Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : DBTOC.ZIP
Filename : FILEIO.ASM
; c_reate(filename,attr) - creates a file
; char *filename - ptr to filename
; int attr - attributes to use for file
; returns file handle or -1 - error
public c_reate
c_reate proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,03c00h
mov dx,4[bp] ; get the file name
mov cx,6[bp] ;get attributes of new file
int 21h ; call dos
jnc createx
mov ax,-1
mov sp,bp
pop bp
c_reate endp
; o_pen(filename,acc_code)
; char *filename - file name string
; int acc_code - 0 - file opened for reading
; 1 - file opened for writing
; 2 - file opened for read/write
; returns - file handle or error code ( see error table)
public o_pen
o_pen proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov dx,[bp+4] ;offset, small model ds points already
mov al,[bp+6] ;access code r/w/w-r
mov ah,03dh ; open a file
int 21h
jnc openex
mov ax,-1
openex: mov sp,bp
pop bp
o_pen endp
; C_LOSE(fh) - closes a valid file handle
; int fh - file handle
; returns - 0 - successfull, -1 - invalid file handle
public c_lose
c_lose proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov bx,4[bp] ; get file handle
mov ah,03eh ; service to close a file handle
int 21h
mov ax,00
jnc closex
mov ax,-1 ; tell prog that error occurred
closex: mov sp,bp
pop bp
c_lose endp
; _DEL(filename) - deletes a file from the directory
; char *filename - name of file to delete
; returns 0 - success or error code: 2 - file not found
; 5 - access denied
public _del
_del proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov dx,4[bp]
mov ax,4100h
int 21h
jc delex
mov ax,0
delex: mov sp,bp
pop bp
_del endp
; l_seek(fh,offset,method)
; int fh; file handle
; long offset; offset in file to seek to (from start of file)
; int method; - 0 - offset from beginning of file
; - 1 - offset from current position
; - 2 - from end of file
; Seek to a specific position in file.
PUBLIC l_seek
l_seek PROC NEAR
push bp
mov bp,sp
; Basically lseek(fh,offset,method)
mov ah,42h
mov bx,[bp+4] ;file handle
mov cx,[bp+8] ;offset (most significant)
mov dx,[bp+6] ; (least significant)
mov al,[bp+10] ; get seek method
int 21h
seekex: mov sp,bp
pop bp
l_seek ENDP
; r_ead(fh,bp,bl)
; int fh; /* file handle */
; char near *bp; /* memory loc to read to */
; unsigned int bl; /* amount to read */
; Read a buffer from the current location in file.
PUBLIC r_ead
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ah,3fh ;read file
mov bx,[bp+4] ;file handle
mov cx,[bp+8] ;bl (buffer length)
mov dx,[bp+6] ;bp (buffer pointer)
int 21h
jnc readex
mov ax,-1 ; error reading file
readex: mov sp,bp
pop bp
r_ead ENDP
; w_rite(fh,bp,bl)
; int fh; /* file handle */
; char near *bp; /* memory loc to read to */
; unsigned int bl; /* amount to read */
; Write a buffer to the current location in file.
PUBLIC w_rite
w_rite PROC NEAR
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds ;save current data seg
mov ah,40h ;write file
mov bx,[bp+4] ;file handle
mov cx,[bp+8] ;bl(buffer length)
mov dx,[bp+6] ;bp (buffer pointer)
int 21h
jnc writex ;jmp if no error
mov ax,-1 ;tell caller error happened
writex: mov sp,bp
pop bp
w_rite ENDP
; _setftime(fh,date,time)
; int fh; /* file handle */
; unsigned int date; /* date to set on file */
; unsigned int time; /* time to set on file */
; Set the creation/revision date/time on a file.
PUBLIC _setftime
_setftime PROC NEAR
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,5701h ;set file date/time function
mov bx,[bp+4] ;file handle
mov cx,[bp+8] ;file time
mov dx,[bp+6] ;file date
int 21h
mov sp,bp ;no error checking done
pop bp
_setftime ENDP
; _getcdir(drive,buffer)
; int drive;
; char *buffer;
; Get the current dir for given drive.
PUBLIC _getcdir
_getcdir PROC NEAR
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
mov ah,47h ;get current dir
mov dl,BYTE PTR [bp+4] ;drive code to DL
mov si,[bp+6] ;buffer ptr to DS:SI
mov BYTE PTR [si],0 ;make sure its terminated if error
int 21h
pop si
mov sp,bp ;no error checking done
pop bp
_getcdir ENDP
; _chdir(dir_name)
; char *dir_name; /* name of directory to make current */
; returns 0 - successfull, -1 - error
PUBLIC _chdir
_chdir PROC NEAR
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ah,3bh ;get current dir
mov dx,4[bp] ; get offset to new dir name
int 21h
mov ax,0
jnc endset
mov ax,-1
mov sp,bp ;no error checking done
pop bp
_chdir ENDP
; _MKDIR(dir_name) - creates a new subdirectory
; char *dir_name - ptr to name of directory to create
; returns - 0 - successfull 3 - path not found
; 5 - access denied
public _mkdir
_mkdir proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov dx,4[bp] ; get ptr to dir to make
mov ax,3900h
int 21h ; call dos
jc mkdirex ; keep error code in ax for return
mov ax,00 ; no error
mov sp,bp
pop bp
_mkdir endp
; _RD(dir_name) - removes a subdirectory
; char *dir_name - ptr to dir name to remove
; returns - 0 - successful or error code: 3 - path not found
; 5 - dir not empty or
; access denied
public _rd
_rd proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov dx,4[bp] ; get dir name to remove
mov ax,03a00h
int 21h
jc rdex
mov ax,0
rdex: mov sp,bp
pop bp
_rd endp
; _setattrib(fn,attrs)
; char *fn; /* file name */
; unsigned int attrs; /* attributes to set */
; Set the file attributes
PUBLIC _setattrib
_setattrib PROC NEAR
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,4301h ;CHMOD dos function
mov cx,[bp+6] ;file attributes
mov dx,[bp+4] ;file name
int 21h
mov sp,bp ;no error checking done
pop bp
_setattrib ENDP
; unsigned int _getattrib(fn)
; char *fn; /* file name */
; get the file attributes
; returns attributes in ax
PUBLIC _getattrib
_getattrib PROC NEAR
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,4300h ;CHMOD dos function
mov dx,[bp+4] ;file name
int 21h
mov ax,cx ; mov attributes to cx for return to C
mov sp,bp ;no error checking done
pop bp
_getattrib endp
include endpseg.h
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: