Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : ASMFILE.ZIP
Filename : TURNIT.ASM

Output of file : TURNIT.ASM contained in archive : ASMFILE.ZIP
; Title: TURNIT3.ASM
; Author: F. Ho
; Date: 8th July 1986
; Syntax: ? TURN(expC)
; where: -expC is the character string expression
; to be reversed
; Note: - reverses the order of the string passed
; - can only process a MAX of 60 characters
public TURN ; this public statement makes this
; ; routine accessible to the 'public'
extrn _PARC:far ; Clipper's character 'getter'
extrn _RETC:far ; Clipper's character 'returner'
DGROUP GROUP datasg ; Clipper's Data Segment

; the 'public' in the next statement combines the datasg
; to Clipper's DGROUP group
datasg segment public 'DATA'

RETVAL db 60 dup(" ") ; init with 60 spaces
VAL1 dw 00 ; init with 0
VAL2 dw 00 ; init with 0

datasg ends ; end of datasg (in DGROUP)
_prog segment
assume cs:_prog,ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP

TURN proc far ; far process

push bp ; preserve return address
mov bp,sp ; move stack pointer

mov ax,1 ; get first para
push ax ; push AX
call _PARC ; call Chara "getter"
add sp,2 ; restore stack
mov VAL1,bx ; get OFFSET address
mov VAL2,ax ; get SEGMENT address

push ds ; preserve DS
push es ; preserve ES
cld ; clear direction flag (L-R)
mov di,offset DGROUP:RETVAL ; get RETVAL's offset
; from DGROUP
mov ax,DGROUP ; get DGROUP segment
mov es,ax ; and place in ES

; in the next three statements, the order that it appears is
; important because the values of SI & AX must first be taken
; from the DATASG extension before assigning the DGROUP segment
; address to DS

mov si,VAL1
mov ax,VAL2
mov ds,ax

xor ax,ax ; zero out AX
mov al,[si] ; move first SI value to AL
cmp al,0 ; if NUL (zero)
jz C3 ; jump to C3

mov cx,3ch ; set CX for max 60 loops
xor bx,bx ; zero-out BX
xor ax,ax ; zero-out AX

A1: mov al,[si] ; move SI value to AL
cmp al,0 ; compare with zero
jz A2 ; if zero, jump to A2:
inc si ; increment SI
inc bx ; increment BX
loop A1 ; loop to A1:

A2: dec si ; decrement SI
mov cx,bx ; move BX to CX
xor ax,ax ; zero-out AX

A3: mov al,[si] ; move SI val to AL
mov es:[di],al ; move AL to DI
dec si ; decrement SI
inc di ; increment DI
loop A3 ; loop

C3: xor ax,ax ; zero-out AX
mov es:[di],al ; add null terminator to end

pop es ; restore
pop ds ; restore

pop bp ; restore

mov ax,DGROUP ; get DGROUP address
mov ds,ax ; assign to DS
push ds ; push segment address

mov ax,offset DGROUP:RETVAL ; get RETVAL's offset
push ax ; push offset address
call _RETC ; Clipper's "returner"
pop ax ; restore
pop ds ; restore

ret ; actual ret to caller
TURN endp ; end of process

_prog ends ; end of segment
end ; end of programme

  3 Responses to “Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : ASMFILE.ZIP
Filename : TURNIT.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: