Dec 122017
Public domain Clipper functions for adding Object-Oriented capabilities to Clipper 5.0, similar to Class(y).
File OCLIP.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Dbase Source Code
Public domain Clipper functions for adding Object-Oriented capabilities to Clipper 5.0, similar to Class(y).
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
HISTORY.TXT 3958 1725 deflated
IVAR.ASM 5626 863 deflated
OCLIP.CH 1638 590 deflated
OCLIP.DOC 9900 4170 deflated
OCLIP.LIB 11807 3711 deflated
OCLIP.PRG 3073 977 deflated
ODEMO1.PRG 257 163 deflated
ODEMO2.PRG 470 233 deflated
READ.ME 771 375 deflated
SIVAR.ASM 6237 955 deflated

Download File OCLIP.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

An Object Oriented Extension to Clipper 5.01
(c) 1991 Peter M. Freese, CyberSoft

Version 1.0a - November 25, 1991

This version is a maintenance release which corrects a problem with
overridden parent methods, and adds the ability to reference self within

A syntax change requires that all method UDFs now be preceded by the
keyword "METHOD". Refer to the file HISTORY.TXT for more information
regarding the latest changes.

Peter Freese

 December 12, 2017  Add comments

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