Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : SHELP2.ZIP
Filename : SYSHELP.DBT

Output of file : SYSHELP.DBT contained in archive : SHELP2.ZIP
Mis used to retrieve help text which is already created.
Enter the file name and the help text will be included in the current
help window.

Export Help

This option is used to extract help text from the current window and
create a separate file with the extracted help text.

(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP

IR" 9– <€IR ÜG› ÜG° › 9dn 9tm 9¬ ¬ I̬ <~$IR ›º ;º ^ÌÊ å
Welcome to the Superhelp Help Code Generator v1.2.

Superhelp Library is a collections of routines used to create on-line
help for Clipper(tm) Summer87 and Clipper v5.0. Use the library to
build popup transparent help windows. After completing the
application, link in the SuperHelp Library. When at a valid wait
state in the application, Press the Alt-F1 key to activate the
SuperHelp Builder Menu. After building all help windows, use
Superhelp Library Code Generator to produce linkable help code. Also,
after completing the help windows, generate a data dictionary or user
guide of the help system. All popup windows are controlled by the
current project.

The project information must be setup before any help windows are
created. Any number of projects are contained in the Superhelp System
files. There are many features and utilities which are explained
later. The Superhelp Library is Network compatible.

Copy Superhelp Library to your Clipper library directory. Make a
directory called Superhelp and set a DOS environmental variable called
Superhlp with the drive and path name. The environmental variable
must be declared is the Autoexec.bat file. All Superhelp Library
system files will be contained in the Superhelp directory.


Your application needs to be compiled with the following commands.

External Superbuild
Set key -30 to Superbuild && (Alt-F1) Calls SuperHelp Builder Menu

When linking the application, make sure that SuperHelp Library is in
link list and comes before the Extend library.

The entire Superhelp Library can be dynamically linked when using
BLINKER(tm) linker. We recommend either Blinker or Alink.

Alink(tm) Fi Main Lib Clipper,Superhlp,Extend
Blinker(tm) Fi Main Lib Clipper,Superhlp,Extend
Plink86(tm) Fi Main Lib Clipper,Superhlp,Extend
Link(tm) Main,,,Clipper Superhlp Extend /SE:1024 /NOE
Tlink(tm) Main,,,Clipper Superhlp Extend
(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


- floating point not loaded
- stack overflow
- integer divideMoving Window

The window can be moved up by pressing the up arrow key, down by
pressing the down arrow key, and from left to right by pressing the
left and right arrow keys. If the window is located by any of the
screen borders the window will be resized.

Sizing Window

The window can be moved by pressing the left arrow key to size
window horizontally and by prssing the downarrow key to size window

Framing Window

By moving the highlight bar vertically and pressing the Enter key
will select the frame for the window. Choose from 9 different frame

Split/Unsplit Window

When the window is split there is a separate line for the window
header. When the window is unsplit the window header is on the top
line of the window frame.

Exploding Window

When the explode window option is On, the window will have an 
exploding effect after generation. When explode window is Off, the
window will appear as a whole window. This option has no effect on
windows when in the Superbuild Function. This feature requires the
Superhelp library at link time.

Imploding Window

When the implode window option is On, the window will have an
imploding effect after the window is displayed. When implode window
is Off, the window will disappear without any special effects. This
option has no effect on windows when in the Superbuild Function. 
This option will also use more free memory depending on the size of
the help window. This feature requires the Superhelp library at
link time.

Snapshot Window

This option replaces the original screen image with the current
screen image. This option has no effect unless the option Camera is

Window Index

This option will list all help windows created for the current
project. Select a help window by moving the highlight bar 
vertically andpressing the Enter key. The help window selected will
be displayed along with the original screen (if the camera is On).
The help window being displayed now is the current window under

(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


- floating point not loaded
- stack overflow
- integer divide by 0

All available colors are displayed.
Select the desired color by moving the
diamond shaped cursor thru the color

The Window Color controls the help text
body. The Header Color controls the help
header. The Footer Color controls the 
help footer. The Frame Color controls
the help window frame. The Shadow Color
controls the help window shadow.

(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP

.Shadow Left
This option displays a shadow on the
lower left corner of the help window.

Shadow Right
This option displays a shadow on the
lower right corner of the help window.

Shadow None
This option disables the shadow of the
help window.

Shadow Transparent
This option will either generate help
windows with transparent shadows or
solid shadows. The transparent
shadows requires the Superhelp library
at link time.


(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk fSimulated Memoedit

This option will generate the Clipper help code with a UDF to simulate
the memoedit function. This function is more efficient than the
memoedit function. It takes very little memory and displays the help
text as array elements.

This function has multiple versions based on the system setup of the
reference file.


This option will generate the Clipper help code with the memoedit
function. This function requires more memory because memoedit makes a
copy of the help text. Also the memoedit function is larger than the
simulated memoedit function.

This function has multiple versions based on the system setup of the
reference file.

Database Engine

This option will generate the Clipper help code to use a special
database file. This function requires that thedatabase file be
distributed with the executable file. This function requires Superhelp
library at link time.

After creating all the help window, select the method of help code
generation. There are 5 methods of generating help.

1. Simulated memoedit with help contained in Reference File.
2. Simulated memodit with help contained in Clipperprg's.
3. Memoedit with help contained in Reference File.
4. Memodit with helpcontained in Clipper prg's.
5. Database Engine with help contained in new dbf.

The code generation has several option which influence its function.
With Console On the code will be displayed on the screen while being
generated. The code can also be generated in 2 different orders by
using the Sort option. All code can be generated into 1 or many prg's
by selecting Multiple Prg's option. The number of help windows per prg
is determined by the value entered in the Project information setup.

Before quiting demo, generate help code, users guide, and data

This option will generate a Users Guide for the user. The Users Guide
contains a index, help preface, and help text of each window. Generate to
file or directly to printer.

(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


"[]|<>+=;,.DBF.DBF.DBF.DBF.DBT.DBT.DBT.DBT.TXT.TXT.MEM.MThis option will generate a Data Dictionary of every help window. The
dictionary contains information like window coordinates, color, features,
and help text. The dictionary maybe generated in a summarized version or
full version. Generate to file or directly to printer.

(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


Edit Help

This option adds/edits the help text for the selected help window. Help
text can be up to 64k in size can be entered. The help window will scroll
up/down with the help text. If the window is resized, the help text will
be repositioned to fit the new window.

Edit Header

This option adds/edits the help header for the selected help window. The
header can be the size of the window and can be placed in 3 different
location. By pressing Alt-R the header will be positioned on the right
side of the window, Alt-C the header will be positioned in the center of
the window, and ALT-L the header will be positioned on the left side of
the window. The header can be removed by using the Backspace key. The
default header is the field name. When the option Save Defaults is
selected, the header displayed willbe the default header plus the field

Edit Footer

This option adds/edits the help footer for the selected help window. The
footer can be the size of the window and can be placed in 3 different
location. By pressing Alt-R the header will be positioned on the right
side of the window, Alt-C the header will be positioned in the center of
the window, and ALT-L the header will be positioned on the left side of
the window. The footer can be removed by using the Backspace key. The
default footer is the 'Press Esc Key To Exit'. When the option Save
Defaults is selected, the footer displayed will be the default footer.

Save Help

This option saves the help window. All information related to this
specific window will be saved. The status of the window is displayed at
the lower right corner of the screen. The help window can be set to
automatically be saved by selecting the option to Autosave On. If help
window is not saved, the changes will be lost.

Delete Help

This option premanently deletes the help window from the screen and
database. Be very careful, cannot be recalled once deleted.

Explode Help

This option when selected will generate help text that will explode from
the middle of the help window outward. This feature gives nice effects
but is slightly slower. The option default can be saved by using Save

Scramble Help

This option will decrypt the help text when used with the reference file.
This option is slightly slower. The option default can be saved by using
Save Default.

Screen Location

This option allows help windows to be setup using Procedure/Variable or
Procedure/Variable/Row/Column. When help windows are arrays and Screen
Location On, individual help windows can be generated for the arrays. Or
with Screen Location Off, one help window can be used for many array
fields. The option default can be saved by using Save Default.

Copy Window

This option allows the current help window to be cloned. Enter the new
procedure and new field name. The new window must be saved.
(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELPSystem Defaults

This option saves all system variables. The following is a list of the
option saved.

Window Color
Frame Color
Header Color
Footer Color
Shadow Color
Top Row
Left Column
Bottom Row
Right Column
Help Header
Help Footer
Window Type (Split/Unsplit)
Shadow Type (Left/Right/None)
Header Position (Left/Center/Right)
Footer Position (Left/Center/Right)
Frame Type
Console On/Off
Printer On/Off
Single/Multi Program
Reference File On/Off
Autosave On/Off
Sort Order
Help Scramble On/Off
HelpExplode On/Off
Explode Window On/Off
Implode Window On/Off
Camera On/Off
Screen Location On/Off

Console On/Off
This option is used when generating Help Code, Data Dictionary, or Users
Guide. When Console is On, the code/data beinggenerated will be displayed
on the screen. When Console is Off, a will showing the progress of the
generation is displayed. The option default can be saved by using Save

Printer On/Off
This option is used when generating Help Code, Data Dictionary, or Users
Guide. When Printer is On, the code/data being generated will be sent to
the printer. When printer is Off, the code/data will be sent to a file. 
The option default can be saved by using Save Default.

Mouse On/Off

This option is used to turn a Microsoft compatible mouse On/Off. This
option will only work when a mouse driver is installed. The mouse can be
used to select menu items and to move/size windows. The option default
can be saved by using Save Default.

Camera On/Off

This option is used to turn the screen capturing of each help window
On/Off. Each screen will take approximately 4096k per screen. The screen
image is used when using the help index. Ifa previous help window is
selected, the previous screen is displayed with the help window. The
advantage is that when editing a previous windowthe window may be moved
with the exact screen background. If no previousscreen image is found,
the help window is displayed with the current screen image. The option
default can be saved by using Save Default.

Summary On/Off

This option is used when generating the Data Dictionary. With Summary On,
a shorter version will be generated. The option default can be saved by
using Save Default.

Autosave On/Off

This option when On will automatically save the help window upon exit.
When Autosave Off, saving help window is responiblity of developer. The
option default can be saved by using Save Default.

Sort Order

This option is used when generating help/data. The order of generation is
determined by the Order selected. The choices are Sort by Description and
Sort by Procedure/Variable. The option default can be saved by using Save

Single/Multi Prg

This option is used when generating help code. The comparison of
generating single versus multiple programs. Single programs are best used
when not many help windows are used or the Database Engine or the
Reference File is used. The size of the Help program is determined by the
Window Number option in the Project Setup utility. Products like
Alink(tm) and Blinker(tm) breaks the help code down to procedure/function
level. These procedures will then be loaded into memory by procedure, if
the procedure is to large for memory they will allocate memoryfrom Clipper
free memory. So if the generated procedure is very large,then it is better
to generate multiple Prg's.

Reference File On/Off

This option is used when generating help code. A reference file is
created when the help code is generated. The reference file contains all
the help text and important window information. This method is best used
when a large amount of help text is used. The size of the EXE file will
be smaller when using the reference file. The reference file must be
distributed with the EXE. The contents of the reference file is protected
from DOS and Text editors. Also, all text can be scrambled in the
reference file. This option is slightly slower than the EXE method.

(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


This option is used to provide important information about the current
project. The following is the information needed.

Project Name - The name of the current project.
Project Description - Short description of project.
Programmer - Programmers name.
Copyright - Copyright Information.
System Help - Name of help preface file.
Reference File - Name of Database Engine/Reference File generated.
Windows # - If multiply programs, number of windows allowed.

When generating Users Guide, if System Help file is found. This file
is generated as part of the Users Guide. When creating System Help
file use ASCII editor and don't include any special fonts, CR, LF.

(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


"[]|<>+=;,.DBF.DBF.DBF.DBF.DBT.DBT.DBT.DBT.TXTThis option is used to select the colors for popup windows, message
windows, codegen header, and codegen body. The colors can be entered
directly or by pressing the F5 key.

(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


This option is used to capture the current screen without the help
window and send it to a file or to the printer. With the Printer On,
the screen image will be sent to the printer, otherwise to a text file.
When using the utility, a '*' can be moved around the screen to select
the starting position of the screen capture. Press the Enter key to
select position. Next highlight the screen portion to be captured and
press the Enter Key. When using a color monitor, the background
attribute will change to a shaded black. With a monochrome system the
attribute is a little harder to notice. When capturing the whole
screen, it is easier to first select the upper left corner, press Enter
Key, press End Key, press PageDown Key, and press the Enter Key. A
progress meter will display the status of the screen image.

(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


9#ALNXY!9#$*L#Y CR DBTFImport Help

This option is used to retrieve help text which is already created.
Enter the file name and the help text will be included in the current
help window.

Export Help

This option is used to extract help text from the current window and
create a separate file with the extracted help text.

(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


9#ALNXY!9#$*L#Y CR DBTF(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


- floating point not loaded
- stack overflow
- integer divide by 0
- not enough spacThis window will appear for every
input field on the Link Windows Demo
screen. Link windows can be built for
any field but can only be changed from
the orginal help window. The status
line will display LINKED if the window
is linked to another Help window.(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


The Help Manager is a function generated to allow users to select
any help window from a pick list.

The Help Manager uses the help window header as the description
used to select the help window. The Help Manager is only created
when generating the help code and using the reference file option.

Superhelp creates a file with extension MGR which is used in
conjunction with the REF file. The first time the Help Manager is
run, it will produce a database file called Helpmgr.dbf which will
access help window information in the reference file.

The Help Manager function is called helpmgr() and is generated in
the help program.(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


"[]|<>+=;,.DBF.DBF.DBF.DBF.DBT.DBT.DBT.DBT.TXT.TXT.MEM.MEM.FRM.LBL.TMP.PRN\/:\/:\/:Link windows allows fields that share
common help text to be linked together. 
This is accomplished by(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


- floating pLink windows allows fields that share
common help text to be linked together.
This is accomplished by creating a
initial help window and selecting link
from the window menu. From the link
option add all procedure and field names
which share the common information. 

When building help, Superhelp is
activated from a field which is linked to
help text from another field. The status
bar will display the word LINKED. All
options that modify help will be
disabled, but Code Generating options and
Utilities will be active. You must
return to the original help window to
modify help. By selecting LINK from the
menu, the original help window name will
be displayed.

An Example of when to use linking. In a
program you use the field CUSTOMER NO in
10 different locations. Instead of
copying or creating a new help window you
link all fields to the original help
window. This will allow for a small
program file and reference file.(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk fullSimulated Memoedit

This option will generate the Clipper help code with a UDF to simulate
the memoedit function. This function is more efficient than the
memoedit function. It takes very little memory and displays the help
text as array elements.

This function has multiple versions based on the system setup of the
reference file.


This option will generate the Clipper help code with the memoedit
function. This function requires more memory because memoedit makes a
copy of the help text. Also the memoedit function is larger than the
simulated memoedit function.

This function has multiple versions based on the system setup of the
reference file.

Database Engine

This option will generate the Clipper help code to use a special
database file. This function requires that thedatabase file be
distributed with the executable file. This function requires Superhelp
library at link time.

After creating all the help window, select the method of help code
generation. There are 5 methods of generating help.

1. Simulated memoedit with help contained in Reference File.
2. Simulated memodit with help contained in Clipperprg's.
3. Memoedit with help contained in Reference File.
4. Memodit with helpcontained in Clipper prg's.
5. Database Engine with help contained in new dbf.

The code generation has several option which influence its function.
With Console On the code will be displayed on the screen while being
generated. The code can also be generated in 2 different orders by
using the Sort option. All code can be generated into 1 or many prg's
by selecting Multiple Prg's option. The number of help windows per prg
is determined by the value entered in the Project information setup.

Before quiting demo, generate help code, users guide, and data

(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


Edit Help

This option adds/edits the help text for the selected help window. Help
text can be up to 64k in size can be entered. The help window will scroll
up/down with the help text. If the window is resized, the help text will
be repositioned to fit the new window.

Edit Header

This option adds/edits the help header for the selected help window. The
header can be the size of the window and can be placed in 3 different
location. By pressing Alt-R the header will be positioned on the right
side of the window, Alt-C the header will be positioned in the center of
the window, and ALT-L the header will be positioned on the left side of
the window. The header can be removed by using the Backspace key. The
default header is the field name. When the option Save Defaults is
selected, the header displayed willbe the default header plus the field

Edit Footer

This option adds/edits the help footer for the selected help window. The
footer can be the size of the window and can be placed in 3 different
location. By pressing Alt-R the header will be positioned on the right
side of the window, Alt-C the header will be positioned in the center of
the window, and ALT-L the header will be positioned on the left side of
the window. The footer can be removed by using the Backspace key. The
default footer is the 'Press Esc Key To Exit'. When the option Save
Defaults is selected, the footer displayed will be the default footer.

Save Help

This option saves the help window. All information related to this
specific window will be saved. The status of the window is displayed at
the lower right corner of the screen. The help window can be set to
automatically be saved by selecting the option to Autosave On. If help
window is not saved, the changes will be lost.

Delete Help

This option premanently deletes the help window from the screen and
database. Be very careful, cannot be recalled once deleted.

Explode Help

This option when selected will generate help text that will explode from
the middle of the help window outward. This feature gives nice effects
but is slightly slower. The option default can be saved by using Save

Scramble Help

This option will decrypt the help text when used with the reference file.
This option is slightly slower. The option default can be saved by using
Save Default.

Screen Location

This option allows help windows to be setup using Procedure/Variable or
Procedure/Variable/Row/Column. When help windows are arrays and Screen
Location On, individual help windows can be generated for the arrays. Or
with Screen Location Off, one help window can be used for many array
fields. The option default can be saved by using Save Default.

Copy Window

This option allows the current help window to be cloned. Enter the new
procedure and new field name. The new window must be saved.
(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELPLink windows allows fields that share
common help text to be linked together.
This is accomplished by creating a
initial help window and selecting link
from the window menu. From the link
option add all procedure and field names
which share the common information.

When building help, Superhelp is
activated from a field which is linked to
help text from another field. The status
bar will display the word LINKED. All
options that modify help will be
disabled, but Code Generating options and
Utilities will be active. You must
return to the original help window to
modify help. By selecting LINK from the
menu, the original help window name will
be displayed.

An Example of when to use linking. In a
program you use the field CUSTOMER NO in
10 different locations. Instead of
copying or creating a new help window you
link all fields to the original help
window. This will allow for a small
program file and reference file.(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full
Edit Help

This option adds/edits the help text for the selected help window. Help
text can be up to 64k in size can be entered. The help window will scroll
up/down with the help text. If the window is resized, the help text will
be repositioned to fit the new window.

Edit Header

This option adds/edits the help header for the selected help window. The
header can be the size of the window and can be placed in 3 different
location. By pressing Alt-R the header will be positioned on the right
side of the window, Alt-C the header will be positioned in the center of
the window, and ALT-L the header will be positioned on the left side of
the window. The header can be removed by using the Backspace key. The
default header is the field name. When the option Save Defaults is
selected, the header displayed willbe the default header plus the field

Edit Footer

This option adds/edits the help footer for the selected help window. The
footer can be the size of the window and can be placed in 3 different
location. By pressing Alt-R the header will be positioned on the right
side of the window, Alt-C the header will be positioned in the center of
the window, and ALT-L the header will be positioned on the left side of
the window. The footer can be removed by using the Backspace key. The
default footer is the 'Press Esc Key To Exit'. When the option Save
Defaults is selected, the footer displayed will be the default footer.

Save Help

This option saves the help window. All information related to this
specific window will be saved. The status of the window is displayed at
the lower right corner of the screen. The help window can be set to
automatically be saved by selecting the option to Autosave On. If help
window is not saved, the changes will be lost.

Delete Help

This option premanently deletes the help window from the screen and
database. Be very careful, cannot be recalled once deleted.

Explode Help

This option when selected will generate help text that will explode from
the middle of the help window outward. This feature gives nice effects
but is slightly slower. The option default can be saved by using Save
Default. The generated code will look for a DOS environmental variable
called SPREAD. The value controls how fast the text explodes in the
window. Values between 0 and 10 can be entered, with 0 being the fastest
and 10 the slowest. If no variable is set, then the default is 2.
Example: Set SPREAD=4

Scramble Help

This option will decrypt the help text when used with the reference file.
This option is slightly slower. The option default can be saved by using
Save Default.

Screen Location

This option allows help windows to be setup using Procedure/Variable or
Procedure/Variable/Row/Column. When help windows are arrays and Screen
Location On, individual help windows can be generated for the arrays. Or
with Screen Location Off, one help window can be used for many array
fields. The option default can be saved by using Save Default.

Copy Window

This option allows the current help window to be cloned. Enter the new
procedure and new field name. The new window must be saved.
(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


Welcome to the Superhelp Help Code Generator v2.0.

Superhelp Library is a collections of routines used to create on-line
help for Clipper(tm) Summer87 and Clipper v5.0. Use the library to
build popup transparent help windows. After completing the
application, link in the SuperHelp Library. When at a valid wait
state in the application, Press the Alt-F1 key to activate the
SuperHelp Builder Menu. After building all help windows, use
Superhelp Library Code Generator to produce linkable help code. Also,
after completing the help windows, generate a data dictionary or user
guide of the help system. All popup windows are controlled by the
current project.

The project information must be setup before any help windows are
created. Any number of projects are contained in the Superhelp System
files. There are many features and utilities which are explained
later. The Superhelp Library is Network compatible.

Copy Superhelp Library to your Clipper library directory. Make a
directory called Superhelp and set a DOS environmental variable called
Superhlp with the drive and path name. The environmental variable
must be declared is the Autoexec.bat file. All Superhelp Library
system files will be contained in the Superhelp directory.


Your application needs to be compiled with the following commands.

External Superbuild
Set key -30 to Superbuild && (Alt-F1) Calls SuperHelp Builder Menu

When linking the application, make sure that SuperHelp Library is in
link list and comes before the Extend library.

The entire Superhelp Library can be dynamically linked when using
BLINKER(tm) linker. We recommend either Blinker or Alink.

Alink(tm) Fi Main Lib Clipper,Superhlp,Extend
Blinker(tm) Fi Main Lib Clipper,Superhlp,Extend
Plink86(tm) Fi Main Lib Clipper,Superhlp,Extend
Link(tm) Main,,,Clipper Superhlp Extend /SE:1024 /NOE
Tlink(tm) Main,,,Clipper Superhlp Extend
(R)disk fulldisk full.NTXdisk full->->->CNLDMAUEUIUHELP


- floating point not loaded
- stack overflow
- integer divideMoving Window

The window can be moved up by pressing the up arrow key, down by
pressing the down arrow key, and from left to right by pressing the
left and right arrow keys. If the window is located by any of the
screen borders the window will be resized.

Sizing Window

The window can be moved by pressing the left arrow key to size
window horizontally and by prssing the downarrow key to size window

Framing Window

By moving the highlight bar vertically and pressing the Enter key
will select the frame for the window. Choose from 9 different frame

Split/Unsplit Window

When the window is split there is a separate line for the window
header. When the window is unsplit the window header is on the top
line of the window frame.

Exploding Window

When the explode window option is On, the window will have an
exploding effect after generation. When explode window is Off, the
window will appear as a whole window. This option has no effect on
windows when in the Superbuild Function. This feature requires the
Superhelp library at link time.

Imploding Window

When the implode window option is On, the window will have an
imploding effect after the window is displayed. When implode window
is Off, the window will disappear without any special effects. This
option has no effect on windows when in the Superbuild Function.
This option will also use more free memory depending on the size of
the help window. This feature requires the Superhelp library at
link time.

Snapshot Window

This option replaces the original screen image with the current
screen image. This option has no effect unless the option Camera is

Window Index

This option will list all help windows created for the current
project. Select a help window by moving the highlight bar
vertically andpressing the Enter key. The help window selected will
be displayed along with the original screen (if the camera is On).
The help window being displayed now is the current window under


This option allows linking of help windows together which share
common help text. When setting up the help window, you may (A)dd,
(B)rowse, and (D)elete linked windows. When adding link windows,
just enter the Procedure name and field name and the window will be
linked to present window. By selecting browse you may scroll thru a
picklist of linked windows. Delete will delete the selected link
window when the ENTER key key is press.

When activating Superhelp on a field that is linked to another help
window LINK will be displayed on the status line. All modifying
commands will be disabled, but the Code Generator and Utilities will
still be enabled. The original help window must be modified before
any changes effect the linked window.

  3 Responses to “Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : SHELP2.ZIP
Filename : SYSHELP.DBT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: