Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : PLUSBKUP.ZIP

Output of file : PLUSBKUP.DOC contained in archive : PLUSBKUP.ZIP

By Joel Wasserstein, 1987


I knew I was in trouble when 4000 database records came to just under
one meg on the hard drive. I had no intention of having my dBASE III system
"run" the DOS BACKUP: I wanted the Backup/Restore procedures to be
integrated with my total system design. What I give you here is a
generalized version of my solution...

Queries you for the Hard Drive's Letter,
the NAME of the .DBF file you wish to backup
the PATH which leads to the .DBF file.
Computes the number of floppy diskettes you will need for the backup.
Prompts you as to when to change floppies, how many records are being
copied, and what file name is assigned to the file on the floppy.
Gives you the chance to get out TWICE before committing yourself to the
Backs your megafile up as smaller dBASE III files.
Takes about 4 to 5 minutes to fill a floppy disk with dBASE III records.

Install PLUSBKUP on the same directory as your dBASE III PLUS resides.
Call it up with DO PLUSBKUP.
Enter the drive and name of the file you wish to back up.
Enter the path if the file is in another subdirectory.
If the file is not found, PLUSBKUP terminates.
If found, PLUSBKUP tells you how many backup diskettes you need, and then
gives you the chance to abort so you can go and format them if you need
PLUSBKUP then prompts you to enter the first disk. If the file will fit
on one floppy, you will not be asked to change disks. If the file needs
multiple floppies, you will be prompted to exchange them.

WHAT's on this diskette.
PLUSBKUP.DOC - what you're reading now.


DB3BKUP.PRG - For all you non-upgraded types (like me at home.)

NOTE 1: Both programs ask for a path. However, DB3BKUP does not use it in
the same manner as PLUSBKUP. PLUSBKUP "SETS" the path. DB3BKUP appends the
path to the input file name. While I could have done in PLUS what I did in
DB3 (append the pathname to the filename) I chose to use the convention
dBASE III PLUS implements, on the theory that those who have dBASE III PLUS
would be using it this way as well.

NOTE 2: You can also use the routines to back up smaller harddisk databases.
There is no minimum backup size. A maximum is dictated by a maximum of
9 floppy disks; How big a database would fit on 9 floppy disks depends to
some extent on record size. However, the program is not set up to abort if
more than 9 disks are required...You can continue to process the backup, but
be aware that DOS will truncate file names in excess of eight characters;
therefore, if you have a file with a NAME 7 or 8 characters long, the name
on backup disks 10 and up will be identical to that on backup disk 1.

NOTE 3: If the NAME of your database is 7 characters or less, the datasets
on the floppys will be the name of your dataset with numbers from 1 to 9
attached. If the name of your database is 8 characters long, PLUSBKUP will
drop the last character and append the number in its place.

NOTE 4: Feel free to change the source code to meet your needs.

  3 Responses to “Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : PLUSBKUP.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: