Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : CLIPGR12.ZIP

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The Clipper (tm) Graphics Library

by Maurice J. Halmos

Version 1.2

February 1989

Serial #1000300

Copyright (c) VideoSoft/Video-Comp Electr. 1988, 1989

VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION .................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose & Registration ..................................... 1
1.2 Disclaimer ................................................. 2

2 THE GRAPHICS LIBRARY ............................................ 3
2.1 Usage ...................................................... 3
2.2 Running the Clipdemo ....................................... 3
2.3 What Is in New Version ..................................... 4
2.4 Summary of functions ....................................... 4
2.5 Functions Description ..................................... 7
2.5.1 Notes on Ellipse, Arc, and Pie ........................ 7
2.5.2 Notes on Initializing and Modes ....................... 7
2.5.3 Notes on Color ........................................ 8
2.5.4 Notes in Fill Pattern ................................. 9
2.5.5 Notes on Image Saving and Loading ..................... 10
2.5.6 Notes on Using the Mouse. ............................. 11
2.5.7 Functions ............................................. 12
FUNCTION: g_arc(x1,y1,x2,y2,xb,yb,xe,ye) ................. 12
FUNCTION: g_clear(num) ................................... 12
FUNCTION: g_close() ...................................... 12
FUNCTION: g_dot(x,y) ..................................... 12
FUNCTION: g_draw(x1,y1,IMAGE,action) ..................... 13
FUNCTION: g_ellip(fill,x1,y1,x2,y2) ...................... 13
FUNCTION: g_fill(x,y,bcolor) ............................. 13
FUNCTION: g_getdot(x,y) .................................. 13
FUNCTION: g_imget(x1,y1,x2,y2) ........................... 14
FUNCTION: g_imload(x1,y1,"fname") ........................ 14
FUNCTION: g_imsave(x1,y1,x2,y2,"fname") .................. 14
FUNCTION: g_imsize(x1,y1,x2,y2) .......................... 14
FUNCTION: g_init(num) .................................... 15
FUNCTION: g_lineto(x,y) .................................. 15
FUNCTION: g_mode() ....................................... 15
FUNCTION: g_mouse(num) ................................... 15
FUNCTION: g_moveto(x,y) .................................. 16
FUNCTION: g_msread(num) .................................. 16
FUNCTION: g_ncolors() .................................... 16
FUNCTION: g_pie(fill,x1,y1,x2,y2,xb,yb,xe,ye) ............ 16
FUNCTION: g_rect(fill,x1,y1,x2,y2) ....................... 17
FUNCTION: g_reg(num) ..................................... 17
FUNCTION: g_say(row,col,text) ............................ 17
FUNCTION: g_selpalt(num) ................................. 17
FUNCTION: g_setapage(num) ................................ 17
FUNCTION: g_setbkc(num) .................................. 18
FUNCTION: g_setclr(num) .................................. 18


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

FUNCTION: g_setfmsk(byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,by-
te,byte) .................................................. 18
FUNCTION: g_setline(num) ................................. 18
FUNCTION: g_setorg(x,y) .................................. 18
FUNCTION: g_settxtc(num) ................................. 19
FUNCTION: g_setvpage(num) ................................ 19
FUNCTION: g_twindow(r1,c1,r2,c2) ......................... 19
FUNCTION: g_viewport(x1,y1,x2,y2) ........................ 19
FUNCTION: g_wait() ....................................... 20
FUNCTION: g_wraptxt(flag) ................................ 20
FUNCTION: g_xmax() ....................................... 20
FUNCTION: g_ymax() ....................................... 20


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library


1.1 Purpose & Registration

The CLIPGRAF library is intended to be a supplement to your Clipper
run time library. It contains a collection of graphic mode routines for
doing all the low level and higher level graphic tasks, from determining
the graphics adaptor, to animation. The library uses direct video rou-
tines, for fast performance, hence, it will only work with IBM (tm) compat-
ible desktop computers. The library functions have been tested in a number
of 8088, 80286, and 80386 clones. It supports CGA, HERCULES, EGA, and VGA
graphics adaptors.

This is a shareware program. As such, it may be freely copied and
distributed for evaluation.

If you would like to use it, you must purchase a license. One license
per user is required. The license will be good for all future updates of
the library, and will allow you to inhibit the copyright notice that you
get the first time you use the CLIPGRAF library.

Licenses cost $20. Include your name and address along with the ver-
sion and serial number above.

Send to:

VideoSoft/Video-Comp Electr.
Maurice J. Halmos
825 Washington Ave. #15
Santa Monica, CA 90403

Send comments through written mail to the above address or use E-mail to my
CompuServe address: 73307,3076


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

1.2 Disclaimer

The author claims no responsibility for any damages caused by the use
or misuse of this library. This product is distributed "as is" with no
warranty expressed or implied. The author will not be responsible for any
losses incurred by the use of this product. The author reserves the right
to make modifications at any time. Prices are subject to change without


Clipper is a registered trademark of Nantucket.
CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe Incorporated.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corporation.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Turbo C is a registered trademark of Borland International.


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library


2.1 Usage

Assuming that you have written a program, such as the sample program
included in this package, CLIPDEMO, you must compile and link as follows
(which is the usual way):

(Compile the usual way,)

c:\path1\clipper c:\path2\clipdemo

(you may use Microsoft Linker - faster)

c:\path3\link clipdemo,clipdemo,, c:\path1\clipper c:\path1\clipgraf

(or Turbo C Tlink - fastest)

c:\path3\tlink clipdemo,clipdemo,, c:\path1\clipper c:\path1\clipgraf

(or Clipper's plink86 - slowest)

c:\path3\plink86 FI clipdemo,LIB c:\path1\clipper, c:\path1\clipgraf

Though Turbo C has the fastest linker, it will complain about unre-
solved externals. The compiled programs seemed to run properly in spite of
the warnings. Use the linker that is most convenient for you to use.

2.2 Running the Clipdemo

The demonstration program along with this package must be compiled and
linked as shown in the previous section. In order to run the program you
just type its name, "clipdemo". The program will select the highest reso-
lution graphics mode, that has more than 2 colors (i.e. for CGA it will
choose 320x200 4 colors). You may override to different graphics mode by
calling the program with a "number" parameter (i.e. "clipdemo 6") to try to


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

force that mode. If your computer supports it, then that will be the
active mode. See table in section 2.5.2 Notes on Initializing and Modes,
for mode numbers.

2.3 What Is in New Version

Version 1.1 added:

The ability to save images to CLIPPER Variable

The ability to save images to disk

Mouse interface

Version 1.1 added:

HERCULES graphics support

The function g_getdot() to read a pixel from the screen

2.4 Summary of functions

The following list contains all the functions that may be used with
the CLIPGRAF library. Some of the functions return values, while others
only perform tasks.

Function Name Purpose Returns

g_arc(x1,y1,x2,y2,xb,yb, Draws an open elliptic Nothing
xe,ye) arc

g_clear(num) clears section of the Nothing

g_close() return screen to start- Nothing
ing or default mode

g_dot(x,y) sets pixel at x,y coor- Nothing

g_draw(x1,y1,IMAGE,action) Displays a rectangular Nothing
screen image saved with


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

g_ellip(fill,x1,y1,x2,y2) draw ellipse optionally Nothing

g_fill(x,y,bcolor) Fill an area of the Nothing
screen with the current
color and fillmask

g_getdot(x,y) Reads a pixel from the Integer repre-
screen senting the pixel

g_imget(x1,y1,x2,y2) Saves rectangular image Up to 64K of
in a CLIPPER variable. image data as
To be used with TEXT.

g_imload(x1,y1,"fname") Displays a rectangular Number of bytes
screen image saved with read from disk.

g_imsave(x1,y1,x2,y2,"fname" Saves rectangular image Number of bytes
) to disk. written to disk.

g_imsize(x1,y1,x2,y2) Calculates the size in Integer of image
bytes of a rectangular size.

g_init(num) Initializes the graphics False if it
routines fails, True if

g_lineto(x,y) Draw a line in the cur- Nothing
rent color and style.

g_mode() Returns the mode

g_mouse(num) Sets mouse action Nothing

g_moveto(x,y) Moves to x,y position Nothing

g_msread(num) Reads mouse status Coordinates, but-
tons pressed, and


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

g_ncolors() Obtains the maxcolors Returns max. num-
available in the present ber of colors
mode. available.

g_pie(fill,x1,y1,x2,y2, Draw a wedge cut from an Nothing
xb,yb,xe,ye) ellipse

g_rect(fill,x1,y1,x2,y2) Draw a rectangle Nothing

g_reg(num) Register to CLIPGRAF Nothing

g_say(row,col,text) Puts text at row,col Nothing

g_selpalt(num) Selects color palette Previous palette

g_setapage(num) Select a video page for Previous page
current output number.

