Category : DeskTop Publishing in the 1990's
Archive   : GS252PM.ZIP
Filename : GS_DPS1.PS

Output of file : GS_DPS1.PS contained in archive : GS252PM.ZIP
% Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
% Distributed by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
% This file is part of Ghostscript.
% Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
% to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
% particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
% to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
% Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
% General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
% given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
% responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
% things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
% copies.

% Initialization file for Ghostscript analogs of Display PostScript
% functions that are also included in Level 2.
% When this is run, systemdict is still writable.

% ------ Binary token support ------ %

% Initialization for the system name table.

% 0
/abs /add /aload /anchorsearch /and
/arc /arcn /arct /arcto /array
/ashow /astore /awidthshow /begin /bind
/bitshift /ceiling /charpath /clear /cleartomark
% 20
/clip /clippath /closepath /concat /concatmatrix
/copy /count /counttomark /currentcmykcolor /currentdash
/currentdict /currentfile /currentfont /currentgray /currentgstate
/currenthsbcolor /currentlinecap /currentlinejoin /currentlinewidth /currentmatrix
% 40
/currentpoint /currentrgbcolor /currentshared /curveto /cvi
/cvlit /cvn /cvr /cvrs /cvs
/cvx /def /defineusername /dict /div
/dtransform /dup /end /eoclip /eofill
% 60
/eoviewclip /eq /exch /exec /exit
/file /fill /findfont /flattenpath /floor
/flush /flushfile /for /forall /eg
/get /getinterval /grestore /gsave /gstate
% 80
/gt /identmatrix /idiv /idtransform /if
/ifelse /image /imagemask /index /ineofill
/infill /initviewclip /inueofill /inufill /invertmatrix
/itransform /known /le /length /lineto
% 100
/load /loop /lt /makefont /matrix
/maxlength /mod /moveto /mul /ne
/neg /newpath /not /null /or
/pathbbox /pathfoall /pop /print /printobject
% 120
/put /putinterval /rcurveto /read /readhexstring
/readline /readstring /rectclip /rectfill /rectstroke
/rectviewclip /repeat /restore /rlineto /rmoveto
/roll /rotate /round /save /scale
% 140
/scalefont /search /selectfont /setbbox /setcachedevice
/setcachedevice2 /setcharwidth /setcmykcolor /setdash /setfont
/setgray /setgstate /sethsbcolor /setlinecap /setlinejoin
/setlinewidth /setmatrix /setrgbcolor /setshared /shareddict
% 160
/show /showpage /stop /stopped /store
/string /stringwidth /stroke /strokepath /sub
/systemdict /token /transform /translate /truncate
/type /uappend /ucache /ueofill /ufill
% 180
/undef /upath /userdict /ustroke /viewclip
/viewclippath /where /widthshow /write /writehexstring
/writeobject /writestring /wtranslation /xor /xshow
/xyshow /yshow /FontDirectory /SharedFontDirectory /Courier
% 200
/Courier-Bold /Courier-BoldOblique /Courier-Oblique /Helvetica /Helvetica-Bold
/Helvetica-BoldOblique /Helvetica-Oblique /Symbol /Times-Bold /Times-BoldItalic
/Times-Italic /Times-Roman /execuserobject /currentcolor /currentcolorspace
/currentglobal /execform /filter /findresource /globaldict
% 220
/makepattern /setcolor /setcolorspace /setglobal /setpagedevice
% pad to 256
counttomark 256 exch sub { 0 } repeat
% 256
/= /== /ISOLatin1Encoding /StandardEncoding
% 260
/[ /] /atan /banddevice /bytesavailable
/cachestatus /closefile /colorimage /condition /copypage
/cos /countdictstack /countexecstack /cshow /currentblackgeneration
/currentcacheparams /currentcolorscreen /currentcolortransfer /currentcontext /currentflat
% 280
/currenthalftone /currenthalftonephase /currentmiterlimit /currentobjectformat /currentpacking
/currentscreen /currentstrokeadjust /currenttransfer /currentundercolorremoval /defaultmatrix
/definefont /deletefile /detach /deviceinfo /dictstack
/echo /erasepage /errordict /execstack /executeonly
% 300
/exp /false /filenameforall /fileposition /fork
/framedevice /grestoreall /handleerror /initclip /initgraphics
/initmatrix /instroke /inustroke /join /kshow
/ln /lock /log /mark /monitor
% 320
/noaccess /notify /nulldevice /packedarray /quit
/rand /rcheck /readonly /realtime /renamefile
/renderbands /resetfile /reversepath /rootfont /rrand
/run /scheck /setblackgeneration /setcachelimit /setcacheparams
% 340
/setcolorscreen /setcolortransfer /setfileposition /setflat /sethalftone
/sethalftonephase /setmiterlimit /setobjectformat /setpacking /setscreen
/setstrokeadjust /settransfer /setucacheparams /setundercolorremoval /sin
/sqrt /srand /stack /status /statusdict
% 360
/true /ucachestatus /undefinefont /usertime /ustrokepath
/version /vmreclaim /vmstatus /wait /wcheck
/xcheck /yield /defineuserobject /undefineuserobject /UserObjects
% 376
/A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M
/N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z
/a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m
/n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z
% 428
/setvmthreshold (<<) cvn
(>>) cvn /currentcolorrendering /currentdevparams /currentoverprint /currentpagedevice
/currentsystemparams /currentuserparams /defineresource /findencoding /gcheck
% 440
/glyphshow /languagelevel /product /pstack /resourceforall
/resourcestatus /revision /serialnumber /setcolorrendering /setdevparams
/setoverprint /setsystemparams /setuserparams /startjob /undefineresource
/GlobalFontDirectory /ASCII85Decode /ASCII85Encode /ASCIIHexDecode /ASCIIHexEncode
% 460
/CCITTFaxDecode /CCITTFaxEncode /DCTDecode /DCTEncode /LZWDecode
/LZWEncode /NullEncode /RunLengthDecode /RunLengthEncode /SubFileDecode
/CIEBasedA /CIEBasedABC /DeviceCMYK /DeviceGray /DeviceRGB
/Indexed /Pattern /Separation
% 478 -- end
counttomark packedarray exch pop

% Install the system and user name tables.
% The user name table is read-only for ordinary programs,
% since it doesn't obey save/restore and must be managed specially.

dup /SystemNames exch def
100 array readonly dup /UserNames exch def

% ------ Fonts ------ %

{ exch findfont exch
dup type /arraytype eq { makefont } { scalefont } ifelse
} odef
{ FontDirectory exch undef
} odef

% ------ Halftones ------ %

%**************** These are pretty much stubs ****************%
% since they only recognize a subset of the halftone types,
% and don't return the actual frequency and angle.

{ currentscreen 4 dict begin
/HalftoneType 1 def
/SpotFunction exch def
/Angle exch def
/Frequency exch def
currentdict end
} odef
/getall % dict keyarray -> values
{ 1 index exch { get exch dup } forall pop pop
} bind def
{ { /Frequency /Angle /SpotFunction } getall setscreen
} bind def
{ { /RedFrequency /RedAngle /RedSpotFunction
/GreenFrequency /GreenAngle /GreenSpotFunction
/BlueFrequency /BlueAngle /BlueSpotFunction
/GrayFrequency /GrayAngle /GraySpotFunction
} getall setcolorscreen
} bind def
{ dup /HalftoneType get 1 sub
{ .sethalftone1 .sethalftone2 .sethalftone3 .sethalftone4
} exch get cvx exec
} odef

% ------ User objects ------ %

{ userdict /UserObjects known
{ 1 index userdict /UserObjects get length ge
{ 1 index 1 add array userdict /UserObjects get
1 index copy pop
userdict /UserObjects 3 -1 roll put
} if }
{ userdict /UserObjects 3 index 1 add array put }
userdict /UserObjects get 3 1 roll put
} odef
{ userdict /UserObjects get exch get exec
} odef
{ userdict /UserObjects get exch null put
} odef

% ------ User paths ------ %

{ [ exch {/ucache cvx} if pathbbox /setbbox cvx
{/moveto cvx} {/lineto cvx} {/curveto cvx} {/closepath cvx}
pathforall ] cvx
} odef

% Dummy definitions for cache control operators

{ mark 0 0 0 0 0 } odef
{ cleartomark } odef

% ------ Virtual memory ------ %

%**************** Everything here is a stub. ****************%

/currentshared { false } odef
/scheck { pop false } odef
/setshared { pop } odef
/setvmthreshold { pop } odef
/shareddict countdictstack array dictstack 1 get def
/SharedFontDirectory FontDirectory def
/vmreclaim { pop } odef

  3 Responses to “Category : DeskTop Publishing in the 1990's
Archive   : GS252PM.ZIP
Filename : GS_DPS1.PS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: