Dec 152017
A collection of QEdit macros for use with Clipper.
File CLIPQMAC.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Dbase Source Code
A collection of QEdit macros for use with Clipper.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CLIPREAD.ME 6022 2757 deflated
CLP.BAT 1174 469 deflated
QCONFIG.DAT 6477 2662 deflated
CLIP.DOC 2179 965 deflated
FKEYS.NFO 1678 703 deflated
ANSI_CLS.TXT 1033 472 deflated
QHELP.TXT 1971 1067 deflated
CLIP.MAC 322 232 deflated

Download File CLIPQMAC.ZIP Here

Contents of the CLIP.DOC file

*mac c:\autil\misc\clip.doc
*author Charles Burfoot
*created Thu 08-08-89
*modified Sat 08-12-1989
*purpose clipper & dbxl & QSilver macro file for Qedit
*notes compile with QMAC.EXE

* set AutoIndent ON; WordWrap OFF; Tabs set to 4
* Function Keys are for Compiler and File functions
* Macro which at startup with the "qed whatever.ext -ec:\autil\misc\c.doc"
* will load me with ega 43 line mode and put up the pick screen
^f1 macrobegin toggleEGA43 file "*.prg" return
* Macro to run clp.bat with command line parameters
f5 macro_begin savefile dos "clp " currentfilename backspace backspace backspace backspace pause return return horizontalwindow editfile "errors.lst" return prevwindow
* Macro to run custom make with name of currentfile ".mak" files
* Macro to check for errors and jump to the error line in the current window
f7 macrobegin nextwindow find "line " return return wordright markword copy prevwindow gotoline paste return
* Macro to check for reported linker errors
^f7 macrobegin nextwindow find "LINK : " return return prevwindow
* Macro to RUN file based on currentfilename with prompting for parameters
* Macro to delete file(s) based on currentfilename with prompting
@f9 macro_begin dos "del " currentfilename backspace backspace backspace pause return return
* Insertion for comments
^[ Macrobegin Endline Goto_Column "45" Return "&&" CursorRight
^] Macrobegin CursorDown Goto_Column "45" Return "&&" CursorRight
* NOTE: Keywords shortened to 4 characters

*ALT-1 header block and identification - Quick and saves time
@1 MacroBegin "*FILE" Return "*author Chuck Burfoot" Return &
"*created " InsertDate Return "*modified" Return "*purpose" Return Return &
Return "*----" Begfile Goto_Column "13" Return

*ALT-2 initilization block

*ALT-3 procedure block

*ALT-4 say/get/read block

*ALT-5 do case/case/endcase block

*ALT-6 do while/enddo block

*ALT-7 FOR ... NEXT block

*ALT-8 if/else/endif block

*ALT-9 function block

 December 15, 2017  Add comments

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