Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : NFSRC21.ZIP
Filename : DISPMSG.PRG

Output of file : DISPMSG.PRG contained in archive : NFSRC21.ZIP
* File......: DISPMSG.PRG
* Author....: Paul Ferrara
* CIS ID....: 76702,556
* Date......: $Date: 15 Aug 1991 23:05:14 $
* Revision..: $Revision: 1.2 $
* Log file..: $Logfile: E:/nanfor/src/dispmsg.prv $
* This function is an original work by Paul Ferrar and is placed in the
* public domain.
* Modification history:
* ---------------------
* $Log: E:/nanfor/src/dispmsg.prv $
* Rev 1.2 15 Aug 1991 23:05:14 GLENN
* Forest Belt proofread/edited/cleaned up doc
* Rev 1.1 14 Jun 1991 19:51:36 GLENN
* Minor edit to file header
* Rev 1.0 01 Apr 1991 01:01:12 GLENN
* Nanforum Toolkit

/* $DOC$
* Menus/Prompts
* Display a message and optionally waits for a keypress
* FT_DISPMSG( , [ ],
* [ ], [ ],
* [ ], [ ] ) -> lKeyMatch
* is a multidimensional array of messages to be
* displayed and the color attributes for each message.
* The first dimension of the array contains one or more elements,
* each representing one line in the message box, up to the maximum
* number of rows on the screen.
* The second dimension of the array contains a color attribute for
* the corresponding element in dimension one, plus one additional
* element for the color of the box border. Dimension two will
* always contain one more element than dimension one. If an
* attribute is omitted, the last color selected will be used.
* is a character string of one or more keys to check
* for. If omitted, the message is displayed and control is returned
* to the calling procedure. If one character is specified,
* FT_DISPMSG() waits for one keypress, restores the screen and
* returns. If multiple characters are specified, FT_DISPMSG()
* remains in a loop until one of the specified keys has been
* pressed, then restores the screen and returns.
* is the upper row for the message box. If omitted, the
* box is centered vertically.
* is the leftmost column for the box. If omitted, the
* box is centered horizontally.
* is a string of characters or a variable for the box
* border. See the @...BOX command. If omitted, a double box is
* drawn.
* is a logical variable. If true (.T.) or omitted, it
* uses FT_SHADOW() to add a transparent shadow to the box. If
* false (.F.), the box is drawn without the shadow.
* If is not specified, FT_DISPMSG() will return false
* (.F.).
* If is a one-character string, FT_DISPMSG() will return
* true (.T.) if the user presses that key, or false (.F.) if any
* other key is pressed.
* If consists of multiple characters, it will lock the
* user in a loop until one of those keys are pressed and return the
* INKEY() value of the keypress.
* FT_DISPMSG() is a multi-purpose pop-up for user messages.
* Multiple lines may be displayed, each with a different attribute.
* The box will be automatically centered on the screen, or the row
* and/or column can be specified by the programmer. It also centers
* each line of the message within the box.
* The following example displays a simple two-line message
* and returns immediately to the calling routine.
* FT_DISPMSG( { { "Printing Report" , ;
* "Press [ESC] To Interrupt" } , ;
* { "W+/B*", "W/B", "GR+/B" } } )
* The next example displays a message and waits for a key press.
* FT_DISPMSG( { { "Press [D] To Confirm Deletion" , ;
* "Or Any Other Key To Abort" } , ;
* { "W+/B", "W+/B", "GR+/B" } } , ;
* "D" )
* The next example displays a one-line message centered on row 5
* and returns to the calling procedure.
* FT_DISPMSG( { { "Please Do Not Interrupt" } , ;
* { "W+/B", "GR+/B" } } , ;
* , 5, )
* $END$

#ifdef FT_TEST


FT_DISPMSG( { { "This is message #1" , ;
"This is another message - line 2" , ;
"This is the third line, etc" } , ;
{ "W+/B", "W/B", "R/BG*", "GR+/B" } } )

FT_DISPMSG( { { "Press Any Key To Continue" }, { "W/B", "W+/B" } }," ",20,0 )

// example #2 - displays box and waits for input
// then restores the screen and returns
IF FT_DISPMSG( { { "Press [D] To Delete" , ;
"Or Any Other Key To Abort" } , ;
{ "W+/R*", "W/R", "W+/R" } } , ;
"D", 5 , 5 )
FT_DISPMSG( { { 'You Pressed "D"', "Press Any Key To Continue" }, { "W+/B*", "W/B", "W+/B" } }," ",19,0 )
FT_DISPMSG( { { 'You Did NOT Press "D"', "Press Any Key To Continue" }, { "W+/B*", "W/B", "W+/B" } }," ",19,0 )

// example #3 - displays box and waits for input / multiple keys
// then restores the screen and returns
x= FT_DISPMSG( { { "Press [D] To Delete" , ;
"[A] To Add New Record" , ;
"[F] To Find A Record" , ;
"Or [ESCape] To Abort" } , ;
{ "N/G",,,, "W+/G" } } , ;
"DAF"+CHR(27) )
IF x == 27
FT_DISPMSG( { { 'You Pressed ESCAPE', "Press Any Key To Continue" }, { "W+/B*", "W/B", "W+/B" } }," ",19,0 )
FT_DISPMSG( { { 'You Pressed '+ CHR(x), "Press Any Key To Continue" }, { "W+/B*", "W/B", "W+/B" } }," ",19,0 )



FUNCTION FT_DISPMSG( aInfo, cKey, nTop, nLeft, cBoxType, lShadow )

LOCAL lRtnVal := .f., nWidest := 0, nRight, nBottom
LOCAL cOldScreen, cOldCursor, cOldColor, i, nOption

AEVAL( aInfo[1], {|x| nWidest := MAX( nWidest, LEN( x ) ) } )

IF nLeft == NIL
nLeft := (MAXCOL() - nWidest - 4) / 2
nRight := nLeft + nWidest + 5

IF nTop == NIL
nTop := (MAXROW() - LEN( aInfo[1] ) - 2) / 2 + 1
nBottom := nTop + LEN( aInfo[1] ) + 1

cBoxType := IF( cBoxType == NIL, "ÉÍ»º¼ÍȺ ", cBoxType )

cOldScreen := SAVESCREEN( nTop, nLeft, nBottom+1, nRight+2 )

cOldCursor := SETCURSOR( 0 )

IF lShadow == NIL .OR. lShadow
FT_SHADOW( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight )

// draw box
cOldColor := SETCOLOR( aInfo[ 2, LEN( aInfo[2] ) ] )
@ nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight BOX cBoxType

// display messages
FOR i := 1 TO LEN( aInfo[1] )
IF aInfo[ 2, i ] != NIL
SETCOLOR( aInfo[ 2, i ] )
@ nTop+i, ;
nLeft+( ( nWidest-LEN(aInfo[1,i]) ) / 2 ) + 3 ;
SAY aInfo[1,i]

IF cKey != NIL
IF LEN( cKey ) == 1
nOption := INKEY(0)
IF UPPER( CHR( nOption) ) == cKey
lRtnVal := .t.
nOption := 0
DO WHILE AT( UPPER( CHR( nOption ) ), UPPER( cKey ) ) == 0
nOption := INKEY(0)
lRtnVal := nOption //TGFWT! (Thank God For Weak Typing)
RESTSCREEN( nTop, nLeft, nBottom+1, nRight+2, cOldScreen )

SETCOLOR( cOldColor )
SETCURSOR( cOldCursor )

  3 Responses to “Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : NFSRC21.ZIP
Filename : DISPMSG.PRG

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: