Dec 102017
Display DBIII+ Structure from DOS. | |||
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Contents of the FIST.DOC file
FIle STructure (FIST.COM)
Copyright (C) 1987 Robert A. Clarke
NOTE: If you find FIST useful, a contribution of $10 or so would
be appreciated. Send it to 1016 E. El Camino Real, Box 336,
Sunnyvale, CA 94087.
FIST displays dBASE III or dBASE III Plus .DBF file structure from
the DOS prompt, using the format of the dBASE DISPLAY STRUCTURE command.
The file structure may be saved to a disk file as standard ASCII text or
displayed on the screen. The default method is to save output to a disk
SYNTAX: FIST[/S][ input file][;][,output file]
FIST may be started from the DOS command line by entering FIST by
itself, or by entering FIST followed by command line options shown
Starting FIST without command line options:
To send output to a disk file, enter FIST at the DOS command line.
FIST will prompt you for the name of the input file and the name of the
output file.
The input file default suffix is .DBF, so you do not need to enter
the .DBF suffix as part of the input file name if you are working with a
dBASE .DBF file. If your input file does not have the .DBF suffix,
include the suffix of your file when providing the input file name.
EXAMPLE: Input file name [.DBF]: MYFILE
In the above example, FIST will look for the input file MYFILE.DBF.
EXAMPLE: Input file name [.DBF]: MYFILE.ABC
In the above example, FIST will look for the input file MYFILE.ABC.
If your input file does not have a suffix, you must follow the input
file name with the '.' separator.
EXAMPLE: Input file name [.DBF]: MYFILE.
In this example, FIST will look for the input file MYFILE (no suffix).
The prefix of the input file name will be used as the default
prefix of the output file name. The output file default suffix is .STC.
EXAMPLE: Output file name [MYFILE.STC]:
In the above example, the user hit the
for an output file name. FIST will use the default output file name of
MYFILE.STC to write the file structure to disk in the current subdirectory.
EXAMPLE: Output file name [MYFILE.STC]: MYFILE2
In the above example, FIST will write the file structure to the
file MYFILE2.STC in the current subdirectory.
In the above example, FIST will write the file structure to the
file MYFILE2.TXT in the current subdirectory.
If you do not want a suffix on the output file name, you must follow
the output file name with the '.' separator.
EXAMPLE: Output file name [.DBF]: MYFILE.
In this example, FIST will write its output to the file MYFILE
(no suffix).
You may specify any valid combination of drive, path and file names
for the input and output file names, using any combination of upper case
and lower case letters.
EXAMPLE: Input file name [.DBF]: A:MYFILE
Output file name [MYFILE.STC]: b:myfile
In the above example, the structure of MYFILE.DBF found on drive A:
will be written to the file MYFILE.STC on drive B:.
EXAMPLE: Input file name [.DBF]: \DATA\MYFILE
Output file name [MYFILE.STC]: D:\MYFILE2.TXT
In the above example, the structure of MYFILE.DBF found in the
\DATA subdirectory of the default drive will be written to the file
MYFILE2.TXT in the root directory of drive D:.
NOTE: FIST will overwrite a file in the output file subdirectory if
you select an output file name that matches an existing file.
Starting FIST with command line options:
FIST may be started by providing the /S switch for screen output,
the input file name and output file name on the command line. The
default output file name may be accepted without prompting by placing a
semicolon after the input file name.
To send output to the screen instead of a disk file, start FIST
with the /S switch. If the output results in more than 25 lines, FIST
will pause and ask you to press a key to continue the display.
In the above example, FIST will prompt for the input file name and
send output to the screen. No prompt for an output file will be given.
In the above example, FIST will display on the screen the structure
of MYFILE.DBF in the current subdirectory.
To accept the default output file name without being prompted,
place a semicolon on the command line after the input file name.
In the above example, FIST will write the structure of MYFILE.DBF,
found in the current subdirectory, to the output file MYFILE.STC in the
current subdirectory.
You may specify the input file name and the output file name on the
command line to avoid being prompted by FIST.
In the above example, FIST will write the structure of MYFILE.XYZ
found on drive A: to the file MYFILE.TXT in the \DATA subdirectory of
drive C:.
NOTE: If you include the /S command line option and specify an
output file, the output file name will be ignored and the file structure
will be displayed on the screen.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"DOS 2.0 is required."
FIST uses methods to find and create files that were not available prior
DOS 2.0. Your system must be running under DOS 2.0 or later to run FIST.
"Input file not a dBASE III file."
FIST works only on dBASE III and dBASE III Plus file formats. Attempting
to use FIST for other file formats, including dBASE II, will result in
this error message.
"Invalid file name supplied."
File names must follow DOS naming conventions. See your DOS manual for
specifics about file names.
"Global file names not allowed."
FIST will reject any file names containing ? or * . Restart FIST using
file names not containing these characters.
"Input file not found."
FIST could not find the requested input file. Be sure to specify the
proper drive and subdirectory of the input file if it is not in the
current subdirectory.
"Input file access error."
DOS would not let FIST read the input file (this error should not occur
under normal circumstances). Be sure the input file attribute byte is set
for read access.
"Output file creation error."
FIST could not create the output file. The most likely reason is an
invalid output file name. Restart FIST with the correct output file name.
Please send your comments and suggestions to:
Bob Clarke
1016 E. El Camino Real, #336
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
dBASE II and dBASE III are registered trademarks of Ashton-Tate
December 10, 2017
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