Dec 102017
Excellent Word for Windows 3.0 macro to insert symbols (copyright, trademark, etc.). Easy installation.
File DINGER.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category DeskTop Publishing
Excellent Word for Windows 3.0 macro to insert symbols (copyright, trademark, etc.). Easy installation.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DNGR10.DOC 62259 20272 deflated

Download File DINGER.ZIP Here

Contents of the DNGR10.DOC file

! v3wo%$$$$3dX$84(::::dA Word for Windows 1.1 macro
To implement the "Insert Character" menu command.
Dinger puts Dingbats, Symbols, and all your W4W characters at your fingertips.

macrobutton install To customize and install Dinger, double-click on this sentence.

You may scan through this Dinger documentation "normally" (i.e., sequentially), but if you know which section you want to read, or if you just want to pop around a bit to get more comfortable with Dinger, double-click on one of the boxes, sections or functions below:

gotobutton Help I GIVE UP! HELP!!!

Dinger 1.0 DocCruiser

gotobutton ACK Section 0: Acknowledgementsgotobutton Processing Section 4: How Dinger Works
gotobutton Overview Section 1: Overviewgotobutton Installing Section 5: Customizing and Installing
gotobutton Features Section 2: Featuresgotobutton Arabco Section 6: You Read It Here First!
gotobutton Registration Section 3: Registrationgotobutton StartRegForm Section 7: A Handy Registration Form

macrobutton PrintDoc Function 1: Print this Document
macrobutton PrintReg Function 2: Print Registration Form

gotobutton Arabco SAVE $5 On Dinger!

If you have a color monitor, you will soon discover that DocCruiser lets you double-click on any word or phrase that appears gotobutton Loop in red, to let you cycle through related topics that happen to be strung throughout the documentation. (Take that, HyperCard!)

Unfortunately, there is no easy way just yet to "backtrack" in DocCruiser at least not yet but, hey!, this is a word processor. What didja expect, chopped liver?


Dinger started as a series of messages between Larry Sakas, Ellen Nagler and Hans Michna on the CompuServe W4W forum (GO MSAPP, forum 12). The W4W forum being what it is (i.e., a wild, no-holds-barred place where opinionated curmudgeons clash in open combat!), several eavesdroppers had ideas and Dinger rapidly evolved into its present form.

Thanks to all those who had a chance to work with Beta Test Versions "B" (the slow one) and "D" (the fast one). You know who you are! You're as talented, fun, and interesting an accumulation of cannon fodder as any ol' hack could ever hope for...

Thanks to Guy Gallo, who provided a key insight into the technical structure of Dinger. It is rumored that Guy will be publishing a book shortly on WordBASIC, the W4W macro language. If you want to program macros, you need that book! 'Nuff said.

Thanks most of all to Linda, Justin and Grizzly, who gave me enough time and space to get this out the door.....

gotobutton DocCruiser (To go back to DocCruiser, double-click on this sentence.)

Overview: Why Dinger?

One of the most common questions posed by new W4W users is: "Where's the bullet?", followed closely by "Where's the em-dash?" The answer, simply, is that they're buried away the good bullet is character #183 in the Symbol font (as opposed to character #149 in most other fonts, which is ... uh ... anemic at best), and the most common em-dash is character #150 in almost every font gotobutton CharCoop (see more about characters #149 and #150 below).

In order to get to these rather esoteric characters, you have to learn about Alt-codes, futz around with the NumLock key, type in a magical code, and then, for the bullet, you have to squint a bit while you try to highlight a little dot and select its font. Or, if you like, you can write a short macro to insert the right character number, select the character, and apply the Symbol font. Either way it's a real pain, especially if you want to get some work done and don't care much about Alt-codes or writing W4W macros.

After a while the bullet and em-dash become second nature. But then the problems appear again when a W4W devotee springs for a fancy, expensive Dingbat font: "Where's that right-pointing finger thingy?", "Do I type an 'm' or an 'n' for the blacked-out box?", and on and on.... Most people keep little yellow stickypad notes stuck to their monitors with their most-used symbols scrawled in ink; others store dog-eared reference cards under their keyboards and pray that the cleaning people don't discover them.

Some people find KEYCAPS.DOC, the file supplied with W4W, but get discouraged when they realize that they have to open the file, then click on a symbol, then close the file, then copy the character from the clipboard to their document and even with all that rigmarole, KEYCAPS only supports the Symbol font; it won't work at all with, say, Zapf Dingbats.

To see KEYCAPS' vulnerability, try a little experiment. Do a "File Open" on KEYCAPS.DOC. Follow the instructions to paste something into a document, then turn View Field Codes ON. Surprise! KEYCAPS doesn't bring over a real honest-to-goodness character. It copies over something called a Macrobutton. Hidden macrobuttons can lead to all sorts of nasty problems. If you accidentally double-click on your newly imported character (to select it, for example), your Clipboard will be completely destroyed, without any warning...

Worse, KEYCAPS.DOC changes your View Field Codes and View Preferences settings without your consent, and doesn't change them back. Don't know how that plays in your neck of the woods, but it's decidedly a no-no up here in the mountains.

Dinger makes all of this much simpler, neater, and thanks to suggestions from several beta testers and a little fingers-never-leave-the-hands programming much faster, too. While KEYCAPS can take a full minute to run on a 386/33, Dinger does its thing in about five seconds.

Dinger adds a new command to your "Insert" drop-down menu, the one you can see right now on the second line of the display. With Dinger, all you have to do is click on gotobutton Processing Insert Character, wait a few seconds, double-click on the character you want, and when Dinger comes back to your document, whoo-ee! Yessiree, Billy Jo Bob. There's that character you picked, right where you wanted it, all formatted and ready to print. How 'bout that.

You can install dinger as many times as you like. Each time you pick a different "NORMAL" or default font, you'll get a different copy of Dinger, customized with its own entry on the "Insert" menu. That means any character of any font you own can be just two clicks, and about five seconds, away.

gotobutton DocCruiser (To go back to DocCruiser, double-click on this sentence.)
Do I really need Dinger?

Not necessarily. There are several good alternatives.

If your interest in oddball characters is limited to the Symbol font's bullet (Character #183), you don't need Dinger. Try this four-line macro, originally "discovered" by Jeff Garbers (the genius behind a certain well-known communications package):

Font "Symbol"
Insert "a"
Font X$

where the "a" is created by turning on the NumLock key, holding down the Alt key, and typing the numbers "0183" on the numeric keypad.

If you're just going to use a handful of characters (maximum five) from each font, Ellen Nagler has created a great, compact macro that will take care of your problem. Look for Quick Bullets in CompuServe's MSAPP library 1 or 12, or drop Ellen a note at CompuServe i.d. number 72510,2715. Quick Bullets comes set up for both the Symbol font and the Adobe Type Manager ZapfDingbats font. Her company, End User Systems in Boston (highly recommended!), could no doubt customize Quick Bullets for whatever font you may want.

And if you're most interested in getting at the real open- and close- quotes (instead of those yecchy generic unisex ones), and em-dashes, then Guy Gallo has a macro for you! Check out the ChangeQuoteDash macro that is part of GTOOLS.ZIP, also in the CompuServe MSAPP library 12.

But if you want more than quotes, dashes and bullets, including oddball characters in the fonts you use every day, Dinger is the ... uh ... thinger for you.

gotobutton DocCruiser (To go back to DocCruiser, double-click on this sentence.)

This version of Dinger has been tested on a wide array of computers, Windows setups, fonts, etc., and it seems to work quite well with all of them. However, sometimes there are strange things that happen, and documentation is never complete. Please, if you encounter a problem no matter how major or minor let us know! Don't get discouraged, as a solution to your problem may only take a few minutes. You can contact us via CompuServe in the MSAPP, MSWIN, or HP fora, or in CompuServe Mail, by leaving a message for Woody Leonhard 74730,1734. Woody or one of his helpers tries to check CompuServe every day, 365 days a year.

You can send us a letter from MCI Mail or any of the other major E-Mail services by routing your message to CompuServe i.d. 74730,1734 (the exact method for doing so varies on each network, so ask!). If all else fails, the U.S. Mail still delivers letters to us at: Pinecliffe International, P.O. Drawer 7337, Coal Creek Canyon, Golden, Colorado 80403. When you get in touch, tell us exactly which font and printer you're using, and describe your problem as precisely as possible. That way, you'll not only get your problem solved, but you may solve many others' problems as well....

gotobutton DocCruiser (To go back to DocCruiser, double-click on this sentence.)


Dinger 1.0 has just a few features; it was meant to be short and sweet:

First and foremost, Dinger performs its magic without mucking around with your W4W settings. It flip-flops between View modes and so on, but does it without disturbing your carefully-crafted environment.

Second, Dinger doesn't touch your clipboard. It performs behind the scenes and leaves the contents of the clipboard unscathed.

Third, Dinger gives you access to every character of every font you have (except characters #0 to #31, decimal, which tend to be control characters). It takes just two extra double-clicks to gotobutton Processing change fonts. That way, if you want to find the "" in your Univers font, for example, you don't have to go diving for a manual. Just put your cursor where you want the weird character, click on gotobutton Processing Insert Character, tell Dinger you want to see the Univers font, then double-click on whichever oddball character suits your fancy. That's it!

Fourth, Dinger installs with just a few mouse clicks, using a technique pioneered in Enveloper. There are no strange files floating around, begging to get lost, nothing extraneous to worry about. The installer takes a while to build the macros and glossary entry Dinger needs, but that's not such a big deal because you only install Dinger once and the installation process on a color monitor will give you quite a light show to boot, at no additional charge....

If you have anything you'd like to see in Dinger 2.0, just drop a line. Don't be bashful!

gotobutton DocCruiser (To go back to DocCruiser, double-click on this sentence.)

The Pinch

If you use Dinger, gotobutton Please please register! It's a sad-but-true fact that it costs money to develop and support a package like this. Think of it as voting for more software of this caliber with your checkbook. Or your company's checkbook. Or both!

In return, Pinecliffe International will give you this iron-clad guarantee: If Dinger ever fails to live up to your expectations, for whatever reason, just drop us a line and we'll send you a full and complete refund, by return mail, no questions asked. No problem.

Dinger 1.0 registration is $19 for individuals. Companies and organizations pay $15 per user for two to ten users. If you have more than ten users, a network, or if you want to get a break for your educational or non-profit organization, drop us a line. And registered Enveloper users get a $5 per head discount.

macrobutton PrintReg To print a registration form just double-click on this sentence. Please!

Dinger 1.0 is Copyright 1990 by Pinecliffe International. It is distributed as Shareware, i.e., you are encouraged to disseminate Dinger far and wide, providing it is distributed in its entirety and without charge (except for reimbursement of media and mailing costs, if applicable). Pinecliffe International expressly reserves the right to change these distribution restrictions in future versions. Dinger 1.0 is distributed without warranty, either expressed or implied, and without guarantee as to its suitability for a particular task.

gotobutton DocCruiser (To go back to DocCruiser, double-click on this sentence.)

What duzzit do?

Dinger adds a new command to your "Insert" menu, called "Insert Character".

You can use that command to insert any character (from #32 to #255), from any font, into your document. Just follow these steps:

Place the cursor (what W4W calls the "insertion point") wherever you want your shiny new character.

Click on "Insert", then "Character"

Dinger pops up with a full display of all characters (#32 to #255) in the font you chose during gotobutton Installing installation.

+If you change your mind all of a sudden, and don't want to use Dinger, just double-click on "Cancel".

+If you want to see all the characters from a different font, just double-click on "Change Fonts".

Then simply pick the character you want by double-clicking on it.

That's all there is to it!

Think of all the time you'll save by using Dinger. No more character set tables glued to your desktop, no more key cap crib sheets falling on the floor, no more yellow stickynotes and their obligatory yellowing sticky tape on your monitor. More than enough to justify a paltry $19 (or $14 or if you're the literary type merely gotobutton Arabco $9) for Dinger, no?

macrobutton PrintReg To print a registration form just double-click on this sentence. Please!

When Dinger pops up with its table of characters, you'll notice some numbers running down the left side. Those are character numbers, in decimal. If you are searching for a particular character number heaven knows why! it's very easy to look up. For example, to find the Symbol font's character #183 (the legendary "good bullet"), just crank up Dinger, then, if necessary, change the font to "Symbol". Look down the left column for "191", and count backwards eight boxes. There's the bullet!

That number in the left column is the character number of the character in the very next box. It's a whole lot more difficult to describe than it is to see, so give it a try. And if you find yourself searching for character numbers, remember the Dinger! It'll save you a lot of time and frustration, and it will give you the definitive answer as to which character sets (Hewlett Packard calls them "symbol sets") are actually installed and working, in W4W in particular, and Windows in general.

gotobutton DocCruiser (To go back to DocCruiser, double-click on this sentence.)


Dinger will insert the character you want into your document, properly formatted (and at the going point size), ready to roll.

But Dinger does not change your print driver! If you have a bad case of WYSAWYG (What Ya Saw Ain't What Ya Got), the problem may lie with your particular print driver or Word for Windows itself...

Be particularly cautious when using character #149 (it may look like a bullet on your screen, but W4W always prints a #149 bullet as a lower-case "o", which doesn't look anything like a bullet to most people) and character #150 (W4W prints #150 em-dashes as three en-dashes close together, which works in many fonts, but not in Zapf Chancery, among others). Both of these characters are co-opted by W4W (Windows?) directly, without your advice or consent, and no amount of wailing or gnashing of teeth will change that. Double quotes, both open and close, are treated similarly. There are no doubt others.

If you want to choose your own characters, drop Microsoft a note. Rumor has it that the next version of Windows and/or W4W will back off a bit. Add your voice to the clamor, and changes are a virtual certainty.

Also, the LaserJet print drivers, in particular, can perform in inscrutable ways, apparently dropping in and out of character sets (or "symbol sets") for no discernible reason at least no reason discernible by mere mortals. If your oddball character isn't quite what you expected, double-check and make sure the driver hasn't popped you unannounced into the "Windows" or "PC-8" symbol sets. If you figure out exactly what's happening, please drop us a line so we can warn others in future versions of Dinger.

gotobutton DocCruiser (To go back to DocCruiser, double-click on this sentence.)

Customizing and Installing

You customize and install Dinger by clicking up at the top of this document. The routine works by running macros attached to this document, creating a global glossary called (surprise!) Dinger, and then copying four customized macros into W4W as global macros. If you don't understand this stuff, don't worry. Just click and stand back!

Dinger adds itself to the end of your "Insert" pull-down menu (the one you can see right now on the second line of your screen), if it isn't already there. Once installation is complete, you run Dinger by simply clicking on "Insert", then "Character". That's as complicated as it gets...

The installation routine will ask you which font you want Dinger to pop up with, sort of a "Normal" or default font. If you're unsure which font might be best, just click "OK". Dinger will make a reasonably intelligent guess.

Here's a power-user's tip: if you have a handful of fonts you want to get at quickly, install Dinger once for each font. For example, if you use both Symbol and ZapfDingbat fonts, install Dinger twice: specify "Symbol" as the default font one time, and "ZapfDingbats" the other time. You'll get two different "Insert Character" menu entries, properly identified. Each of them will crank up Dinger with its associated font. Quick and easy!

If you clobber a macro or the Dinger glossary just re-install. It take a few minutes, but Dinger is smart enough to get everything squared away, and then clean up after itself.

The installation process will zap out your Clipboard (although it does leave a friendly message in its wake); all your other settings should remain intact. And when you actually use Dinger, it won't change a thing, providing you always "Cancel" out and don't absent-mindedly do a "File Close" on the Dinger table.

Dinger adds a few K-bytes to your NORMAL.DOT file which wouldn't be a big deal, except for one, uh, minor detail. Once NORMAL.DOT grows to a certain size (does anybody know exactly what size?), it takes absolutely forever to save. You can sit and watch the status bar say, "Saving NORMAL.DOT, 0% complete", and watch your hard disk's red light blink on and off for two, three, four minutes even longer on a sluggish 286. The Berlin Wall was torn down in less time than it takes to save a large NORMAL.DOT and exit W4W. When it first happens to you, you'll be tempted to jab that big red Reset button, but resist the urge! This is considered normal behavior...

Dinger may push your NORMAL.DOT over the limit. If it does, please accept our apologies. Be patient, but rest assured: it happens to everybody sooner or later! Besides, if Dinger hadn't put your NORMAL.DOT over the limit, well, chances are something else would have done it in short order, anyway.

That's what's known in the trade as a "lame excuse".

Now is the time to start customizing and installing. You don't need to know diddly-squat about macros to install Dinger and make it jump through all sorts of hoops. Give it a try!

macrobutton Install To begin customizing and installing Dinger, double-click on this sentence.

gotobutton DocCruiser (To go back to DocCruiser, double-click on this sentence.)

Flip the page for a coupon-clipper's delight....

A Shameless Commercial Tie-In Save Five Bucks on Dinger

If you like the (breathless!) prose in this documentation or, better, in the Enveloper documentation have we got a treat for you!

Arabco, an action-adventure novel set in the sands of Arabia, can be yours for a song. It's one of the first full-length novels ever published on diskette. And you can have it for a mere $7.50, plus $2.50 shipping and handling, by writing to:

ACCESS Publishers (D1)
1078 East Otero Avenue
Littleton, Colorado 80122

(Did you notice how that address is set up so precisely that you can highlight it and have Enveloper print you an envelope with just three mouse clicks? Pure coincidence....)

Here's the shameless tie-in: if you order a copy of Arabco, you can take an additional $5 off Dinger's already-low registration fee. Companies or organizations can save $3 a head by ordering just one book. All you have to do is write "Arabco" anywhere on your registration form and subtract five bucks (or three bucks a head) from the fee. Then, when you've read the novel, drop us a line and tell us which character you liked most. Or least.

Adding it all up, if you're an individual, a registered Enveloper user, and an Arabco fan, you can take $10 off Dinger's $19 registration fee. If your company has ten Enveloper users and just one Arabco reader (and you have the guts to put a P.O. for a novel through the Purchasing Department!) you'll save a righteous $80. Such a deal...

So... support the arts. Help your company support the arts. Make your company support the arts. Be the first on your block to read a novel on diskette. Tell your boss she can take the credit for saving all that money, if you can read the book first. Get extra copies to send to your friends who have been in Arabia. And help save a tree and promote this new medium in the process!

WARNING: Arabco is mainstream fiction. It is, without doubt, "obscene" by Jesse Helms's standards. If you're offended by sex, violence, or even outrageously abusive epithets (in several interesting languages!), Arabco isn't your cup o' tea. Guaranteed. On the other hand, if you'd like a fast-paced, fun, gritty bit of escapist trash or if you're curious about what it's really like out there in the sand dunes you oughta give Arabco a gander.

You read it here first.....

gotobutton DocCruiser (To go back to DocCruiser, double-click on this sentence.)

Dinger 1.0 ends here.
1990 Pinecliffe International
Post Office Drawer 7337
Coal Creek Canyon
Golden, Colorado USA 80403

, Have fun! ,

A Handy Registration Form

Woody Leonhard, President
Pinecliffe International (D10)
Post Office Drawer 7337
Coal Creek Canyon
Golden, Colorado USA 80403

Dear Woody:

Enclosed is my registration fee for Dinger 1.0.

I would like to register as (check one):

[ ] An individual. Fee = $19.

[ ] A company. Fee = $15 per user. Number of Dinger users:
(For more than 10 users, or networks, please write for fee structure)

[ ] I (We) am (are) a ( ) registered Enveloper user(s). I've deducted $5 a head from the fee.

Name and Address:

Contact Person (if appropriate):

CompuServe i.d. number (if available):

I've enclosed a check payable to "Pinecliffe International" in the amount of:

I got my copy of Dinger 1.0 from:


[ ] P.S. Yes, I really did use Enveloper to print the accompanying envelope!

P.P.S. Things I would like to see in Dinger 2.0:

This is the table Dinger uses to build its glossary.

Don't mess with it!

(Or, if you can't resist the urge, at least make a backup copy first.....)

Double-click on the character you want to insert into your document.
macrobutton DingerCancel Double-Click Here to Cancelmacrobutton DingerChangeFonts Double-Click Here to Change Fonts

macrobutton DingerEnd
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macrobutton DingerEnd 2

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Pinecliffe InternationalPage page 7

Pinecliffe InternationalPage page \* arabic1

(Dinger 1.0 AutoOpen macro for DNGR10.DOCY5WCopyright 1990 Pinecliffe International, Post Office Drawer 7337, Golden Colorado 80403@>For information, contact Woody Leonhard, CompuServe 74730,1734/dlg4i>dlgdlg>
6Quote$j"JSingleQuote$j'GdMsg$1To work properly, the Dinger installation routinePara$[Msg$Msg$
must turn Quote$Show AllQuote$ OFF.Para$Para$\Msg$Msg$When youSingleQuote$"re done with the Installation, youPara$IYMsg$Msg$"may want to turn Show All back ON.Para$Para$eMsg$Msg$+( You can turn Show All ON by clicking the Quote$StarQuote$Para$6Msg$Msg$!in the upper right-hand corner. )3,-*ByeGMsg$
Dinger 1.0Agi>h
Quote$j"SingleQuote$j'GMsg$1To work properly, the Dinger installation routinePara$cmust turn Quote$View Field CodesQuote$ OFF.Para$Para$\Msg$Msg$When youSingleQuote$"re done with the Installation, youPara$QMsg$Msg$*may want to turn View Field Codes back ON.Para$Para$`AMsg$Msg$( If you donSingleQuote$"t understand what a Field Code is,Para$?Msg$Msg$donSingleQuote$t worry about it! ),-*ByeMsg$
Dinger 1.0A
h #+Bye1
Dinger 1.0 Install macro`%^Dinger 1.0 Copyright 1990 Pinecliffe International, Post Office Drawer 7337, Golden, CO 80403@>For information, contact Woody Leonhard, CompuServe 74730,1734Para$j
W DingerChangeFonts
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EditGlossary Quote$DingerFontName$Quote$
!W+[7Mess$*Dinger 1.0 -- Insert a character from the FontName$ (or any other) font.5DingerStartFontName$Mess$
WbVPaVD;Mess$Dinger installed successfully!Para$Para$bMess$Mess$To use Dinger, just click on Quote$InsertQuote$ then Para$NO
Mess$Mess$ Quote$Character (FontName$)Quote$.*
Mess$Dinger 1.0 Installation@
Mess$ WARNING!Para$Para$IMess$Mess$,The next time you exit W4W you will be askedPara$FHMess$Mess$) if you want to Save Global Glossary and Para$6Mess$Mess$Command Changes.Para$Para$bMess$Mess$Be sure you click Quote$YESQuote$ or you will have toPara$&"Mess$Mess$re-install Dinger!*HMess$Dinger 1.0 Installation0u~$StripNonAlphaNum$InString$#i$InString$-NextCharnInstring$iNextChar0NextChar9NextCharANextChar[NextCharaNextCharzTemp$Temp$jNextChar

Dinger 1.0 Start MacroT#RCopyright 1990 Pinecliffe International, Post Office Drawer 7337, Golden, CO 80403@x>For information, contact Woody Leonhard, CompuServe 74730,1734VFCh
i<&HelvZ+4GDinger 1.0, Pinecliffe International, Drawer 7337, Golden CO 80403 USA kVFC9sVFC:4kVP9sVP:4kVD
\sParast:4kViewShowAll9sShowAll\\StartofDoc***=;This disables File Close -- nice, but it takes a long time!"Para$ = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)%@#MacroEdit "FileClose", .Context = 1fParaUpoInsert "DingerCancel" + Para$For i = 1 To 16
EditClearNext i
DocClose 1\\StartOfDocF!*Bye

5Mess$Dinger has been garbled.Para$Para$.SMess$Mess$Re-install from DNGR10.DOC)Mess$Dinger 1.0 Start MacroBye
Dinger 1.0 End MacroT!RCopyright 1990 Pinecliffe International, Post Office Drawer 7337, Golden, CO 80403@v>For information, contact Woody Leonhard, CompuServe 74730,1734!r" CountdownCountdown"0Char$jCountdownr3\\StartOfDocKFW!aCharFont$7v\VFCVFCr\VPVPr\VDVDr

LMess$/Dinger was unable to locate an insertion point.Para$Para$APMess$Mess$$This often happens in a new documentPara$MMess$Mess$'when you have not yet entered any text.Para$Para$BMess$Mess$%Would you like to have your characterPara$-Mess$Mess$placed in a new document?/IMess$
Dinger 1.0 |TempFont$7&CharFont$
Dinger 1.0 Cancel MacroT$RCopyright 1990 Pinecliffe International, Post Office Drawer 7337, Golden, CO 80403@y>For information, contact Woody Leonhard, CompuServe 74730,1734\VFCVFCr\VPVPr
Dinger 1.0 Change Fonts MacroT*RCopyright 1990 Pinecliffe International, Post Office Drawer 7337, Golden, CO 80403@>For information, contact Woody Leonhard, CompuServe 74730,1734Quote$j"SingleQuote$j'
Pick a fontDimFonts8/FontChoices$DimFonts3#i$DimFonts)JFontChoices$i7ik&is
Dinger 1.09g "Choose a new font for Dinger:4L2DingerWasHere!

v*disables File Close -- nic/0MS
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"AvantGardePalatinoRZapfDingbatsZapfChanceryTimes"HelveticaZITC Zapf Dingbats SWAUniversWNCGTimesWN=['*SU9
4x"sV{$$>'a'(B(*L+s++./D11z33(6=6S66::AAMJNPNN XqX]]]^%^?^B^\^_^y^|^^^^^^^^^
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%"$^++1>BOY\#^wx!%%%""""""""#AutoOpenSets the view preferencesPrintDocPrintRegInstall
Dinger10StartzDinger 1.0 inserts your chosen character (Dingbat, Symbol, or any other character, for that matter) at the insertion pointDinger10EndDinger10CancelDinger10ChangeFonts
DingerWasHereHP LaserJet IIILPT1:HPPCL5AHP LaserJet IIIaFN;;

Dinger 1.0Symbol and Dingbat SelectorDingbat SymbolmImplements "Insert Character" so you can paste a symbol or dingbat into your document with just three clicks.Woody LeonhardWoody Leonhard9SPL3546TMP 9SPL2E21TMP eUSPL2E21TMP eUSPL2E21TMP eUSPL2E21TMP eUSPL2E21TMP eUSPL2E21TMP eUSPL2E21TMP eUSPL2E21TMP eUSPL2E21TMP eU! 3)))+33dX)B3wx


 December 10, 2017  Add comments

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