Category : System Diagnostics for your computer
Archive   : FICHECK5.ZIP
Filename : PROVE.BAT
echo Before running this simple proof pgm, a copy of our FICHECK and MFICHECK
echo programs must be on floppy (or microfloppy) disk drive A: (in root directory).
echo Also, to prevent possible viral contamination, FICHECK and MFICHECK are written
echo such that they won't run on anything but a system that booted DOS from FLOPPY
echo diskette. The PROVECRC.EXE program should be on the current drive and directory
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
echo If you haven't booted DOS from floppy, and you don't have a copy of FICHECK
echo and MFICHECK on floppy drive A, press Ctrl-Break to stop this demonstration,
echo otherwise, strike any key to continue.
echo on
provecrc %1 %2
echo off
if errorlevel 2 goto notaltered
if errorlevel 1 goto nogood
goto showit
echo File "%1" was unable to be altered and still maintain the same CRC.
echo Please try again with another file.
goto done
echo off
echo ****** Proof that CRC checking alone is inadequate ****** >proof
echo --------------------------------------------------------------- >>proof
echo Prove that "%1" and "%2" show identical CRC's >>proof
echo --------------------------------------------------------------- >>proof
echo on
a:\ficheck /s=%1 >>proof
if errorlevel 1 goto nogood
a:\ficheck /s=%2 >>proof
if errorlevel 1 goto nogood
echo off
echo --------------------------------------------------------------- >>proof
echo Prove that "%1" and "%2" show different MCRC's >>proof
echo --------------------------------------------------------------- >>proof
echo on
a:\mficheck /s=%1 >>proof
if errorlevel 1 goto nogood
a:\mficheck /s=%2 >>proof
if errorlevel 1 goto nogood
echo off
echo ************** Please view the file "proof" to see results ************
goto done
echo Something went wrong - make sure you placed FICHECK.EXE and MFICHECK.EXE on
echo a DOS bootable diskette, and that you booted from that diskette. Also, make
echo sure you supplied an INFILE and OUTFILE name to start this proof process.
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: