Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : 52DCLIP.ZIP
Filename : INSTALL.DAT

Output of file : INSTALL.DAT contained in archive : 52DCLIP.ZIP
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1993 Computer Associates International */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* */
/* Last revision: 04/21/94 */

@Group = "A"
@Requires @HardDisk
@Name = "CA-Clipper 5.2d / ExoSpace 1.0f"
@Version = "5.2d"
@OutDrive = C
@Subdir = "\\CLIPPER5"

@Integer @InDisk = 0 /* change for proper input disk type */
@Integer @IsExo = 1 /* is ExoSpace installed */
@Dir @Bin = "@SubDir\\BIN"
@Dir @Include = "@SubDir\\INCLUDE"
@Dir @Lib = "@SubDir\\LIB"
@Dir @Obj = "@SubDir\\OBJ"
@Dir @Dbu = "@SubDir\\SOURCE\\DBU"
@Dir @Rl = "@SubDir\\SOURCE\\RL"
@Dir @Sys = "@SubDir\\SOURCE\\SYS"
@Dir @Sample = "@SubDir\\SOURCE\\SAMPLE"
@Dir @Ng = "\\NG"
@Dir @ExoBin = "@SubDir\\BIN"
@Dir @Error = "@SubDir\\SOURCE\\ERROR"
@Dir @Filesys = "@SubDir\\SOURCE\\FILESYS"
@Dir @Item = "@SubDir\\SOURCE\\ITEM"
@Dir @Sdx = "@SubDir\\SOURCE\\SDX"
@Dir @Vm = "@SubDir\\SOURCE\\VM"
@Qstring @NewLine = "\n"
@Qstring @Pkbkp = "/O"
@Qstring @InstName = @Name


ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ @InstName Patch
Û Computer Û
Û Associates Û This program will upgrade the CA-Clipper
Û International Û version 5.20, 5.2a, 5.2b or 5.2c files on
ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ your computer system to 5.2d. It will also
ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ upgrade CA-Clipper/Exospace to version 1.0f
ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ if ExoSpace is already installed on your
computer. The basic steps in the procedure
are as follows:

þ Specify target directories
þ Install patch files to hard disk
þ Execute patch files

Press Esc at any time to stop the installation.



ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ @InstName Installation
Û Computer Û
Û Associates Û
Û International Û Exit Patch and Perform a backup?

@Option 10 = "Exit"
@Option 11 = "Continue"


You should backup your current versions of CA-Clipper 5.2 and
ExoSpace (if it's installed) and remove any prior versions of
CA-Clipper 5.2 from your CA-Clipper 5.2 directory structure
before applying the CA-Clipper 5.2d upgrade patch. If you
have not backed up and removed any prior versions (as per the
instructions contained in the 52DUS.TXT file) yet, you should
exit this installation, perform a backup and restart the patch


@If ( 10 [= @Option )

@Suppress A
@Suppress B
ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ @InstName Installation
Û Computer Û
Û Associates Û Select Target Drive:
Û International Û

Use  and  to highlight the drive where CLIPPER 5.2 is installed,
then press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.


ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ @InstName Installation
Û Computer Û
Û Associates Û Select Clipper 5.2 Directory:
Û International Û

Type the directory name where CLIPPER 5.2 is installed, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.



ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ @InstName Installation
Û Computer Û
Û Associates Û
Û International Û Do you have ExoSpace installed?

@Option 50 = " Yes "
@Option 51 = " No "


Select 'Yes' if you have CA-Clipper/ExoSpace installed. You will be
prompted for the directory name where EXOSPACE.EXE is installed.
You should NOT press 'Yes' if you do not have ExoSpace installed on
your computer.


@If ( 51 [= @Option )
@IsExo = 0
@InstName = "CA-Clipper 5.2d"

@If ( @IsExo != 0 )
@GetSubdir @ExoBin
ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ @InstName Installation
Û Computer Û
Û Associates Û Select ExoSpace.EXE Directory
Û International Û

Type a directory name, and press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.



ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ @InstName Installation
Û Computer Û
Û Associates Û Patch files in the following directories?
Û International Û
@Option 101 = " Yes "
@Option 102 = " No "
Executables => @Subdir\BIN
Libraries => @Subdir\LIB
Header files => @SubDir\INCLUDE
Obj files => @SubDir\OBJ
Norton guide => \NG
@If ( @IsExo != 0 )
ExoSpace.EXE => @ExoBin

Select 'Yes' to proceed with patch installation using directories
shown above. If you select 'No', you will be prompted for each
of the above directories.

@Bin = "@Subdir\\Bin"
@Lib = "@Subdir\\Lib"
@Include = "@Subdir\\Include"
@Obj = "@Subdir\\Obj"
@Ng = "\\NG"

@If ( ( 102 [= @Option ) || ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Bin" ) ) )
@GetSubdir @Bin
Enter the path to the BIN directory, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.


@If ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Bin" ) )
@Move( 12, ( 58 - @StrLen( "@Bin" ) ) / 2, "@OutDrive:@Bin DIRECTORY NOT FOUND" )
@Move( 16, 1 )
@Goto GetBinPath

@If ( ( 102 [= @Option ) || ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Lib" ) ) )
@GetSubdir @Lib
Enter the path to the LIB directory, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.

@If ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Lib" ) )
@Move( 12, ( 58 - @StrLen( "@Lib" ) ) / 2, "@OutDrive:@Lib DIRECTORY NOT FOUND" )
@Move( 16, 1 )
@Goto GetLibPath

@If ( ( 102 [= @Option ) || ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Include" ) ) )
@GetSubdir @Include
Enter the path to the INCLUDE directory, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.

@If ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Include" ) )
@Move( 12, ( 58 - @StrLen( "@Include" ) ) / 2, "@OutDrive:@Include DIRECTORY NOT FOUND" )
@Move( 16, 1 )
@Goto GetIncludePath

@If ( ( 102 [= @Option ) || ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Obj" ) ) )
@GetSubdir @Obj
Enter the path to the OBJ directory, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.

@If ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Obj" ) )
@Move( 12, ( 58 - @StrLen( "@Obj" ) ) / 2, "@OutDrive:@Obj DIRECTORY NOT FOUND" )
@Move( 16, 1 )
@Goto GetObjPath

@If ( ( 102 [= @Option ) || ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Ng" ) ) )
@GetSubdir @Ng
Enter the path to the NG directory, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.

@If ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Ng" ) )
@Move( 12, ( 58 - @StrLen( "@Ng" ) ) / 2, "@OutDrive:@Ng DIRECTORY NOT FOUND" )
@Move( 16, 1 )
@Goto GetNgPath

@If ( @IsExo != 0 )
@If ( ( 102 [= @Option ) || ( ! @Exists( "@OutDrive:@ExoBin\\EXOSPACE.EXE" ) ) )
@GetSubdir @ExoBin
Enter the path to the ExoSpace.EXE directory, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.


@If ( ! @Exists( "@OutDrive:@ExoBin\\EXOSPACE.EXE" ) )
@Move( 12, ( 53 - @StrLen( "@OutDrive:@ExoBin" ) ) / 2, "@OutDrive:@ExoBin\\EXOSPACE.EXE (LINKER) NOT FOUND" )
@Move( 16, 10 )
@Goto GetExoBinPath


ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ @InstName Installation
Û Computer Û
Û Associates Û Patch files in the following directories?
Û International Û
@Option 201 = " Yes "
@Option 202 = " No "
Dbu files => @Subdir\SOURCE\DBU
RL files => @Subdir\SOURCE\RL
Sys files => @Subdir\SOURCE\SYS
Sample files => @Subdir\SOURCE\SAMPLE
Error API sample => @Subdir\SOURCE\ERROR
Filesys API sample => @Subdir\SOURCE\FILESYS
Item API sample => @Subdir\SOURCE\ITEM
SDX API sample => @Subdir\SOURCE\SDX
VM API sample => @Subdir\SOURCE\VM

Select 'Yes' to proceed with patch installation using directories
shown above. If you select 'No', you will be prompted for each
of the above directories.

@Dbu = "@Subdir\\Source\\Dbu"
@Rl = "@Subdir\\Source\\Rl"
@Sys = "@Subdir\\Source\\Sys"
@Sample = "@Subdir\\Source\\Sample"
@Error = "@Subdir\\Source\\Error"
@Filesys = "@Subdir\\Source\\Filesys"
@Item = "@Subdir\\Source\\Item"
@Sdx = "@Subdir\\Source\\Sdx"
@Vm = "@Subdir\\Source\\Vm"

@If ( ( 202 [= @Option ) || ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Dbu" ) ) )
@GetSubdir @Dbu
Enter the path to the DBU directory, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.

@If ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Dbu" ) )
@Move( 12, ( 58 - @StrLen( "@Dbu" ) ) / 2, "@OutDrive:@Dbu DIRECTORY NOT FOUND" )
@Move( 16, 1 )
@Goto GetDbuPath

@If ( ( 202 [= @Option ) || ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Rl" ) ) )
@GetSubdir @Rl
Enter the path to the RL directory, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.

@If ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Rl" ) )
@Move( 12, ( 58 - @StrLen( "@Rl" ) ) / 2, "@OutDrive:@Rl DIRECTORY NOT FOUND" )
@Move( 16, 1 )
@Goto GetRlPath

@If ( ( 202 [= @Option ) || ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Sys" ) ) )
@GetSubdir @Sys
Enter the path to the SYS directory, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.

@If ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Sys" ) )
@Move( 12, ( 58 - @StrLen( "@Sys" ) ) / 2, "@OutDrive:@Sys DIRECTORY NOT FOUND" )
@Move( 16, 1 )
@Goto GetSysPath

@If ( ( 202 [= @Option ) || ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Sample" ) ) )
@GetSubdir @Sample
Enter the path to the SAMPLE directory, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.

@If ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Sample" ) )
@Move( 12, ( 58 - @StrLen( "@Sample" ) ) / 2, "@OutDrive:@Sample DIRECTORY NOT FOUND" )
@Move( 16, 1 )
@Goto GetSamplePath

@If ( 202 [= @Option )
@Goto GetErrorPath
@Elseif ( ( 201 [= @Option ) || ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Error" ) ) )
@MkDir( "@OutDrive:@Error" )
@If ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Error" ) )
@Move( 12, ( 53 - @StrLen( "@Error" ) ) / 2, "CAN NOT CREATE @OutDrive:@Error DIRECTORY" )
@Move( 16, 1 )

@GetSubdir @Error
Enter the path to the ERROR directory, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.

@Goto MakeErrorDir

@If ( 202 [= @Option )
@Goto GetFilesysPath
@Elseif ( ( 201 [= @Option ) || ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Filesys" ) ) )
@MkDir( "@OutDrive:@Filesys" )
@If ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Filesys" ) )
@Move( 12, ( 53 - @StrLen( "@Filesys" ) ) / 2, "CAN NOT CREATE @OutDrive:@Filesys DIRECTORY" )
@Move( 16, 1 )

@GetSubdir @Filesys
Enter the path to the FILESYS directory, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.

@Goto MakeFilesysDir

@If ( 202 [= @Option )
@Goto GetItemPath
@Elseif ( ( 201 [= @Option ) || ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Item" ) ) )
@MkDir( "@OutDrive:@Item" )
@If ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Item" ) )
@Move( 12, ( 53 - @StrLen( "@Item" ) ) / 2, "CAN NOT CREATE @OutDrive:@Item DIRECTORY" )
@Move( 16, 1 )

@GetSubdir @Item
Enter the path to the ITEM directory, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.

@Goto MakeItemDir

@If ( 202 [= @Option )
@Goto GetSdxPath
@Elseif ( ( 201 [= @Option ) || ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Sdx" ) ) )
@MkDir( "@OutDrive:@Sdx" )
@If ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Sdx" ) )
@Move( 12, ( 53 - @StrLen( "@Sdx" ) ) / 2, "CAN NOT CREATE @OutDrive:@Sdx DIRECTORY" )
@Move( 16, 1 )

@GetSubdir @Sdx
Enter the path to the SDX directory, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.

@Goto MakeSdxDir

@If ( 202 [= @Option )
@Goto GetVmPath
@Elseif ( ( 201 [= @Option ) || ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Vm" ) ) )
@MkDir( "@OutDrive:@Vm" )
@If ( ! @DirExists( "@OutDrive:@Vm" ) )
@Move( 12, ( 53 - @StrLen( "@Vm" ) ) / 2, "CAN NOT CREATE @OutDrive:@Vm DIRECTORY" )
@Move( 16, 1 )

@GetSubdir @Vm
Enter the path to the VM directory, then
press ÄÙ to continue. Press Esc to exit.

@Goto MakeVmDir

@Label = "Update Disk"

@BeginLib 52DINC.LIF
@FILE *.* @Out @OutDrive:@Include

@BeginLib 52DOBJ.LIF
@FILE *.* @Out @OutDrive:@Obj

@BeginLib 52DRL.LIF
@FILE *.* @Out @OutDrive:@Rl

@BeginLib 52DDBU.LIF
@FILE *.* @Out @OutDrive:@Dbu

@BeginLib 52DSAMPL.LIF
@FILE *.* @Out @OutDrive:@Sample

@BeginLib 52DSYS.LIF
@FILE *.* @Out @OutDrive:@Sys

@BeginLib 52DERROR.LIF
@FILE *.* @Out @OutDrive:@Error

@BeginLib 52DFISYS.LIF
@FILE *.* @Out @OutDrive:@Filesys

@BeginLib 52DITEM.LIF
@FILE *.* @Out @OutDrive:@Item

@BeginLib 52DSDX.LIF
@FILE *.* @Out @OutDrive:@Sdx

@BeginLib 52DVM.LIF
@FILE *.* @Out @OutDrive:@Vm






@If ( @IsExo != 0 )





ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ @InstName Installation
Û Computer Û
Û Associates Û CA-Clipper 5.2d has been installed on your
Û International Û computer. Before using the product, view the
ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ 52DUS.TXT file using your word processor or
ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ the DOS TYPE command. This file contains the
ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ latest product information as well as
instructions on how to re-compile DBU, RL,
PE and the pre-linked libraries.

In order to ensure that the CA-Clipper 5.2d / ExoSpace 1.0f patch
has been successfully installed, you should compare the date and
time stamps of the updated files against the file list in the
52DUS.TXT file. If you have encountered a problem that you are
unable to correct, call your CA-Clipper Level-I Technical Support


  3 Responses to “Category : Dbase (Clipper, FoxBase, etc) Languages Source Code
Archive   : 52DCLIP.ZIP
Filename : INSTALL.DAT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: