Category : System Diagnostics for your computer
Archive   : MTSR.ZIP
Filename : MTSR.DOC

Output of file : MTSR.DOC contained in archive : MTSR.ZIP
Product: MTSR mcTRONic Systems
Date: June 12, 1991 7426 Cornwall Bridge Ln.
Document: Product Information Houston, TX 77041-1709
Version: MTSR.COM R1.00 (713) 462-7687
CIS#: 74365,1716 Hours: 5-10 PM M-F CST

MTSR is a memory usage display program. It will display memory
usage for DOS, device drivers, TSR's and more if located within
the first 640K or loaded in the UMB (upper memory blocks) area
under DOS 5 or by QEMM (That is memory between 0000-9FFF, the
first 640K and the UMB area A000-FFFF). MTSR requires DOS 3.3 or
higher, but works best with DOS 4.0 or higher. You must be
running QEMM or have DOS 5 to look at the UMB area.

Syntax: [LH|LOADHI] MTSR [/?]

If the DOS 5 LH or QEMM LOADHI command are not used then MTSR
will display programs loaded in low memory, that is within the
first 640K of memory. If the LH or LOADHI command is included
before the MTSR command then MTSR will display those programs
loaded in the UMB area or memory between 640K and 1 Meg. If you
are not using DOS 5, you might considers renaming the QEMM pro-
gram LOADHI.COM file to LH.COM. It requires less keystrokes and
looks more like DOS 5. When MTSR is loaded into the UMB area,
you must have at least 3K of memory free or the load will fail.

If you add the /? at the end of the MTSR command line, then a
small help screen will be displayed. If you had a LH or LOADHI
at the beginning it will be ignored.

When MTSR is run, it will display five columns of information.
They are:

Segment, Starting to ending memory segment of program in hex.

Sg_Size, Segment size in bytes less 16 byte header.

PSP#, Program Segment Prefix, Segment address of owning program.

Owner, Owner file name from Memory control block or Environment.
If owned by DOS will be called or if unused.
When referring to an unusable UMB area it will display
which refers to a dummy terminal. See the Description/Unusable.

Description, Segment description in one of the following forms:

System Data, The first used memory area including the BIOS data,
interrupt vectors, and all or a portion of the two hidden DOS

DOS Kernel, used to describe the location of DOS loaded device
drivers. Device drivers loaded by QEMM show up as standard

Program, A Segment that has a PSP that indicates it owns itself.
This would be where the main body of a program is loaded.

Master Envi, This the Master Environment loaded after the first
copy of COMMAND.COM. It will be the same size that is reserved
by the /e:xxx command on the SHELL= line in your CONFIG file.

Environment, A copy of the master Environment as first loaded
after COMMAND.COM. It is a copy of the original and is turned
over to a TSR program when it loads after the Environment area.

Data, An area other than a copy of the Master Environment which
belongs to a loaded program. Data areas can yet be another copy
of the Environment or a small portion of code to be used when a
program returns from a Shell command.

Not In Use, Free Segment area not belonging to any program.

Unusable, Used in the UMB area to denote a dummy memory control
block required to make memory usage contingous. They allow DOS
to jump around such things as the Video adapter BIOS.

If you wish to print out the results of MTSR, it is best to first
run MTSR and redirect its output to a disk file, then use the
type command to send it to a printer.


  3 Responses to “Category : System Diagnostics for your computer
Archive   : MTSR.ZIP
Filename : MTSR.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: