Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : KJFC1.ZIP
Filename : CONBASE.PRG

Output of file : CONBASE.PRG contained in archive : KJFC1.ZIP
// Program Name: CONBASE.PRG Copyright: ACE Inc. Software Development
// Date Created: 03/01/93 Language: Clipper 5.0
// Time Created: 18:31:19 Author: Kevin J. Farley
// Purpose: Base Class for Container Class Lib

#include "class(y).ch"

create class Container


var oIterator // Iterator Object


var aItems RO // Contents
var nItems RO // # of Items

message addIt is deferred // Add object
message deleteIt is deferred // Delete object
message getItem is deferred // Get an object
message setItem is deferred // Replace an object
message setSize is deferred // Establish the size
message firstOne is deferred // Return first object
message current is deferred // Return current object
message nextOne is deferred // Return next object
message previous is deferred // Return previous object
message lastOne is deferred // Return last object

message increment to oIterator // Set pointer ahead
message decrement to oIterator // Set pointer behind
message goTop to oIterator // Set pointer at top
message goBot to oIterator // Set pointer at bottom
message goBottom is goBot to oIterator
message atTop to oIterator // Is pointer at head
message atBottom to oIterator // Is pointer at tail
message seekFirst to oIterator // Set pointer to Key
message seekNext to oIterator

method firstThat // Return first object
// that meets a condition

method nextThat // Return next object
// that meets a condition

method lastThat // Return last object
// that meets a condition

method forEach // Send a message or evaluate
// an expression for all
// objects in container

method forSome // Send a message or evaluate
// an expression for all
// objects meeting condition

method flush // Empty out the container
method isEmpty // Is the container empty


method firstThat( uExpr )
local lMessage := valtype( uExpr ) == "O"
local uItem
while !::atBottom()
uItem := ::current()
if lMessage
if uItem:perform( uExpr )
return ( uItem )
elseif uExpr:eval( uItem )
return ( uItem )
return NIL

method nextThat( uExpr )
local lMessage := valtype( uExpr ) == "O"
local uItem
while !::atBottom()
uItem := ::current()
if lMessage
if uItem:perform( uExpr )
elseif uExpr:eval( uItem )
uItem := NIL
return ( uItem )

method lastThat( uExpr )
local lMessage := valtype( uExpr ) == "O"
local uItem
while !::atTop()
uItem := ::current()
if lMessage
if uItem:perform( uExpr )
elseif uExpr:eval( uItem )
uItem := NIL
return ( uItem )

method forEach( uPerform, uParam )
local lMessage := valtype( uPerform ) == "O"
while !::atBottom()
if lMessage
::current():perform( uPerform, uParam )
uPerform:eval( ::current(), uParam )
return self

method forSome( uExpr, uPerform, uParam )
local lMessage := valtype( uPerform ) == "O"
local uItem
while !empty( uItem := ::nextThat( uExpr ) )
if lMessage
uItem:perform( uPerform, uParam )
uPerform:eval( uItem, uParam )
return self

method flush()
while !::atBottom()
return self

method isEmpty()
return ::nItems == 0

  3 Responses to “Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : KJFC1.ZIP
Filename : CONBASE.PRG

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: