Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : POPPICK.ZIP
Filename : KEYBD.ASM

Output of file : KEYBD.ASM contained in archive : POPPICK.ZIP
; keybd - program to supply "keystrokes" to dBASE IV.

; Version 1.2 August 12, 1989

; Version 1.1 corrected a failure to reinitialize the buffer pointer on
; each call that prevented repeated calls without reloading.
; Version 1.2 corrects the handling of special characters when more
; than one is passed in the argument.

; Expects a character variable argument containing the chr() values of
; the characters to be supplied.

; Special characters in the string:
; Chr(255) indicates next character in string is the scan code of
; an extended code unless the next character is also chr(255), in which
; case a single chr(255) is placed in buffer.

; Syntax:
; LOAD keybd
; CALL keybd with "Hello"+chr(13) && Hello & "Enter" key
; CALL keybd with chr(255)+chr(80) && down arrow

; NOTE: This program redirects the keyboard-service interrupt (16h)
; vector to its own code until all characters have been supplied to
; the calling program. Do not permit any halt of the program to occur
; (or RELEASE MODULE keybd) until all keys have been supplied, which
; restores the interrupt vector.

; This program may not work, and may cause problems, if used together
; with TSR's such as SideKick that continually reset the int16h vector
; to take priority.

; Also, if more characters are given to this program on the call than
; are removed by whatever statements in the program read them, the ones
; left cannot be removed by CLEAR TYPEAHEAD. If there is a possibility
; that characters remain in this program's buffer that are not wanted,
; remove and discard them by a loop of the following form:
; X=1
; DO WHILE X # 0
; X=inkey()

; As written, the character buffer in this program will hold 128
; characters, allowing two bytes (one word) for each. To change this
; either to allow for more characters or to save memory usage by allowing
; fewer, change the value of "buflen." Characters passed to the program
; that cannot be stored in the buffer specified will be discarded.

; In the somewhat unlikely event you want to change the buffer but do not
; have access to an assembler, load the .BIN file into the DOS DEBUG
; program by "DEBUG Keybd.bin". Then, look at the CX register by typing
; "rcx ". Note the value. Adjust it upward or downward by two
; for each character more or less desired in the buffer. To reduce the
; buffer size, simply type "rcx=xxxx " where xxxx is the former
; value of CX plus or minus the desired adjustment to the buffer size.
; To increase it, the same technique will work, but it is preferable
; first to initialize the added space to nulls by using the
; DEBUG f (fill) command to fill the area following the existing buffer
; with nulls. In either case, after setting the CX register with "rcx",
; change the word at offset 24-25 in the file (124-125 in DEBUG) up or
; down by the same amount, two for each character, using the "e" command.
; Finally, write the revised .BIN file to the disk by typing "w ".

; This program must be assembled and linked, then converted to a
; binary image file by EXE2BIN. It cannot be converted to a .COM file.

buflen equ 128

.model tiny
code segment
assume cs:code

; initialization and storage of parameter string

keybd proc far ; dBASE requires FAR return
jmp short begin
firstchar: dw ? ; pointer to next char in buffer
lastchar: dw ? ; pointer to end of buffer in use
oldvect: dd 0 ; storage for old int16h vector
begin: mov si,bx ; change pointer to parameters
mov ax,cs
mov es,ax ; point es:di to our buffer
mov di,offset buffer
mov word ptr es:firstchar,di ; initialize character pointer
cld ; forward
nextkey: lodsb ; get a key
xor ah,ah ; a zero as scan code (doesn't matter)
cmp al,0 ; at end of string?
jz setvect ; then jump
cmp di,offset bufend ; or end of buffer
jae setvect
cmp al,255 ; special code?
jnz normchar ; if not, go on
lodsb ; get the auxiliary byte
cmp al,255 ; second code 255?
jz normchar ; if so, just save it followed by null
xchg ah,al ; else save null first
normchar: stosw ; save two bytes in buffer
jmp short nextkey ; and on

; setvect - save end-of-characters address and change int16h vector

setvect: mov cx,cs
mov ds,cx
mov word ptr lastchar,di
mov di,offset oldvect
mov ax,3516h ; get int16h vector
int 21h
mov ax,bx ; load vector offset
mov dx,es ; save its segment for now
mov es,cx ; point es to ours
stosw ; save offset
mov ax,dx ; and segment
mov dx,offset handler ; address of our handler
mov ax,2516h ; set vector (ds points to our segment)
int 21h
ret ; and all done
keybd endp

; handler - intercept keyboard requests and deliver our keys

handler proc near
sti ; allow interrupts
push ds ; save registers
push si
mov cx,cs ; cx isn't used by int 16h calls
mov ds,cx ; point to our code
mov si,word ptr firstchar
cmp ah,1 ; check service requested
jb readchar ; if 0, read a character
je getstat ; if 1, get status
pop si
pop ds
jmp dword ptr cs:[oldvect] ; else use original handler

; read character service
; Return scan code in ah, key in al, and remove key from buffer.
; Reset vector if this is last key.

readchar: lodsw ; load both bytes of char
mov word ptr firstchar,si
cmp si,word ptr lastchar ; all done?
jb readret ; not yet
push dx
push ax ; save for return
mov ax,2516h ; update interrupt 16h
lds dx,dword ptr oldvect ; with original address
int 21h
pop ax ; restore registers
pop dx
readret: pop si
pop ds
iret ; all done

; keyboard status service
; Clear zero flag, return with ah=scan code, al=char, but
; leave the key in the buffer for next read.

getstat: lodsw ; get next char
or ax,ax ; clear zero
pop si
pop ds
retf 2 ; don't change zero flag
handler endp

buffer dw buflen dup (0)
bufend equ $

code ends

  3 Responses to “Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : POPPICK.ZIP
Filename : KEYBD.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: