Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : LASER.ZIP
Filename : LASER.PRG

Output of file : LASER.PRG contained in archive : LASER.ZIP
* laser.prg
* HP LaserJet Routines to draw lines and boxes.
* Written 12/89 by
* Kevin Talbot
* KJT enterprises
* 7632 SE 37th Place
* Mercer Island, WA 98040
* (206) 236-1060
* Compuserve ID: 75706,316
* These are "public domain" and are free for anyone to use or modify.
* Acknowledgement of the author would be appreciated.

* Notes:
* All coordinates, lengths, widths, etc., for functions assume INCHES.
* All "drawing" functions start with the current cursor position, so be
* sure to "lj_gotoxy()" before calling a "draw" function.
* All functions assume that "set print on" has been set previously as they
* all use the "??" command to send data to the printer. You may also want to
* "set console off" so the screen is not filled with lots of funny escape
* codes.
* All functions save and restore the current prow() and pcol() values so
* accuracy of "@ r,c" commands directed to the printer is maintained. These
* functions all send tons of escape codes to the printer which really fouls
* up the interal printer cursor positon pointer in Clipper! I have found
* it MUCH easier to dispense with '@ r,c' when using a laser printer and
* use the 'lj_say()' function instead. Since the LaserJet is a page printer,
* you can move the printer cursor anywhere you want without triggering a
* form feed from Clipper just because you moved the printe cursor 'back' or
* 'up' from the present position.
* The LaserJet fill patterns are specified as strings just as they
* are defined in the LaserJet technical manual. The fill pattern can be
* one of 7 shades of gray plus white and black or one of six regular line
* patterns. These routines differentiate between "gray" and "pattern" by
* having a pattern number prefix with a "#".
* Gray shades are specified as follows:
* "0" = 0% gray (white, only supported on the new LaserJet IIP!)
* "1".."2" = 2% gray
* "3".."10" = 10% gray
* "11".."20" = 20% gray
* "21".."35" = 30% gray
* "36".."55" = 45% gray
* "56".."80" = 70% gray
* "81".."99" = 90% gray
* "100" = 100% gray (black)
* Patterns are specified as follows:
* "#1" = horizontal lines
* "#2" = vertical lines
* "#3" = diagonal lines running from lower left to upper right
* "#4" = diagonal lines running from upper left to lower right
* "#5" = orthogonal crosshatch (like #1 and #2 combined)
* "#6" = diagonal crosshatch (like #3 and #4 combined)

* Function summary:

* lj_inch2dots(inches) Convert inches to printer dots
* lj_gotoxy(x,y) Absolute position in inches
* lj_gotorc(r,c) Absolute position in columns
* lj_move(delta_x,delta_y) Relative move
* lj_fill(width,height,fill) Fills rectangular area
* lj_line(length,thickness,orientation,fill) Draws lines
* lj_box(width,height,thickness,fill) Draws boxes
* lj_say(row,col,string) Just like "@ R,C say..."

* These arguments are real numbers (inches:
* width, length, thickness, height, x, y, delta_x, delta_y, inches

* These arguments are character strings:
* fill, orientation, string

* These arguments are integers:
* row, col

* FUNCTION NAME: lj_inch2dots ³
* PARAMETERS: inches ³
* RETURNS: Character string of the integer equivalent printer dots ³
* at 300 DPI. ³
* DESCRIPTION: Obvious. Mainly intended for internal use. ³
* EXAMPLE: foo = lj_inch2dots(3.56) [returns the string "1068"] ³

function lj_inch2dots
parameters inches
return alltrim(str(300.0 * inches,10))

* FUNCTION NAME: lj_gotoxy ùÄÄ> +x ³
* PARAMETERS: x & y location in inches ³ ³
* RETURNS: Nothing. V +y ³
* DESCRIPTION: Moves LJ cursor to the absolute x and y values passed. ³
* EXAMPLE: lj_gotoxy(4.25,5.5) [about the middle of the page] ³

function lj_gotoxy
parameters x, y && real numbers in inches
private null, row
null = ""
** save Clipper printer position pointer
row = prow()
col = pcol()
?? chr(27) + "*p" + lj_inch2dots(x) + "x" + lj_inch2dots(y) + "Y"
** restore Clipper printer position pointer
setprc(row,col) && restore printer row and col
return null

* FUNCTION NAME: lj_move ùÄÄ> +x ³
* PARAMETERS: deltax, deltay (in inches) ³ ³
* RETURNS: Nothing. V +y ³
* DESCRIPTION: Moves LJ "cursor" a relative amount. ³
* EXAMPLE: lj_move(1.0,-2.5) moves the cursor right 1.0" and up 2.5" ³
* NOTE: Positive amounts move the cursor right or down, negative ³
* move the cursor left or up. ³

function lj_move
parameters dx, dy && real numbers in inches
private null, row, col
null = ""
** save Clipper printer position pointer
row = prow()
col = pcol()
?? chr(27) + "*p" + if(dx >= 0.0,"+","") + lj_inch2dots(dx) + "x" + ;
if(dy >= 0.0,"+","") + lj_inch2dots(dy) + "Y"
** restore Clipper printer position pointer
return null

* FUNCTION NAME: lj_fill ³
* PARAMETERS: width, height, fill ³
* RETURNS: Nothing. ³
* DESCRIPTION: Fills a rectangular area with the specified pattern at the ³
* current cursor positon. Specify a gray pattern by passing ³
* a string between "0" and "100" (0=white, 100=black, 1..99 ³
* are levels of gray) or specify a fill pattern with "#1" ³
* "#6". ³
* EXAMPLE: lj_fill(1.5, 2.5,"#6") will create a 1.5" wide by 2.5" ³
* high rectangle filled with HP pattern 6 (crosshatching). ³

function lj_fill
parameters width, height, fill
private null, row, col, s
null = ""
* cleanup parameters
fill = alltrim(fill)
** save Clipper printer position pointer
row = prow()
col = pcol()
s = chr(27) + "*c" && PCL prefix for area fill
s = s + lj_inch2dots(width) + "a" && spec horizontal size....
s = s + lj_inch2dots(height) + "b" && spec vertical size....
if left(fill,1) == "#" && fixed pattern is desired
s = s + right(fill,1) + 'g3P' && so strip the "#" character
else && some shade of gray requested
if val(fill) = 0 && "white" is spec'd differently
s = s + 'g1P' && white fill is LJ IIP specific!
else && gray or black fill
s = s + fill + 'g2P'
?? s && now send the entire string
setprc(row,col) && restore Clipper printer position pointer
return null

* FUNCTION NAME: lj_line ³
* PARAMETERS: length, thickness, orientation, fill ³
* RETURNS: Nothing. ³
* DESCRIPTION: Draws lines as specified either horizontal or vertical ³
* at the current cursor position with the specified fill ³
* pattern. ³
* NOTE: A negative length will draw a line to the left ³
* or up from the current cursor position. ³
* EXAMPLE: lj_line(2.5, .01, "H", "20") ³
* ³
* ùÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿Â ù¿Â ³
* ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÅ "H" orientation ³³³ ³
* ÃÄÄ L ÄÄ´³ ³³L "V" orientation ³
* À T ³³³ ³
* ÀÙÁ ³
* ["ù" is the current cursor position] ³

function lj_line
parameters length, thickness, orientation, fill
private null
null = ""
* clean up parameters
thickness = abs(thickness)
orientation = upper(left(alltrim(orientation),1))
fill = alltrim(fill)
* figure out how far (relative) we have to move first
* then use the lj_fill() function to do most of the work
do case
case orientation = "H"
if length >= 0.0
lj_fill(length, thickness, fill) && draw to the right
lj_move(length, 0.0) && move left first
lj_fill(abs(length), thickness, fill)
case orientation = "V"
if length >= 0.0
lj_fill(thickness, length, fill) && draw downward
lj_move(0.0, length) && move up first
lj_fill(thickness, abs(length), fill)
return null

* FUNCTION NAME: lj_box ³
* PARAMETERS: width, height, thickness, pattern ³
* RETURNS: Nothing. ³
* DESCRIPTION: Draws a rectangular box at the current cursor postion. ³
* The current cursor position is the uppe left hand corner. ³
* EXAMPLE: lj_box(4.0,1.0,.02,"20") will draw a box 4" wide, 1" high ³
* with .02" wide lines of 20% gray ³
* NOTE: Using a gray pattern with thin lines (2 or 3 printer dots) ³
* sometimes results in invisible lines if you happen to be ³
* filling with the "white" part of the gray pattern! ³

function lj_box
parameters width, height, thickness, pattern
private null
null = ""
* cleanup parameters
width = abs(width)
height = abs(height)
thickness = abs(thickness)
pattern = upper(alltrim(pattern))
lj_line(width,thickness,"H",pattern) && draw top line first
lj_line(height,thickness,"V",pattern) && left side line
lj_move(width-thickness,0.0) && move to the right side
lj_line(height,thickness,"V", pattern) && right side line
lj_move(thickness,height-thickness) && move over and down
lj_line(-width,thickness,"H",pattern) && finally, the bottom line
return null

* FUNCTION NAME: lj_gotorc ³
* PARAMETERS: row and comlumn location (in characters) ³
* RETURNS: Nothing. ³
* DESCRIPTION: Moves LJ cursor to the absolute r and c values (0,0 = upper ³
* left corner of logical page ³
* EXAMPLE: lj_gotoxy(40,30) [about the middle of the page] ³

function lj_gotorc
parameters r, c && assume these are integers
private null, row, rs, cs
null = ""
** save Clipper printer position pointer
row = prow()
col = pcol()
rs = ltrim(str(r,4))
cs = ltrim(str(c,4))
?? chr(27) + "&a" + rs + "r" + cs + "C"
setprc(row,col) && restore printer row and col
return null

* FUNCTION NAME: lj_say (as in "@ r,c say...") ³
* PARAMETERS: row, column, string (in characters) ³
* RETURNS: Nothing. ³
* ³
* DESCRIPTION: Moves LJ cursor to the absolute r and c values (0,0 = upper ³
* left corner of logical page and prints the string. ³
* EXAMPLE: lj_gotoxy(40,30,"Hello") [about the middle of the page] ³

function lj_say
parameters r, c, string && integer columns
private null
null = ""
** save Clipper printer position pointer
row = prow()
col = pcol()
?? string
** restore Clipper printer position pointer
return null

  3 Responses to “Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : LASER.ZIP
Filename : LASER.PRG

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: