Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : NFSRC21.ZIP
Filename : ACCTADJ.PRG

Output of file : ACCTADJ.PRG contained in archive : NFSRC21.ZIP
* File......: ACCTADJ.PRG
* Author....: Jo W. French dba Practical Computing
* CIS ID....: 74731,1751
* Date......: $Date: 28 Sep 1992 00:22:38 $
* Revision..: $Revision: 1.4 $
* Log file..: $Logfile: C:/nanfor/src/acctadj.prv $
* The functions contained herein are the original work of Jo W. French
* and are placed in the public domain.
* Modification history:
* ---------------------
* $Log: C:/nanfor/src/acctadj.prv $
* Rev 1.4 28 Sep 1992 00:22:38 GLENN
* Jo French clean up.
* Rev 1.3 15 Aug 1991 23:04:58 GLENN
* Forest Belt proofread/edited/cleaned up doc
* Rev 1.2 14 Jun 1991 19:50:40 GLENN
* Minor edit to file header
* Rev 1.1 11 May 1991 00:34:00 GLENN
* Documentation rewrite. Enter DOC header was rewritten and resubmitted
* by the author. No code changes.
* Rev 1.0 01 Apr 1991 01:00:22 GLENN
* Nanforum Toolkit

/* $DOC$

* Date/Time
* Adjust beginning or ending fiscal pd. dates to acctg. dates
* FT_ACCTADJ( [ ], [ ] ) -> dDate
* is any valid date in any valid format.
* Defaults to DATE() if not supplied.
* is a logical variable. .F. = adjust for beginning of
* period mode, .T. = adjust for end of period mode. Defaults to
* beginning of period mode.
* An adjusted date dependent upon mode and work week start day.
* Called by other FT_ACCT.. functions. The algorithm is:
* Beginning of period mode:
* If dGivenDate is in last 3 days of work week
* Return next week's start date
* Else
* Return this week's start date
* Endif
* End of period mode:
* If dGivenDate is in last 4 days of work week
* Return this week's end date
* Else
* Return prior week's end date
* Endif
* Beginning of period mode (lIsEnd == .F.)
* dDate := Ctod( "01/31/91" ) // In last 3 days of work week
* ? FT_ACCTADJ( dDate ) // 02/03/91 (next week's start)
* dDate := Ctod( "03/31/91" ) // Not in last 3 days of work week
* ? FT_ACCTADJ( dDate ) // 03/31/91 (this week's start)
* End of period mode (lIsEnd == .T.)
* dDate := Ctod( "01/31/91" ) // In last 4 days of work week
* ? FT_ACCTADJ( dDate, .T. ) // 02/02/91 (this week's end)
* dDate := Ctod( "03/31/91" ) // Not in last 4 days of work week
* ? FT_ACCTADJ( dDate, .T. ) // 03/30/91 (prior week's end)
* $END$



IF( VALTYPE(dGivenDate) != 'D', dGivenDate := DATE(), )
lIsEnd := ( VALTYPE(lIsEnd) == 'L' )
nTemp := FT_DAYTOBOW(dGivenDate)

IF nTemp > ( 2 + IF(!lIsEnd, 1, 0) )
dGivenDate += ( 7 - nTemp ) // Next Week Start (This Week End + 1)
dGivenDate -= nTemp // This Week Start (Prior Week End + 1)

IF( lIsEnd, dGivenDate -= 1, )

RETURN dGivenDate

  3 Responses to “Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : NFSRC21.ZIP
Filename : ACCTADJ.PRG

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: