Dec 122017
Ad Hoc Report Writer for dBase IV.
File DB4RPT.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Dbase Source Code
Ad Hoc Report Writer for dBase IV.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CREDIT.DBF 153 84 deflated
CREDIT.MDX 4096 1671 deflated
CUSTOMER.DBF 506 212 deflated
CUSTOMER.DBT 1536 338 deflated
CUSTOMER.MDX 8192 1754 deflated
DB4RPT.EXE 519168 213287 deflated
DISCLAIM.DOC 595 335 deflated
ITEM.DBF 302 163 deflated
ITEM.MDX 4097 2032 deflated
MAIL.DBF 591 249 deflated
MAIL.LBL 1513 67 deflated
MAIL.MDX 4096 1516 deflated
ONEMEMO.RPD 348 181 deflated
ORDER.DBF 944 186 deflated
ORDER.MDX 4096 1616 deflated
ORDER.ME 1092 322 deflated
REL1_2.RPD 416 226 deflated
REL1_3.RPD 541 292 deflated
REL2_3.RPD 562 282 deflated
REPORT.DOC 10380 3942 deflated
SINGLE.RPD 334 174 deflated
SSN.DBF 234 109 deflated
SSN.MDX 4096 1573 deflated
VENDOR.DBF 168 83 deflated
VENDOR.MDX 4096 1538 deflated

Download File DB4RPT.ZIP Here

Contents of the DISCLAIM.DOC file


DB4RPT.EXE has been tested on a variety of MS-DOS computers and every effort
has been made to ensure that the program is error free and well behaved.
The author, Ralph Tartaglia, however, makes no claims or guarantees regarding
its performance or suitableness for business use. Absolutely no warranties of
any kind are offered for DB4RPT.EXE nor are any implied.

You use DB4RPT.EXE at your own risk. The author assumes no liability for damages
or losses of any kind resulting from your use of DB4RPT.EXE.

 December 12, 2017  Add comments

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