Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : NN0505.ZIP
PROCEDURE Scrn2Txt( cProc, nLine, cVar )
* Program ID: ScrnCapt.prg
* Author: Orlando M. Chacon
* Date: 03/21/91
* Purpose: Captures the current screen to a text file.
* Resulting text file is uniquely named SCRNXXXX.TXT,
* where XXXX denotes invocation number.
STATIC nFileNum := 0
LOCAL aScrnRows := ARRAY( MAXROW() + 1 )
LOCAL cFileName := "SCRN" + ;
PADL( ALLTRIM( STR( ++nFileNum ) ), 4, "0" ) +;
LOCAL nRow := 0
// Preserve Global settings
LOCAL lLastConsole := SET( _SET_CONSOLE , .F. )
LOCAL cLastPrintFile := SET( _SET_PRINTFILE, cFileName )
LOCAL cLastDevice := SET( _SET_DEVICE , "PRINT" )
// Read contents of current screen into an array (one row per element),
// stripping out color attribute characters with each iteration.
// Also, printing the current row to a file.
FOR nRow := 0 TO MAXROW()
aScrnRows[ nRow + 1 ] := ;
StripAttrib( SAVESCREEN( nRow, 0, nRow, MAXCOL() ) )
@ nRow+1, 01 SAY aScrnRows[ nRow + 1 ]
// Restore Global settings
SET( _SET_DEVICE, cLastDevice )
SET( _SET_CONSOLE, lLastConsole )
SET( _SET_PRINTFILE, cLastPrintFile )
STATIC FUNCTION StripAttrib( cScreenRow )
* Removes color attribute characters which appear in strings
* derived from the SAVESCREEN() function.
LOCAL cBuffer := cScreenRow
LOCAL nStringWidth := LEN( cBuffer )
LOCAL cStrippedRow := ""
LOCAL nColPos := 1
// Read every other character beginning with character 1 into
// a string, thereby dropping the color attribute characters.
FOR nColPos := 1 TO nStringWidth STEP 2
cStrippedRow += SUBSTR( cBuffer, nColPos, 1)
RETURN( cStrippedRow )
FUNCTION InkeyCheck(nSeconds)
* Smart Inkey():
* Checks to see if the key fetched from the keyboard buffer,
* during a wait state, has been assigned to a procedure using
* a SET KEY assignment. If so, the respective block/procedure
* is invoked.
LOCAL nWait := IF( nSeconds == NIL, 0, nSeconds )
LOCAL nKey := INKEY( nWait )
LOCAL bKeyBlock := SETKEY( nKey )
IF bKeyBlock # NIL
// EOF: ScrnCapt.prg
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: