Dec 082017
Excellent amortization program with full dBase III code.
File DB3AMORT.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Dbase Source Code
Excellent amortization program with full dBase III code.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
AMORT.DBF 512 210 deflated
AMORT.DOC 1060 540 deflated
AMORT.FRM 1990 1356 deflated
AMORT.PRO 5880 1915 deflated

Download File DB3AMORT.ZIP Here

Contents of the AMORT.DOC file

*** Amortization Program for DBASE III
*** By Morris Pyle

*** Simply copy the DBASE III files -, amort.DBF, & amort.FRM,
*** on the disk you normally use for programs and files, and key in
*** the following two commands (1) 'SET PROCEDURE TO AMORT.PRO' AND
*** (2) 'DO AMORT'. The program will ask you if you want it to figure
*** the monthly payments for you, and should be self-explanatory.

*** Negative amortization loans will work just fine, as do balloon
*** payments (the program asks you if you want to show any remaining
*** balance as a balloon payment).

*** For variable rate loans, simply run a schedule without a balloon
*** payment of the remaining balance for each period the interest is
*** fixed, and then run a new schedule at the next period's interest
*** rate, etc.

*** The program is set up for monthly payment loans, but could be easily
*** modified for other period installment loans. (The formula for
*** figuring the payment is straight out of a Basic Applications Handbook).

 December 8, 2017  Add comments

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