Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : PRNLBL.ZIP
Filename : PRN_LIB.PRG

Output of file : PRN_LIB.PRG contained in archive : PRNLBL.ZIP
* PRN_LIB: Printer Control Function Library
* These functions are part of a tutorial on printer control
* for the Twin Cities dBASE Compiler User Group.
* Placed in the public domain by Craig Yellick, August 4, 1988,
* with no restictions on their use but no warranties on their
* performance. You can incorporate them freely in your
* applications as long as you take responsibility for everything.
* I'd appreciate an ego-stroking credit if you lift these functions
* verbatim and sell products that use them, but who'd know for sure?
* Author Craig Yellick
* Yellick Computing
* 509 Maple Square
* Wayazata, MN 55391-1036
* (612) 473-1805
* Contents (Alphabetically):
* NextLine() Print 1..N lines down, with left margin
* PageHead() Print a page heading if conditions are right
* PgHd_Init() Initialize the page header variables
* PrintOff() Turn printer off, send exit string if needed
* PrintOn() Turn printer on, send init string if needed
* Prn_Init() Initialize printer control variables
* SameLine() Print on current line, 0..N columns over
* Various printer control functions:
* Norm() Bold() Cond() Large() Italic() UndScr()
* Norm_On() Bold_On() Cond_On() Large_On() Italic_On() UndScr_On()
* Norm_Off() Bold_Off() Cond_Off() Large_Off() Italic_Off() UndScr_Off()
* PrnEject()
* See tutorial text for usage and implementation notes.
* See associated programs for sample code, README file has details.
* Functions were written with Clipper, S'87 in mind but should work with
* any dBASE-syntax compiler that supports user-defined functions and
* at least one-dimensional arrays. You could probably write around the
* use of arrays with some macro substitution if arrays bother you.

function NextLine && Print something 1..N lines down, with left margin

parameters how_many, what

*** Clean up the parameters
do case
case pcount() = 0
how_many= 1
what= []
case pcount() = 1
what= []

@ prow() +how_many, 00 say Norm(space(prn_lmar)) && Left margin

@ prow(), pcol() say what && Whatever you sent to be printed (optional)

prn_line= prn_line +how_many && Increment the line counter

return prow()

* end func NextLine

function PageHead && Print a page heading if conditions are right

private did_eject
did_eject= .f. && Flag whether or not we actually eject

*** It's time to eject if current_line +bottom_margin
* is beyond the page_length.
if (prn_line +prn_bmar) > prn_plen
did_eject= .t.
prn_page= prn_page +1
prn_line= 0
setprc(0,0) && Force internal row/col counters to zero

*** Don't need to eject if it's the first page
if prn_first
prn_first= .f.

*** Move down beyond the top margin

*** Loop through the HEADER_ array and print each line
private i
for i= 1 to len(header_)
NextLine(1, header_[i])

*** New current line is the top_margin plus the length of the header.
prn_line= prn_tmar +i


return did_eject

* end func PageHead

function PgHd_Init && Initialize the page header variables

*** Make sure every proc hears about this
public prn_first, prn_line, prn_page

*** Init PageHead() variables to default values
prn_first= .t. && We starting are on the first page
prn_page= 0 && Page will be incremented by one in PageHead()
prn_line= 99999 && Force initial page header

return []

* end func PgHd_Init

function PrintOff && Turn printer off, send exit string if needed

SameLine(0, prn_exit)
set device to screen

return []

* end func PrintOff

function PrintOn && Turn printer on, send init string if needed

set device to print
SameLine(0, prn_init)

return []

* end func PrintOn

function Prn_Init && Initialize printer control variables
parameters model

*** All procs need to know about these
public prn_norm1, prn_cond1, prn_bold1, prn_larg1, prn_ital1, prn_und1
public prn_norm0, prn_cond0, prn_bold0, prn_larg0, prn_ital0, prn_und0
public prn_model, prn_init, prn_exit, prn_eject
public prn_lmar, prn_rmar, prn_xmar, prn_tmar
public prn_bmar, prn_hmar, prn_fmar, prn_plen, prn_line, prn_page

*** Store null string to all controls
store [] to prn_model, prn_init, prn_exit, prn_eject
store [] to prn_norm1, prn_cond1, prn_bold1, prn_larg1, prn_ital1, prn_und1
store [] to prn_norm0, prn_cond0, prn_bold0, prn_larg0, prn_ital0, prn_und0

*** Establish reasonable defaults for important variables
prn_model= "MONO-FONT ASCII"
prn_eject= chr(12) +chr(13) && ^L FormFeed + ^M Carriage Return (flush buffer)
prn_cond1= chr(15) && ^O Condensed-On for most printers
prn_cond0= chr(18) && ^R Condensed-Off
prn_lmar= 0
prn_rmar= 80
prn_xmar= 132
prn_tmar= 3
prn_bmar= 5
prn_hmar= 0
prn_fmar= 0
prn_plen= 66
prn_line= 0
prn_page= 0

*** Load custom values if any are found.
* Set flag depending on successful load.
private is_custom
is_custom= .f.
if pcount() > 0
if file("&MODEL..MEM") && Yes, you need TWO periods.
restore from &MODEL. additive && The first terminates the macro.
is_custom= .t.
if file("PRINTER.MEM")
restore from PRINTER additive
is_custom= .t.

*** Return YES if we loaded a custom set
* or NO if we are using the defaults.
return is_custom

* end func Prn_Init

function SameLine && Print on current line, 0..N columns over

parameters cols_over, what, with_pict

*** Nothing to print, just move the print head
if pcount() < 2
@ prow(), pcol() +cols_over say []
what= []

*** Unformatted data, just print it
if pcount() < 3
@ prow(), pcol() +cols_over say what

*** Formatted data, print using the template
@ prow(), pcol() +cols_over say what pict "&with_pict."

return pcol()

* end func SameLine
* Various Printer Control Functions
* Norm() Bold() Cond() Large() Italic() UndScr()
* Norm_On() Bold_On() Cond_On() Large_On() Italic_On() UndScr_On()
* Norm_Off() Bold_Off() Cond_Off() Large_Off() Italic_Off() UndScr_Off()
* PrnEject()

function Norm
parameter s
return prn_norm1 +s +prn_norm0

function Bold
parameter s
return prn_bold1 +s +prn_bold0

function Cond
parameter s
return prn_cond1 +s +prn_cond0

function Large
parameter s
return prn_larg1 +s +prn_larg0

function Italic
parameter s
return prn_ital1 +s +prn_ital0

function UndScr
parameter s
return prn_und1 +s +prn_und0

function Norm_ON
SameLine(0, prn_norm1)
return []

function Norm_OFF
SameLine(0, prn_norm0)
return []

function Bold_ON
SameLine(0, prn_bold1)
return []

function Bold_OFF
SameLine(0, prn_bold0)
return []

function Cond_ON
SameLine(0, prn_cond1)
return []

function Cond_OFF
SameLine(0, prn_cond0)
return []

function Large_ON
SameLine(0, prn_larg1)
return []

function Large_OFF
SameLine(0, prn_larg0)
return []

function Italic_ON
SameLine(0, prn_ital1)
return []

function Italic_OFF
SameLine(0, prn_ital0)
return []

function UndScr_ON
SameLine(0, prn_und1)
return []

function UndScr_OFF
SameLine(0, prn_und0)
return []

function PrnEject
SameLine(0, prn_eject)
return []

* end of various printer control functions
* eof Prn_Lib.Prg

  3 Responses to “Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : PRNLBL.ZIP
Filename : PRN_LIB.PRG

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: