 6018 deflated
PASSKEY.EXE 56784 23319 deflated
READ.ME 1484 742 deflated

Download File PASSKEY.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

PassKey version 1.04 - Copywrite (c) 1987

By: Rod Cullison

Passkey is a PC menu system that provides for security by user
and application. A user's menu is presented with only those
applications that the user has been given access to by the
security administrator.

The following files should be contained on the PassKey
distribution diskette or in the ARC file:

READ.ME - You are reading it.
PASSKEY.DOC - Documentation file for PassKey.
PASSKEY.EXE - The PassKey program.
MENU.BAT - A batch file for starting PassKey.
M.BAT - A batch file used for returning to
PassKey from DOS.
INSTALL.BAT - The installation batch file to install

This is the first version of PassKey to be offered as shareware.
I was convinced to do so by several friends. I hope they remain
my friends. Future versions of PassKey may or may not be
released through shareware. That will depend on the response
that I receive from this version.

If you have any opinions on the PassKey program or problems, I
can be reached on Compuserve [71320,737].

You may notice that the titling makes reference to reporting as
part of PassKey. The time accountting functions have not been
released as yet, but are on their way. They will include
complete usage reports for those companies that are interested
in the overall usage of their PC's.

 December 16, 2017  Add comments

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