g_setbkc(num) Sets background color Nothing

g_setclr(num) Sets the foreground Nothing

g_setfmsk(byte,byte,byte, Sets the fill mask Nothing

g_setline(num) Sets line pattern. Nothing

g_setorg(x,y) Changes the coordinate Nothing

g_settxtc(num) Set text color. Nothing

g_setvpage(num) Select a video page for Previous page
viewing number.

g_twindow(r1,r1,r2,c2) Defines a scrolling text True or False
display window

g_viewport(x1,y1,x2,y2) Sets up a rectangular True or False
region for display


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

g_wait() Waits for a character to The integer cor-
be hit. responding to the

g_wraptxt(flag) Allows text to wrap in Nothing
text window.

g_xmax() Maximum x pixels

g_ymax() Maximum y pixels

2.5 Functions Description

2.5.1 Notes on Ellipse, Arc, and Pie

The specification of the ellipse, arc, and the pie involves the con-
cept of the "bounding rectangle," which is the smallest rectangle that
completely encloses the figure being drawn. Since the arc and pie are both
parts of the ellipse, in all cases you have to specify the bounding rectan-
gle of an ellipse. Both the bounding rectangle and the basic rectangle are
specified by the logical coordinates of their upper left hand and lower
right corners.

For the arc as well as the pie, the elliptic segment is drawn as
follows. A (imaginary) line is drawn from the center of the ellipse (of
which the arc or the pie is a part) to a point specified as the beginning
point. The g_pie() and the g_arc() functions begin drawing the curved edge
at the point where that line intersects the ellipse. The functions trace
over the underlying ellipse, using the current color, in a counter-
clockwise direction until reaching the point where an imaginary line drawn
from the center to a specified end point cuts the ellipse. Curved lines
are always drawn in a solid line style. Thus the ellipse and the pie can
only have a solid boundary. They can however be filled in the interior
with a user defined pattern.

2.5.2 Notes on Initializing and Modes

You need to initialize the graphics driver to operate the graphics
functions. The g_init() function does this, and sets up the screen to the
highest mode supported by the hardware. You may override the mode selec-
tion by including an argument to the function, i.e. g_init(mode_number).

To use the HERCULES Graphics mode, you must run the utility HERC.COM
before your program, in order to set the video vectors. This utility is
placed in the public domain by Microsoft and is included in this package.


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

The following modes are supported:

Mode # Mode Name

19 VGA 320x200 256 colors

18 VGA 640x480 16 colors

17 VGA 649x480 BW 2 colors

16 EGA 640x350 4 or 16 colors

15 EGA 640x350 BW 2 colors

14 EGA 640x200 16 colors

13 EGA 320x200 16 colors

8 HERCULES Graphics BW (Must run HERC.COM before)

7 MDA Text 80x25 BW

6 CGA 640x200 BW 2 colors

5 CGA 320x200 BW 4 grey

4 CGA 320x200 4 colors

3 CGA Text 80x25 16 or 8 colors

-1 Default mode for the current hardware configuration

The first time you use g_init(), you will get a copyright message,
further calls to g_init() (if you want to change the mode for instance)
will not re-display this screen. To inhibit the original copyright screen
you must use the function g_reg(reg_number), where reg_number is the
registration number you get when you become a registered user.

2.5.3 Notes on Color

The color number may vary according to the hardware used. The default
colors in CGA text mode, EGA text and graphics, or the first 16 VGA text
and graphics, are:

Color Number Color


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

0 Black

1 Blue

2 Green

3 Cyan

4 Red

5 Magenta

6 Brown

7 White

8 Dark grey

9 Light blue

10 Light green

11 Light cyan

12 Light red

13 Light magenta

14 Yellow

15 Bright white

2.5.4 Notes in Fill Pattern

The fill pattern is specified by the argument in g_setfmsk(), which is
made up of eight integers corresponding to eight bytes. Since each charac-
ter has 8 bits, you can think of this array of bits as a model of an area
on the screen, 8 pixels wide and 8 pixels tall, with the first byte
representing the first row of the area. When filling an 8x8 area using the
mask, those pixels that correspond to 0 bits are left untouched while the
rest are filled with the current color. For areas larger than 8x8 pixels,
the fill operation uses the mask on successive 8x8 blocks until the entire
area is covered. Thus a solid fill is specified when all eight bytes
contain the value FFh (255 decimal). This is the default value of the fill
style in the graphics package. See demo program for further examples.


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

2.5.5 Notes on Image Saving and Loading

There are two basic ways of saving and loading images.

1. To and from a CLIPPER memory variable using the g_imget() and
g_draw() function pairs, and g_imsize() to check for size, and

2. To and from a disk file using g_imsave() and g_imload().

Using the first method you must check to make sure you have enough RAM
memory, and for the second method, enough disk space. Using the first
method has the advantage of being able to "pop" the image on the screen
rather quickly. You can also save the CLIPPER variable to disk. The
drawback, is that you can only do this in 64K chunks. The disk method
allows you to save a full high resolution screen to disk in one command,
but is slower.

The coding of the image is different for the two methods, and cannot
be interchanged. The disk method uses one byte per pixel; for a high res
VGA mode, this equals 640x480 = 307K bytes! Using this scheme, allows
images saved in one mode to be showed in a different one (i.e. CGA to EGA
or vice versa).

Using the RAM memory method the minimum amount of bytes is used. For
instance, one pixel in high res VGA or EGA (16 colors) requires only half a
byte. Images may be switched from one mode to another, only if the pixels
use the same number of bits. Otherwise, on gets garbage on the screen.

The following table shows some of the full screen sizes in bytes:

Mode Res. Colors Size

4 & 5 320x200 4 16,285

6 640x200 2 16,285

13 320x200 16 32,968

14 640x200 16 65,128

15 640x350 2 56,866

16 640x350 16 113,728

17 640x480 2 38,965


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

18 640x480 16 155,848

19 320x200 256 64,525

This table should give you an idea of the size of screen that can be
saved to memory.

Pixel action: OR, AND, RESET, SET XOR:

When you use g_draw(), you can specify the pixel action. To put a
pixel on the screen regardless of what is currently there, you should use
SET. To make an image disappear you should XOR it with itself.

2.5.6 Notes on Using the Mouse.

The mouse interface is handled by a two function combination, g_mou-
se() and g_msread(). The first function, g_mouse() causes an action, and
the second function is used to read the status. This is done by reading
the 4 registers (AX BX CX DX) using the appropriate argument 1 to 4. The
following table shows the actions and results:

g_mouse() g_msread() Return Value of Purpose
num num g_msread(num)
0 1 1 Mouse installed Reset mouse and return
0 Mouse not installed status and number of but-
2 Number of buttons
1 Make mouse cursor visible
2 Hide mouse cursor
3 2 0 no button pressed Return button status and
1 left button pressed mouse position.
2 right button pressed
3 both buttons pressed
3 y coordinate
4 x coordinate

The coordinates are in units of "mickeys". These are 0-639 across, and
0-ymax in the vertical, where ymax is the maximum number of pixels in the

The mouse routines use the standard bios interrupt calls related to
the mouse driver. I have found that the effects are not always as
expected, and they may vary from one screen mode to another. You can test
this with the clipdemo program accompanying this package.


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

2.5.7 Functions

FUNCTION: g_arc(x1,y1,x2,y2,xb,yb,xe,ye)

Purpose: Use g_arc to draw a segment of an ellipse using the
current color.


x1,y1 Coordinates of upper left corner of bounding rectangle of
the ellipse to which the arc belongs.

x2,y2 Coordinates of lower right corner of bounding rectangle of
the ellipse to which the arc belongs.

xb,yb Arc begins at the point where a line drawn from the center
of the bounding rectangle to (xb,yb) cuts the ellipse.

xe,ye Arc ends at the point where a line drawn from the center of
the bounding rectangle to (xe,ye) cuts the ellipse.

FUNCTION: g_clear(num)

Purpose: Clear an area of the screen and fill it with the current
background color.

Arguments: 0 Entire screen is cleared
1 Only current viewport is cleared
2 Only current text window is cleared

FUNCTION: g_close()

Purpose: Resets the screen to the mode it was before g_init() was

FUNCTION: g_dot(x,y)

Purpose: Set a specific pixel to the current color

Arguments: x,y is the current coordinate system


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

FUNCTION: g_draw(x1,y1,IMAGE,action)

Purpose: The function is used to draw a rectangular image, that
was saved to a CLIPPER variable by g_imget().

Arguments: The rectangle coordinates, top left corner is (x1,y1),
IMAGE is the CLIPPER text variable created with g_imget(),
and action is a number that specifies the pixel action to
be used. These may be, 0 - for OR, 1 - for AND, 2 - for
RESET, 3 - for SET, and 4 - for XOR.

FUNCTION: g_ellip(fill,x1,y1,x2,y2)

Purpose: Draw a filled or bordered ellipse that you specify by the
corners of the bounding rectangle.


fill 0 do not fill, i.e. bordered only
1 fill with the current fillmask.

x1,y1 Coordinates of upper left corner of bounding rectangle of
the ellipse to which the arc belongs.

x2,y2 Coordinates of lower right corner of bounding rectangle of
the ellipse to which the arc belongs.

FUNCTION: g_fill(x,y,bcolor)

Purpose: Fill an area of the screen with the current color using the
current fillmask.

arguments: x,y position of starting point
bcolor Color number of the boundary at which filling
should stop

FUNCTION: g_getdot(x,y)

Purpose: Read a specific pixel at the pixel color

Arguments: x,y is the current coordinate system

Returns: Integer corresponding to the pixel color


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

FUNCTION: g_imget(x1,y1,x2,y2)

Purpose: The function is used to save a rectangular screen image
into a CLIPPER text variable. The CLIPPER variable may
then be treated as any other.

Arguments: The rectangle coordinates, top left corner is (x1,y1) and
lower right corner (x2,y2).

Returns: Character string up to 64K long. Size may be checked
before operation, using g_imsize(). See "Notes on Image
Saving and Loading" section.

FUNCTION: g_imload(x1,y1,"fname")

Purpose: The function is used to load a rectangular screen image
from disk. This image file must have been created with

Arguments: The rectangle coordinates top left corner is (x1,y1).
"fname" is the file name to be used.

Returns: Integer of the number of bytes loaded. If there was a
problem opening file (i.e. not found), then it returns a
-1. See "2.5.5" section.

FUNCTION: g_imsave(x1,y1,x2,y2,"fname")

Purpose: The function is used to save a rectangular screen image
to disk. This image may be reloaded with g_imload().

Arguments: The rectangle coordinates, top left corner is (x1,y1) and
lower right corner (x2,y2). "fname" is the file name to
be used. If the file-name already exist, it is written

Returns: Integer of the number of bytes written. See "2.5.5"

FUNCTION: g_imsize(x1,y1,x2,y2)

Purpose: The function is used to obtain the size of rectangular
screen image. This is used to determine if there is
enough RAM memory to hold the image.


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

Arguments: The rectangle coordinates, top left corner is (x1,y1) and
lower right corner (x2,y2).

Returns: Integer value of the number of bytes, that would be
require to hold the image. See "2.5.5" section.

FUNCTION: g_init(num)

Purpose: The g_init() function has two purposes: It sets which video
mode to use for the graphics and gets the data for that mode
and stores it to a data structure for program access. (i.e.
g_mode(), g_xmax(), g_ymax(), g_ncolors())

Arguments: mode Optional mode number. If no argument is used, the
highest possible one is selected. If mode number used
is not supported by the hardware, then again the high-
est possible one is selected.

Returns: Logical TRUE if successful, FALSE is no mode was found.

FUNCTION: g_lineto(x,y)

Purpose: Draw a line from the current position to a new point using
the current color and line style

Arguments: x,y Coordinate point to which line is drawn

FUNCTION: g_mode()

Purpose: Retrieves the current video mode

Returns: The mode number (see "Notes on Initializing and Modes"

FUNCTION: g_mouse(num)

Purpose: Reset and activate mouse functions

Parameters: Number specifying the mouse actions (see "Notes on Using
the Mouse." section)

Returns: Nothing


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

FUNCTION: g_moveto(x,y)

Purpose: Change the current position to a new point.

Arguments: x,y Coordinate of new position.

FUNCTION: g_msread(num)

Purpose: Read the results of g_mouse(). This includes mouse status,
position, and buttons pressed

Parameters: Number specifying the mouse parameter to be read (see
"2.5.6" section)

Returns: Number corresponding to status, number of buttons, position.

FUNCTION: g_ncolors()

Purpose: Retrieves the maximum number of colors supported by the
current video mode

Returns: The color number (see "Notes on Color" section)

FUNCTION: g_pie(fill,x1,y1,x2,y2,xb,yb,xe,ye)

Purpose: Draws a filled or bordered wedge whose boundary consists
of a segment of an ellipse and lines joining the center of the
ellipse to the beginning and end points of the segment.


fill Number that indicates whether to fill (fill=1), or just
draw a border (fill=0).

x1,y1 Coordinates of upper left corner of bounding rectangle of
the ellipse to which the pie belongs.

x2,y2 Coordinates of lower right corner of bounding rectangle of
the ellipse to which the pie belongs.

xb,yb Pie begins at the point where a line drawn from the center
of the bounding rectangle to (xb,yb) cuts the ellipse.

xe,ye Pie ends at the point where a line drawn from the center of
the bounding rectangle to (xe,ye) cuts the ellipse.


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

FUNCTION: g_rect(fill,x1,y1,x2,y2)

Purpose: Draw a filled or bordered rectangle that you specify by
the corners.


fill 0 do not fill, i.e. bordered only
1 fill with the current fillmask.

x1,y1 Coordinates of upper left corner.

x2,y2 Coordinates of lower right corner.

FUNCTION: g_reg(num)

Purpose: To inhibit the copyright screen that is shown the first time
that g_init() is used.

Arguments: Registration number that is supplied when you register.

FUNCTION: g_say(row,col,text)

Purpose: Puts text in the screen using the current text color.
Similar to the "@row,col say 'TEXT'" command.

Arguments: row,col is the text coordinates (i.e. 80x25)
text is a string to be output.

FUNCTION: g_selpalt(num)

Purpose: Use this function to activate one of up to four predefined
palettes when using the CGA or the EGA in video mode 4
(320x200 4 color) or video mode 5 (320x200 4 grey).

Arguments: num is palette number being selected.

Returns: the previous palette number.

FUNCTION: g_setapage(num)

Purpose: Use this function in EGA or VGA graphics modes and in the
text modes to select the current page or portion of display


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

memory where graphics and text operations are performed.
This function only works when the adapter has enough video
memory to support multiple pages.

Arguments: num is page number to be used for all further text and
graphics operations.

Returns: the previous active page number or a negative value if it

FUNCTION: g_setbkc(num)

Purpose: Selects a new background color

Argument: New color value

FUNCTION: g_setclr(num)

Purpose: Selects a new color to be used by all future calls to drawing

Argument: New color value

FUNCTION: g_setfmsk(byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte)

Purpose: Defines a new pattern that will be used as a fill in func-
tions like g_rect(), g_pie(), and g_ellip().

Arguments: Eight integer from values 0 to 255 (see section Notes in
Fill Pattern).

FUNCTION: g_setline(num)

Purpose: Selects a line pattern

Argument: Number 0 to 15 where 0 is minimum number of dots to 15 a
solid line. Numbers larger than 15 will generate a random

FUNCTION: g_setorg(x,y)

Purpose: Use to change the origin of the x,y coordinates. The
default origin is the upper left corner of the screen.

Arguments: x,y coordinate for new origin.


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

FUNCTION: g_settxtc(num)

Purpose: Selects a new color to be used by all future text output
using the g_say() function.

Argument: New color value

FUNCTION: g_setvpage(num)

Purpose: Use this function in EGA or VGA graphics modes and in the
text modes to select the current page or portion of display
memory that is mapped to the screen. This function only
works when the adapter has enough video memory to support
multiple pages.

Arguments: num is page number to be displayed.

Returns: the previous visual page number or a negative value if it

FUNCTION: g_twindow(r1,c1,r2,c2)

Purpose: Defines a window in terms of row and column coordinate for
scrolled text output. You can define a new background color
for text and clear the text window to give it a different
background color from the rest. Similar windows for graph-
ics functions can be defined with g_viewport().

Arguments: r1,c1 Upper left corner of text window in row and column
r2,c2 Lower right corner of text window in row and column

Returns: logical TRUE or FALSE

FUNCTION: g_viewport(x1,y1,x2,y2)

Purpose: Defines a window for graphics output, the coordinate
origin is moved to the upper left corner of the viewport.

Arguments: x1,y1 Upper left corner of graphics window
x2,y2 Lower right corner of graphics window

Returns: logical TRUE or FALSE


VideoSoft/Video-Comp CLIPGRAF Library

FUNCTION: g_wait()

Purpose: To wait until a character has been typed. Similar to
Clipper's wait command, but Clipper's command disrupts the
graphics screen when in CGA mode.

Returns: Integer number corresponding to the character pressed.

FUNCTION: g_wraptxt(flag)

Purpose: Allows text to wrap on text window.

Arguments: flag is 0 -> do not wrap, 1 -> do wrap.

FUNCTION: g_xmax()

Purpose: To obtain the maximum number of horizontal pixels in the
current video mode.

Returns: Integer corresponding to the horizontal pixel number.

FUNCTION: g_ymax()

Purpose: To obtain the maximum number of vertical pixels in the
current video mode.

Returns: Integer corresponding to the vertical pixel number.


  3 Responses to “Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : CLIPGR12.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: