Dec 102017
File DPROGS.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Dbase Source Code
Assorted db III progs.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ACCOUNTS.PRG 2315 913 deflated
BIG.PRG 1664 738 deflated
BILLINGS.DBF 512 236 deflated
CHECKFIL.DBF 355 148 deflated
CHECKSTU.PRG 3968 1383 deflated
CLADDRES.DBF 1477 273 deflated
COSTBASE.DBF 512 227 deflated
COSTBILL.PRG 5120 1926 deflated
COSTMENU.PRG 4480 1521 deflated
COSTTIME.PRG 4224 1604 deflated
COSTUPDA.PRG 2560 1061 deflated
DEPMENU.PRG 1680 606 deflated
DEPOSITS.DBF 227 98 deflated
DEPOSITS.PRG 3840 1446 deflated
DEPPRINT.PRG 768 358 deflated
DEPTEMP.DBF 512 192 deflated
DEPTRANS.PRG 2048 775 deflated
FUNCTION.DBF 127 65 deflated
GETTEMP.DBF 512 207 deflated
HOLD84.DBF 1412 255 deflated
INDEXING.PRG 1408 500 deflated
INVCHECK.PRG 2304 786 deflated
INVEDIT.PRG 2048 757 deflated
INVGET.DBF 419 168 deflated
INVMENU.PRG 2277 903 deflated
INVOICES.DBF 512 223 deflated
INVOICES.PRG 3328 1239 deflated
INVPRINT.PRG 6144 1839 deflated
INVSUBTO.PRG 768 300 deflated
INVUPDAT.PRG 1408 625 deflated
JOBCOSTS.PRG 5888 1897 deflated
KONSTANT.MEM 770 324 deflated
MAIN.PRG 14592 3792 deflated
NAMES.DBF 512 298 deflated
NAMES.FMT 398 234 deflated
NAMETEST.PRG 3584 988 deflated
PAYBILLS.PRG 9728 3366 deflated
PAYEMPS.PRG 3456 970 deflated
PAYFIND.PRG 3712 1209 deflated
PAYMENU.PRG 2176 889 deflated
PAYRECAP.PRG 1664 553 deflated
PAYROLL.PRG 14336 4594 deflated
PERSON.DBF 1248 156 deflated
PERSONNE.DBF 1536 553 deflated
POSTFILE.DBF 1339 212 deflated
RENTALS.DBF 1024 515 deflated
SUPPLIER.DBF 1536 335 deflated
TIMECALC.PRG 4736 1278 deflated
WAGES.DBF 512 214 deflated

Download File DPROGS.ZIP Here

 December 10, 2017  Add comments

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