Dec 212017
This library allows Clipper programmers to tailor thier software to the more frequently used functions of 100 different printers. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
DD_PRINT.DOC | 8264 | 3269 | deflated |
DD_SHAR.LIB | 45568 | 12247 | deflated |
REGISTER.DOC | 1366 | 342 | deflated |
Download File DD_PRINT.ZIP Here
Contents of the DD_PRINT.DOC file
DD_SHAR.lib ver. 1.11 - Copyright 1990, D. D. Software
DD_SHAR.lib is distributed as a demo of D. D. Software's Clipper
library DD.lib (If you wish to have other languages supported, let me
know at the address or phone number listed later in this document). The
library included is fully functional but will always print additional text
each time it is called. The registered version, DD.lib, will have this
additional text removed. Cost of the registered version is $19.95. To
purchase the registered version (DD.lib), print and fill out REGISTER.DOC,
and mail it to: D. D. Software, 1655 Westmont Ave., Campbell CA 95008.
The registered version (DD.LIB) is NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN or SHAREWARE
and cannot be given to other parties for free, or a fee without the
express written consent of D. D. Software. DD.LIB is COMMERCIAL
Software and cannot be posted on any electronic media for distribution
except by written consent of D. D. Software. The Shareware version of this
library is DD_SHAR.lib, and it can be distributed freely as long as it is
not modified in any way, shape, or form. It also, must be accompanied by
this Documentation & Disclaimer file.
The author of this library is Dirk D. Martin.
I make no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without
limitation, any warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a
particular purpose. Dirk D. Martin and D. D. Software shall not
be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or
consequential arising from a failure of this program or the functions
contained in DD_SHAR.LIB. Dirk D. Martin and D. D. Software shall
not be liable for any damage to data or property which may be caused
directly or indirectly by the use of this program or the functions
contained in DD_SHAR.LIB.
In no event will Dirk D. Martin or D. D. Software, be liable to
you for any damages, including lost profits, lost savings or other
incidental or consequential damages arising from use or inability to use
this product or for any claim by any other party.
Files contained in this archive are:
To register this product, print the file REGISTER.DOC and mail it to:
D. D. Software
1655 Westmont Avenue
Building 1
Campbell, CA 95008
This library has been tested to work under DOS version 3.3, and Clipper
version Summer '87.
*Clipper is a registerd trademark and product of Nantucket Corp.
This library allows Clipper programmers to tailor thier software to the more
frequently used functions of 100 different printers. The function name is
DD_PRINT(), and accepts two parameters.
The appropriate syntax is:
"x" must be a numeric value in the range of 1 - 100. It specifies which
printer's codes you wish to access.
"y" is a character string value, and indicates which printer attribute you
wish to receive.
The number used for the parameter "x" matches the brand and model printer, as
listed below:
1 = Alphacom 8125
2 = Anadex 9620A
3 = Anadex DP-6500
4 = Anadex DP-9000/DP-9500
5 = Anadex DP-9001/DP-9501
6 = AST TurboLaser
7 = Blaser
8 = Brother HR1
9 = Brother HR15/25
10 = C. Itoh 8510A
11 = C. Itoh F10
12 = C. Itoh LIPS 10+
13 = Canon LBP-8 A1/A2
14 = Canon LBP-8 A1/A2(ISO)
15 = Centronics 351/352/353
16 = Centronics H80-1/H80-2
17 = Citizen MSP-10/MSP-15
18 = Comrex CR-I
19 = Comrex CR-II
20 = Cordata Lbls 10x1"high
21 = Cordata LP300
22 = DaisyWriter 1500/2000
23 = Data Products SPG-8010
24 = Datasouth DS 180
25 = Diablo 620 & 630
26 = Dynax DX-15
27 = Epson E/F/J/RX/LQ
28 = Epson EX-800/1000
29 = Epson LX
30 = Epson LX-90
31 = Epson MX
32 = Generic printer
33 = HP 2225C+ (Epson Mode)
34 = HP 2225C+ (HP Mode)
35 = HP Label: 10x1" high
36 = HP Label: 11x1" high
37 = HP Label: 7x1.5" high
38 = HP LaserJet
39 = HP LaserJet 500/+/II
40 = HP PaintJet (HP3630)
41 = IBM 80 CPS Graphics
42 = IBM 80 CPS Matrix
43 = IBM Color Printer
44 = IBM LetterQuality 5218
45 = IBM Pageprinter 3812
46 = IBM Proprinter
47 = IBM Quietwriter 5201
48 = IBM Quietwriter III
49 = IBM Wheelprinter 5216
50 = IDS 460
51 = IDS Prism 80/132
52 = Juki 6100
53 = Kyocera F-1010 (Land)
54 = Kyocera F-1010 (Port)
55 = Mannesmann MT160/180
56 = Mannesmann Spirit-80
57 = NEC Pinwriter P2/P3
58 = NEC Pinwriter P2200
59 = NEC Pinwriter P5/P6/P7
60 = NEC Silentwriter LC850
61 = NEC Silentwriter LC860
62 = NEC Spinwriter 3550
63 = NEC Spinwriter 5515/25
64 = NEC Spinwriter 7710/20
65 = NEC Spinwriter 7715/25
66 = NEC Spinwriter 7730
67 = Oki Laserline 6
68 = Oki Microline 182/183
69 = Oki Microline 192/193
70 = Oki Microline 292/3/4
71 = Oki Microline 82A/83A
72 = Oki Microline 84/92/93
73 = Oki Okimate 20
74 = Oki Pacemark 2350
75 = Oki Pacemark 2410
76 = Oki Pacemerk 2410-IBM
77 = Oki Plug&Play 192/193
78 = Oki Plug&Play 82A/83A
79 = Oki Plug&Play 84/92/93
80 = Panasonic KX-P1090
81 = Panasonic KX-P1091
82 = Panasonic KX-P3151
83 = Quadram QuadJet
84 = QuadLaser
85 = Qume Sprint 5
86 = Qume Sprint 9/45, 9/55
87 = Sanyo PR-5500
88 = Silver Reed 550 (Line)
89 = Silver Reed 550 (Ser)
90 = Silver Reed 770
91 = Star Gemini 10-X/15-X
92 = Star Radix 10/15
93 = Texas Inst 850/855
94 = Texas Inst 860/865
95 = Toshiba P 341/351
96 = Toshiba P1340
97 = Toshiba P1350
98 = Toshiba P1351
99 = Xerox 2700 II
100 = Xerox 4045 - 630 Mode
The "y" parameter is allowed to have one of the following values:
'Name'-- Returns the printer name.
'Setup'-- Returns the setup (printer initialization) string.
'Formlen' -- Returns the code sequence to set form length.
'Formfeed' -- Returns the form feed sequence.
'6LPI' -- Returns the code sequence to set 6 lines per inch.
'8LPI' -- Returns the code sequence to set 8 lines per inch.
'10CPI' -- Returns the code sequence to set 10 characters per inch.
'12CPI' -- Returns the code sequence to set 12 characters per inch.
'Compress' -- Returns the code sequence to set condensed print.
'Landscape' -- Returns the code sequence to place printer in landscape mode.
'Portrait' -- Returns the code sequence to place printer in portrait mode.
'Boldon' -- Returns the code sequence to set bold printing on.
'Boldoff' -- Returns the code sequence to set bold printing off.
'Ulon' -- Returns the code sequence to set underline printing on.
'Uloff' -- Returns the code sequence to set underline printing off.
'Iton' -- Returns the code sequence to set italics printing on.
'Itoff' -- Returns the code sequence to set italics printing off.
set print on
set console off
? 'This text is printed as normal text.'
? DD_Print(27,'Boldon')
? 'This text is printed bold on my Epson FX-100 printer on lpt1:.'
? DD_Print(27,'Boldoff')
set print off
set console on
The function returns a character string.
If the particular printer attribute is not supported, or not available,
the function will return an empty string.
To execute this program, it should be compiled with Clipper, and then linked
with either Microsoft's Link.exe, or Nantucket's Plink.exe. The DD_Shar.lib
should be listed after Clipper.lib and after Extend.lib at link time.
Send and comments, questions, or concerns to:
D. D. Software
1655 Westmont Avenue
Building 1
Campbell, CA 95008
Or via Exec-PC bulleting board at 414-789-4210.
Address messages to Dirk Martin.
You may also call 408-378-9248, and leave a message. If you wish to have
other languages support by this library, please let me know. I'll fill
these wishes, based on demand.
History of library:
Version 1.1. First public release
Version 1.11. Document file adjusted to note that function will return
an empty value if the printer attribute is not supported, or not available.
DD_SHAR.lib ver. 1.11 - Copyright 1990, D. D. Software
DD_SHAR.lib is distributed as a demo of D. D. Software's Clipper
library DD.lib (If you wish to have other languages supported, let me
know at the address or phone number listed later in this document). The
library included is fully functional but will always print additional text
each time it is called. The registered version, DD.lib, will have this
additional text removed. Cost of the registered version is $19.95. To
purchase the registered version (DD.lib), print and fill out REGISTER.DOC,
and mail it to: D. D. Software, 1655 Westmont Ave., Campbell CA 95008.
The registered version (DD.LIB) is NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN or SHAREWARE
and cannot be given to other parties for free, or a fee without the
express written consent of D. D. Software. DD.LIB is COMMERCIAL
Software and cannot be posted on any electronic media for distribution
except by written consent of D. D. Software. The Shareware version of this
library is DD_SHAR.lib, and it can be distributed freely as long as it is
not modified in any way, shape, or form. It also, must be accompanied by
this Documentation & Disclaimer file.
The author of this library is Dirk D. Martin.
I make no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without
limitation, any warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a
particular purpose. Dirk D. Martin and D. D. Software shall not
be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or
consequential arising from a failure of this program or the functions
contained in DD_SHAR.LIB. Dirk D. Martin and D. D. Software shall
not be liable for any damage to data or property which may be caused
directly or indirectly by the use of this program or the functions
contained in DD_SHAR.LIB.
In no event will Dirk D. Martin or D. D. Software, be liable to
you for any damages, including lost profits, lost savings or other
incidental or consequential damages arising from use or inability to use
this product or for any claim by any other party.
Files contained in this archive are:
To register this product, print the file REGISTER.DOC and mail it to:
D. D. Software
1655 Westmont Avenue
Building 1
Campbell, CA 95008
This library has been tested to work under DOS version 3.3, and Clipper
version Summer '87.
*Clipper is a registerd trademark and product of Nantucket Corp.
This library allows Clipper programmers to tailor thier software to the more
frequently used functions of 100 different printers. The function name is
DD_PRINT(), and accepts two parameters.
The appropriate syntax is:
"x" must be a numeric value in the range of 1 - 100. It specifies which
printer's codes you wish to access.
"y" is a character string value, and indicates which printer attribute you
wish to receive.
The number used for the parameter "x" matches the brand and model printer, as
listed below:
1 = Alphacom 8125
2 = Anadex 9620A
3 = Anadex DP-6500
4 = Anadex DP-9000/DP-9500
5 = Anadex DP-9001/DP-9501
6 = AST TurboLaser
7 = Blaser
8 = Brother HR1
9 = Brother HR15/25
10 = C. Itoh 8510A
11 = C. Itoh F10
12 = C. Itoh LIPS 10+
13 = Canon LBP-8 A1/A2
14 = Canon LBP-8 A1/A2(ISO)
15 = Centronics 351/352/353
16 = Centronics H80-1/H80-2
17 = Citizen MSP-10/MSP-15
18 = Comrex CR-I
19 = Comrex CR-II
20 = Cordata Lbls 10x1"high
21 = Cordata LP300
22 = DaisyWriter 1500/2000
23 = Data Products SPG-8010
24 = Datasouth DS 180
25 = Diablo 620 & 630
26 = Dynax DX-15
27 = Epson E/F/J/RX/LQ
28 = Epson EX-800/1000
29 = Epson LX
30 = Epson LX-90
31 = Epson MX
32 = Generic printer
33 = HP 2225C+ (Epson Mode)
34 = HP 2225C+ (HP Mode)
35 = HP Label: 10x1" high
36 = HP Label: 11x1" high
37 = HP Label: 7x1.5" high
38 = HP LaserJet
39 = HP LaserJet 500/+/II
40 = HP PaintJet (HP3630)
41 = IBM 80 CPS Graphics
42 = IBM 80 CPS Matrix
43 = IBM Color Printer
44 = IBM LetterQuality 5218
45 = IBM Pageprinter 3812
46 = IBM Proprinter
47 = IBM Quietwriter 5201
48 = IBM Quietwriter III
49 = IBM Wheelprinter 5216
50 = IDS 460
51 = IDS Prism 80/132
52 = Juki 6100
53 = Kyocera F-1010 (Land)
54 = Kyocera F-1010 (Port)
55 = Mannesmann MT160/180
56 = Mannesmann Spirit-80
57 = NEC Pinwriter P2/P3
58 = NEC Pinwriter P2200
59 = NEC Pinwriter P5/P6/P7
60 = NEC Silentwriter LC850
61 = NEC Silentwriter LC860
62 = NEC Spinwriter 3550
63 = NEC Spinwriter 5515/25
64 = NEC Spinwriter 7710/20
65 = NEC Spinwriter 7715/25
66 = NEC Spinwriter 7730
67 = Oki Laserline 6
68 = Oki Microline 182/183
69 = Oki Microline 192/193
70 = Oki Microline 292/3/4
71 = Oki Microline 82A/83A
72 = Oki Microline 84/92/93
73 = Oki Okimate 20
74 = Oki Pacemark 2350
75 = Oki Pacemark 2410
76 = Oki Pacemerk 2410-IBM
77 = Oki Plug&Play 192/193
78 = Oki Plug&Play 82A/83A
79 = Oki Plug&Play 84/92/93
80 = Panasonic KX-P1090
81 = Panasonic KX-P1091
82 = Panasonic KX-P3151
83 = Quadram QuadJet
84 = QuadLaser
85 = Qume Sprint 5
86 = Qume Sprint 9/45, 9/55
87 = Sanyo PR-5500
88 = Silver Reed 550 (Line)
89 = Silver Reed 550 (Ser)
90 = Silver Reed 770
91 = Star Gemini 10-X/15-X
92 = Star Radix 10/15
93 = Texas Inst 850/855
94 = Texas Inst 860/865
95 = Toshiba P 341/351
96 = Toshiba P1340
97 = Toshiba P1350
98 = Toshiba P1351
99 = Xerox 2700 II
100 = Xerox 4045 - 630 Mode
The "y" parameter is allowed to have one of the following values:
'Name'-- Returns the printer name.
'Setup'-- Returns the setup (printer initialization) string.
'Formlen' -- Returns the code sequence to set form length.
'Formfeed' -- Returns the form feed sequence.
'6LPI' -- Returns the code sequence to set 6 lines per inch.
'8LPI' -- Returns the code sequence to set 8 lines per inch.
'10CPI' -- Returns the code sequence to set 10 characters per inch.
'12CPI' -- Returns the code sequence to set 12 characters per inch.
'Compress' -- Returns the code sequence to set condensed print.
'Landscape' -- Returns the code sequence to place printer in landscape mode.
'Portrait' -- Returns the code sequence to place printer in portrait mode.
'Boldon' -- Returns the code sequence to set bold printing on.
'Boldoff' -- Returns the code sequence to set bold printing off.
'Ulon' -- Returns the code sequence to set underline printing on.
'Uloff' -- Returns the code sequence to set underline printing off.
'Iton' -- Returns the code sequence to set italics printing on.
'Itoff' -- Returns the code sequence to set italics printing off.
set print on
set console off
? 'This text is printed as normal text.'
? DD_Print(27,'Boldon')
? 'This text is printed bold on my Epson FX-100 printer on lpt1:.'
? DD_Print(27,'Boldoff')
set print off
set console on
The function returns a character string.
If the particular printer attribute is not supported, or not available,
the function will return an empty string.
To execute this program, it should be compiled with Clipper, and then linked
with either Microsoft's Link.exe, or Nantucket's Plink.exe. The DD_Shar.lib
should be listed after Clipper.lib and after Extend.lib at link time.
Send and comments, questions, or concerns to:
D. D. Software
1655 Westmont Avenue
Building 1
Campbell, CA 95008
Or via Exec-PC bulleting board at 414-789-4210.
Address messages to Dirk Martin.
You may also call 408-378-9248, and leave a message. If you wish to have
other languages support by this library, please let me know. I'll fill
these wishes, based on demand.
History of library:
Version 1.1. First public release
Version 1.11. Document file adjusted to note that function will return
an empty value if the printer attribute is not supported, or not available.
December 21, 2017
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