Category : System Diagnostics for your computer
Archive   : CHIPS.ZIP
Filename : CHIPS.ASM
; int chips( void );
; returns:
; tucked away neatly in your AX....
; you get back 8x if an 8088/8086
; 18x if an 80186/80188
; 28x if an 80286
; 38x if an 80386
; 20x for a NEC V20/V30
; xx0 if NO NDP is found
; xx1 if an 8087
; xx2 if an 80287
; xx3 for an 80387
; OR.....
; >>> A return of 280 means you got an 80286 machine with no NDP, <<<
; >>> 383 means you have an 80386/80387 rig to work with, and a <<<
; >>> return of 81 sez that you have 8088/8086 CPU with an 8087. <<<
; >>> A 200 tells you that you got an NEC V20/V30 without an NDP. <<<
; >>> ETC., Etc., etc. <<<
; There are lotsa ways of handling the way this function returns
; it's data. For my purposes, I have elected this one because
; it requires only int arithmetic on the caller's end to extract
; all the info I need from the return value. I think that I'm
; well enough 'commented' in the following code so that you will
; be able to tinker and Putz until you find the best return tech-
; nique for Ur purposes without having to reinvent the wheel.
; >>>> Please see TEST.C, enclosed in this .ARC. <<<<
; _chips is made up of two PROC's, cpu_type and ndp_type.
; cpu_type is based on uncopyrighted, published logic by
; Clif (that's the way he spells it) Purkiser of Intel -
; Santa Clara.
; ndp_type is adopted from Ted Forgeron's article in PC
; Tech Journal, Aug '87 p43.
; In the event of subsequent republication of this function,
; please carry forward reference to these two gentlemen as
; original authors.
; Copr. 1987 Pat Shea - Psi! (that Copr. is on there cuz my
; lawyer sez I should, but feel
; free to hack away!!! pats.)
; Update: 1/1/88 - changed this code slightly so that it is
; compilable using MASM 5.0, and the test.c
; file using MSC 5.0.
PUBLIC _chips
_chips PROC
control dw 0 ; control word needed for the NDP test
push BP ; save where Ur at
mov BP,SP ; going in.....
push DI
push SI
push CX ; not really needed for MSC but kinda
; nice to do cuz someone else might
; want to use the function and we do
; use CX later on
call cpu_type ; find out what kinda CPU you got and
; and save it in DX for future reference
call ndp_type ; check for math coprocessor (NDP) type
; and hold that result in AX
add AX,DX ; add the two results together and hold
; 'em in AX for Ur return to the caller
pop CX ; put things back the way that you
pop SI ; found 'em when you started this
pop DI ; little drill off.....
pop BP
ret ; go back to where you came from....
; ( ===> the calling program )
; with Ur results sittin' in AX !!
_chips endp
cpu_type PROC
pushf ; pump Ur flags register onto the stack
xor DX,DX ; blow out Ur DX and AX to start off
xor AX,AX ; with a clean slate
push AX ; put AX on the stack
popf ; bring it back in Ur flags
pushf ; try to set bits 12 thru 15 to a zero
pop AX ; get back Ur flags word in AX
and AX, 0f000h ; if bits 12 thru 15 are set then you got
cmp AX, 0f000h ; an Intel 8018x or a 808x or maybe even
jz dig ; a NEC V20/V30 ??? - gotta look more...
; Here's the BIG one.... 'tells the difference between an 80286 and
; an 80386 !!
mov AX, 07000h ; try to set FLAG bits 12 thru 14
; - NT, IOPL
push AX ; put it onto the stack
popf ; and try to pump 07000H into Ur flags
pushf ; push Ur flags, again
pop AX ; and bring back AX for a compare
and AX,07000h ; if Ur bits 12 thru 14 are set
jnz got386 ; then Ur workin' with an 80386
mov DX, 0280 ; save 280 in DX cuz it's an 80286
jmp SHORT CPUbye ; and bail out
got386: mov DX, 0380 ; save 380 in DX cuz it's an Intel 80386
jmp SHORT CPUbye ; and bail out
; here's we try to figger out whether it's an 80188/80186, an 8088/8086
; or an NEC V20/V30 - 'couple of slick tricks from Clif Purkiser.....
dig: mov AX, 0ffffh ; load up AX
mov CL, 33 ; HERE's the FIRST TRICK.... this will
; shift everything 33 times if it's
; 8088/8086, or once for a 80188/80186!
shl AX, CL ; on a shift of 33, all bits get zeroed
jz digmor ; out so if anything is left ON it's
; gotta be an 80188/80186
mov DX,0180 ; save 180 in DX cuz it's an 80188/80186
jmp SHORT CPUbye ; and bail out
digmor: xor AL,AL ; clean out AL to set ZF
mov AL,40h ; ANOTHER TRICK.... mul on an NEC duz NOT
mul AL ; effect the zero flag BUT on an Intel
jz gotNEC ; 8088/8086, the zero flag gets thrown
mov DX,0080 ; 80 into DX cuz it's an Intel 8088/8086
jmp SHORT CPUbye ; and bail out
gotNEC: mov DX,0200 ; it's an NEC V20/V30 so save 200 in DX
CPUbye: popf ; putchur flags back to where they were
ret ; and go back to where you came from
; (i.e., ===> _chips) with the CPU type
; tucked away in DX for future reference
cpu_type endp
; Check for an NDP.
; >>>>NOTE: If you are using an MASM version < 5.0, don't forget to
; use the /R option or you will bomb cuz of the coprocessor instruc-
; tions. /R is not needed for version 5.0.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
ndp_type PROC
do_we: fninit ; try to initialize the NDP
mov byte ptr control+1,0 ; clear memory byte
fnstcw control ; put control word in memory
mov AH,byte ptr control+1 ; iff AH is 03h, you got
cmp AH,03h ; an NDP on board !!
je chk_87 ; found somethin', keep goin'
xor AX,AX ; clean out AX to show a zero
jmp SHORT NDPbye ; return (i.e., no NDP)
; 'got an 8087 ??
chk_87: and control,NOT 0080h ; turn ON interrupts (IEM = 0)
fldcw control ; load control word
fdisi ; turn OFF interrupts (IEM = 1)
fstcw control ; store control word
test control,0080h ; iff IEM=1, 8087
jz chk287 ; 'guess not! March on....
mov AX,0001 ; set up for a 1 return to
jmp SHORT NDPbye ; show an 8087 is on board
; if not.... would you believe an 80287 maybe ??
chk287: finit ; set default infinity mode
fld1 ; make infinity
fldz ; by dividing
fdiv ; 1 by zero !!
fld st ; now make a
fchs ; negative infinity
fcompp ; compare Ur two infinities
fstsw control ; iff, for 8087 or 80287
fwait ; sit tight 'til status word is put away
mov AX,control ; getchur control word
sahf ; putchur AH into flags
jnz got387 ; NO GOOD.... march on !!
mov AX,0002 ; gotta be a 80287 cuz we already tested
jmp SHORT NDPbye ; for an 8087
; We KNOW that there is an NDP on board otherwise we would have bailed
; out after 'do_we'. It isn't an 8087 or an 80287 or we wouldn't have
; gotten this far. It's gotta be an 80387 !!
got387: mov AX,0003 ; call it an 80387 and return 3
NDPbye: ret ; and go back where you came from
; (i.e., ===> _chips) carrying the NDP
; type in Ur AX register
ndp_type endp
_text ends
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: