Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : REPOBJ.ZIP
Filename : REPOBJ.TXT
Created by Jon Credit
All rights reserved
I created this class in search of a way to pay more attention to
the data that I am reporting on, vs how the data will be outputted on
paper. This report class is the result of many long hours of design,
coding and testing to get it to its current state.
This class is distributed as is with no expressed or implied
warranties. If you find the Report Class to be useful, a donation of
$30.00 U.S. Dollars would be appreciated. Any registered users will
automatically be sent any bug fixes or upgrades to the class(es).
I am also currently working on a front end to the Report Class to allow
creation of reports from a txt file using a format similar to a windows
ini file. This utility will support most if not all of the methods and
ivars in the class including goTop(), bWhile, bFind, cInitString,
cResetString, and will also allow data to be from multiple database files
with a bFind block evaled before printing the data.
This utility will be sent to the first 30 people who register the report
class at no charge, with complete source code.
I hope you find this class to be as useful as I have.
If you find any of the concepts dealt with in this report class to
be of benifit please contribute $30.00 to the author so that he can
justify all the long hours he puts in to his wife!!
Thanks and Enjoy....
Jon Credit
50 B. Paisley Lane
Columbia, S.C. 29210
CIS 71371.1675
var bInitPrinter - Code block to be EVALed before report starts to
initialize the printer.
Default: {|| Nothing() }
var bResetPrinter - Code block to be EVALed after report is completed
to reset the printer.
Default: {|| Nothing() }
var bTitleFont - Code block to be EVALed before printing titles
to change the font for your titles. Note: This
does not work all that well with the grid option.
Default: {|| Nothing() }
var bNormalFont - Code block to be EVALed before printing the
report to change the font for your report.
Default: {|| Nothing() }
var bRepHeader - Code block to be EVALed before the report starts. This
would be a header for the report that you would put
only on the first page.
Default: {|| Nothing() }
var bRepFooter - Code block to be EVALed at the very end of the
report. This would be a footer for the report that you
would put only on the last page.
Default: {|| Nothing() }
VAR bHeader - Code block to be EVALed at the top of every page
before titles are displayed ( if lShowTitles is
Default: {|| Nothing() }
VAR bFooter - Code block to be EVALed at the bottom of every page,
make sure that you set nLastRow to a value that will
allow your footer to print on the page.
Default: {|| Nothing() }
VAR bPageBreak - Code block that gets EVALed to determine if a page
break is necessary.
Default: {|| nRow > nLastRow }
VAR bSkipBlock - Code block that gets EVALed after all the columns
get printed, to move to the next record in the data
file. This is equivalent to the skipBlock in
Default: {|nToSkip| Skip( nToSkip ) }
Note: nToSkip is passed to Skip and the actual
records skipped is returned. Skip() skips
nToSkip records in the report cWorkarea verify
the while and for conditions that have been
VAR bGoTopBlock - Code block to tell the report object how to get to
gotop. This block is EVALed before the reporting
Default: {|| DBGOTOP() }
VAR bGoBottomBlock- CODE block to tell the report object how to get to
gobottom. This is equivalent to the tBrowse goBottom()
Default: {|| DBGOBOTTOM() }
Note: This is supplied for future potential
functionality. Currently this is not used but
the author felt it may prove to be useful at
some time in the future.
VAR bFor - Code block that establishes which records will be
included in the report ( the FOR condition the that is
used to 'filter'
Default: {|| .T. }
VAR bWhile - Code block that establishes a WHILE condition for the
report to skip through the data. This is the preferred
method over the FOR condition.
Default: {|| .T. }
var lGrid - Logical to output the report in a grid format.
Default: .F.
var lChild - Logical to notify the report object that it is in child
mode (displaying child columns). This should really be
a protected ivar but the column object will
automatically set this to true when a column object is
put into child mode.
Default: .F.
var lUndTitles - Logical variable to underline column titles.
Default: .F.
var lForm - Logical variable to output a grid format report as a
form. A form report will print out a blank grid to the
bottom of the page.
Default: .F.
var lCenterReport - Logical variable to center the report on the page.
lCenterReport uses nWidth to determine how to center
the report.
Default: .F.
var lChildOnBreak - Internal variable to track a child process when a page
break occurs. DO NOT assign this variable.
Default: .F.
var lWrapping - Logical variable that tells the report object if ANY of
the column objects are word wrapping.
Default: .F.
VAR lShowTitles - Logical to tell the report object to display the column
Default: .T.
VAR lShowingTitle - Logical variable to track whether the report object is
in the process of showing titles for grid purposes.
Default: .F.
var nStartCol - Numeric variable that represents the starting column
position for the report. This is automatically
configured if lCenterReport is TRUE.
Default: .F.
var nMaxTitleLen - Numeric variable to track the maximum number of rows
that will be needed for the column titles to be
displayed. This is an internal variable, DO NOT assign
this variable.
var nLastRow - Numeric variable to determine the last row the report
should print on. This variable is used for the default
bPageBreak block.
Default: 57
VAR nPageNo - Numeric variable to keep track of the current page
number. Since the report object is passed to bHeader
and bFooter the page number can easily be displayed any
where in the report.
VAR nRow - Numeric variable to track the current row the report
object is on. The header block can set this variable
and it can be used by the footer to track the current
row of the object.
Default: 0
VAR nColSpace - Numeric variable to determine the number of spaces to
be place between columns.
Default: 1
VAR nSpace - Numeric for future use. This variable will be used to
allow multiple spacing between printing rows.
var nWidth - Numeric to represent the width of the report. This
variable is useful for centering data on the report.
Default: 80
var cWorkArea - Character variable representing the work area which
should be selected while the report object is
executing. All database skips while the report
object is executing will be processed in this work area
Default: Current work area when report object is
var cBoxString - Character variable that contains the 8 line characters
that will be used for a grid type report.
Default: ÚÄ¿³ÙÁÀ
var cTitleUnd - Character variable to be used for underlineing titles
if lUndTitles is TRUE.
Default: =
VAR cInitString - Character string to be used for an initialization
string for the printer.
VAR cResetString - Character string to be used for a reset string to reset
the printer.
var aToBlank - Array of column numbers to be NOT displayed while
processing a child process. This is automatically set
and reset by the column objects when they are set into
child mode.
Default: {}
var aBlank - Temporary array used to hold the aToBlank array while
processing column objects. DO NOT ASSIGN this variable.
Default: {}
VAR aColInfo - Array that contains the column objects for the report.
Default: {}
var oBar - Object to be used for displaying progress of the report
while it is printing. oBar:exec() is called after
every skip in the report object.
method Init - Initialize the report class. Variables accepted are:
// method Init( bHeader, bFooter, bPageBreak )
method Exec - Execute method for the report object.
method showTitles - Method to show the column object titles.
method showCols - Method to process the column objects.
method printIt - Method to print the column information
method setTitles - Method to configure the titles of the column objects
(with the delimitered lines)
method incRow - Method to increment the row of the report object.
method gridTop - Internal method to display the top grid line on a grid
option report.
method gridBottom - Internal method to display the bottom grid on a grid
option report.
method gridSide - Internal method to display the side grid on a grid
option report. parameter passed to the method is the
current column number.
method showRepHeader Method to eval the bRepHeader code block (The report
method showRepFooter Method to eval the bRepFooter code block (The
report Footer).
METHOD addColumn - Method to add a report column object to the report
METHOD delColumn - Method to delete a report column object from the report
object. Parameter passed is the column number to
remove from the report.
METHOD goTop - Method to go to the top of the report object based on
the gotop block.
METHOD goBottom - Method to go to the bottom of the report object. This
method is currently not utilized but is included for
future use.
METHOD skip - Method to process skipping in the report object.
VAR nColumns - Numeric variable containing the number of column objects
in the report.
VAR bGoNext - Code block when EVALed will skip to the next record in
the report object based on the active FOR and WHILE
VAR bGoPrev - Code block when EVALed will skip to the previous record
in the report object based on the active FOR and WHILE
METHOD showHeader - Method to EVAL the page header code block (bHeader) at
the top of every page.
METHOD showFooter - Method to EVAL the page footer code block (bFooter) at
the bottom of every page.
METHOD tbPrev - Method to go to the next record based on the active FOR
and WHILE condition.
METHOD tbNext - Method to go to the previous record based on the active
FOR and WHILE condition.
METHOD setCols - Method to set the column widths and starting
positions and also performs any configurations
necessary for the report if it is a grid.
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: