Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : CLNCLP.ZIP
Filename : CLEANCL.HLP

Output of file : CLEANCL.HLP contained in archive : CLNCLP.ZIP
Do not tamper with this file! For F1 help screens only.

/Run Help
The Run menu is the command to format the file(s)
specified in the source file field. The format
will be based on the current format configurations
as displayed on the screen.
/Edit Help
The Edit menu is the command to edit the Source and
Target fields, the format configurations, and the
Run Mode.
/Color Help
The Color menu is the command to change the back-
ground and foreground colors of the main screen.
/Phone Help
The Phone menu is the command to get the phone and
address of Invariant Software for technical support
or general information.
/Help Help
The Help menu is the command to see more infor-
mation about CleanClipper Version 1.0. It provides
an on-line user's guide.
/Quit Help
The Quit menu is the command to exit CleanCliper.
Any changes made to the format configurations will
be saved as the current default values in the file
/Files Help
Use this section to specify the source and target
files for formatting. Syntax:
Source file(s): [drive:][path]source file
Target file(s): [target file]
You may use wildcards in either filename option. The
brackets '[]' denote optional input. If the target
file already exists, it will be replaced with the newly
formatted file. If the target file is left blank, the
source file will be overwritten with the newly fomatted
file. See 'Help' for more information.

ARROWS : move cursor to field position.
ENTER : move to next field.
TAB/SHIFT-TAB : go to next/previous section.
/Procedure Style Help
Use this section to specify the indentation of
statements within procedures and functions, and
the indentation of the end-of-function
delimiter ('return ---').

ARROWS : move cursor to space character.
SPACE BAR/BACKSPACE : change position of
'x:=0' or 'return x'.
TAB/SHIFT-TAB : go to next/previous section.
/Control Style Help
Use this section to specify the indentation of
statements within control statements, and the
indentation of the control-statement delimiter
('endif', 'enddo', ...).

ARROWS : move cursor to space character.
SPACE BAR/BACKSPACE : change position of
'x:=0' or 'endif'.
TAB/SHIFT-TAB : go to next/previous section.
/Function Spacing Help
Use this section to specify the spacing of certain
characters within a function call or definition.
(i.e. commas, parenthesis...)

ARROWS : move cursor to space character.
SPACE BAR/BACKSPACE : change position of
space characters (^).
TAB/SHIFT-TAB : go to next/previous section.
/Operator Spacing Help
Use this section to specify the spacing of assign-
ment, boolean, relational, and math operators
in your source file.

ARROWS : move cursor to space character.
SPACE BAR/BACKSPACE : change position of
space characters (^).
TAB/SHIFT-TAB : go to next/previous section.
/Code Block Spacing Help
Use this section to specify spacing for code blocks.
(i.e. '{', '|', ',' ...).

ARROWS : move cursor to space character.
SPACE BAR/BACKSPACE : change position of
space characters (^).
TAB/SHIFT-TAB : go to next/previous section.
/Array Initialization Spacing Help
Use this section to specify spacing for array
initializations (i.e. '{', ',').

ARROWS : move cursor to space character.
SPACE BAR/BACKSPACE : change position of
space characters (^).
TAB/SHIFT-TAB : go to next/previous section.
/Comment Position Help
Use this section to specify the placement of comments
which are on the same line as code. Lines which begin
with a comment will be indented appropriately. Note
that only one field can be filled.

ARROWS : move cursor in edit fields.
'0'..'9' : input in edit fields.
ENTER : go to next field.
TAB/SHIFT-TAB : go to next/previous section.
/Parentheses Help
Use this section to specify if you wish to have all
assignment and control expressions altered by minimi-
zing or maximizing parentheses. Choose 'no change'
to leave untouched. Only parentheses for binary
operators are considered.

ARROWS : move cursor around choices.
SPACE BAR : select choice.
TAB/SHIFT-TAB : go to next/previous section.
/Reserved Word Help
Use this section to specify the 'case' consistency
for all reserved words. To add or delete reserved
words, edit the file CLEANCL.RSV.

ARROWS : move cursor around choices.
SPACE BAR : select choice.
TAB/SHIFT-TAB : go to next/previous section.
/Preprocessor Directives Help
Use this section to specify the indentation or non-
indentation (1st column) of preprocessor directives.

ARROWS : move cursor around choices.
SPACE BAR : select choice.
TAB/SHIFT-TAB : go to next/previous section.
/Mode Help
Use this section to specify the run mode for Clear-
Pascal. Manual mode will always wait for the user's
input before formatting. Auto mode formats immedi-
ately provided a 'source file' was given.

ARROWS : move cursor around choices.
SPACE BAR : select choice.
TAB/SHIFT-TAB : go to next/previous section.

  3 Responses to “Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : CLNCLP.ZIP
Filename : CLEANCL.HLP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: